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Application Title
The name of your application post should indicate at minimum your class and
spec, and whether your application is cross-realm.

B. Personal Information
1. Age: 20
2. Nationality: Belgium
3. Contact Info
Live: jensroelant_@hotmail.com
Or in-game: Still horde side for the time being, on Ghostlands off course.

C. Character Information
1. Name: Sassafras
2. Class & Spec: Hunter (MM or SV)
3. Armory Link: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?

D. Theorycraft and Gameplay

1. Talent Spec
I play as a MM hunter in 25man raids, and alter between MM and SV in 10 man
raids (for the raid-wide mana-regen buff that SV gives).

My talent-setup mostly depend on the stats my pieces of gear offer me (ex: more
or less points in focus aim) and other situations (ex: do other classes bring
Trueshot aura yes or no).

If I’d have to make a choice, I would definitely choose MM as my spec-to-play,

since I have been playing this +90% of the time during the last months.

Note: It has been a long time since I played as a BM hunter, although it is no

problem to respec if needed for certain encounters off course (the spec seemed
to be popular for the Yogg-Saron encounter for example).

2. Stat Priorities
Which stats do your prioritize when gearing / enchanting / gemming, and why?

Prior: Agility (+AP/crit/Armpen/Reach hit cap).

I "avoid": Haste, too much hit, seems logical…

Gear: I want to keep my hit under 5-6%, since there are points enough to invest
in focused aim.
At the moment, I’m still stacking agility. I will regem to full armor penetration
soon. So far, I’m able to get up to around 75% unbuffed. From calculations made
at www.femaledwarf.com (hunter dps analyzer) it seems the agility setup is still
proving to be a bit better.

Note: If I would’ve been asked to regem right away, this would be no problem.
Enchanting: Best enchants, might need to get some hit enchants (gloves) once I
start stacking armor penetration.

Full agility: All +20/34 agility gems, except for the pieces that have socket
bonuses worth putting in an orange gem. Also always grab the best bonus
possible with the +10 stats gem.
Full armor pen: No more orange gems here (except for one to get the meta gem

2. Gear & Enhancements

It seems I have already answered that in the question above.

3. Glyphs

MM: Serpent Sting, steady shot, Kill shot, Chimera shot (Kill shot proves to be
slightly better, I alter between the last 3 depending on the encounters).

SV: Serpent sting, Steady shot, Kill shot (due the high crit nowadays, it is wise to
take kill shot over the explosive shot glyph).

Minor: Mend pet, revive pet, and feign dead (for both MM and SV).

4. Rotation

Main: Kill Shot – Serpent Sting - Chimera Shot – Aimed Shot (or multi if +3
targets) – Steady Shot

Arcane shot: Used when moving and all other instant cast shots are on cooldown
(shot loses even more of its value once I reroll armorpen, since it is arcane
damage, which is not affected by armorpen).

Note: Silencing shot (if allowed – think Vezax, Lich King, …) and Kill Command are
always on cooldown due my macro’s (see later).

5. Consumables
We require that members use flask/elixir and food buffs for all non-farm fights.
Which consumables do you use? Why?

Agilty stack: 40agil/40stam food (or fish) and 180 AP flasks

Armor pen stack: 40armp/40 stam food and 45 armor pen/45 intellect elixers

Other: Potions of haste, potions of speed, … Depends on encounter (ex: running

faster at Anub’arak).

6. Addons and UI
Which addons do you use? If possible, please supply a screenshot of your raiding
I have my own UI: http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info15485-
I alter between my own UI and Alza UI. I always keep the mandatory addons
running off course:
- DBM (or any other bossmod)
- Ora2
- Omen (or another threat meter)
- Recount
- ...

My last screenshot in raid:


7. Professions
We require that members adopt two professions that both provide a worthwhile
raiding bonus. The professions which are NOT considered raiding professions are:
Tailoring (except for casters)
Mining (except for tanks)
If you currently have any of the professions on this list, please indicate whether
you would be willing to change upon successfully becoming a member. Please
also specify which alternative profession you would adopt, and why.

My professions:
- Jewelcrafting: 450
- Leatherworking: I will probably switch over to blacksmithing, since I'm able to
play around more with stats. It will provide more armor penetration once I start
stacking it.

Other: Everything maxed except fishing (which I find rather boring to do, but I'm
working on it).

E. Raiding
1. Past Experience
Please indicate your past raiding experience. This should include:

Bosses killed in Classic WoW (at level 60, not 70): None at 60, did a couple at 80:
Blackwing Lair, Zul Aman, Molten Core, ...

