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Unit 3 Learning Objectives

Students will be able to

solve Mendelian genetics problems: monohybrid, dihybrid, and trihybid crosses, as well
as sex linkage, including problems with deviations from standard Mendelian ratios
construct genetic maps to solve problems
Mitosis and Meiosis

Students will be able to:

Explain the difference between haploid and diploid.
Define the major phases of the cell cycle, paying particular attention to what is happening
to the chromosomes during S phase.
Define chromatid, homologous chromosome, sister chromatid, gamete.
Describe how both a single chromosome and a pair of homologous chromosomes
behaves during a mitotic cell cycle.
Describe how both a single chromosome and a pair of homologous chromosomes
behaves during a meiotic cell cycle.
Illustrate how recombination results in novel combinations of alleles.
Describe how independent assortment increases diversity in the gametes.
Describe how in meiosis, a single diploid cell results in four haploid products.
Dihybrid cross

Students should be able to:

List the traits utilized by Gregor Mendel in his Pea experiments
Describe how Gregor Mendel conducted his experiments with Pea plants
Describe how the phenotypes observed in Peas relates to the work of Beadle and Tatum
Define dominance and recessivness and how these terms relate to Mendels pea traits
Diagram a monohybrid cross
Diagram a dihybrid cross using a punnet square
Diagram a dihybrid cross using a branch diagram
Deviations from normal Mendelian ratios

Students will be able to:

Apply how principles of codominance, epistasis, incomplete dominance, lethality, and
synergistic interactions lead to deviations from normal Mendelian ratios.

Sex linkage

Students will be able to:

Explain how inheritance of traits on the X chromosome differs from inheritance on an
Apply how X-linked traits are inherited in reciprocal crosses in the F1, F2 and in
Illustrate how dominant and recessive X-linked traits are inherited in human pedigrees.
Linkage and mapping I: Sex determination, maternal effect

Students will be able to:

Explain how non-disjunction events involving the X and Y chromosomes lead to
syndromes like Klinefelter and Turner.
Explain how sex is determined differently in humans and Drosophila.
Define dosage compensation, and explain how organisms such as humans and
Drosophila balance the contribution of genes on the X chromosome in males and females.
Explain how maternal effect inheritance affects the genotype and phenotype.
Describe how scientists use the complementation test as a test of allelism (i.e. whether
two mutants have mutations in the same gene, or two different genes).
Linkage and mapping II

Students will be able to:

Explain the relationship between recombination frequency and gene order along the
Explain and apply how information from a two-point test cross can be used to generate a
genetic map.
Explain and apply how information from a three-point test cross can be used to generate
a genetic map.
Define interference and the coefficient of coincidence
Explain the relationship between a genetic map and a physical map.
Linkage and mapping III: two and three point crosses

Students will be able to:

Explain the relationship between recombination frequency and gene order along the
Explain and apply how information from a two-point test cross can be used to generate a
genetic map.

Explain and apply how information from a three-point test cross can be used to generate
a genetic map.
Define interference and the coefficient of coincidence
Explain the relationship between a genetic map and a physical map.

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