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Revision Questions.

(Paper One)
1a) State 4 different approaches that is used in guidance and counseling
services at school.

Gave preventive action

Gave treatment and rehab
Remedial & Enrichment
Crisis counseling

1b) List 6 importance of guidance and counseling services at school.


Eliminate pupils problems

2a) As an ordinary teacher, what is your role to help improving the

effectiveness of guidance in the C/R.

Unconditional acceptance
Conducive classroom
Give attention
Fair treatment
Being warm and understanding

2b) List 3 ways to collect students information.


Student Inventories

3a) A teacher is listening to a sad story about the accidents that happen
to her mom. What is the important element that can be used in
bibliotherapy? (Factors that need to be taken into the consideration)
- Relationship between the characters of the story.
Moral of the story
Suitibility iof the story.
3b) Kaunseling bibliotherapy merupakan intervensi kaunseling kanak-kanak.
Terangkan 3 jenis cerita yang boleh digunakan dalam kaunseling beserta contoh
dalam mebantu klien menyelesaikan masalah.
- Fables
-Illustration book/ Picture book
- Fairytale/ Fantasy
- Biography book.

4a) Inventories psychology will give information mlklmt ttg diri ind sama ada
kelemahan, kekuatan atau potensi. Bincangkan 2 jenis inventori psikologi yang
boleh ada di sekolah.
- personality
- nilai pekerjaan
- career
4b) Berikan pendapat anda tentang pendedahan inventori psikologi terhadap
- will know their strength, weakness and potential
-alat motivasi
-alat diagnosis bagi membantu menyelesaikan masalah klien

Essay Questions

1) CCT adalah teori yang membawa pendekatan humanistic. Teori ini

mementingkan hbgn baik dengan clients. Huraikan 5 pandangan teori ini
terhadap manusia.
Client-centered therapy operates according to three basic principles that reflect the attitude of the therapist to the client:


The therapist is congruent with the client.


The therapist provides the client with unconditional positive regard.


The therapist shows empathetic understanding to the client.

Congruence in Counseling
Congruence is also called genuineness. Congruence is the most important attribute in counseling, according to Rogers. This
means that, unlike the psychodynamic therapist who generally maintains a 'blank screen' and reveals little of their own personality in
therapy, the Rogerian is keen to allow the client to experience them as they really are.
The therapist does not have a faade (like psychoanalysis), that is, the therapist's internal and external experiences are one in the
same. In short, the therapist is authentic.

Unconditional Positive Regard

The next Rogerian core condition is unconditional positive regard. Rogers believed that for people to grow and fulfill their
potential it is important that they are valued as themselves.

This refers to the therapist's deep and genuine caring for the client. The therapist may not approve of some of the client's actions
but the therapist does approve of the client. In short, the therapist needs an attitude of "I'll accept you as you are." The personcentered counselor is thus careful to always maintain a positive attitude to the client, even when disgusted by the client's actions.

Empathy is the ability to understand what the client is feeling. This refers to the therapist's ability to understand sensitively and
accurately [but not sympathetically] the client's experience and feelings in the here-and-now.

An important part of the task of the person-centered counselor is to follow precisely what the client is feeling and to communicate to
them that the therapist understands what they are feeling.

In the words of Rogers (1975), accurate empathic understanding is as follows:

"If I am truly open to the way life is experienced by another person...if I can take his or her world into mine, then I risk seeing life in
his or her way...and of being changed myself, and we all resist change. Since we all resist change, we tend to view the other
person's world only in our terms, not in his or hers. Then we analyze and evaluate it. We do not understand their world. But, when
the therapist does understand how it truly feels to be in another person's world, without wanting or trying to analyze or judge it, then
the therapist and the client can truly blossom and grow in that climate."
Because the person-centered counselor places so much emphasis on genuineness and on being led by the client, they do not
place the same emphasis on boundaries of time and technique as would a psychodynamic therapist. If they judged it appropriate, a
person-centered counselor might diverge considerably from orthodox counseling techniques.

