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Introduction …………………………..……………………………… 3 - 4
What is the Global Warming ………………………………………. 5
Global Warming Facts………………………………………………. 6
Causes of Global Warming ………………………………………… 7- 8
Graph of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by sector…………………. 9
Effects of Global Warming …………………………………………. 10-11
Graph of Effects of Global Warming ………………………………. 12-13
Solution to the problem …………………………………………….. 14
Conclusion …………………………………………………………… 15
Bibliography ………………………………………………………….. 16
Why should we be concerned about Global

“Why should we be concerned about Global

Many people consider that Global Warming is the greatest

environmental threat of the 21st Century.
However, during the 80s and early 90s scientists argued
about the causes and effects of global warming.
So In the late 1990s scientists reached Agreement that
global warming was a cause for worry .
So, why should you be concerned about global warming?

What is the Global Warming ?
Earth is naturally insulated by a delicate
balance of heat-trapping “ Greenhouse”
gases in the atmosphere.
When the sun shines on the Earth, some of
the heat is absorbed, keeping earth warm
enough to support life.

Global Warming Facts
• The 1990s were the warmest decade since 1861,
when thermometer records began.
• 1998 was the warmest year on record.
• The temperature increase of the 20th Century
the largest of any century in the last 1,000 years.
• The ten hottest years since the beginning of the
last millennium have all occurred since 1983.

Causes of global warming

Causes of global warming
1- Natural Causes
- Greenhouse effect.
 The other greenhouse gases are methane,
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and nitrous
oxide (N2O)
1. Methane - is released during coal-mining
activities, oil exploration and when
vegetation is burnt during land clearance
2. Nitrous oxide - comes from both natural
and man-made processes 8
3. CFCs - found in fridges, air conditioners,
aerosols etc. are extremely effective
greenhouse gases.

2- Man-made Causes
- Carbon Dioxide ( Car’s, Airplanes&
- Burning fossil fuels.
- Population.
- Cutting Down trees.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions by

Effects of global warming
 Increase of temperature on the earth by
about 3° to 5° C (34° to 41° Fahrenheit) by
the year 2100.
 Rise of sea levels by at least 25 meters
(82 feet) by the year 2100
 Arctic Ice Cap Will Be Gone by 2100
 By 2100 Greenland Glacier Likely to be
Locked Into Complete Melting

Effects of global warming

Arctic Ice Cap Milting

Rising of sea levels
1. Effects on weather
 Increasing temperature is likely to lead to
increasing precipitation but the effects on
 are less clear.
1. Increased evaporation
 . As the climate grows warmer and the
causes of global dimming are reduced,
evaporation will increase due to warmer

1. Sea level rise
 With increasing average global
temperature, the water in the oceans
expands in volume,
1. Forest fires
 This releases more stored carbon into the
atmosphere than the carbon cycle can
naturally re-absorb, as well as reducing
the overall forest area on the planet,
creating a positive feedback loop.

1. Effect on sulfur aerosols
 Sulfur aerosols, especially stratospheric
sulfur aerosols have a significant effect
on climate. One source of such aerosols
is the sulfur cycle,

Effects of global warming

Solutions to the problem…
- Investing in renewable energy. (wind, solar)
- Plant more trees.
- Built more cool cities projects.
- Save electricity and power.
- use public transportation.
- Eat more organically grown food.
- Recycling.
- Re- think about your life style.

What are people doing to stop
global warming?
1. Carpooling
 Carpooling is driving with someone to a
place that you are both going to. This
minimizes the amount of greenhouse
gases put into the air by a car.
2. is being more careful about leaving things
turned on
 like the television, computer, and the
lights. 20
3. Planting trees and recycling also helps
 If you recycle, less trash goes to the
dump, and less trash gets burned. As a
result, there are fewer greenhouse
gasses in our atmosphere.
4. Watch what you buy. Many things, such
as hairspray and deodorant
 now are made to have less of an impact
on the atmosphere. Less greenhouse
gasses will rise into the air, and global
warming will slow down.
5. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
 Do your part to reduce waste by choosing
reusable products instead of disposables.
Buying products with minimal packaging
(including the economy size when that
makes sense for you) will help to reduce

6. Use Less Heat and Air Conditioning
 Adding insulation to your walls and attic,
and installing weather stripping or caulking
around doors and windows can lower your
heating costs more than 25 percent, by
reducing the amount of energy you need
to heat and cool your home.
7. Change a Light Bulb
 Wherever practical, replace regular light
bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFL)
8. Drive Less and Drive Smart
 Less driving means fewer emissions.
Besides saving gasoline, walking and
biking are great forms of exercise
9. Encourage Others to Conserve
 Share information about recycling and
energy conservation with your friends,
neighbors and co-workers, and take
opportunities to encourage public officials
to establish programs and policies that are
good for the environment

Making small changes in our habits can make

a huge difference in our future.
In my opinion, every one on this planet must
take part and work together to find out the
quickest, cheapest and most effective way
to reduce carbon emissions and overcome
this serious threat of Global Warming.

 "Global warming." Http://en.wikipedia.org. 30 May
2009 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming>.
 "Global warming."
powerpoint/. 21 Aug. 2008. 30 May 2009


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