Burning Crusade (before the 3.02 content nerf):

At level 70: Karazhan and a couple in Zul Aman
At level 80: Everything except Tempest Keep and SSC I believe.

Current WoTLK experience:

Everything except the following:

- Yogg 1 Light and Alone in the darkness (I have done the encounter)
- Anub'arak heroic (25) (I have done the encounter, many times...)
- Lich King (25)
- ICC heroic modes (10 and 25)
If possible, please also link a recent WWS report.
This log shows the last ICC 25 run I've done:

2. Guild History
What guilds have you been in previously? Why did you leave them? Why have
you applied to us? Do you know anyone in the guild, or have you grouped with
any of us before?

Ancient Raiders: First raiding guild, disbanned

Pwnies: Kicked due mass reorganization
Casual Raiding: Certain people not taking it seriously enough
Blood and Tears: Disbanned

3. Availability
We currently raid 8pm-Midnight, Sunday-Thursday. Does this conflict with any
commitments you have? If so, please specify your weekly availability.

Depends from week to week. I’m out mostly on Fridays. I also have a girlfriend
and need to do my studies.

Looking at the amount of days I’m raiding now, I’d say I’m signing up for 3 to 5
raids a week.
In my last guild (Bat) my signup percentage floated around 65-80%

Less signups: Summer vacation, travelling.

F. Other Info
1. Please add any information which you feel would be relevant, but which is not
covered by the above questions.

I’m a social person. I've been playing this game for about 1.5years, started to
raid seriously about 1 year ago. As you might have noticed this since I do not
have a lot of pre-wotlk raiding experience.

Today, I received the sad news that Blood and Tears will stop being a raiding
guild. I met a lot of amazing people there and I consider them as good friend. I do
wish to continue raiding and am looking for a guild that is at least as good. I want
to go forward, not backward: I'm convinced Lost can offer me this.

Other extras about my gameplay:

A small video I made showing my play (ages ago though), you might like it:

Ps: my character name was still Shikary back then, as you might've noticed, I
changed names.


This is the mouse I use and the hotkeys I bind to it. It has improved my gameplay
a lot so I find it worth mentioning.

Other keys are standard.


These are the macro’s I’m using at the moment, might be useful for the class
leader to know.
I use about 10-15 marco’s. Some of them are to improve my raid performance,
while other are just handy/save button space.

1 Button Feed Pet:

#showtooltip Feed Pet

/cast Feed Pet
/use (Your food’s name here)

#showtooltip Feed Pet
/cast Feed Pet
/use Mead Basted Caribou

1 Buttons Food+Drink:

/use Mead Basted Caribou

/use Honeymint Tea

(just rename to the food/water you’re using, saves a button).

1 Button Misdirection (to focus):

#showtooltip Misdirection
/focus target=focus. noexists pet
/cast target=focus Misdirection

1 Button Misdirection (not using focus):

/target Lepanto
/cast Misdirection

1 Button Misdirection (to pet):

/target pet
/cast misdirection

1 Button Melee:

#show Mongoose Bite

#showtooltip Mongoose Bite
/cast Raptor Strike(Rank 9)
/cast Mongoose Bite(Rank 5)

Now, for the more important macro’s:

Shots: These are all based on keeping skills like Silencing shot and Kill Command
spammed (if it does not conflict with an interrupt order).

Chimera Shot:

#showtooltip chimera shot

#show chimera shot
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command
/cast chimera shot
/cast silencing shot

Aimed Shot:

#showtooltip aimed shot

#show aimed shot
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command
/cast aimed shot
/cast silencing shot

Arcane Shot:

#showtooltip arcane shot

#show arcane shot
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command
/cast arcane shot
/cast silencing shot

Steady Shot:

#showtooltip steady shot

#show steady shot
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command
/cast steady shot
/cast silencing shot


#showtooltip multi-shot
#show multi-shot
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command
/cast multi-shot
/cast silencing shot

Dps burst macro:

#showtooltip rapid fire

#show rapid fire
/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast blood fury
/cast rapid fire
/cast kill command
/cast berserking
/cast call of the wild
/use potion of speed
/cast Furious Howl

I use a lot of other macro's designed for specific encounters.

2. If you are a cross-realm application, where did you find out about Lost?

I am on the same realm, horde side.

Since you are not looking for hunters at the moment, and only exceptional
applications are being considered, I want to thank you for reading my application.

Best regards,

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