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by J.

Erik LaPort

where past and future are gathered.

Neither movement from nor towards,
Neither ascent nor decline.
Except for the point, the still point,
There would be no dance,
And there is only the dance.
- T.S. Elliot

The ocean, a sunrise, a flower blossoming, the act of sensing awe and wonder and gazing inward contain
no parts they are one and the same single energy made manifest in the world as the world of form and
name. But the world is illusory, illusion simply meaning at play or not as it appears. Only unbounded
energy is real. It has no beginning and no end, nothing created and nothing ever destroyed, yet
expressing itself in an endless play. Energy appears as its manifestation, while simultaneously the
manifestation appears in energy. Dreamlike, energy is the manifestation in and of itself. It appears as
transformation, stimuli and response temporal, relative and empty of a fixed nature but all stimuli
and response is really one energetic continuum, which can be called love boundless, unconditional,
universal and eternal. There is only this, we are this even though there is no we apart from it, nor anything apart from any-thing else. Indeed no-thing exists only this and this is the only reality. The world,
ocean, sunrise, flowers blooming, sensations of any sort are individual names for illusory forms of a
world that is just this. No gaze can ever capture it. It is the dance of existence

The absolute is the only truth, the world is illusion,

and there is ultimately no difference between the absolute reality and individual self.
Adi Shankara

All particles can be transmuted into other particles;

they can be created from energy and can vanish into energy.
In this world, classical concepts like elementary particle, material substance
or isolated object, have lost their meaning;
the whole universe appears as a dynamic web of inseparable energy patterns.
Fritjof Capra

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