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a 2. 3 Jtem i refers to the food chain below which shows the feeding celationships in freshwater habitat. Microscopic > Mosquito-»Small-> Large Alga Larva Fish Fish ‘The organism to Which the LEAST amount ofenergy is available is the (A) microscopic alga (B) mosquito larva (C) small fish ®) large fish ‘A plant which has reduced leaves with no chlorophyll, lacks a proper root system, and flowers abiindantly, is MOST likely to be found (A) inahabitat where wateris scarce (B) _ livingparasitically onanotherplant (C) growing in an area where there are fewinsects (D) existing asacommensal with other green plants Inanecosystem, the organisms whichmake solarenergy available to all other organisms are the (A) producers (B) — decomposers (©) primaryconsumers (D) _secondaryconsumers represents a food web found in leaflitter, Beetle Millipea Whichofthe followirigstatementsaboutthe food web are true? L tL ri ) ®) © @) ‘The beetle isatop carnivore. The spider and the mite are competitors. ‘Themushroomis producer. eTandIlonly Tand Uonly# Hand IMonly 1, Hand IIT Which of the following organisms would MOST likely liveinthe same habitat? L WL, oO. IV. v. (A) @) © ®) Amoeba Prayingmantis Guppy (fish) Fem Algae Mand Vonly MlandIV only L,Iland V only, [,lland Vonly 6 Which of the following structures may be Item 9 refers to the diagram below which - used to distinguish between a plant cell and shows the cross section through a an animal cell? dicotyledonous leaf, (A) Vacuoles ® Celi walls (©) Mitochondria (D) — Cellmembranes 7. Which of the following pairs of functionand organelle is NOT correctly matched? Function Organelle (A) Osmoticcontrol Membrane @) —Polypeptidechain Chloroplast. synthesis (©) Hereditarymaterials Nucleus (0) Releaseofenergy _Mitochondrion 8. When a seedling loses water to the 9. Which of the following is NOT true of the atmosphere faster than it can be obtained cells labelled Iand Il in the diagram above? from the oil, the turgidity of thecells (A) Imakes most of the food (A) _ increases and the seedling wilts (B) _ Thasarelativelylarger surface area. (decreases and the seedling wilts (©) receives less energy from the sun. (C) increases and the seedling does not 3} II possesses more chloroplasts ‘wilt than (D) __ decreases and the seedling doesnot wilt 10. _Bileemptiesintothe 1@@, duodenum (B) caecum (©) lem (D) stomach 11, Sodiumhydroxideand weak coppersulphate solution will produce a violet colour with moleculesof (A) fat (B) starch - (©) sugar ®) protein [tems 12- 13 referto the following diagram ‘which representsametabolicprocesscarried outinplants. tated Light Cary, YY Chlorophyll chloroplasts ee si Plant cell one Food 12. Theprocessrepresentedis (A) digestion (B) respiration 8) photosynthesis (D) _ proteinsynthesis 13. Thefoodproducedis (A) fat Qo starch (©) protein ©) aminoacid 14. Whenenzymesare boiled they areunableto function. This is because an increase in temperature (A) destroys food materials ®) _increasestherate ofenzymeaction 4€)—_denaturesthe protein ofenzymes (D) _ convertscomplex sugars to simple sugars 15, 16. ‘West Indian cherries are rich in Vitamin C. Which of the following BEST describes the benefit a boy derives from consuming West Indian cherries (fruit) everyday? I. Inereasein the absorption ofiron I. Preventionof bleeding gums UL Increaseintheabsorption ofealcium “A ~ oO @) Ionly YandIonly land Ionly 1, Iand til Which of the following options is true for aerobic and anaerobic respiration? Aerobie Anaerobie Does notuse Oz | Uses Ox. Oceurs in the cytoplasm. Occurs in the mitochondria Releases large amounts of energ: Releases small amounts of energy. ‘At least one product is organic. Products are always inorganic. a7. 18, Cigarettesmoking sometimesmakesitdifficult for air to get into the lungs. This is MOST likelydueto ee ®) © ©) constrictionofthebronchioles contractionofthe diaphragm stretching of thealveoli raisingoftheribs Which of the following statements BEST describes the function of ATP? (A) Itstores food. (B) _Itisameansofenergy transfer. (@ Large quantities of energy can becomeavailable, (D) _Itspeedsupchemicalreactionsinthe cel 19 20. 