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Expectancy theory

Expectancy theory is a theory that stated that a person behaves in a particular way because they
want to achieve the results that they desire from that behavior over others. For example a student
will study hard because they believe or expect that it will result in good grades. It was developed
by Victor Vroom and has explains the behavior of individuals when making decisions.
The theory has three key elements broken down into three main parts which are:
Expectancy Effort Performance (EP) -This is the probability that the effort put will achieve
the performance that is wanted or desired by the individual. The effort that the employee or
individual puts should help them receive the rewards they desire. For example an employee that
has a project should have access to the different materials or things they may need to achieve the
outcome they desire. This will motivate them as if the goal is achievable they will be motivated
to put effort to achieve it.
Instrumentality Performance Outcome (PO) -This is based on what the employees think
that they will get or what they perceive the pay off for the expected behavior.
Valence V(R).-This refers to the connections that the individuals have with the rewards.
Employees may want or have a connection with extrinsic rewards such as money, promotion,
time-off, benefits or they may desire more intrinsic rewards such as achievement. This plays an
important part in motivating the employees.

Intergartyion and application

According to the expectancy theory a person behaves in a certain way because
they are expecting the outcome of that behavior which is the reward.This case
relates with the expectancy theory because the employee that is Ko stated that she
would have preferred to get additional pay rather than getting badge that read u
done good which was considered meaningless for Ko as a result of her work or
effort.She was demotivated because they reward was not what she had desired or
thought that she will get this relates to the Valence that is to say she didnt value
the reward so she will be not be motivated.
It also relates to the

instrumentality part of the expectancy theory


represents a persons belief that an outcome depends on a level of performance

meaning that people will not be motivated to work if no effort is needed to get the
outcome the reards where handed out arribitally meaning that they were handed
out freely without any work.,thus lowering any motivation for the employee to work
or to be motivated because she can just recive the reward.

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