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Role of Computing Organizational Justice in Reducing the Conflict

between the Employees and Its Impact on the Job Performance

Wasiq Rauf
Management Science
Hazara University Mansehra

Organizations consider their employees as valuable assets. Justice of
the organization plays a very significant role in human resource
department related to the decisions making skills. These decisions are
interlinked with the hiring of the employees on the decided interview
date, time, rejected candidates, promotions of one employee, demote
another and many other related decisions which are directly linked
with the conflict between the employees working in the same
organization. Employees play an important role in the success of the
organizations work environment. Employee respect within the
organizations in term of relations, experts are based on the
organization justice with having two types of components such as
distributive justice and procedural justice. Both of these justices are
refer to the fairness, justice, participation in centralized and
decentralized decisions making skills which internally motivated the
employees enhance their productivity level and job satisfaction.

Keywords: Organizational justice, interactional

organization citizenship behavior, job performance.



The role of the employees is dynamic in the progression and

growth of the organization. The structure of the organization is
based on various departments. These departments are associated
with each other and with the main aim of meeting the goals and
objectives of the organization. In this research paper, the
researcher mainly focuses on the organizational justice
regarding the distribution of rewards, compensation, benefits
and other special allowances for motivating the employees and
their job performance (Babin & Boles, 1996). Organizations
consider their employees as valuable assets. Justice of the
organization plays a very significant role in human resource
department related to the decisions making skills. These
decisions are interlinked with the hiring of the employee after
deciding the interview date, time, rejected candidates,
promotions of one employee, demote another and many other
related decisions which are directly linked to remove or reduce
the conflict between the employees working in the same
organization (Guetzkow & Gyr, 1954).
The term organizational justice plays a significant role in the
career development of employee, especially transforming the
attitude, behavior, motivation level, compensation and benefits,
safety and health, employee and labor relation. If all these
factors are played in an organization, then the role of the justice
in an organization definitely serves the employees longtime
relationship with the organization. Employees work hard to
achieve the organizations goals and aims (Strom, Sears, &
Kelly, 2014).
Many researches are conducted on the

organization justice. According to the number of studies, the

organization justice directly and indirectly impacts the
employees inner motivation, job productivities and job
outcomes related to the tasks, duties and responsibilities
assigned by the organization to the employee.
Many researchers suggest that the level of the motivation of the
employee is linked with organization justice. Employee
behavior is classified into four types of organization justice
(Parker, 2014). They were distributive, interactional,
informational and procedural justices. Organizational justice is
an important tool which predicts the success of the
organizations. According to these critical decisions making of
the organizations, most of the employees react to these decisions
that are dependent to some extent, whether they think the
decisions and processes leads towards the fair scale (Soon Lay
Khuan, 2007). The term fairness in the organization strategies
inseparable from what most of the employees, individual and
people think about the justice. There are many kinds of
organizations working in Pakistan. They are profitable, nonprofitable, financial institutions and many other organizations.
Employees play an important role in the success of the
organizations environment and are considered as the main
assets. Most of the companies just are among other related
things, equitable, impartial and fair in how it does things
(Carroll, 2005). Employee respect within the organizations in
term of relations, experts are based on the organization justice
with having two types of components such as distributive justice
and procedural justice. Both of these justices are refer to the
fairness, justice, participation in centralized and decentralized
decisions making skills which internally motivated the
employees enhance their productivity level and job satisfaction.
Annual performance appraisal, rewards, compensations and
benefits of the employees are dependent on their line manager
who supervised him or her in the organization (James Konow,
2003). The main responsibility of the manager is to treat their
subordinate with justice; fair treatment and show neutral
behavior meanwhile evaluate them according to their job
performance and job outcome.


Objective of this research paper related to the research topic,

Role of organizations justice in reducing the conflict between
the employees working in the same organization are mainly
based on three aspects. Firstly, is to determine and explore the
organizational justice impact on the employee job
performance. Secondly, is to analyze and examine the
interactional justice impact on the employee job performance.

