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PM 283
Date Submitted: August 07, 2013
INTERVIEW PROTOCOL for the CFC UAE National ANCOP (Answering
the Cry of the Poor) Program Head
Profile of the Organization:
ANCOP stands for Answering the Cry of the Poor. It is a Christian, Catholic
Nonprofit organization under the ministry of Couples For Christ that dedicates
itself to proclaiming CHRIST, and the Christian faith, by uplifting the plight of
the poor (www.ancopusa.org).
Interviewee: Mr Ramuel Garcia **
Designation: UAE National Program Head
Years of Service:
Interviewed by: Eduardo E. Villa
Duration of interview: 45 to 60 minutes
Purpose of the Interview: The information provided will be used as part
of the requirement of PM 283 (Resource Generation and Financial
Management in the Voluntary Sector) under the Masters Program of Public
Management of UP Open University. Apart from the fulfillment of the
requirements of the course, it will help the student to better understand the
processes and approach to financial and resource management especially in
the aspect of fundraising which is unique to a voluntary organization. The
information provided will be treated confidential and will be utilized for
educational purposes only, unless otherwise with the approval of the
management of UAE ANCOP, to grant permission, that portion of the
interview may be used for further evaluation and/or referencing from other
students as well.

We are very much aware of the importance of fundraising to a nonprofit
organization such as ANCOP, in that it generates the essential income to
fund charitable or philanthropic works of your organization. In addition to

this, it measures the degree to which an organizations purpose is

1. In your experience as a manager of CFC, how does your organization
effectively articulate its mission, goals and objectives to the target donors?
(i.e through direct mails/emails, telephone solicitations or personal/face to
2. Which fundraising techniques you have mentioned are the most
effective? Which are the least? Can you share your thoughts about the
reasons behind it?
3. Was there any circumstance that your organization has hired staffs to
directly interact with prospective donors and persuade them to contribute to
the nonprofit?
4. Among the donors, which percentage has its biggest contribution to the
(i.e., individual, corporate, government )
5. How do you manage your relationship with them to ensure long term and
sustainable commitment?
Management in the nonprofit organization is as challenging as in any type of
institutions, be it government or private. Activities such as analysis,
planning, execution, control and evaluation in each stage of the fundraising
activities are very important.
1. In your capacity as a nonprofit manager, would you share any success
stories of a recent fundraising activity that your organization has
2. What are the key factors that you consider as essential to its
achievement? What were the challenges your organization have confronted
with while implementing the fundraising activity? What were the lessons
3. In relation to the resource generated from the targeted donors, you have
mentioned a while ago the biggest contributor among them. Have you
noticed any significant trend in the amount that they have provided
compared to previous donations? (Assuming that these contributors are
already loyal providers). What could be the probable reasons for such

1. We know how important planning is as part of the management

processes. It serves as a roadmap to achieve the desired state of the
organizational mission through effective leadership. With the rich
experience you have had in the planning processes, would you discuss briefly
the considerations as to who will be involved in the planning of resource
generation and fundraising activities?
2. Forecasting or resource projection is an important part of the planning
process to ensure that resources are met to fully implement the philanthropic
mission. How is it done and what is the basis?
3. With effective planning, opportunities are broadened to ensure the
achievement of such projections. In your assessment, what is the most
appropriate and effective way to solicit a prospective donor? And by whom?
Is there any particular criteria to consider as to who will be prioritized in
solicitation owing to the time constraints?
4. Knowing the important roles of volunteers in the organization, are there
any training sessions required for them to carry out successful prospect
cultivation and gift solicitation?
5. How should the case for support be articulatedin order to strengthen the
connection between the donor and the program itself that it wants to
We are very much aware that planning provides the framework within which
effective execution is accomplished. Can you shed light on how, as a
nonprofit manager, direct the energy and activity of people to whom they are
responsible in their fundraising tasks? In short, how would you ensure that
their commitments are delivered in whatever roles they are placed in the
Fundraising encompasses a multitude of details and tasks that must be
monitored and coordinated. How do you implement certain quality control
to ensure that all transactions, such as money collected, acknowledgement
from the donors and other reports are accurate and time lines are honored?

Lastly, as part of the management process, we all know that evaluation
enables a nonprofit, its leaders and its staff to grow and become more

effective. In your experience as a nonprofit manager, how do you

determine the following sphere of managerial tasks:
* whether or not resources are maximized?
* constituents needs are served?
* organizational mission is fulfilled?

In summary, how would you assess the overall status or condition of ANCOP
with respect to its fundraising activities owing to the various challenges your
organization and the nonprofit sector in general are facing right now such as
economic downturn, competition among other nonprofit institutions, and
some legal issues or impediments that may restrict the operations of ANCOP
in Abu Dhabi?

Fogal, Robert E,. The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and
Management. Jossey-Bass Publishers. San Francisco pp.369-373.

*the date, organization and the person to be interviewed depends on its availability.

** all questions are patterned and based on the discussion presented by Robert Fogal . Statements with
quotes are direct or paraphrased from the author himself.

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