As Mearns and Thorne (1988) point out, we cannot understand person-centered counseling by its techniques alone. The personcentered counselor has a very positive and optimistic view of human nature. The philosophy that people are essentially good, and
that ultimately the individual knows what is right for them, is the essential ingredient of successful person centered therapy as all
about loving.

Six Factors Necessary for Growth in Rogerian Theory

Rogers identified six key factors that stimulate growth within an individual. He suggested that when
these conditions are met, the person will gravitate toward a constructive fulfillment of
potential. According to Rogerian theory, the six factors necessary for growth are:

1. Therapist-Client Psychological Contact: there must be a distinct and recognizable relationship

between the therapist and the client and it must be validated by both parties.
2. Client Incongruence, or Vulnerability: a client is vulnerable to fears and anxieties that keep them
from leaving a relationship or situation and that there is clear evidence of incongruence between what
a client is aware of and the actual experience.
3. Therapist Congruence, or Genuineness: it is evident that the therapist is invested in the relationship
with the client for the purpose of healing. The therapist is genuinely interested in their recovery and
can access their own experiences as an aid in the recovery process.
4. Therapist Unconditional Positive Regard (UPR): there is an element that supercedes all others, and
that is the element of unconditional acceptance. By providing a platform of openness and acceptance,
a client can begin to dispel their skewed perceptions of themselves that they gathered from others.
5. Therapist Empathic understanding: a client feels genuine empathy from the therapist with regard to
their internal construct and perception. This feeling of empathy helps reinforce the feeling of
unconditional love.
6. Client Perception: the perception of unconditional positive regard and complete empathic
acceptance and understanding is perceived by the client, if even only minimally.

2) Pelaksanaan proses kaunseling adalah mengikut fasa-fasa tertentu.

Umumnya fasa2 tersebut adalah sebelum, semasa dan selepas sesi
kaunseling. Huraikan kepentingan fasa persediaan.
So that the counseling session ran smoothly
easily Establish rapport and build trust
To show that you are proactive
To nilai prestasi klien
Pre-Contemplation (Stage 1)

The client is not yet considering change

or is unwilling or unable to change.
Strategies for the Clinician/

Raise doubts or concerns in the

clients mind about substance use by
exploring the nature of events
that brought the client to
treatment or the results of
previous treatments
eliciting the clients perception
of the problem
offering factual information
about the risks of substance use
providing feedback about
assessment findings
-helping significant others
(relatives, friends, employer)
-Express concern and keep the door
open, ensuring support anytime it is

3) Pelbagai jenis kelompok boleh diaplikasikan bagi menangani masalah

murid. Bagaimanakah kaunseling kelompok dapat membantu ahli-ahli
dalam menyelesaikan masalah?

Identify and prioritize current problems in their daily lives that result from their cocaine
addiction or potentially contribute to relapse risk, if not addressed.

Develop strategies to cope with problems that are identified as increasing their chances of
staying drug free and functioning better.

Identify recovery issues or areas of change and strategies to address these.

Give and receive support and feedback from each other regarding their recovery and how
they cope with current problems.
Address lapse and relapse crises and strategies to return to abstinence.
Learn the process of problem-solving and how it can be applied to different problems in
recovery or life.

Save time.

Allow them to compare the way they solve the problem

Interpersonal r/ships.

Revision Questions. (Paper Two)

1a) Seorang ayah telah dtg bjumpa guru BK utk mbincangkan masalah
anaknya yang ponteng sekolah dan merosot prestasi pelajaran.
Senaraikan 4 bentuk perkhidmatan kaunseling oleh guru BK utk
menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.

Blh beri bimbingan dan kaunseling

Konsultansi dan rujukan
Placement (enrichment class)
Extra academic support

1b) Huraikan tiga kod tatalaku yang perlu dimiliki oleh seorang kaunselor
semasa menjalankan perkhidmatan BK.

