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People's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or
disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you
take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways
in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these
considerations shape your position.

From birth, children ar brought up in social environments, constantly

surrounded by the nurturing attention of parents and family. It is through
them that they are primarily introduced to the expectation of behaviour that
is considered appropriate. Societies are not built of a foundation of strict
rules, but function on unstated codes of behaviour. As a child evolves into a
cognizant adult, a comprehensive understanding of social expectations has
usually been gained.
What are these customs and unspoken rules of societies? In most societies
the need for truthfulness is heavily emphasized but this conflicts with the
need for politeness. To what extent can one be truthful? And when does truth
transform to socially unacceptable realities? Unfortunately it seems that
politeness is one of the dominant traits of most modern societies. This leads
people to be polite rather than say what they mean, often leading to
inadequet communication.
Another common social custom emphasized in many societies is the need to
respect ones elders. To what extent does one defer to the judgement of
elders and when do independent considerations outweigh such social
People often behave in ways they consider socially appropriate, but does this
mean that their behaviour is not of their own making? How much
responsibility for ones behaviour can be attributed to society and ones
parents? I feel that modern society gives too much importance to social
customs and most people are not willing to stray from them. But it is finally a
matter of individual conscious choice whether or not one should follow social
Social customs are so deeply ingrained in our psyche that it is extremly
challenging to come up with a different standard for personal behaviour.
Without the preconceptions of our society how would we behave? What
would we base such a system on? How would one define right and wrong?

Thus it seems that we learn and gain our understanding of basic moral
behaviour from society, but these behavioural guidelines are just a refrence
frame with respect to which we base our behaviour. Individual behavious is
extensively influenced by outside forces, but a significant element of
individual choice exists.
The council of Maple County, concerned about the county's becoming
overdeveloped, is debating a proposed measure that would prevent the
development of existing farmland in the county. But the council is also
concerned that such a restriction, by limiting the supply of new housing,
could lead to significant increases in the price of housing in the county.
Proponents of the measure note that Chestnut County established a similar
measure ten years ago, and its housing prices have increased only modestly
since. However, opponents of the measure note that Pine County adopted
restrictions on the development of new residential housing fifteen years ago,
and its housing prices have since more than doubled. The council currently
predicts that the proposed measure, if passed, will result in a significant
increase in housing prices in Maple County.
Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be
answered in order to decide whether the prediction and the argument on
which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to
these questions would help to evaluate the prediction.

The prediction made by Maple County Council, on the effect the proposed
measure to prevent the development of existing farmland and the impact it
will have on housing prices in the county is based on incomplete
Proponents of the measure state that similar measures, established ten year
ago, in Chestnut County only resulted in a moderate increase in housing
prices. The most important factor that has not been accounted for is the time
interval between both examples. The council must consider the economic
condition of the Chestnut County ten years ago and whether housing price
trends indicated a increase in costs before the measure was passed. This
could indicate to what extent the passing of the measure affected the
housing prices. The council must also consider the reason why the measure

was passed in Chestnut County and whether it was also due to over
development. If the county was not being owedeveloped, such a measure
would not have impacted housing prices as much as the proponent imply.
Opponents of the measure note that Pine County adopted restrictions on the
development of new residential housing fifteen years ago, and its housing
prices have since more than doubled. As in the above case, the council must
determine the impact of time interval between the two cases. The economic
condition at that time may have resulted in a nationwide increase in housing
prices and thus may be the cause of increases in Pine County. The council
must also consider that in Pine County restrictions were only imposed on
development of residential housing instead of a wider restriction on all
development. Thus in Pine County, without restrictions on industrial
development, industrial development would have lightly flourished and thus
made the whole county more wealthy and desireable, resulting in an
increase in housing prices. The council must consider whether such industrial
development did take place of if other factors could account for the increase
in prices observed. The council should also consider the state of Pine County
15 years ago and whether it was overdeveloped at the time or if the
measures were imposed for other reasons.
It would be useful if the council found the reasons why each of the other
counties inposed the measures limiting development. This would give them a
deeper understandingof the situaltion and how it differes from theirs. The
council need to examine the situation more accurately before stating with
any certainty what affect their proposed measure would have on housing

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