Lastly, is to examine the organization citizenship behavior

impact on the employee job performance
The structure of the paper is as followed:
In the next section we have presented the literature review of the
related research conducted in the field of the organizational
justice in reducing the conflict between the employees and its
impact on the job performance, this section is followed by
research design. In the next section the verification and
validation (V&V) is conducted to base on the research design.
In the last section the conclusion and future is presented.


The strategic human resource management plays vital role in

structuring of the formalize system for the management of
people within the organization. This management of the
organization is referred to the organization justice to reduce the
conflict between the employees, especially among the
colleagues and their policies and procedures related to the
rewards, compensation and special allowance towards the
employees interest job outcome and satisfaction (Judge &
Colquitt, 2004). Planning and strategic management of the
organization can create the competitive environment or
advantages possess and develop the human resources valuable
and organized. The process of the strategic human resource
management system of the organization is based on the various
aspects such as to create value, human capital, rare, difficult to
imitate, human resource planning process, demand forecast,
supply and demand of human resources according to the load of
work in the organization (Trevino, den Nieuwenboer, & KishGephart, 2014). The main aim of the employees is to create the
value through their efforts to decrease the cost of the
organization and to provide creativity and uniqueness in the
product that is to be delivered to customers, who directly affect
the empowerment program, shows the total quality management
and continuously improvement in the organization. Most of the
researchers suggest that the people are the main source of the
organization is rare and give competitive advantage when their
skills, ability, knowledge are not equally available to all the
competitors (Trevino, den Nieuwenboer, & Kish-Gephart,
2014). Justice of the organization also based on the factor of the
human capital where people of the organization shows their
knowledge, edge, skills and abilities of employees that have
economic value which is increasing the ratio of success of the
organization and recognizing. Due to the workload, organization
justice demands the forecast of the new employees entrant in
the organization. This step of human resource development
involves the part of human resource planning to determine how
many and what type of resources are needed in the organization
(Strom, Sears, & Kelly, 2014).

employees in the work place. If the behavior of the employees is

positive then the job outcome will also be positive where as if
the behavior of the employee is negative due to the low
satisfaction level and low rate of interest in the work, then the
overall performance and the outcome of the employee will
decrease which will ultimately impact the performance of the
organization. The organizations are very focused about the
employees behavior and attitude in the organization (Whitener,
Brodt, Korsgaard, & Werner, 1998). The organization also tends
to provide a friendly work environment so that the employee
can remain positive and the performance remains consistent.
The second main important tool analyzed in the work place in
the motivation of the employee. The organization should always
consider the level of motivation of the employee and should use
tools and techniques such as rewards, incentives, bonuses and
many others to overall improve the performance of the
employees in the organization by enhancing their motivation
level (Parker, 2014).
Many researchers examined that the organizational employees
intra group conflict are normally occurred in between the
employees styles, behavior, attitude towards the work in the
same department and organization. The researcher also
suggested that while the process of the recruitment organization
must take the personality test, drugs tests, check the cognitive
ability of the employees, and performance test to overcome this
conflicts problem between the employees working in
organization. In many other researches, it seems that the
qualification of the employees, attitude of the employees, skills
and behavior of employees are different from one and another
so this is the main reason that conflict occurs (Trevino, den
Nieuwenboer, & Kish-Gephart, 2014). Sometime conflict
creates big problems and issues for the organization and disturbs
the worth and market value as well. Today most of the
organizations hire research consultants to analyze this problem,
which occurred in the system. And provide solutions to
overcome the problem and avoid the disturbance in the working
and the operations of the organization (Tang & Chang, 2010).
Conflicts are considered as the greatest risk between the
employees and organization. It is analyzed that in any kind of
business, company and organization conflict is essential part.
Conflict may occur within a group, department, and department
of a business is called an intra-group conflict (Tang & Chang,
2010). Role of the conflict on work environment is a
measurement of the intra-group. It indicates conflict within the
affiliation of a group relevant in a distinction of viewpoint,
concepts or content of choice. Conflict is very essential for
health accomplishment and development of the organization
(Jehn, 1995).

