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Julie PhilliPs

DisabilitY Advocate

13 August 2A15

Ms Rose Bryant Smith

WoJk Logic
Level 3
620 Bourke Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
By e-mail: rbrvantsFith@worklo$ic' com' au

Dear Ms Bryant


gh'Ms Harris.
I assume you have received my correspondence throu
lncredibly, Work Logic's harassment of the Bendigo community
(who are
Therefore this is a further open letter in order that the community
is aware of the latest
discussing this issUe with a view to multiple complaints)
developmLnts in this very unfortunate chain of events.
are clear on what has
Let me summarise what has occurred so far in order that we
and the
Uiought us to this po.iiion - a position whereby your organisation
O"pJrtr"nt of Education and iraining ("DET") h.ave managed
have been offering'
bollaboration and goodwiff the Bendigi community may

1. Ddt seem to have breached


61 tf an App entity

Australian Privacy Principle 6, specifically 6'1:

htolds personal information about an individual that

particular purpo.se (fhe primary purpose), the entity must not

use ordisc/ose the information for another purpose (the secondary

cottectdd for

PO Box 412, Fairfield VIC 3078
ph/Fax: g4B1-0ggg Email: email2jphillips@yahoo.com.au
Mobile: 04 17 570 197 ABN: 85 403 892 030


the individual has consented to the use or disclosure af the information;



subc/ause 6.2 or 6.3 applies in relation to the use or disclosure of the

Needless to say, the exemptions in 6.1 (a) and 6.1 (b) do not apply to the fact
that you are using personal information inappropriately.



You have been asked, before you proceeded any further, to provide Some
extremely basic information about the nature of your information collection,
including but not limited to the privacy of that information, and how your
organisition or DET (who you represent) will dealwith that information' You
have been asked how you will protect parents and students from victimisation.
Not only has there been no response from you or your client, but you continue
to write to individuals and telephone them, as if these issues had never been


What you and your client have managed to eliminate, in a relatively short
space of time, is any faith or trust from the community that DET may have
been capable of an unbiased, professional enquiry. Not many organisations
could achieve such a result in such a short time.

I strongly suggest to you for the sake of your organisation's reputation (which is

already ifuite battered as a result of your approach), that you cease and desist
contaiting individuals using private information which you have no right to use for
this purpJse. ln fact I suggest that if either you'or your client were ever sincere about
investigating the educational negligence in this region, that the only course of action
for you-r orginisation is to withdraw. Given the negligence with which you and your
client have gone about this enquiry, it is hard to understand how it can be salvaged.
I do hope that was not the aim.

Yours sincbrel

Hon James Merlino

Ministei for Education

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