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Effective ways to cure bow legs

Are you aware of bow legs? If not then let me inform you that bow legs
is a condition in which the knees stay wide apart when a person stands
with the feet and ankles together. Bow legs are considered normal in
children less than eighteen months. In general infants are born bow
legged because of their folded position in the mothers womb.

Now bowlegs begin to straighten once the child starts to walk and the
legs begin to bear weight and this happens about 12 to 18 months old.

However by around the age of three, the child usually stands with the
ankles apart and knees just touching. So if the bowed legs are still
present then the child is called bow legged.

In general no treatment is recommended for bow legs unless the

condition is extreme. In my opinion the child should be seen by the
health care provider or doctor for at least every six months. Again if the
condition is severe or if the child has another disease then specials shoes,
braces or casts can be tried.
It is however unclear how well these work, and at times surgery is
performed to correct the deformity in an adolescent with severe bowlegs.
In several cases the outcome is good, and there is usually no problem

walking. Bowlegs that does not go away and is not treated may lead to
arthritis in the knees or hips over time.
All you need to do is to call your health care provider or your doctor if
your child shows persistent or worsened bowed legs after the age of
three. In general there is no known ways to prevent bowlegs other than
to avoid rickets. Please make sure that your child has normal exposure to
sunlight and appropriate levels of vitamin D in the diet.
The alternative name of bow legs is genu verum and this is a physical
deformity marked by outward bowing of the lower legs in relation to the
thigh and giving the appearance of an archers legs. In general usually
medical angulations of both femur and tibia is involved. Now if you
want an effective cure of bow legs then please visit bow legs no

Natural cure of bow legs

If your child is sickly either with rickets or any other ailment that
prevents ossification of the bones or is improperly fed then the condition
of bow legs might persist. So the chief cause of the deformity of bow
legs is rickets. In general skeletal problems, infections and tumors can
also affect the growth of the legs sometimes giving rise to one sided bow
legged mess.

Again the remaining causes are occupational especially among jockeys

and from physical truama and the condition are being very likely to
supervene after accidents involving the condoyle and femur. In general
children until the age of three to four have a degree of bow legs or genu
velum. During this time the child sits with the soles of the feet facing
one another.

The tibia and femur are curved outwards and if the limbs are extended
although the ankles are in contact then there is a distinct space between
the knee joints. During the first year of life a gradual change take place
and the knee joints approach one another and the femur slopes
downward and inward towards the knee joints.
The tibia becomes straight and the sole of the foot faces almost directly
downwards. Now while these changes are occurring the bones which at
first consist principally of cartilage are gradually becoming ossified. By
the time a normal child begins to walk the lower limbs are prepared both
by their general direction and by the rigidity of the bones which form
them to support the weight of the body.

Again Blounts disease is a deformity in the legs mostly from the knees
to the ankles. The affected bone curves in or out forms the usual archers
bow which can also be called bow legs. Now there are two types of
Blounts disease, the first type is infantile which means that children
under four are diagnosed with this disease.
However Blounts disease in this age is very risky because sometimes it
is not detected and it passes to the second type of Blounts disease. The
second type of Blounts disease is found mostly in older children and in
teenagers sometimes in one leg and sometimes in both. In general the
patients age determines how severe the diagnosis is. Now if you want a
natural cure of bow legs then please visit bow legs no more.com.

What are the natural remedies of bow legs?

The natural remedies of bow legs are valgus osteotomy and the back line
is the mechanical axis. This process may be done to correct a various
deformity and generally no treatment is required for idiopathic
presentation as it is a normal anatomical variant in young children. In
general treatment is indicated when it persists beyond three and a half
years old child.

In case of unilateral presentation or progressive worsening of the

curvature when caused by rickets the most important thing is to treat the
constitutional disease at the same time instructing the care giver never to
place the child on its feet. In most cases this is quite sufficient in itself to
affect a cure but matters can be hastened somewhat by applying splints.

When the deformity arises in older patients either from trauma or

occupation the only permanent treatment is surgery but orthopedic
bracing can really provide relief. Now treatment for children with
Blounts disease is typically braces but surgery may also be necessary
especially for teenagers.
Basically the operation consists of removing a piece of tibia, breaking
the fibula and straightening out the bone and there is also a choice of
elongating the legs. If not treated early enough the condition may
worsen quickly. In most cases persisting after child hood there is little or
no effect on the ability to walk.

Due to uneven stress and wear on the knees however even milder
manifestation can see an accelerated onset of arthritis. Now those with
bowlegs and a genetic predisposition for developing arthritis will likely
start having arthritic symptoms around the age of thirty. Bow legs or
genu varum is a condition where the legs are bowed outwards in the
standing position.
The bowing usually occurs at or around the knee so that on standing
with the feet together the knees are far apart. Knock knee or genu
valgum is a condition where the legs are bowed inwards in the standing
position. The bowing usually occurs at or around the knee, so that on
standing with knees together the feet are far apart. Now if you want a
natural remedy for bow legs then please visit bow legs no more.com.

