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Significance of

Ramadan & Eid

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar and is a special time for Muslims. During
this holy month of Ramadan, Muslims around the world abstain from food, drinks and other physical
needs during daylight hours. It is also a time of reflection, sacrifice, generosity and devotion.

Through fasting and devotion one feels closer to their Creator and acknowledges that
everything in this life is a blessing from him
Through fasting one experiences thirst and hunger remembering those in the world who have
very little to eat on a daily basis.
It is a time for generosity and good will towards others
With self- control, a Muslim practices good habits, speech and manners
The bond of sisterhood and brotherhood is strengthened through family and community
It is an opportunity to establish more healthy lifestyle habits especially with dietary habits

These experiences and lessons that are experienced during the month of Ramadan should stay with the
individuals throughout the year

Eid Al Fitr is celebrated on the first day of Shawwal, the month which is after Ramadan in the Islamic
calendar. It marks the end of Ramadan and celebrations continue for three days. It is also a time to
give charity to those in need, time for celebration with friends and family. After Eid prayers, visits
are made to families and friends, presents are given to children and everyone joins in the sprit of

Ella Kumar
South Asian Lifestyle Coordinator
ProCare Health Ltd
Email : ellakumar@xtra.co.nz
09 629066(H)
021 0477642

Janifa Janif
Relationship Manager
Settling In
Family and Community Services
Ministry of Social Development
09 9161836

Purvi Chhichhia
Health Promotion Advisor
Procare Health Ltd
Email : Purvi.Chhichhia@procare.co.nz

Hashem Slaimankhel
Umma Trust



Spread out your meals after breaking your fast

Dont over eat when breaking your fast

Suhoor at pre-dawn followed by breaking fast at scheduled time. Next meal is approx
2 hours later and supper approximately at10.30pm.


Please do eat your pre-dawn meal before you start your day of fasting
Toast, Cereals like oats (high in fibre will keep you full for longer time), high fibre cereals,
weetbix with yogurt, egg sandwiches with wholemeal bread and vegetables, tuna or chicken
sandwich or traditional snacks like upma and powa.
A handful of nuts with the breakfast is good
Water to avoid dehydration and headaches during the day is important
Remember normally our body can survive without food for days together.


Please do not eat too quickly when breaking your fast
Start with dates/figs/water/fresh fruit juices
If you have a shake, use yogurts and fruits and nuts instead of ice cream.
Sandwiches and fruits are good options.
Include tuna/chicken in the sandwich or have a meat curry with roti/wholemeal bread,

wholegrain bread or basmati rice. Use wholemeal naan

Soup including vegetables/lentils/meat
Always trim the fat off from the meat.


Your next meal dinner what you normally eat.

Include salads and more vegetables along with wholegrain bread/rice/wholegrain roti
It is very important to have good protein sources like dal/lentils/eggs/meat.
Do not forget a small amount of yogurt/cheese and 1 cup of milk daily.
Limit fried food to only once a week.


A smaller quantity as, you do not want to sleep with a heavy full stomach.
Light snacks, it may be just fruits if you have a good dinner.

You can have 2 rotis/bread/ cup rice with some

vegetables followed by fruits
Milk and banana shake.

The will power for fasting

enough activity during the
not exceed the Energy In.
Energy Out is exercise or activities you do.

comes from the mind. We may not do

fasting time so we use less energy. So do
Energy In is the food you eat and the


Try to be active 30 mins daily for at least five days a week.

Walk the children to school if near by or park the car further away when you drop them, and
then walk the rest of the way.
Park cars further away at work and walk to work.
Walk to the local supermarket if nearby.
Vacuum the house.
Other house cleaning that increases the heart rate like dusting. Washing etc.
Go for a walk for fresh air, this will help with fasting.
Do lower body exercises so you still do a little exercise. Like abdominal exercises.
Praying is a light form of exercise


Your fasting is also with the mind. You believe in the fasting and the reason for this.
You also have the control and the power to decide how your health should be.
Make good choices so you look after your self so you can have many years to look forward
for fasting, being with your families, watching your children and grand children grow up.
The opportunity of foods available to us in this country is unlimited. We dont have to eat all
the foods everyday. Make wise choices.
Adults try to have good healthy food around more often in the home so it is easier to access
for the children.
Remember some people
may look thin but may have harmful
fat around their internal
organs. Our South Asian, Middle
Eastern and African
communities are at risk of heart
disease and diabetes and we
need to reduce our intake of fatty,
fried and sugary foods.



Trying cooking with less salt, sugar and saturated fat such as ghee
Spices and herbs such as Garam masala, fresh lime, pepper, chilli, coriander, parsley
can be used instead of salt to add flavour to your favourite dishes
Snacks like samosas and pastries can be baked in the oven by brushing or spraying
them with oil and bake till crisp and brown
Grill or stir fry vegetables instead of frying
To retain vitamins and minerals in the vegetables do not overcook.
Use wholemeal flour for making breads, naans and trying serving your favourite
dishes with brown rice

Adding chickpeas or lentils to

meat dishes provides extra
texture and is a good source of protein in vegetarian dishes
Kebabs, meatballs, chicken tikka/tandoori, masala fish and spicy steak can be roasted
with a brush of oil with a flavouring combining cumin, ginger, chilli, garlic, garam
masala, thyme and parsley
Add dried fruits to baklava, kheer and halwa and cut back on cream, syrup and sugar.
Use low fat version of condensed milk/cream.
Use chaat masala (a spice mix) to spice up a fruit salad
Mix mango pulp with yogurt to make refreshing lassi

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