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World Peace, Who’s Responsible?

‫بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬

Indeed all praise is due to Allāh (swt) whom we praise, seek help from and
guidance. We seek refuge in Allāh (swt) from the evil of ourselves and the evil of
our actions. Whosoever Allāh (swt) guides none can misguide and whosoever
He (swt) misguides and leaves to be misguided none can guide. And I bear
witness that there is no god but Allāh (swt); He is alone without any partners.
And I bear witness that the Prophet Muhammad (saw) was His servant and
Allāh (swt) says in the Qurān,

‫تموتن إال وأنتم مسلمون‬

َّ ‫يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا اهلل حق تُقاته وال‬
“O you who believe! Fear Allāh as He should be feared, and die not
except in a state of Islām.”1

To proceed. Indeed the most truthful of speech is the Book of Allāh (swt) and the
best of guidance is that of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). The most evil of affairs
are the newly invented matters of which all newly invented matters are
innovations (bid’ah). Each and every innovation is misguidance and every
misguidance leads to the fire.

‫ أنت تحكم بين عبادك‬،‫ عالم الغيب والشهادة‬،‫ فاطر السماوات واألرض‬،‫اللهم رب جبريل وميكائيل وإسرافيل‬
‫ إنك تهدي من تشاء إلى صراط مستقيم‬،‫ اهدنا لما اختلف فيه من الحق بإذنك‬،‫فيما كانوا فيه يختلفون‬.
‘O Allah, The Lord of Jibra’il, Mika’il and Isra’fil, The Originator of the heavens and the
earths, The Knower of the unseen and the apparent, You shall judge between your slaves
as regarding that which they have differed. Guide me to the truth of what they have
differed in by Your will. For indeed You guide whom You wish to the upright path’

Ibn Maajah transimitted with a chain that is regarded as hasan; on the authority
of Abi Hurayra (ra) that the prohet (saw) said:
‫ يرسل‬، ‫ تنعم أمتي فيه نعمة لم ينعموا مثلها‬، ‫ وإال فتسع‬، ‫ إن قصر فسبع وإال فثمان‬، ‫« يكون في أمتي المهدي‬
، ‫ يا مهدي‬: ‫ وال تدخر األرض بشيء من النبات والمال كدوس يقوم الرجل فيقول‬، ‫اهلل السماء عليهم مدرارا‬
» ‫ خذه‬: ‫أعطني فيقول‬

Surah ale-Imrān 3:102

There shall be in my ummah the mahdi, if his (stay is shortened), he will rule for seven
(years) otherwise it shall be for nine years. In those years my ummah will live in comfort
and luxury the kind of which they have never experienced. Allah shall make the sky to
rain on them in (beneficial) abundance, and the earth shall not hold back any from its
(beneficial) vegetation and wealth shall be in abundance, such that a man will stand up
and (simply) ask; o! mahdi, give me (wealth) and the latter will simply reply; take (it).

This hadith describes the situation of the earth as a whole during the rule of the
mahdi. A lot of ahadith have been narrated to describe the period of his reign.
Some of these ahadith describe that period that the whole world will be at peace
such that the wild animals will not even attack the one that used to be its prey.
The only reason why the world will experience such peace will be because the
mahdi will fill the whole earth with justice just as it was (before then,) filled with
tyranny and oppression.
He (saw) said;
……‫فيمالها قسطا وعدال كما ملئت جورا‬
“And he shall fill the (earth) with justice just as it was filled with tyranny.”

It is known from the books of hadith that before the advent of the mahdi, there
shall be a lot of fitan (tribulations) in the form of wars, tyranny, earthquakes, etc.
but when Allah (swt) wills that it is time, He will rectify the mahdi (in one night)
and he will lead the ummah to destroy all tyranny and establish truth and justice
on the earth as described above.

Same happened during the reign of the just khalif Umar bin Abdulazeez (rh). It
was reported that his death became apparent to the people leaving far away from
him when a wolf attacked and devoured a sheep. Of course, this used not to
happen during his reign. His justice had so much effect on the earth that the
zakah was carried round and none was there to collect because everyone was
contented. Imam Ahmad (rh) also narrated in his musnad that in a treasure box
that was latter discovered, in it was found a grain the size of a (big) date and
together with that grain was a note that read; ‘thus was the kind of grain that
used to sprout during the reign of the just ruler’ (referring to Umar ibn

The peace that are been experienced in these two periods (mentioned above)
were born from the justice that was established by both rulers. So the latter (i.e.
umar ibn Abdulazeez) didn’t need advanced scientists to produce genetically
modified foods that have a lot of adverse effect. Nor will the former (i.e. Mahdi)
as it can be clearly understood from the quoted reference. There are no tribal
wars, world wars, and regional wars reported during these two periods nor
floods and earthquakes. The people are reported to be in peace with their selves,
their environment and the wild animals i.e., a universe in peace is experienced.