How to cure bow legs naturally?

In general most people have some degree of bowlegs or knock knee and
is considered within the limits of normal structure and function. During
development in the first years of life, due to rapid and differential
growth around the knees most children are bow legged from birth till the
age of three. And then become knocking kneed till age of five and then
straighten up by the age of six and seven.

In most children even as they grow through these phases the bow legs
and knock knee are not severe and do not engender concern on the part
of the parents. In some instances, the bowlegs or knock knee gets quite
obvious, and becomes worrisome for the parents. Now in the majority of
children with bowlegs or knock knees the cause is physiological if they
fall within the minor age.

In general a good rule of thumb to follow is the measure of the

intercondylar distance for bowlegs and the intermolleolar distance for
knock knees. However in a young child if the distance is less than two
inch then there is no need for concern that something is amiss. Periodic
observation and measurements are all that is really needed.
However there is no known way to prevent bowlegs other than to avoid
rickets. Make sure that your child has normal exposure to sunlight and
appropriate levels of vitamin D in the diet. In general a doctor can often
diagnose bow legs by simply looking at the child. The distance between
the knees is measured while the child is lying on the back. Again blood
tests may be needed to rule out rickets.
When a child with bow legs stands with his or her feet together, toes
pointed straight ahead and the knees do not touch then he or she has bow
legs. The medical term is genu verum and it may come from the

thighbone or femur and shin bone or tibia or both. When a child with
knock knees stands with his or her legs stands with his or legs together,
feet pointed straight ahead and the knees touch but their ankles do not
then he or she has knock knees.
The medical term is known as genu velum and it too may come from
thighbone, shinbone or both. Now if you want to know more about how
to cure bow legs naturally then please visit bow legs no more.com.

What are bow legs correction exercises?

Let me inform you that physiological bowlegs and knock knees will not
really affect your Childs ability to crawl, walk, run and play. Some
children may walk with their toes pointed in, trip more and appear
clumsier than other children of their age. This is common and frequently
will be outgrown.

In general a Childs legs are initially bow legged or virus and if you think
of a toddler who walks with his feet wide apart you will understand the
concept. When the child is between one and a half and two and a half
years, the legs are usually straightened. By three to four years the Childs
legs typically grow into a knock knee or valgus position and finally by
the age of eight to ten years the Childs legs have settled in to what likely
be their adult alignment.

In general treatment for the vast majority of children only involves

observation allowing growth and time to correct the legs along with
parental reassurance. Physical therapy, chiropractic, special shoes,
vitamins and bracing have no effect on the normal development of the
normal legs.

Now if you or your pediatrician has concerns then your child may be
referred to a pediatric or orthopedic surgeon for evaluation. Concerns are
raised if one side is affected more than the other, the deformity is severe
or if there is a significant family history. Now X-ray may be ordered by
your doctor to confirm the diagnosis and to exclude other problems.
Rickets is a disorder caused by a lack of vitamin D, calcium or
phosphate. This leads to softening and weakening of the bones and it
may cause bowlegs and knock knees. They are usually diagnosed by
pediatrician with lab tests and X-rays. The treatment is medical but also
may require bracing and surgery.
Again Blount disease is a disorder which is caused by an abnormal
growth plate in the upper tibia. The cause of Blounts disease is
unknown but it can affect toddlers and teenagers. The treatment depends
on the severity of the deformity and the age of the child. The treatment
might involve observation, bracing and surgery. Now if you want some
information on bow legs correction exercise then please visit bow legs
no more.com.

Can bowlegs be really prevented?

In general bow legs and knock knee are very common concerns for
parents. The vast majority of concern is due to the Childs normal growth
and development. Only a very small number of children really need

treatment. Now understanding how a Childs legs change as they grow is

really important in understanding these conditions.

Now sometimes parents worry because they think a part of their Childs
body is abnormal or deformed. However in small children, often what
seems unusual is within what is normal and will get better as the child
grows. So for this reason, it is really important to know what variants are
normal and which may be problems.