Responsibility to the clients

Responsible to profession
Responsibility to the society
Responsibility to organisation

2) Guru Kls 5 Mwr berminat utk mengumpul maklumat murid-murid

dengan menggunaka n teknik ujian dan teknik bukan ujian bagi
memudahkan menjalankan aktiviti di sekolah. (How?)
- Questionnaires
- Observation
- Interview

- Feedback from peers or class teachers

2b) Bincangkan 3 strategi menangani masalah di sekolah. (general
students problem)

Inculcate moral values

Create conducive classroom
Organize effective teaching and learning session.
Implement set of rules.

3a) Terapi bermain adalah satu teknik melibatkan permainan utk

membantu kanak kanak menghadapi tekanan emosi dan trauma. Jelaskan
3 cara bagaimana terapi bermain dapat membantu kanak-kanak
mengendalikan masalah yang dihadapi.

to help children cope with difficult emotions and find solutions to problems
allows children to change the way they think about, feel toward, and resolve their concerns
the most troubling problems can be confronted in play therapy and lasting resolutions can be
discovered, rehearsed, mastered and adapted into lifelong strategies.

Become more responsible for behaviors and develop more successful strategies.
Develop new and creative solutions to problems.
Develop respect and acceptance of self and others.
Learn to experience and express emotion.
Cultivate empathy and respect for thoughts and feelings of others.
Learn new social skills and relational skills with family.
Develop self-efficacy and thus a better assuredness about their abilities.

3b) Kesejahteraan fizikal mental dan emosi kanak-kanak boleh

dikembangkan dengan mnggunakan terapi seni. Berikan dua kebaikan
penggunaan terapi seni.

To relieve stress through drawing

Learn to express emotion

4a) Inventory theory John Holland telah dicadangkan untuk digunakan

sebagai ujian pemilihan calon guru pelatih ipg. Jelaskan dua rasional
mengapa mereka menggunakn teori John Holland.

Pemilihan kerjaya
Melihat jenis personality yang sesuai
To examine and evaluate each candidate personality traits
To evaluate personality of stud with career

4b) Guru kelas telah mengisi senarai semak senarai masalah Mooney bagi
setiap muridnya. Jelaskan 3 kepentingan mengisi senarai semak masalah
Mooney dalam kelas

Mengenalpasti masalah murid

Take preventive measures

Essay Questions.
1) Teori behaviors telah diperkenalkan oleh 2 tokoh psikologi oleh Pavlov
dan skinner yang menekankan tindakan klien secara aktif dlm
penyelesaian masalah yang dihadapi,. Huraikan dengan mbri contoh
yg jelas terhadap pandangan manusia.
2) Seorg guru BK perlu aplikasikan bbrpa kemahiran asas kaunseling
ketika mengendalikan sesi kaunseling. Huraikan kemahiran asas
kaunseling yng perlu ada pada seorang guru kaunseling. Sokong
kemahiran yang ada dengan contoh yg sesuai
3) Kaunseling kelompok ialah proses mencari alternative untuk
membantu sekumpulan murid yg menghadapi masalah yg serupa
sama ada dalam bidang akademik atau social. Bincangkan peringkatperingkat yang perlu diikuti dalam sesi kelompok.

Revision Questions
1a) Nyatakan empat kepentingan BK di sekolah.
1b) Huraikan 3 jenis kaunseling
2a) Nyatakan empat teknik yg digunakn oleh kaunselor utk kesan pelajar
bermasalah di sekolah.
2b)Nyatakan tindakan yg blh dilakukan dalam usaha mengumpul
maklumat murid
3a) Terapi bercerita merupakn pemulihan. Macam mana terapi bercerita
3b) Jelaskan 3 kepentingan terapi ini kepada klien

Essay Questions
1) Shila mengalami kegagalan dlm exam. Beliau merasa kegagalannya
berpunca dari diri dank el. Jelaskan system yg dianuti oleh Sheila
mengikut teori REBT.
2) Bincangkan ciri-ciri klien yang tidak mahu terlibat dalam kaunseling
- Skip the session

3) Kehidupan berkelompok di kalangan manusia .. Sejauh mana

kaunseling kelompok boleh membantu ahli ahlinya menyelesaikan

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