Thus we can say that the justice of the rulers is what brings about the peace in
the world and vice versa both entities are directly proportional to each other.

The recommended justice that brings about world peace is the Qur’anic justice
that is completely free from the shirk of democracy, the same justice by which
perfect harmony exist within the galaxies and planets, the same justice by which
the heaven and earth remain firm without collapsing. Allah (swt) said;

} )25( …… ‫َّاس بِال ِْق ْس ِط‬ ِ

َ ‫اب َوال ِْم َيزا َن لَي ُق‬
ُ ‫وم الن‬
ِ ِ
َ َ‫{ لََق ْد أ َْر َسلْنَا ُر ُسلَنَا بِالَْبِّينَات َوأَنزلْنَا َم َع ُه ُم الْكت‬

Indeed We have sent Our Messengers with clear proofs and revealed with them
the Scripture and the Mizan that mankind may keep up justice…

]7 :‫ض َع ال ِْم َيزا َن } [الرحمن‬

َ ‫اء َر َف َع َها َو َو‬
َ ‫الس َم‬
َّ ‫{ َو‬
And the heaven: He has raised it high, and He has set up the Mizan

.‫ وعدال في األوامر والنواهي‬،‫ صدقًا في اإلخبار‬:‫] أي‬115 :‫ص ْدقًا َو َع ْدال } [األنعام‬ َ ِّ‫ت َكلِ َمةُ َرب‬
ِ ‫ك‬ ْ ‫{ َوتَ َّم‬
And the Word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and in justice. His Word is
true in what it conveys, and just in all its orders and prohibitions.

It is sad that today, the opposite is witnessed in the world. Abu Abdullah (hz)
beautifully explains the situation of the world today;

“In front of the world are the records which show the huge numbers of victims of climate
change, some of whom died of hunger and others of whom died of drowning. In the same
year in which [James E.] Hansen, NASA’s senior expert, confirmed the seriousness of
global warming, 140,000 died and 24 million were displaced in floods in Bangladesh
alone; and the caravan of victims of climate change hasn’t stopped since, so those behind
it must be identified and a way of dealing with them specified.

All industrialized countries, especially the major ones, bear responsibility for the global
warming crisis, except that most of them have called on each other to commit to the
Kyoto Protocol and have agreed to reduce emissions of harmful gases. However, Bush
Junior – and prior to him, Congress – rejected this agreement in order to please the major
corporations. They, therefore, are the real culprits behind the assault on the global
climate, and this isn’t the first of their crimes against humanity: they themselves were
also behind the current global financial crisis, and they themselves were behind all the
speculation, monopolization and price rises in peoples’ sustenance. They are also behind
globalization and its tragic consequences represented by its adding tens of millions of
people to the ranks of the impoverished and unemployed. And then, when the culprits
themselves fall victim to their own evil deeds, the presidents of countries rush to their
rescue with public funds; and in this way, the people’s wealth is seized without right

twice: one time through corporate fraud and monopolization, and another time through
governmental deception and power.

Many senior capitalists are characterized by wickedness and hardheartedness, and thus
they don’t care about the human disasters caused by their economic activities. Words,
conferences and demonstrations are of no use with such people. Hansen spoke out and
warned Americans about the seriousness of global warming in 1988, but they didn’t
respond to him. As for conferences, the Kyoto conference took place at the end of the last
century, but they didn’t respond to it. And as for demonstrations, not even the largest of
them – much less the smaller ones – were able to deter them from their greed and
tyranny. Prior to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, people throughout the world’s continents
took out million-strong demonstrations in which they echoed one phrase: “No to the
spilling of red blood because of black oil.” But the result was that the mob boss mocked
them and gave orders to start the savage assault on innocent people in Iraq whose only
sin in his eyes was the presence of black gold in their country. So they killed, wounded,
orphaned, widowed and displaced more than 10 million Iraqis, and they are still
murdering and pillaging. That’s not to mention the crimes at Abu Ghraib and
Guantanamo, those ugly crimes which shook the conscience of humanity. And after these
lean years, there has been no mentionable change in the things which matter; and after all
of this, their new proxy was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and he accepted it, in an
extreme example of the deception and humiliation of humanity. As has been said, the
worst of ordeals is often the most humorous.

