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Homeopathy - A Primer

By Christopher Johnson ND, Thrive Naturopathic

What is it?

Homeopathy is a system of medicine in which minute doses of specially-prepared natural

substances are used to stimulate the innate healing capacity of the body. Its central premise is the
idea that like cures like meaning that a substance that produces symptoms in a healthy person
will cure those same symptoms in a sick person.

Homeopathy is the second most commonly used form of medicine in the world, behind
indigenous herbal medicine (conventional Western or allopathic medicine is fourth). Hundreds of
millions of people in more than 80 countries use homeopathy, and it is part of the national health
system in the UK, Germany, France, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Brazil, and Mexico.

When did it start?

Homeopathy was created in the early 19th century by German physician Samuel Hahnemann,
MD and quickly spread around the world. It has been developed and refined by medical
professionals (primarily medical doctors) ever since. Currently homeopathy is the second most
widely-used form of medicine world-wide.

The United States was the center of homeopathic medical development for the 19th century.
By the turn of the 20th century in the US there were 22 homeopathic medical schools, 100
homeopathic hospitals, more than 1,000 homeopathic pharmacies, and 15,000 homeopathic
practitioners (1 in 5 medical doctors). However, due to a coordinated political campaign by
orthodox medical doctors, homeopathy was expunged from mainstream medical education and
relegated to the fringe of the medical community by the 1930s.

What conditions respond to homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine, and as such is helpful with the entire spectrum
of human illness. This includes both physical and emotional disease. Examples include: anxiety,
depression, back pain, fatigue, insomnia, allergies, arthritis, skin conditions, menopausal/hormonal
conditions, auto-immune disease, ADHD, neurologic conditions, and many more.

How Effective is Homeopathy?

Homeopathys effectiveness is supported by a large body of research in the medical literature. There
are hundreds of well-designed trials published in peer-reviewed journals that demonstrate its
effectiveness. A few include:

A 2009 randomized, double-blind study conducted at a state medical school in Brazil found
homeopathy to be comparable to Prozac (Fluoxetine) in treating moderate to severe depression.

A 2001 prospective trial in a Swiss pediatric practice found homeopathic treatment of ADHD to
be comparable (actually, slightly more effective) than Ritalin (Methylphenidate).

A double-blind, placebo-controlled study conducted at Harvard University School of Medicine,

published in 1999 found homeopathy to be effective in treating MTBI (Mild Traumatic Brain Injury)
(the signature injury of the current Iraq war).

A 2007 German prospective study published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary

and Alternative Medicine found a specific homeopathic product to be comparable (again, actually
slightly more effective) when compared to Ativan (Lorazepam) for treatment of various nervous
conditions (insomnia, distress, anxieties, restless, burnout, etc).

What is involved in homeopathic treatment?

A homeopathic practitioner takes the case of a patient. This involves an extensive interview
and sometimes physical examination of the patient. The various aspects of the patient and the
pathology itself are taken into account in choosing a remedy that is individualized to each patient.

The patient takes the remedy in the form of small pellets, which are dissolved under the

The patient sees the practitioner for follow up appointments at appropriate intervals for
management of the case. With chronic conditions this is usually once every month. In acute cases
it may be daily or even more frequently.

Are there risks in using homeopathy?

Homeopathy is likely the safest medicine there is. In its more than 200 year history, used by
hundreds of millions of people worldwide, there have been almost no reports of serious adverse
effects and absolutely no deaths attributed to homeopathy.

Unlike herbs and nutrients, homeopathy has no interactions with conventional drugs or
surgical procedures and can be safely administered in almost any situation. If the incorrect remedy
is given, nothing will happen. The body only responds when the correct remedy is given.

What sort of training do homeopaths have?

In many countries (e.g. France, Brazil, Argentina, etc) homeopathy is a regulated medical
specialty (like cardiology or oncology), practiced only by MDs. In the United States homeopathy
can be practiced by most medical professionals, though training varies greatly. Only in
naturopathic medical schools do students formally learn homeopathy both in the academic and

clinical settings (seeing patients under doctor supervision). All other medical professionals learn
homeopathy outside of their official academic and clinical training.

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