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Wobenzym N 800

Wobenzym N is an enzymatic therapy designed in Germany in the 1960s. It has multiple health
benefits and works as a natural anti-inflammatory. Wobenzym N Clear has been found to effectively
help reduce inflammation and pain associated with osteoarthritis and other inflammatory
conditions. It can also work as a natural and safe alternative to more traditional medications such as
ibuprofen. In addition to its anti-inflammatory uses for osteoarthritis, Wobenzym N has been found
to lower C reactive protein levels by a significant 30%. C reactive protein levels are the marker for
chronic infection in the body. Thus, Wobenzym displays promise in helping to decrease instances of
infection that causes pain.

The bioflavonoids in Wobenzym N Systemic Enzymes help to diminish the discoloration and local
pain associated with traumatic injuries. Many leading surgeons regularly administer Wobenzym N
Clear to patients when they undergo surgical procedures to encourage faster, more efficient healing.
It helps to prevent edema and post-surgical bruising. Some Olympic athletes are also using
Wobenzym N Clear to help reduce the occurrence of injury by as much as 50% and to promote
recovery from injuries incurred.

Wobenzym N promotes overall health and wellness and the list of its health benefits continues to
grow. Wobenzym N has been found to help decrease inflammation that causes allergies and can
alleviate symptoms for the sufferer. It can help to provide protection for the body from
environmental toxins found in water, food, and air. Wobenzym N has shown to help reduce the
instance of blood clots generated by the sudden dispersal of vulnerable plaque. Wobenzym N works
to lower cholesterol while preventing strokes and heart attacks due to its anti-thrombotic, antispasmodic, anti-arrhythmic effect. The antioxidants in Wobenzym N promote feelings of well-being
and can help to reduce the signs and effects of aging. As previously noted, Wobenzym has powerful
anti-inflammatory properties and can help to treat autoimmune disorders and rheumatic illnesses
such as osteo and rheumatic arthritis. It can help to reduce inflammation and muscle pain.

Wobenzym N is a powerful and beneficial enzyme treatment option that optimizes health and can
effectively be applied to a variety of physical problems.

Differences between Mucos Pharma Wobenzym N and Garden Of Life Wobenzym N

Basically speaking, the Garden of Life Wobenzym N and the Mucos Pharma Wobenzym N are very
similar. This is mainly because both of them are in the Wobenzym N category meaning that they
both have the same kind of ingredients.

Helpful Facts About Wobenzym N (Mucos Pharma GMBH - Garden of Life)

1. Natural support for immune, joint, muscle, and tendon health
2. Ingredients backed by decades of clinical research
3. Positive history of use by over 100 million people worldwide
4. Consumer loyalty of over 80%
5. Safe and effective
6. All natural active ingredients

Wobenzym can do so much because it works at the most fundamental level of biochemistry - by
supplementing the bodys need for enzymes.

Importance of Enzymes:
What exactly is enzyme therapy? And for that matter, what are enzymes and how do they impact
health? Enzymes are proteins that make life possible. Every chemical reaction that occurs in the
human body requires enzymes to ensure maximum efficacy. No vitamin, mineral, or hormone can do
its job in the human body without the catalyst effect of enzymes. Enzymes help the body digest fats,
carbohydrates, proteins, and fiber; enabling the body to glean nutrients while removing toxins.
Enzymes convert the food we eat into energy and fuel our bodies to promote stronger immune
systems and healthier blood flow. Amino acids, which are the basic building blocks of life, comprise
the proteins that are enzymes. While all enzymes are proteins, all proteins are not necessarily
enzymes. Enzymes are organized into chains that fold into three-dimensional structures in a sporadic
manner. These structures affirm the specific function of the enzyme. Nearly every metabolic and
physiological evolution in the body requires enzymes.
Consequently, it is important to recognize that enzymes are one of the key players in maintaining a
healthy body. Enzymes work to enhance a strong, healthy immune system; promote cardiovascular
wellness; support quality central nervous system function; and help to properly balance hormone
levels in the body. Enzymes fuel the bodys chemical activities by working as catalysts, causing the
bodys processes to work at a faster rate. Enzymes are an integral part of healthy cell activity and are
necessary for organs, tissues, and glands to perform properly. Without enzymes, cells would not