The job performance and outcome of the employee are based on

the contribution and input. Consequently, an individual or
employee who has devoted and invested a huge quantity or
amount of input such as time, money and energy would receive
and obtain contributed from the employees. The job
performance and job outcome plays a very important role in the
organizational performance. The performance of the
organization is highly dependent on the behavior of the


Suggested hypotheses of this research paper related to the

research topic, Role of organizations justice in reducing the
conflict between the employees working in the same
organization are mainly based on three hypotheses. First
hypothesis is the Organizational justice is positively associated
with the job performance of the employees. The second

hypothesis is the Interactional justice is positively associated

with the job performance of the employees. The third
hypothesis is the Organization citizenship behavior is
positively associated with the job performance of the



The design of the research is based on the various aspects such

as defining the research problem related to the organization
justice, which mainly includes pays, compensations, benefits
and many other monetary financial rewards, which motivate the
employees to work with the financial institutions of Pakistan.
The main problem occurring in number of organization in
Pakistan is the injustice policy of the organization with
employees and their job contract letters such as permanent,
contractual and outsource model, which directly affects the level
of motivation and conflict between the employees. Secondly,
aspect of this research paper is based on the past and previous
literature and theory are helpful for the developing of theoretical
framework model and hypotheses. Third aspect of this research
paper is the focus on the research design used for the collection
of the data, development of questionnaires according to the
main variables such as organization justice, interactional justice,
organization citizenship behavior and job performance of the
employees working in the financial institution of Pakistan. Forth
aspect is collection of the research data by the use of the related
sources such as primary source and the other one is secondary
sources. In this paper, the researcher used both the sources for
conducting the research study. Fifth aspect, of this paper is
based on the analysis of the research data which is gathered
from the employees working in the financial institutions of
Pakistan. All of the employees views, perceptions, behavior,
attitude and many other aspects are evaluated with the help of
correlation analysis and regression analysis for providing the
suggestion and recommendations of the research and the role of
the organizational justice in reducing the conflict between the
employees and its impact on the job performances. In the last
section, the researcher is able to write the report of about the
employees perception regarding the organization justice
policies and procedures which they are applying in the
organization. The figure of the research methodology and design
of the study is as follow:

Figure 1 Research Design and Methodology

The sample size of this research study is based on the ninety
four employees of the financial institutions of Pakistan. This
research data is conducted with the help of questionnaires. The

structure of the questionnaire is developed on the demographic

information of the employees, independent variables such as
organizational justice, interactional justice and organization
citizenship behavior and dependent variable are job
performance. The type of the study is correlation. The software
employed for performing the research data analysis are SPSS
statistical analysis in social science (Argyrous)and Microsoft
Excel (Microsoft Office Excel 2010 CBS Interactive). The
research data is entered in the SPSS. The entire variable is
implemented in the SPSS software. Results of the data analyses
such as Pearson correlation coefficient analysis, multiple
regression analysis, model summary, ANOVA table and
correlation coefficient table are simulated from the SPSS
containing the graph and table which presents the detail of the
whole model of this paper. These all major data analyses have
helped to observe different relationship and impact on various


Data analysis plays a dynamic role in conducting the study.

According to the research paper role of organizational justice
in reducing the conflict between the employees and its impact
on the job performance are evaluated with the support of the
correlation analysis and multiple regression test analysis are
apply to check the validity, reliability and model of the data.



































