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Observe or

Quote Page Number Law of Power (#) Result

"Remove man
from the scene,
and the root cause a "tremendous
of hunger and 29 27, 32 observe uproar" of support
overwork is from the animals.
abolished for
"...all the evils of
this life of ours
spring from the 30 27, 42 observe "
tyranny of human
"Weak or strong,
clever or simple,
31 43 observe "
we are all
the animals are
now united under
one "anthem" of
Beasts of England various 27, 28, 37 observe
sorts; it gives
them a sense of
creates a sense of
alliance, both
between the
leaders and the
"...Comrades..." various 43 observe
animals and
among the
"In a very little
while the animals
had destroyed
everything that
reminded them of
Mr. Jones...they
sense of triumph
sang Beasts of
40 23, 27 observe in all the animals,
England from end
now confederated
to end seven
slept as they had
never slept
"'Four legs good, 51 27 observe the mantra is now
two legs bad' was
inscribed on the
end wall...in
bigger letters...the
sheep developed a
great liking for stuck in the
this maxim, sheep's minds and
and...they would will stay with them
all start bleating for a long time
'Four legs good,
two legs
growing tired of
comrades,' cried
Squealer almost
the animals are
now determined to
there is no one 52 13 observe
continue on with
among you who
their work.
wants to see
Jones come
"Every day
Snowball and
Napoleon sent out
flights of pigeons
whose instructions
were to mingle the "trend" of
with the animals Animal Farm
54 9, 27, 29 observe
on neighbouring spreads efficiently
farms, tell them and continuously.
the story of the
Rebellion, and
teach them the
tune of Beasts of
"...[Jones and his
men] were going
to attempt to
recapture the
farm...this had
long been
expected, and all
preparations had the men are
56-57 3, 21, 29 observe
been defeated.
had studied an old
book of Julius
campaigns which
he had found in
the farmhouse..."
"Until now the
animals had been
about equally
divided in their
sympathies, but in
a moment the animals are
Snowball's 67 6, 32, 37 observe instantly on
eloquence had Snowball's side.
carried them
away...there was
no doubt as to
which way the
vote would go."
"...Napoleon stood
up and...uttered a
the animals are
stunned, and
Snowball's option
67 6, 9, 28, 29, 42 observe is no longer
enormous dogs...
available; they
[bounded] into the
thus must turn
barn. They dashed
towards Napoleon.
straight for
"...the sight of
Napoleon, on all
fours, delivering
orders to the animals were
Whymper, who now more grateful
stood on two legs, for being part of
roused their 78 6, 9, 30 observe Animal Farm; the
pride...Their humans respected
relations with the the Farm more as
human race were well.
now not quite the
same as they had
been before."
"'No animal shall
sleep in a bed
the animals, with
their evident
enough, Clover
memory loss,
had not
continue on with
remembered that
79 9, observe their activities and
the Fourth
are oblivious to
the changes made
mentioned sheets;
to the
but as it was there
on the wall, it
must have done
"'...Snowball has 82 23, 28 observe the animals are
done this...In petrified at this
sheer malignity, announcement,
but they are
himself for his
equally as petrified
of Napoleon, so
they follow his
des, here and now
I pronounce the
death sentence
upon Snowball.'"
"When [the pigs]
other animals
had finished their
walked up to
confession, the
confess their sins,
dogs promptly
and they were
tore their throats
slaughtered. all of
out, and in a
the animals are
terrible voice 93 9, 15, 17 observe
speechless and
terrified, and they
realized that there
whether any other
would now be dire
animal had
consequences for
anything to
their actions.
"'No animal shall
kill any other
animal without
cause.' Somehow
98 3, 17, 20, 33, 35 observe see page 79
or other, the last
two words had
slipped out of the
animals' memory."
"It had become by this time,
usual to give Napoleon had
Napoleon the evidently been
credit for every given the "king" or
100 34 observe
successful "Leader" status, a
achievement and position that is
every stroke of very hard to
good fortune." efface.
"...Napoleon...trus the animals
ted nobody, not respected
even Napoleon for his
105 20 observe
Frederick...Napole cleverness (which
on was too clever would later
for him." backfire).
"...there were two
words that they
had forgotten.
Actually the
113 3, 17, 33 observe see page 79
read: 'No animal
shall drink alcohol
to excess.'"
"...in [the old]
days they had
the animals held a
been slaves and
now they were
appreciation for
free, and that 115 10 observe
the longevity and
made all the
prosperity of
difference, as
Animal Farm.
Squealer did not
fail to point out."
"...out came
Napoleon himself,
the animals were
both horrified and
upright, casting
6, 9, 17, 20, 25, confused; was
haughty glances 132 transgress
28 Napoleon
from side to
becoming one with
side...he carried a
whip in his
"There was
the animals still
nothing there now
felt confined to the
except a single
writings on the
commandment. It
wall, and so they
read: 'All animals
observe/transgres partially ignored
are equal - but 133 9, 17, 35
s it; however, they
some animals are
were still aware of
more equal than
the true inequality
others.' After that
that they had been
it did not seem
brought into.
"...the name as later stated in
'Animal Farm' had the book, the
been abolished. animals no longer
Henceforward the 138 6, 17, 25 transgress knew whether
farm was to be they were in the
known as 'The hands of man or
Manor Farm'..." pig.

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