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-On Letting Emotions Speak

Many of Us (like I do) don t understand the Nature of Feelings and Emotions, and dis
like how uncomfortable they make us feel so we end up avoiding them altogether.
The stress and lower emotions from this repression gets dangerously stored deep
in our body tissues making us vulnerable to disease and going mad. Hehe ;p Many
people are so cut off from their feelings that they no longer recognize that the
ir physical symptoms are actually emotions reaching out to be heard, acknowledge
d and acted upon. But what if our feelings are actually useful?
All feelings are Good Feelings, they are a Feedback Mechanism.
What an equally Intriguing Statement that contradicted my Oh so long belief that
Feelings are trash that transmit Weird Stuffs from head to heart.
Till I learned that Feelings point us to what is going on much deeper within and
hold the key to understanding ourselves and the connection between our mind, bo
dy and spirit. If we embrace them instead, and learn how to observe them closely
and look into why we have them, they can be revealing signposts God gives us, l
ike Vital Messages that we need to learn about ourselves. They become Powerful T
ools for Transformation that help us re-connect with our self, move us forward i
n our life, and re-take the Path that is naturally ours.
The hidden language within us reveals and invites us to begin reconnecting your
own feelings and emotions. I realized that I should take back Control of how I f
eel, how to understand emotions and rationally work with them, and powerfully tr
ansform them to overcome anxiety, confusion, sadness and even depression, as wel
l as to set myself free from Bad Habits, Emotional Eating that leads to weight g
ain, compulsions and addictions. BUT, there s always Exception to the Rule, so I gue
ss I would have to say that I am NOT Caffeine Addicted/Dependent. I just adore i
t! *Smirk* =)
Going back to my point, This could be considered as a self mind-body-spirit appr
oach, which works like an Anti Virus Program that has the ability to eliminate O
ld-Self limiting program that causes mental, physical and emotional pain, and re
places it with positive suggestions that Sets Us Free! (as a bird) :p It s like an i
nsight therapy technique that helped uncover my ego, and discover true essence b
y gaining deep insight into ALL my Issues and working through them.
It s Simple, Practical and Easy to learn, Can even be done by Everyone regardless of
background. The Best Part? In the Privacy of our Own Minds! O:
So what if Beliefs were not what divided us, but what pulled us Together? It can
come in Unsuspecting Ways and Mentors might be hiding in plain sight =) What an
Awesome Father, we have!
Our God is a God that Owns up to His Words. His Plan for Us is ALWAYS Better tha
t our Greatest Dream and that His LOVE is far Greater that our Greatest Disappoi

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