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Discuss the personality of Coach Carter using big 5

personality theory

as well as Myers and Briggs

personality types
Personality of Coach Carter Using Big 5 Personality Theory
The personality of Coach Carter Using big 5 personality theory has
been observed as follows:
Coach Carter Keeps himself busy, reacts quickly, Communicates views
and ideas, seeks to influence people, and takes control. On the Contrary, he
is less talkative and avoids attending social occasions or to be surrounded by
Behaves straightforwardly, does not manipulate or use people having
little trust on them. On the other hand he Keeps quiet about achievements
and avoids talking about self.
Openness to Change
He is a man of principles, less imaginative, generates original solutions
to the problems.
He gets things done efficiently, likes to be organized and doing things
according to a plan. Moreover, he works hard, sets high standard and does
more than is expected of him.
Emotional Stability
Comfortable with self, happy with life, positive about future, Has fewer
worries than most people and knows how work under pressure.

Personality of Coach Carter Using Myers and Briggs

Personality Types
The personality of Coach Carter Using big Myers and Briggs Personality
Types is illustrated below:

2. Using one content theory , expectancy theory, learning


(reinforcement theory)


the motivation

approach of coach carter

Motivation Approach of Coach Carter Using Content Theory
The coach carter ignored the physiological and safety needs of
the team assuming that they had already been satisfied. However, he did not
avoid fulfilling them as and when required. For instances, when one of the
team members quit from the team, he felt insecure and wanted to join the
team again after his friend got shot. The Coach Carter, despite receiving
hatred abuse from that person, accepted him as a team member. The focus
of Coach Carter was more on their social and self-esteem needs. For the
purpose of fulfilling their social needs the Coach Carter created an
environment of group cohesion where the members of the team were bound
to help and support each other. For instance, in the movie, when one of the
team members who was panting up and still penalized with doing 500 pushups, one of the team members offered to do to the push-ups instead.
Moreover, Coach Carter maintained a balance of the self-esteem among the
group members. He made them believe that they are the winners. On the
contrary, he also didnt want them to brag about their achievement and so
penalized them for doing so after they had won the match.
Motivation Approach of Coach Carter Using Expectancy Theory
Coach Carter carefully took into account all the tree perceptions:
expectancy, instrumentality and valence. He developed a need to achieve
the success and also made them believe that their efforts will lead to winning
the matches.
Motivation Approach of Coach Carter Using Learning Theory
(Reinforcement Theory)

The main objective of Coach Carter was not just to coach them to win
the basketball match but to make them abide by the stipulated rules and
most importantly to make them concentrate on their studies by attending all
their classes and get a minimum 2.3 GPA. To achieve this objective, he used
the negative reinforcers like disallowing them to practice or to play any
basket ball match until they achieve minimum requirement of the GPA as per
the contract.

3. What stage of group development was the basket ball

team before coach Carter took over the job, what group
development theories can be used in explaining their
group behavior, what was the extent of group cohesion
and norms.
Before Coach Carter took over the job, there was no element of
teamwork or team spirit within the team. Lots of personality clashes where
exhibited by the team, this was depicted in the locker room scene on the he
took over as the coach. Timo Cruz and other players like Worm, Junior, and Ty
were criticizing each others effort in the matchby trading blames on each
other mistakes in the match.
Tuckman's Teambuilding model can be used in explaining their group
behavior. The team and the new coach went through this Teambuilding
process as portrayed by Tuckman:
At this phase they were very individualistic with each team members
focusing ontheir personal interest by been aggressive to authority this is
displayed when Timo Cruz insulted Coach Carter on his first day as the
teams coach and also tried to hit him as a sign of disdain for authority.

This phase was exhibited as the team begins to comprehend each

other but sticking out independently as seen after he made them signed a
contract on established behavior for the team.