With this, the bitter truth becomes clear, which is that the world has been kidnapped by
the heads of major corporations who are steering it towards the abyss. The policies of the
world today are not being steered with the power of superior intellects to serve the
interest of the people; but rather, with the power of the motivation and greed of oil-
robbers and warmongers, the beasts of predatory capitalism. Noam Chomsky was right
when he pointed to a similarity between American policies and the policies of Mafia
gangs. So they are the real terrorists, and drastic and decisive solutions are required to
restrain and subdue them: restrain them from their sin and subdue their savagery….”

Thus, those primarily responsible for the situation today are the readers and the
learned ones. They are the heart of the ummah and the imperative reason (sabab)
for world peace and otherwise. This is contrary to the slogans of some misguided
people as regarding the source of world peace. They say; “when we have
rectified our hearts, then, Allah will rectify our situation”. They also make the
statement; “just as you are, your rulers will be selected for you.” And they call it
a hadith. They thus explain that because we are bad, that is why our rulers are
also bad. They quote the verse; “Verily, Allah will not change the (good) condition of
a people as long as they do not change their state (of goodness) themselves.” and explain
it out of its context. And finally submit that the only way out of the present
situation is by calling all imams to preach to the people to purify their hearts so

that Allah will rectify the situation. Thus, the populace is responsible for the
present crisis according to them.

Are these claims true? We can only validate this by going back to the true
statements of the scholars and the ahadith that discuss these issues.

As regarding the verse,

: (‫) إِ َّن اللَّهَ اَل ُيغَِّي ُر َما بَِق ْوٍم َحتَّى ُيغَِّي ُروا َما بِأَْن ُف ِس ِه ْم‬

Verily, Allah will not change the (good) condition of a people as long as they do not
change their state (of goodness) themselves.”

Imam Qur’tubi (rh) has this to say;

،‫ بل قد تنزل المصائب بذنوب الغير‬،‫ …… فليس معنى اآلية أنه ليس ينزل بأحد عقوبة إال بأن يتقدم منه ذنب‬:‫قال اإلمام القرطيب‬
‫ أهـ‬. " ‫ نعم إذا كثر اخلبث‬- ‫ وقد سئل أهنلك وفينا الصاحلون ؟ قال‬- ‫كما قال صلى اهلل عليه وسلم‬
“…….The meaning of the verse is not that a calamity will never befall on until he
has committed a sin, rather, calamities could befall because of the sins of others.
Just as the he (saw) said, when he was asked, will we be destroyed even if there
are within us pious ones? (he replied) yes, when sins have become much.”

Another example that further explains this concept is the hadith of change
narrated by ibn Umar the hadith of ee’nah;

‫اب الَْب َق ِر َوَتبَ َاي ْعتُ ْم بِالْعِينَ ِة‬ ِ ُ ‫ول اللَّ ِه صلى اهلل عليه وسلم ي ُق‬
َ َ‫لَئ ْن أَْنتُ ُم اتََّب ْعتُ ْم أَ ْذن‬:‫ول‬ َ َ ‫ت َر ُس‬ ِ
ُ ‫ َولََق ْد مَس ْع‬: ‫عن عبد اهلل بن عمر رضي اهلل عنهما قال‬
.‫َوَتَر ْكتُ ُم اجْلِ َه َاد يف َسبِ ِيل اللَّ ِه لُِيْل ِز َمنَّ ُك ُم اللَّهُ َم َذلَّةً يف أ َْعنَاقِ ُك ْم مُثَّ الَ ُتْنَزعُ ِمْن ُك ْم َحتَّى َت ْر ِج ُعو َن إِلَى َما ُك ْنتُ ْم َعلَْي ِه َوَتتُوبُو َن إِلَى اللَّ ِه‬
] ‫[ أخرجه أمحد‬
the Rasul (saw) tells us in this hadith that when the Muslims change from
establishing jihad, engage in riba and follow the tails of cattle, then humiliation
will befall them. And this humiliation will not be lifted from their necks until
they change back to what they were used to doing (of establishing jihad stopping
riba, and refraining from following the tails of cattle and agriculture). This
situation is a clear and practical situation of change.

As regarding the statement; “just as you are, your rulers will be selected for
you.” Imam Albaani (rh) said in his sislsilatu da’ifah (320) that this hadith is not
authentic. He also said (rh); “……also the meaning of the hadith is not authentic
to me. This is because history has shown us how a pious ruler will take over one
that is not pious while the populace still remains as they were.”