perform their tasks as quickly or efficiently and the bodys physiological processes would either not
progress at all or would move at an extremely slow rate. The human body produces its own supply
of enzymes as needed. However, there are a myriad of situations in which the body exhausts its
enzyme supply and cannot adequately replenish its supply. The consumption of junk food rather
than healthy, whole foods can diminish the bodys ability to produce sufficient enzyme levels.
Certain medications can also inhibit healthy enzyme production. As the body ages it loses the ability
to keep up with the demands of metabolic attrition and struggles to maintain satisfactory enzyme
levels. This insufficiency of vital enzymes has been found to be a key component to chronic, agerelated illnesses. Enzymes are a critical factor to the bodys overall health and its ability to operate
effectively and efficiently.

Wobenzym N Beneficial Effects

Apart from eliminating joint and muscular pains, it has been noted to slow down aging and decrease
risks of coronary disorders. People taking the product also attest to feeling invigorated with the
Wobenzym N aiding blood circulation and healthier immune system. Even sports figures and
ordinary people with active lifestyles use Wobenzym N to lessen chances of injuries and faster
recovery periods.

Along with other enzymes, this product improves manufacture of blood cells and better circulatory
process and decrease cholesterol. It has been considered the most effective systemic enzyme for
over four decade now for the reason that it renders better health condition, and not just focuses on
joints inflammation concerns.

How Does Wobenzym N work?

Once taken, all the enzymes work together to produce smaller chains of amino acids for quick and
effective attainment of better health. Further tests and studies of the Wobenzym N led users to
prove as well that its effective for treatment of various infections, digestive disorders, edema and
evencommon ailments such as flu and colds. For all these great health benefits, Wobenzym N Clear
then has been considered the bodys vacuum cleaning power, particularly in the muscular and
circulatory systems.

As mentioned earlier, the enzymes in Wobenzym N work to support healthy function of the entire
human body. Every chemical reaction and digestive process relies on a healthy supply of enzymes.
Specifically, Wobenzym works so effectively to promote health because it contains proteolytic
enzymes, which cling to other proteins and can break them down when necessary. The proteolytic
enzymes found in Wobenzym help the body maintain homeostasis when healthy, but also helps to
fight damaging proteins when diseased. There are multiple clinical trials that have indicated
Wobenzyms ability to minify harmful immune complexes that can lead to autoimmune disorders. In
conjunction, immune complexes can precipitate a multitude of diseases because they have been
identified for their role in thickening blood. Even though Drs. Wolf, Benitez, and Ransberger did not
find the unequivocal cure for cancer at this point, the proteolytic enzymes in Wobenzym have been
found to be very effective in helping to treat some cancers. The sister product, Wobe-Mugos, to

Wobenzym N by MUCOS is under consideration by the FDA for Orphan Drug status as a contributory
treatment for patients with the cancer involving B cells in the blood called multiple myeloma. There
is also research being performed to show that proteolytic enzymes found in Wobenzym can aid in
the management of pancreatic cancer. Research is continuously being performed concerning
proteolytic enzymes and Wobenzym as therapy options for certain cancers.

So if youre up to achieving better health in the safest way possible, Wobenzyme N would work
well for you. Get better circulation and all its end benefits for your health, feel robust and be free of
joint pains and weakening muscles with this product. Only pregnant and breastfeeding women have
been advised against taking of Wobenzym N for their delicate conditions before consulting it with a
healthcare professional.

Side Effects of Wobenzym N

Wobenzym has no known, negative, side effects. At this time, research has indicated that it is natural
and safe. However, patients taking any kind of blood thinners or anti-coagulation drugs should
consult with a physician before taking Wobenzym. It is always safest to discuss any supplements or
medications you are considering with your physician.
Source : Wobenzym N 800 - http://wobenzymn800.com

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