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Sustainable Development

by: Lovely Mae G. Reyes

Imagine if trees gave off wifi signals, we would be planting so many trees and
we`d probably save the planet too. Too bad they only produce the oxygen that we
This is a powerful statement that reflects the cruel reality that we are facing right
now. Throughout the years, we are mired with different environmental issues that affect
every single one of us without exceptions. We are living in an era where people are more
concerned with their wants in life rather than their basic needs. This is the root cause on
why we are taking for granted our Mother Earth despite of the calamities and disasters
that we`d been through. Due to the continuous rise of human population comes also the
rise of different stresses which confront our environment. We failed to realize that the
nature is the one to provide the raw materials for everything that we have.
Unfortunately, instead of replacing the natural resources that we utilized, we just keep
on exploiting these resources for the sake of more profit and benefit towards us. This is
supposed to be a give and take relationship but we always love to take it all without
giving or doing something in return. Thus, this predicament that we had created
INTENTIONALLY and DELIBERATELY must be resolve immediately by us before it`s too
late. It leaves a great challenge not only for the government but to mankind as a whole.
Just a reality check, we can never fully eradicate environmental problems, it is very
idealistic and next to impossible, what we can only do is reduced it since technology had
already been an integral part of our life and in one way or another some of it will really
bring bad effects in the surroundings that is beyond our control. To meet the increasing
demands of time, human beings deliberately exploit the natural environment to improve
their quality of life. Unknowingly, different environmental activities such as construction
of roads, dams, airports, buildings, irrigation projects, power plants and industries have
some negative repercussions on the environment in which man lives. Thus, the
developmental activities are unsustainable for global ecosystem. But we cannot stop
these activities. For the development of the nation, these activities are essential.
Industrial growth is directly related to nation's economy. Construction of major and minor
irrigation projects and development of new power plants must not be frozen. This
situation indeed, calls for a sustainable development. The concept of sustainable
development can be interpreted in many different ways, but at its core is an approach to
development that looks to balance different and often competing needs against an
awareness of the environmental, social and economic limitations we face as a society. All
too often, development is driven by one particular need, without fully considering the
wider or future impacts. Sustainable development is about finding better ways of doing
things, both for the future and the present. We might need to change the way we work
and live now, but this doesn't mean our quality of life will be reduced. It's also about
ensuring a stronger and healthier society.
How can we achieve sustainable development? Well, we should first keep in mind
and believe that we can make a difference no matter how huge the problem is. We can
also start with creating a commitment to make a stand in saving our environment. This
will serve as our constant reminder to continuously make an effort to protect and
preserve our nature since this is just a matter of consistency of our actions. We can work
with our community and raise awareness about the environmental issues. We can call
our local government offices and ask if it has an environmental committee and if there is
one, we can join the committee and help with the problems that are of concern of the
local area. Likewise, renewable energy sources like wind power and solar power are
excellent examples of development strategies that are sustainable and conversely, it will

further result to a decrease in the consumption of fossil fuel that generates pollutants
especially in the atmosphere. Their sustainability is defined by their reliance upon
infinitely available resources that are naturally occurring, constant and free to access.
These factors mean that these resources will be indefinitely accessible by humans, which
makes them sustainable resources. Moreover, there must also be an established social
solidarity through open communication between the government and the people. The
government will serve as a leader while the constituents will be there armour in battling
with the different environmental problems. On the other hand, birth rate must be
gradually reduced to lessen the growing demands through proper birth control methods
and family planning. In agriculture, composting can be of great help in recycling garbage
into useful manures. Avoid excessive use of chemical fertilizers and synthetic nutrients.
Natural manures are a better option for farms and gardens. Also, reduce consumption of
water by eliminating wastage in various forms is an essential key towards sustainability.
This may involve simple things like not keeping water taps on when the water is not
being used. Nevertheless, as consumers, we can influence manufacturers to produce and
sell products that are less harmful to the environment. We should not patronize those
products and appliances that bring threats to our nature as well as to the future of the
We all have a part to play in this dilemma, our environment is everyone`s
responsibility because in the first place, we all depend to it. Small actions, taken
collectively, can add up to real change. The best time to make a change for the
betterment of our environment was 20 years ago and the next best time to do it is NOW.
If each of us took two or three simple steps to live more simply, just imagine the positive
effects that will foster on our planet. When the last tree was cut, when the last fish was
killed, when the last river was poisoned, then you will probably realize and wake up from
the fact that you can never eat your money. Don`t wait for the time when our natural
resources are completely depleted. This is not just about giving back to the environment
but also to ensure a brighter future for the sake of the next generation, our children.
There`s nothing wrong with developing, however, we must also look at the long term
effects that it will produce particularly the harmful ones and not be blinded with the
greed and power that it breeds for us. Our primary concern should not only be based on
the money that we will gain because at the end of the day, we are the ones who will
suffer if the environment met its downfall. Now, if you`re still not convinced and you
really think that economy is MORE important than the environment, then I challenge you
to try holding your breath while counting your money. This must be some kind of joke to
you right now, but this will eventually make sense once the environment is fully
devastated which will really happen if you keep on being passive and just minding your
own business rather than compromising. Sad to say, we only see and realize the
importance of something once it is gone because we are more preoccupied of those
things that we don`t have. Always keep in mind that we don`t inherit the Earth from our
ancestors but rather, we borrowed it from our children. With great power, comes
GREATER responsibility. Make a stand towards sustainable development!

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