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Essay Questions

1) Define the characteristics of the Asian sea trading network. In what ways did the
European incursion change the Asian system?
2) What was the nature of the Ming restoration of traditional Chinese values? What
innovations were made?
3) Compare and contrast Chinese and European means and motives for commercial
4) Following the establishment of the Tokugawa shogunate, what was the nature of
Japanese isolation?
5) Evaluate the impact of the European entry into the Asian sea trading network.


1) What were the permanent reforms of the American and French revolutions?

French Revolution reforms:

Radical phase: Robespierre:
-Prosecuted king in 1792 and took throne.
-Put down many factions to eradicate opposition to Europe; sponsored the Terror
and strived to centralize government.
-1794, set up cult of the Supreme Being to replace Catholicism.
-New constitution proclaimed adult male suffrage.
-Metric system of weights and measures introduced.
-Military conscription and drafting was encouraged.
-French enemies were driven out.

Authoritarian: Napoleon
-Focused on expansion
-Reduced power of parliament
-Set up police to censor speech and actions.
-Made new law codes.
-Bureaucrats trained in new secondary schools.
-Made many military feats.
-Nationalism emerged.


2) In what ways did the Napoleonic period, despite the creation of an authoritarian
regime, result in the extension of revolution to the rest of Europe?

Spread concepts of revolution outside boundaries of France, liberal

constitutionalism, equality under the law, parliamentary restrictions on absolutism;
destruction of aristocratic privilege created demands for greater political voice
among middle and working classes; encouraged popular nationalism on liberal lines;
led to revolutions in 1820 in Greece and Spain, in 1830 in Belgium, France, and
central Europe.
3) What changes led to the Industrial Revolution in Britain? What social changes did
the Industrial Revolution cause?

4) After 1850 what political coalitions led to successful nationalist movements,

particularly in central Europe?

5) How did the emergence of new central European nations after 1870 lead to
increased diplomatic tensions?


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