Rather, contrary to this statement, the rasul (saw) said;

( ‫ األمراء والفقهاء‬: ‫أخرجه ابن عبد الرب وأبو نعيم وذكره الغزايل [ ) صنفان من أمتي إذا صلحوا صلح الناس وإذا فسدوا فسد الناس‬
] ‫ ] وعن الليث بن سعد‬5/367 ‫ أهـ [ حلية األولياء‬. " ‫ " الرعية تصلح بصالح الوالي وتفسد بفساده‬: ‫وعن كعب األحبار قال‬
‫ صالح بلدنا بإجراء النيل وإصالح‬،‫ يا أمري املؤمنني‬: ‫ ما صالح بلدكم ؟ قلت‬،‫ يا ليث‬: ‫ ملا قدمت على هارون الرشيد قال يل‬: ‫قال‬
‫ أهـ [ حلية األولياء‬. ‫ صدقت يا أبا الحارث‬: ‫ فقال‬،‫ من رأس العين يأتي الكدر فإذا صفا رأس العين صفت السواقي‬،‫أميرها‬
] 7/322

Two (groups of people) from my ummah when they are rectified, the people will be
rectified, and when they are corrupt, the people will become corrupt; the rulers and the
scholars. He (also said) the flocks are rectified with goodness of the leaders and corrupted
by their corruption.

On the authority of laith bin sa’ad who said: when I came to Haruna Rasheed, he
said to me: O! laith what is the reason for the rightness of our land? I said to him,
the rightness of our land is by allowing the river nayl to flow, and by the
rightness of its amir. It is from the source (head) of the fountain comes cloudiness
(of the water). When the source is clear, the canal will become clear. He (haroon)
then said: you have spoken the truth oh the father of harith.

‫ وذلك يشرتك فيه أهل اليد والقدرة وأهل‬،‫ وهم الذين يأمرون الناس‬،‫ و(أولوا األمر) أصحاب األمر وذووه‬:‫وقال شيخ اإلسالم ابن تيمية‬
‫ كما قال أبو بكر‬،‫ وإذا فسدوا فسد الناس‬،‫ العلماء واألمراء فإذا صلحوا صلح الناس‬:‫ فلهذا كان أولوا األمر صنفني‬،‫العلم والكالم‬
28/17 ‫ أهـ [ جمموع الفتاوى‬.‫ ما استقامت لكم أئمتكم‬:‫ ما بقاؤنا على هذا األمر؟ قال‬:‫َحم ِسيَّة لما سألته‬
ُ ‫الصديق رضي اهلل عنه لأل‬

Ibn Tayyimiyah (rh) said: the ulul-lamr are the people of command, they are the
ones that command the people. And those that shear this right are the people of
authority and the people of knowledge. That is why the ulul-amr are of two
types, the rulers and the scholars. If they are rectified, then the populace will
become rectified and if they are corrupt, the populace will be corrupt, just as
Abubakar As-sidiq (ra) said to Al-Akhmasiyah when the latter asked him: how
long will we remain on this issue (i.e. the rectitude of the ummah) he (ra) replied:
as long as your leaders are steadfast (i.e. on the Qur’an, sunnah according to the
understanding of the salaf.)

! ‫ الناس على دين ملوكهم‬: ‫وقد قالت العرب‬

The Arabs usually say: “The people are in the religion of their king.”

We thus say with all our might and on top of our voices that those responsible
for the world peace are;

1. All the leaders (at any level of authority) who tyrannically rule with other
than what Allah (swt) has revealed and oppress the weak.
2. The scholars that support them in different ways amongst which are; by,

 Concealing the truth which Allah (swt) has asked them to proclaim
of the real situation of such rulers and the right way of correcting
the situation.
 Beautifying the actions of shirk (democracy) by calling it shurah or
a lesser kufr.
 Belittling the actions of kufr (of the rulers) in the sight of the
Muslim masses and accusing the masses of being the cause of the
corruptness of the leaders because of their sins.
 Calling those ready to take the legitimate path of change
derogatory names and causing the gullible masses to run away
from them.
 Permitting the Muslims to participate in the modern shirk with the
excuse of choosing the lesser of two evils. I wonder when shirk
became a better option to some worldly material benefits! I wonder
where they learn their fiqh from!!
 Confusing the ignorant masses by following the allegorical verses
and casting doubt into the hearts of the Muslim as regarding the
 Helping the tawagheet rulers against the sincere Mujahideen that
call to the clear path of tawheed and jihad.

All these however never retard the wheel of change. Just as Allah (swt) (in His
infinite wisdom and mercy) has revealed for every disease its cure, likewise He
has reserved for every tyrant and evil scholar His chosen beloved servants
(at’taifah al-mansoorah) that will checkmate their evil.