Interactional Justice, Organization Justice


b. Dependent Variable: Job Performance





Table 1 Correlations

Table 3 ANOVA

In this table, correlation analysis is used for the testing of the

hypotheses. In this research paper, the researcher focuses on the
four main variables that are organizational justice, interactional
justice, organizational citizenship behavior and job performance
which is directly related to role of organizational justice in
reducing the conflict of the employees working in the same
department of the organization. It also evaluates the impact of
organization justice on the job performance. All the hypotheses
are positively associated with dependent variable. According to
the hypothesis one, organizational justice is positively
associated with the job performance of the employees. The
correlation coefficient of organizational justice is interlinked
with job performance such as .099**, which shows a weak
relationship between variable, sig level= .000. Second
hypothesis is interactional justice, which is positively associated
with the job performance of the employees. The correlation
coefficient values between the variables such as interactional
justice and job performance such as .105*, shows moderate
relationship and sig level = .000. Third hypothesis is the
organizational citizenship behavior which is positively
associated with job performance having a correlation coefficient
such as .134*, shows strong relation and sig level = .000. Hence
all the hypotheses are approved and support this study.

In this table, the ANOVA analysis shows the variance of the

model. This variance of the model is determined with the
support of the frequency F =15.05, showing the variance in the
table at the level of sig = .000. This Anova model also shows
the value of the regression and residual based on the sum of the
squares and the other is degree of freedom (11.420 & 3).



























n Justice

Model Summary


Adjusted R

Std. Error of



the Estimate












a. Predictors: (Constant), Organizational Citizenship Behavior,


Interactional Justice, Organization Justice








Table 2 Model Summary

a. Dependent Variable: Job Performance

Model summary is the combination of the dependent variable

and independent variable. The value of regression is denoted by
R = .715, R square=.5112, adjusted R square =.046 and the
standard error of the estimation = 1.590. All of these variables
are favor of the study.

Table 4 Coefficients


Sum of


















a. Predictors: (Constant), Organizational Citizenship Behavior,

Figure 2 Variable Indicator


In this coefficient table, dependent variable is job performance

that determines its impact on the independent variables
organizational justice, interactional justice and organizational
citizenship behavior. The values of Beta shows the best
predicator used in this research paper. According to the value it
is observed that interactional justice is considered as the best
predicator i-e (.163) and the second predicator is the
organizational justice having a Beta value .102, at the level of
sig = .000.

Figure 3 P-P Plot of Organization Justices

competitive issues to their competitors, due to overcome this

problem organization are trying to develop the justice model in
their organization and fulfilled the needs and demands of their
Organizations are trying to increasing the employees
involvement to enhance the participation, commitment, and
productivity of their members. This policy of the organization
directly impacts the employees involvement can leads towards
the quicker response, centralized and decentralized decisions are
made in the favor of the organization, continuous performance
improvement and satisfaction. This research paper is determined
that the organization commitments, motivational level of the
employees, job satisfaction, performance of the employee are
associated with the organization justice.
The word Job motivation of employees are better by providing
them rewards, compensation, incentives, sales promotions, and
bonuses on his or her work outcome and performance. The Job
motivation of the employees working in the organization also
eliminates the intra group conflict between employees that are
associated with organization commitment and only focusing on
the employees duties, responsibilities, work assignment and


It is suggested that the organizational justice can be further

researched, especially in the domain of employee, attitude,
abilities and knowledge which can be interlinked with other
types of the organizational justice. This research study can be
considered as the platform for the further researches conducted
to the relevant topic of organizational justice.

Figure 4 Plot of Job Performance



The justice of the organization in terms of interactional justice,

organization citizenship behavior and many other operational
functional justice factors are very helpful to reduce the
employees conflicts between the employees working in the
same institutions and departments. The role of the
organizational justice is positively associated with the job
performance. It also impacts on the employees job performance
and support the organization to achieve its goal with in specified
timeframe. The contribution of the employees involvements
show the justice of the organization, level of conflict between
the employees, work design, empowerment, participative
management and many other aspects related to the job
performances. Today, most of the organization are facing lot of

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