At this stage there is a clear signals of collaboration and teamwork in
the team as they have learned to appreciate the worth of functioning
collectively rather than independently. This was evidently depicted in their
matches where they defeated their opponents consecutively by playing team
strategies and formations.
At this phase, the teams performance was beyond everyone's
expectations, they were undefeated and were also able to overcome reigning
champions, Bay Hill Academy to clinch the trophy.
This shows how everyone helps each other to achieve even their
personal goals as it will reflect on their future. This also shows good
leadership as Coach Carter influenced his players to be students and his
players respected this idea as they respect him.
Moreover, the basketball team of Richmond High School in the film
Coach Carter shows successful cohesiveness in both task and social after
several weeks of Ken Carters coaching. They show good task cohesiveness
because in the court they trust and rely with each other, work hard towards a
certain goal and also believe on the concept that a team struggles and
triumphs together. The players become motivated by others hard work
which improves their team cohesiveness and group dynamics.

4. How







examples of group development, cohesion and norms


The basketball team of Richmond High School in the film Coach Carter
shows successful cohesiveness in both task and social after several weeks of
Ken Carters coaching. They show good task cohesiveness because in the
court they trust and rely with each other, work hard towards a certain goal
and also believe on the concept that a team struggles and triumphs
together. The players become motivated by others hard work which
improves their team cohesiveness and group dynamics.
They show social cohesiveness outside the court. The movie shows
that they get along pretty well (showed in scenes where they hang out and
when they go to a party) and always look at each others back. For example,
the scene where the seniors start to get into fight in the street, Timo Cruz
shows up to aid them by breaking up the fight and threatens them by
showing that hes got a gun). This good cohesiveness made a positive impact
on their group dynamics. This is because they tend to encourage each other
to work hard both in the court and their academics (as shown in the lock-out
period shown in the movie where the other team mates try to improve the
GPA of the other failing members). This links to leadership and the norming
and performing period of group processes as they trust and rely to each


Which leadership theories and sources of power did

the coach used?
Carter displayed various leadership styles to suit the situation and
build the team while teaching them teamwork.

Using Situational Leadership Theory

The coach used the Telling style by giving each team member contract to
sign for accepting his terms and conditions for being part of the team. He
further demonstrated this by penalizing anyone who deviated from his
instructions and questioned them.

At one point the players were Unable but Willing, he was giving the team
instructions and also receiving feedback from the team, which gave the team
the opportunity to be part of the decision making process as the coach
expressed his vision of helping them win, in all aspect of their college life and
in the nearest future.
The team was able but unwilling by surpassing the expectations on the
basketball court but were not confident most especially in their academics.
He adopted an approach which was relationship based by building a much
stronger relationship with the teams by showing some care about their future
success after high school, this was depicted when one of the players was
almost shot by a group a thugs and ran to him for forgiveness, it was also
depicted in the coachs statement when he said "I came to coach basketball
players, and you became students. I came to teach boys, and you became
The team was able and willing, they were undefeated on the courts,
regardless of fierce opposition were also committed to improving their
academic grades as a team. The Coach influence had been a constructive
which enables them need a little or no directions in performing, also with
respect to Jason Lyle's words he said "You said we're a team. One person
struggles, we all struggle. One person triumphs, we all triumph". The
statement shows the level of commitment the boys have towards each other
at this stage.

Using Transformational Leadership Theory

Coach Carter's leadership style was transformational in nature so he
used the transformational leadership theory throughout the movie. He
pursued to effect positive changes in the High School basketball team. By his
status as a coach he channeled is intellectual resources towards the

improvement of the high school basketball team by motivating the students,

building a high performance standard and boosting their morale by breaking
the cycle of failure that had been the norm of high school basketball team
and the community at large by giving the students a prospect of a brighter
life after high school.
He had a vision and a as leader developed suitable strategy for
accomplishing it. As a true leader he conversed this vision to his team , with
total believe in his vision he inspired the team to change their anticipations
for failure, gangsterrism and the potential of going prison and through
motivation he enjoined the team to work towards a common goals which are
winning in the court, winning in academics through higher grades, winning in
their high school by going to the college or living a better life and finally
convincing the society in which they belong that there is a better life than
the one they are living and you can always be a winner only if you are
convinced and ready to pay the price which is working diligently. All this
approach I believe was effective because he was able to completely convince
and transform the team by the end of the movie.

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