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Chapter I

1.1 Backround of the Study

- GamotPangPubliko is located in Makakua Street, Cotabato City. The owner
of this pharmacy Sakina Maulana, she was started on June 09, 2012 to
stand this business. They only selling a Generic Medicines for non riches
customers. And mostly buyer of this pharmacy are the poor people who
cannot afford a branded medicines for their patients. GamotPangPubliko is
more concentrated in giving a good service to their buyers because they
want to satisfy the customers. According to our group study of their facilities
they have a small stall but its good. The employee need one another
Computer for their inventory and they are also containers of stock. To see if
they also approaching Expiration.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.2.1 General Problem

- First and for most, pharmacy personnel (GamotPangPubliko) should know
the effectively and expiry date of a medicine that they give to the patient.

1.2.2 Specific Problem

1. How to develop generate report remaining quantity of the medicine?
2. How to develop backup files?
3. How to develop user history log report and security level?
4. How to track a medicine that about to expired?
5. How to generate daily, weekly and monthly and annualy in come?

1.3 Objectives of the Problem

- The main problem are they depends only on the package writing date when
it expired and one more problem here that I see are those who support
saving their POS product because the boss knows they simply.

1.3.1 General Objectives

- The main goal of GamotPangPubliko pharmacy is to serve, to give a good
approach and to give the right medicine of the patient need.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

They are the following:
1. To develop generate report remaining quantity of the medicine.
2. To develop backup files.
3. To develop user history log report and security level.
4. To track a medicine that about to expired.

5. To generate daily, weekly, monthly and annualy in come.

1.4 Significance of the Study

- In this study, the proposed will inspire other people to develop an effective
more efficient system and have bases.
The propose system will introduce our new transact to the other pharmacist
that are until
now adapting the manual method of management. When this system
success, it will benefits the
Following beneficiaries;
Owner of the Pharmacy: to monitor the inventory with ease and to easily
find the product and no need to report it to each daily, weekly, monthly and
Pharmacist: quickier transaction with costumer.
Costumer: to easier buy the product and not delayed the time of the
Proponents: it is one of the qualification of every gratuating students in the
field of our expertise.

Future Researcher: for their research to our system if they ever should
come here next generation.


Definition of Terms

1. History of drugs: so when it's someone's history for the knowledge

given to each person.
2. Drugs Store: A Store that sells medicines and various other products
3. Pharmacy: a place in a hospital where drugs and medicines are
prepared and given out.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

1. User level Security.
2. A module that can generate and print report.
3. A module that can update inventory.
4. Back up files.

5. Compurized report day/weekly/monthly/annually

Therefore, the proposed system limit itself only at said institution and
the process formulated is based on the actual inventory of the

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

contained here in our system with the design for the system and we
will truly also secured for system and other files and it is also our backupfiles
for when you do not need to restored files and it has admin also for the
pharmacist to easily as they see our drugs look at buying it at the pharmacy
And those at the inventory connect to cashier and also seen when the
cashier drug decreases it. be changed and also their running through their

Chapter III

Methodology of the study

This chapter presents the data gathering procedure, locale of the

study, respondent of the study and system analysis and design. After







information which will be used to up the proposed system.


3.1 Research Approach

The researchers seek the permission of the institution to conduct an
interview regarding the existing of transactions through the Employees of
GamotPangPubliko. The employees able to provide necessary answers to the
queries of the researchers as to the problem existing in their products, the
problem here are those saving the product in inventory because they did not
touch the inventory in computer.
3.2 Locale of the Study
The research of the study was conducted at (GamotPangPubliko) being
one of the dedicated to deliver best technical services that still uses or
applies the manual transaction system. Relevant data and information about
this system were gathered and made available at the Product of

3.3. Respondent of the Study

The responsible also for the owner because gamotpubliko not as
difficult for its employees and they also ensure the right security system in
their inventory.
3.4 System Development Methodology

Developing an automated system is difficult to do because there will

be of tests and Revisions before it will become a functional so that the
proponents conducted interviews to the GamotPangPubliko personnel for the
completion of the reserve products. The proponents gather all the necessary
information that is relevant to their topic and what would help them discover
more information about the proposed system. After conducting series of
observation, the information obtains and collected information and other
related information which will be used to build up the proposed system.
The data gathering tools that the proponents used is the net in order to have
more consistent,
reliable, accurate, and flexible
development of the proposed


inventory system of GamotPangPubliko.





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