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In Haiti

The Start Of Something New

Our dear family and friends,
We are so EXCITED to share the new ministry God has given us! If you received our
spring newsletter you know that we have been in search of a house to move to and
start a transition home. Well, God blessed us with a beautiful home, fully furnished,
and 8 beautiful young adults to fill this home with laughter, love and so much more!!!
The name is SING A NEW SONG TRANSITION HOME! We are truly singing a
new song in this new home!!!
We moved in on the first day of July, and I can honestly say there has not been a dull
moment!! Everyone is adjusting to new living conditions, from very little to a large
home and even a yard with trees and grass! Our cups runneth over!

We have a vision to start a trade school for our young adults and we want to open the
doors to people outside to participate in the programs that we will be offering. We ask
for your prayers as we pray for the doors to open for this amazing opportunity to serve
so many, in our own home and in the community as well.
We will start English classes this weekend, with 60 sign-ups, which means we will
have two classes, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. My previous classes
have been very small so I would appreciate prayers for this new ministry that seems to
continue to grow.

We have had a VBS with the children in the neighborhood while our first team was
here, and we served 53 children. We all were so excited to see the Lord work!
Our 5 young men have been registered in school and two of our young ladies are
registered. God is so good, and we are thankful that 6 will be in the same school
together! They were measured for uniforms today, and we can hardly wait to see them
all dressed up for their new school year!

Singing Our New Songs

In this newsletter we would like for you to hear from 2 of our children, Rednel and
Nehemie about what this new home means to them.

Rednel says: It is Gods plan for me

to be in Sing A New Song Transition
Home. Since I have been here, my
life has changed. It helps me learn
more about the Bible and become
closer to God. It also helps me focus
on my own things. I thank God for
this new home He gives me. We are 8
children but me, this new house God
put it just for me, because I see how
great He works on me.
For this reason, all my songs, my lyrics, I put sing a new song in it because I see
how He shines on me. He breathes on me. I thank God for this. Soon I will have my
new CD promotion and I will put it out with the name Sing A New Song. Thank
you God for this new home You give me. Thank You for the love You give Ron and
Karen to help me. I Praise Your name and bless You. Amen Amen.
Nehemie says: I feel better since I live here. I
thank God and praise Him for putting me in a
house that I can live in safely. I praise God for
putting Ron and Karen and others in my life. I
praise God to be able to go to a new school
and learn new things. I praise God that He
didnt let me stay in the streets with no water
for baths, no shoes, no food, no school. Praise
God that He gave me new brothers, sisters
and a new mom and dad.

Reflecting On HIS Faithfulness

It is very hard to express in words the love we have for these kids and how thankful
we are to be a part of the GREAT things that God is doing here! He has a plan for
them and as they transition into a new life here, we know that God will show His
will for them.
We ask for and covet your prayers for us, (Ron and Karen), this home, the children,
and everyone who is a part of making this happen. We thank you for supporting us
through prayer and financially. Your giving is what sustains us materially. We
cannot do this without you!!
We would love to hear from you. You can send any correspondence and financial
gifts to:
Hearts Afire International
P.O. Box 4756
Topeka, Kansas 66604
We have applied for our tax-exempt status and we are working on a website for Sing
A New Song Transition Home and will let you know when it is up and running.

Please follow us on Facebook at Sing A New Song Transition Home. You can see
pictures and keep up with current events there. We would also love to hear from you
via email at sanstransitionhome@gmail.com
Teams are welcome and we would love to give you information through email
about accommodations, prices, and opportunities for ministry.
A few prayer requests:
* Rednel will be doing his first praise and worship concert on the island of Tortuga
on the 23rd of August. Pray for him as he prepares and pray for the Holy Spirit to
prepare hearts for worship and lives to be changed in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

* School tuition and uniforms are approx. $3200.00 U.S. for this school year.
* We need wood for desks for English classes and Bible studies: $500
* We have 7 children registered in school and waiting for a birth certificate for the
8th one.
* Our first team was here in July and there was a great time of bonding and
friendships strengthened.

We praise God for our staff, as they work with us to take care of the home and give
encouragement to the children.

Psalm 98:1 Oh, sing to the Lord a new song! For He has done
marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him
the victory!
Praising Jesus for His great Grace!
Ron and Karen Cockerham in Haiti

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