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Word Power

Thought is the potentate of creation. Word is the Power that sets into motion
the form that thought desires to effect. The power of the word makes it
conform to the new thought's form or belief. This is the basic essence of the
action called creation and it is a gift to mankind only, through the Power of
The Word of GOD, in whose image he was created.

Theories of evolution of humanity and the universe through un-intelligent

accidents is itself the creative intelligence of humanity at work in a state of
denial that he is, himself, a creation of God, and instead, an accident of
evolution and a decendant of monkeys, and intends to prove it. Maybe he
has! But only to himself.

If evolution were fact there would be no trace of the previous state of

mankind except fossils, and then, what created them? There would be no apes
or monkeys left if they evolved into man, would there? Monkeys might just
be what man becomes if he continues to deny himself a creation of GOD.

What's wrong with being God's Creation, or Creature if that is His desire for

What is the attraction of being a descendant of an ape-like creature of no

particular intelligence just so that one can deny the existence of the
Intelligent creator, GOD?

Is there some reward or some effect in the future evolutionary process we

will control through a belief in this unproveable fantasy?

What is the first cause of this ape-like creature and why did it not disappear?

Is evolution not the result of change and therefore the destroyer of its
predecessor except for fossil remains? Why the ape survival?

All theories are then simply proof of the 'Power of the word of men' and not
necessarily Absolute Truths, which is the thesis of this discourse.
Just what Power do words have upon the thoughts and wills of their fellow
man and therefore, the cause of many effects not in mankinds' best interest or
profit, for:

What shall it profit a man, if he prove he is the decendant of a monkey and

spends his whole life living like one instead of accepting the gift of free-will
to believe in himself as a child and creation of The Most High Intelligence;
GOD, and made in HIS image and likeness with the power and ability to
create and become the being of that image and likeness rather than a
monkey's nephew or grandson?

I know what my personal choice is: plainly the creature that was created, not
the monkey that came down from the tree by chance. What good will it be to
prove a monkey to be your ancestor? Will you inherit his banana forest or his
kingdom? I trust not! You will die in your ignorant bliss just as you lived, a
monkey at heart with no intelligence and no free will to do or become
anything more than prove your ancestors were; monkeys like you.

The beginning of a new thing causes the ending of an old thing and The Word
is the creator of all creation without limitation, therefore; The Word is GOD,
The Creator, and as long as the word remains, the creator and created share
immortality since neither pre existed the other.

Science is the organized project of proving by experimentation the 'Self-

Evident Existence of Truth of Universal Laws of a Creative Power outside of
mankind's control' and discovering the effects of using truths for the benefit
of the species.

If evolution did take place, it would have to follow these rules as well so who
created the rules? God?

“Let there be light!“ is the phrase that established The Word as The Light and
Creator of every thing that followed thereafter, and, gave physical
boundaries, as well as recognition of things within creative existence, to the
species called, mankind.
Word Power can best be made manifest through the examples shown in the
Manuscripts of ancient civilizations in their descriptive narratives of their
respective foundations of their doctrines and their beginnings, whether they
be 'creationist' or 'random/evolutionary/cause/effect' acts of change.

The Word, in all civilizations, is The Way, The Truth and The Life of that
civilization until some other Word, 'Creates The Light' that opens The Truth
to a more perfect Life with reasonable doubt that the former 'Truth' was in
some error through the proof of Cause and Effect.

Since everything with a beginning has an end, we shall call the beginning the
effect which was caused by the end of the previous state of its opposite, e.g.
the beginning of light is the end of dark, therefore darkness is the cause of the
effect, 'light' for without darkness, light would cease to exist and vice versa.

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