ِ ٍ ِ ِ‫ف ي أْتِى اللَّه بَِق وٍم ي ِحُّبهم وي ِحبُّونَ ه أ َِذلَّ ٍة َعلَى الْم ْؤ ِمن‬ ِِِ ِ ِ َّ
َ ‫ين أَع َّزة َعلَى الْ َكـف ِر‬
‫ين‬ َ ُ ُ َُ ْ ُ ُ ْ ُ َ َ ‫ين َء َامنُ واْ َمن َي ْرتَ َّد من ُك ْم َعن دين ه فَ َس ْو‬ َ ‫﴿يأ َُّي َها الذ‬
ِ ِ ِ ِِ ِ َ ِ‫يل اللَّ ِه َوالَ يَ َخـ ُفو َن ل َْو َم ةَ الئِ ٍم ذل‬
ِ ِ‫يُ َجـ ِه ُدو َن ِفى َس ب‬
ُ‫ إِنَّ َما َوليُّ ُك ُم اللَّهُ َو َر ُس ولُه‬- ‫يم‬
ٌ ‫ض ُل اللَّه يُ ْؤتي ه َمن يَ َش آءُ َواللَّهُ َوس ٌع َعل‬ ْ َ‫ك ف‬
‫ب اللَّ ِه ُه ُم‬ ِ ِ َّ َّ ِ ِ ‫والَّ ِذين ءامنُواْ الَّ ِذ‬
َ ‫ين َء َامنُواْ فَِإ َّن ح ْز‬ َ ‫ َو َمن َيَت َول اللَّهَ َو َر ُس ولَهُ َوالذ‬- ‫الز َكو َة َو ُه ْم َراك ُعو َن‬
َّ ‫الصلو َة َو ُي ْؤتُو َن‬َّ ‫يمو َن‬ ُ ‫ين يُق‬ َ ََ َ َ
﴾ ‫الْغَـلِبُو َن‬

(O you who believe! Whoever from among you turns back from his religion
(Islam), Allah will bring a people whom He will love and they will love Him;
humble towards the believers, stern towards the disbelievers, fighting in the way
of Allah, and never fearing the blame of the blamers. That is the grace of Allah
which He bestows on whom He wills. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His
creatures' needs, All-Knower.) (Verily, your Protector is Allah, His Messenger,
and the believers, those who perform the Salah, and give Zakah, and they bow
down.) (And whosoever takes Allah, His Messenger, and those who have
believed, as protectors, then the party of Allah will be the victorious.)

Just as the pure ahadith has informed us that the mahdi will fight his way to
establish this peace on earth (i.e. he will do jihad against the tyrants of his time,
then against dajjal and gog and magog) , likewise will these beloved slaves fight
all the tyrant rulers, the forerunners of the dajjal and the gog and magog to
secure peace on the earth. The Rasul (saw) has described this group as a group of
knowledge and fighting:

‫ْح ِّق‬ ِ ِِ ِ ِ ُ ‫ول اللَّ ِه صلَّى اللَّه علَي ِه وسلَّم من ي ِر ْد اللَّه بِ ِه َخيرا ي َف ِّقهه فِي الدِّي ِن واَل َتز‬
َ ‫ين ُي َقاتلُو َن َعلَى ال‬
َ ‫صابَةٌ م ْن ال ُْم ْسلم‬
َ ‫ال ع‬ َ َ ُ ْ ُ ًْ ُ ُ َْ َ َ َ َْ ُ َ ُ ‫ال َر ُس‬
َ َ‫……ق‬
)muslim 10/41( ‫ين َعلَى َم ْن نَ َاوأ َُه ْم إِلَى َي ْوِم ال ِْقيَ َام ِة‬ ِ
َ ‫ظَاه ِر‬

“………. the one Allah (swt) wish good for, he gives him the understanding of the deen
and there shall never seize to exist a group from the Muslims fighting on the truth being
manifest over the ones that oppose them until the day of Al-qiyyamah.”

The first of this group was Rasul (saw) and his companions, then any sincere
muslim that takes to their path in knowledge and fighting and the last of them
will be the just Imam al-Mahdi.

Allah (swt) said:

ِ ‫ض لََفس َد‬ ِ َ ‫ْع اللَّ ِه النَّاس َب ْع‬
ُ ‫ت األ َْر‬ َ ٍ ‫ض ُهم بَب ْع‬ َ ُ ‫﴿ول َْوالَ َدف‬
“And if Allah did not check one set of people by means of another, the earth
would indeed be full of mischief.”

Oh Allah "Thee (alone) we worship; Thee alone we ask for help. Show us the
straight path, The path of those whom Thou hast favored; Not (the path) of those
who earn Thine anger nor of those who went astray."

Allah (swt) knows best.

Ibn Zubair
6th Rabi-ul-Awwal 1431Ah
(20th February 2010)

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