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Capgemini Placement-Paper
Posted on January 22, 2014 (http://myquestions.in/2014/01/22/capgemini-placement-paper/) by
Soubhagya Patra (http://myquestions.in/author/soubhagya/)
Capgemini this years conducted campus recruitment in my college -jabalpur engineering college on 3
October 2013.

Hiii Iam Rahul Bansal from Jabalpur Engg college. Here Iam describing capgemini campus recruitment
experience. Capgemini placement drive consists Capgemini on line written test it was conducted by
Cocubes. Capgemini selection procedure written test consists 75 questions in 90 minutes time limit.
Which consists three parts, 25 question english, 25 question in aptitude &25 question logical reasoning,
there is sectional cutoff for each section along with negative marking for each wrong answer. Capgemini
Second section Capgemini Group Discussion and third session was interview In my College around 500
students participated capgemini placement drive for graduates jobs positions Finally 42 were selected .
Below detailed description and analysis
Capgemini placement drive Date : 03/10/2013
Capgemini Selection Procedure: On line written test, Group discussion, interview (Test was conducted
cocubes )
1. Written Test (95 cleared out of 500)
2. Group discussion (63 cleared out of 95)
3. Interview (42 cleared out of 63)
Capgemini Written test:
It is an online test conducted by cocubes consists of 75 question in 90 minutes time limit which consists
three parts, 25 question english, 25 question in aptitude &25 question logical reasoning, There is
sectional cutoff for each section along with negative marking for each wrong answer.
Capgemini Logical reasoning analysis
I think logical reasoning Part is very easy and aptitude section and english also quiet simple can be
prepared within 1 week from an online test different websites
practice much more than sufficient.
Capgemini Verbal ability-English Language
For English you have to be good in general english. No preparation or barrons book is required if you are
good at english. If you are not done read newspapers , story books to improve your English. passages
were there but not difficult.

Concentration required when you read the passages. Few tough question . just leave them. your aim is to
clear the cut off.
I finished english in 20 mins and i have attend 22 question out of 25. It was very easy.
Capgemini Reasoning section
Then reasoning (70% ques very easy )
Again very easy to clear the cut off. Leave tough question. no need to do all. Did in 20 mins and same as
english I have attend 22 question out of 25.
Capgemini Quantitative aptitude tests
Quant quant (60% ques EASY 30 % MEDIUM 10% DIFFICULT ).
Mostly Qustion on time and work, Speed distance, number system, Basic Geometry, Probability, P&C and
basic maths.IT has lower cutoff as compare other sction and i have attend 18 question out of 25.
After 1 hour they announced the Written Result and there is big mass elimination only out of 500 hundred
95 cleared the written test.
Luckily , I cleared my Written part and fortunately i am second topmost in my group.
I think from my observation sectional cutoff for each section (english 12 logical reasoning 12 aptitude
Capgemini Second Round GD Group discussion
Our Topic is Examination should be conduct Or Not for the selection criteria and I am said in oppose of
conduct. They have given us 30 minutes to discuss on this topic and there main focus on that how much
relavent points you are saying not matter how much you are saying. So Please focus on the relevant
points related to the topics. at last he has given chance to everyone to put there conclusion.
Finally Total 4 student get selected into the next round out of 10 student from our group and I am lucky
Capgemini interview (technical+hr)
1) Introduce yourself and about projects???
Ia m started introducing myself then I came to my project I have written 5 projects in which only 1 is
academic and other 4 are my personal projects. After hearing my that much projects he started asking
question on my each and every projects projects guys do not write any fake projects in your resume. I
have given all the answers from my projects I take about 30 minutes to explain my projects and get little
impress .
2) Tell me your favourite subject???
I answered computer network, operating system, and dot net from this he asked some few question and I
answered all the question.
3) Tell me your correct semester(7th semester) subject?????
Answer this question I got nervous and not able to tell my all subjects, that time I remember only 3
subjects out of 5.then he started some basic question from the introduction of subjects.so keep in mind
to prepare your fav subject and project very well and one programming language should be well

4)Now I get tired from technical would You like to solve some some puzzles????
I have said yes and I love puzzles
He has given m 2 simple puzzle which I have solved very easily.
in one puzzle they asked me there is
1 rupee 20 sparrows
1 rupee 1 crow
5 rupees- 1 parrot
U have 100rs , You have to spend your whole money in such a way that you buy 100 birds in total
Condition: you have 2 buy all three birds .
some of the students were so lucky ,
They were not asked any technical question. I was bombarded wit technical question only!!
Few hour later result announced. 42 selected from Jabalpur engineering college


Capgemini new, latest campus

recruitment procedure
January 21, 2014
In "Aptitude"

Capgemini latest Off and On

campus recruitment procedure
on September 17th and 18th
January 22, 2014
In "Aptitude"

January 22, 2014
In "Interview"

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(http://myquestions.in/category/interview/), IT Company
(http://myquestions.in/category/interview/it-company/), Practice Paper
Bookmark the permalink (http://myquestions.in/2014/01/22/capgemini-placement-paper/).

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