2 22. Which of the following processes accounts 23. for the movement of oxygen across a respiratory surface? (A) Diffusion (B) Absorption (©) Inhalation (D) Osmosis Largeorganisms CANNOT dependsolelyon diffusion for the uptake and transport of gases. This is because as organisms get larger the (A) surfaceareatovolumeratioincreases (surface area to volume ratio decreases (©) surface area and the volume both increase (D) surface area and the volume both decrease Aspart ofthe sequence of the heartbeat, the ventricular muscle contracts, the atrio- ventricularvalvesclose, and the arterial valves open. This allows blood to flow from (@} —_ventriclesto the arteries (B) _ventriclesto the veins (©) veinsto the atria (D) _ atriatotheventricles 24 ‘Thestructureofthered blood cell allowsitto I. squeeze through tiny blood vessels I, release large quantities ofoxygen Tl, absorbcarbondioxide TV. absorblargequantitiesofoxygen (A) Tandttonly (8) landilionly (©) TandIVonly (@)__IMlandTVonly et pe A greenhouse plant which is usually keptata temperature of 25 °C is subjected toa tempe rature of 30 °C for 24 hours. The MOST likely effect of this change is that the plant will (A) lose more waterand wilt (B) absorb more water and open the stomata (©) absorb less water and close the stomata (D) __loselesswaterand become turgid Item 24 refers to the following graph which shows therelative amounts of carbohydrate in the leaves and storage organ of a plant towards the end of its growing season, x content Carbohydrate \ Time ‘The point X represents the period when the (A) plant bas its highest carbohydrate content (B) _plantdies forregenerationinthenext growingseason (©) carbohydrate content of the leaves and storage organ are equal (D) _carbohydratecontentof the leavesis higher than that of the storage organ items 25. 26,efer to thesimplified drawing ofarenal tubule (nephron) below, : ——— i-—| | 25, Theprocess which occursin Qis 27. (A) secretion (B) reabsorption (C) osmosis {D) filtration 26. One component present inthe fluidinP but 28. NOT in the fluid in Qis (A) urea B) glucose {@) _bloodproteins (D) — bloodplasma 29. Items27-28refertothe following diagrams of sections of phloem tissues from a plant stem. “1 a Sections of phloem tissues from a plant stem ‘Manufactured food is transported in (A) Lands. (B) Zand (© Bands () 3andé Companion cells arerepresented by (A) Land? (B) 2ands (©. 2and6 @) Bands Which of the following BEST describes excretion? (A) Gettingridofundigested food from the gut @®) Loss of water from the contractile vacuole: © Getting rid of waste products of relabolism D) Loss ofwater,as.a vapour, through thestomata 39. 3L RR ‘The MOST important of the minerals stored bybonesin the body are 48 calcium andphosphorus (B) calciumandpotassium (©) phosphorusandsodium (D) sodium and potassium Item31 refersto the following diagram ofa section through ajoint. 32 7 Vv —Ht 1 Which ofthe following componentsreduce friction? (A) Jand “BJ. Land IV (© Mandir (D) Mandtv 33. tem32 refersto the following diagram which shows the plan ofa typical vertebra Se ~ ZY Which ofthe following vertebrae ismodified tothe greatest extent from the plan shown inthe diagram above? (A) Atlas @) Cervical (©) Lumbar SB Thoracic item 33referstothe followingdiagram which representsaseedling thathas been growingin thedark. plumule ‘The plumule ofthe seedlingisshowinga (A) __positiveresponsetolight (B) _negativeresponsetolight (@)-_negativeresponseto gravity (D) _positiveresponseto gravity 34. 35. 36. Item 34 refers tothe following diagram which ‘em 37 refers to the following diagrams (I showsacoordinated responsetoastimulusin ‘and II) representing the iris in bright and dim humans. light respectively. Coordinating Stimulus ane Response a— > | = | —> x y ZL Therole of Y inthe illustration above isto (A) _ stimulatereceptors (B) —causereflexactions iC) reacttostimuli G5 _interpretchangesin surroundings Forastudenttorecall his biology notes, action takes place in (A) areflexare thecerebrum (©) thecerebellum (D) _ themedullaoblongata 37. What causes the appearance in I and II to be different? Carbohydrate stored in the muscles of @ (&)_ Imbright and dim lightthe circular marathon runner is converted to available and radial muscles both contract. glucose during a race. This conversion is (8) Inbrightand dim light both circular controlledby the hormone and radial muscles relax. {Gy Indira ightthe circularmuscles relax (A) adrenalin “and radial muscles contract, and in ®) insulin bright lightradial muscles relax and @_—_thyroxin circular muscles contract. @) _ testosterone (D) In bright light circular muscles relax and radial muscles contract, and in dim light radial muscles relax and circular muscles contract. menage 39, Dry mass 40. “The FeO MEREAcions aCe kin L Blood vesselsdilateand constrict, I. Glands produce sweat Il, Hairerectormusclescontract. ‘These finctionsrelate to theskin'sroleasan organ for mechanical protection only body temperaturecontrol only both body temperature control and sensitivity to the surroundings (D) mechanical protection, body temperature control and sensitivity tothe surroundings Secretions from youradrenalglandshelpyou tofunctionmore effectively when 8) doinganexamination @) — eatingameal © listening tomusic: () going tobed tem 40 refers to the following graph which shows changes in dry mass of embryo and endosperm during germination. From the graph, itis true to say that (A) the embryo begins to grow as the endosperm increases in mass (B) the embryo and the endosperm decrease in mass at the same rate (© the embryo and the endosperm increase in mass at the same rate {Dyas the embryo grows, the food reservesare gradually depleted a1 42. illustrates pollination, Pollination involves the transfer of pollen from anther to stigma. Which of the arrows inthe diagram above may be illustrating the movementofpollenincross-pollination? (A) sonly F tonly (C) ands ©) sandt Item 42 refers to the graph below which shows blood levels of progesterone during the menstrual cycle of ahuman female. Blood levels of progesterone| i 16 20 24 28 Days 148 ‘With which process does the HIGHEST point ofthe curve correspond? (A) _ Sheddingofthe lining of the uterus (B) _Productionofamatureeggcell from theovary (©) Maximumproductionof thehormone by the placenta (D) — Maximumproductionofthehormone by the corpus luteum (=. ce 45. 47. ie OD | Oral contraceptives preventpregnancyby 44 (A) _killingsperm (B) _killingreleasedeggs @)__preventingovulation {D) _preventingimplantation RRR pea ame + During pregnancy, the developing foetus receives protection against infections, a perfectly balanced diet, warmth and oxygen from itsmother. Which ofthe followingcan, amotherno longerprovide forhernewborn infant? sy Oxygen @) Food (C) Antibodies (2) Wannth ‘tems4S.-46referto the following diagram of the cross-section ofa fruit ofan unknown plant found on the shore ofaswamp. Which ofthe followingisthe MOSTlikely 46 means of dispersed of this fruit? (A) Wind Water (©) Animal (D) Mechanical Which of the following describes the 48. chromosomes presentinthe ordinary cells of ahumen female? — (A) 224+x B) 224+XX (C) 22pairs+X @) 22pairs+ XX Which ofthe following would BEST suggest whatthe agentof dispersal mightbe? (A) Tonly 43 Tonly (©) Wonly () Mand Ilonly Genetic engineering is BEST described as changing the traits ofone organism by “(A incorporating genes from another organism (8) _ incorporating a few chromosomes fromadifferent organism (©) crossing it with a closely related species @) _ inducingmutationinitssex organs 49 st 82. emgay ureter tone tollowing diagrams, eaten TE * ea sf eon att, Wwe? : | Figure X Figure ¥ Figure Xcan be used to show 50. Figures X and ¥ can both be used to show differentkindsof (A) thenumberofshrubsinatfield (B) _stagesinthe lifehistory ofaninsect GAR. variation BH theheightsofstudentsinaschool (B) selection (D) variation inskincolouramongalbinos © inheritance ©) reproduction Item Si refersto the following information. Items 53-54 referto the following types of diseases. Some fowls (called Erminette) have black andwhite feathersevenly distributed overthe (A) Pathogenic body. A breeder crosses two of these fowls (B) Deficiency . and finds thatthere are pure white, pureblack © — Hereditary andErminetteamong the offspring ©) Physiological What would you expect the ratio of Match each item with one of the options bblack:white:Erminetteto be? above. Each optionmay be used once, more — than once, or notatall @ olsleh GB << 53. The type of disease to which sickle-cell (1:22:01 - anaemia belongs ©) 3st: -#34. A disease that can be prevented with Which of the following is NOT one of the body’snaturalwaysofdefending itselfagainst infection? (A) Clotting 8} Vaccination (©) Actionofphagocytes Production of antibodies ©) immunization Brinn a 55. Abuse ofprescription drugs is considered a ‘tems 57-8 referto the following information. digease because A test was done to determine the water content of 4 different soils ~ clay, sand, a (B)__itreduceshumanproductivity clayey loam anda sandy loam. Themass of (C)__ manypeopleareinvolved init 10 cm’ of each soil was determined before (8), _itaffectsthe functioning ofthe body and after heating until completely dry. The results wereas follows, (A)__itiscostly to families 56. Which ofthe following statementsis true of @ | ® | ©}] ® inorganic fertilisers? | a Initialmass | 17 | 15 | 13 | 15 (A) Theyhelpto hold waterin soils. : x if (B) They donotaffect soil pH. Finalmass |'16 | 13 | "8 | 11 (C) Theymakenutrients available more quickly, “(PY They improve the crumb stmucture of %* 57. __ -WhichsoilswouldbeBEST foruseasafacial soil ~ astringent intended to shrink as it dries out, pulling theskintight?, % 58. + Whichsoil wouldbe MOST suitable forusein anunderground filter? * Items 59-60 refer to the following table. Number of throws of a quadrat Species 1 | 2 a}s|o}7|s]9 | 10 3 J Ty [es S a7 |fdfae’) 2 [a fo a] 10] 18 |{ 454) 0 s| 2] 6 4a} a1]ajf2 59, The area in which the quadrat on the third 60. Which of the followingis MOST likely true throy fell isprobably ~~ about Species P? — (A) under alarge ree (A) __Itisthecommonestplantin the area (B) close toa source of water (8) Mtistallerthanthe other plants close (©) avery sandy area toit (D)_ closetoa walkway (©) Itcovers most of the area in which the quadrat fell on the 1 Oththrow (D) __Itcoversabouthalfthe area inwhich the quadrat fell on the 4th throw. corr en cumew varie WORK ON THIS TEST.

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