Again many children are born with their feet somewhat bent or crooked
and you need to learn the difference between a normal bend caused by
the babies position in the and true club feet. When most babies begin to
walk, they walk on the insides of their feet, with their legs wide apart.
Also their feet still have baby fat on the bottom. As a result the feet look
very flat, and the babies legs often bend outward.
This bending starts to disappear at the age of eighteen months and then
the legs slowly straighten until they actually bend inward a little. The
knocked kneed position develops around age two and by age five and six
the knees begin to straighten. Children with brain damage sometimes
develop a knock knee way of standing or walking.
If the child with knock knees also moves or walks in a stiff or jerky way
or shows other problems then please check for signs of brain damage. In
any child who develops bow legs or knock knees please check for signs

of rickets and other problems. To check for severe knock knees you need
to have the child stand with her knees touching.
Now if the distance between the ankle bones is more than three inches in
a tree year old or four inches in a four year old then the problem is
severe enough to need attention. However if the knock knees are severe,
braces may help straighten the knees and keep the condition for getting
Again in a child who is over six or seven years old, braces usually do
not help and in extreme cases surgery may be needed. Let me inform
you that knock knees may also lead to flat feet. In general about 3 out of
1,000 children are born with a club foot or feet and sometimes it runs in
the family and usually the cause is unknown. Now if you want to know
if bow legs can really be prevented then please visit bow legs no

What are the treatments of bow legs?

In general sometimes a newborn babys foot turns inward just because
they were in that position in the mother womb. To find out whether the
condition is likely to correct itself, or if it is a true deformity or club
foot that needs special attention, try to put the foot in a normal position.
If the front part of a babys foot is turned inwards then it will often
straighten out itself before he or she is two years old.

If you can easily straightened the foot and bend it into a position
opposite to the way it was turned, then the foot probably does not have a
bone deformity and will get better by itself. Also if you scratch the foot

lightly, then the child will move it into a normal position. If you cannot
put the foot in a normal position then it will need to be straightened with
strapping or casts.

Although club foot often occurs without any other problem occasionally
it is a complication and problem in the spinal cord. So always check the
Childs spine and test if he has feeling in his feet. The feet may gradually
become deformed into a club foot position because of cerebral palsy,
polio, arthritis or spinal cord damage.
Rarely club feet occur together with a clubbed hand or other weakness
and deformities of the body. A club foot should be held in a cast or
strapped in a straighter position soon after birth until it is corrected past
normal. After correcting the foot, daily stretching exercises are often
needed to help keep the foot straight.
A brace is used day and night if necessary to keep the foot from bending
in again, until finally normal use and exercise keeps the foot straight.
About 60% of club feet can be effectively straightened without surgery
in six to eight week, using strapping or casts. Correction of club feet
should begin soon after the child is born, if possible in the first two days.
At the time of birth a babies bones and joints are still soft and as the
child gets older his bones get harder and become less flexible. Usually
good correction without surgery is only possible in the first year of life.

Now if the deformity is not severe , however a club foot can sometimes
be corrected with casts, even if the child is already two, three or even
five years old or more. Now if you want some more information about
treatment of bow legs then please visit bow legs no more.com.

Causes and natural remedies of bow legs

There are natural remedies of bow legs but in an older child it takes
longer and surgery if more often needed for good lasting results. Some
children with very deformed feet will need surgery even if strapping or
casting is done early. However we have found that some children work
whom surgeons have recommended surgery can have their feet
straightened with casts.

Now once a bow leg has been straightened, great care must be taken to
keep it straight. The whole family in general must make sure that some
precaution should be taken. An ankle brace should be worn night and
day at least until the child is walking and often until the child is fifteen
or eighteen years old.

In general foot stretching exercises will be needed especially if there is

any sign that the foot is clubbing or bowing again. Gently and steadily
stretch the foot past its normal position in the opposite direction of the
deformity. You need to do this exercise two or more times a day, and
you need to check the foot regularly and return quickly to your doctor if
any signs of bowing is coming back.
Now how difficult it is to straighten a bow leg, how long it takes and
how long braces and special exercises will be needed depends on several
factors. In general a severely deformed foot with abnormal bones is
much harder to correct. Again abnormal muscle balance if present will
keep pulling the foot to the inside even after it is corrected.
Generally correction is more difficult if both feet are bowed and bow
legs in girls although less common are likely to be more difficult to
correct than in boys. If there are any other abnormalities like clubbed
hand or stiffness in the knees or elbows bow legs may be especially
difficult to correct and usually surgery is needed.
Now the older the child the harder it is corrects a bow leg since past the
age of two years it is often not possible without surgery. Children
without feeling in their feet require special precautions and slower
correction to avoid pressure sores. Again casts if used must not apply
much pressure and must be changed often. However if the Childs foot
shows little or no improvement then please visit bow legs no more.com.

What are the surgery free remedies for bow legs?

If your Childs feet shows little or no improvement after four weeks of
casting or if improvement stops in spite of continued casting then
surgery is probably needed for more complete correction. For some feet,
a plastic ankle brace might work well and for more difficult feet a metal
brace may be needed with an ankle strap that pulls the ankle inwards.

A slight build up on the outer edge of the sandal or show may also help,
and for babies less than one year or small children at night feet can be
held in a good position using a bar that joints the two feet. Now for the
child who feels bend mostly at the middle or front wearing shoes in
reverse might help in keeping the feet corrected.

Now most children whose only problem is flat feet really have no
problem at all except that poorly informed doctors or greedy special
shoe sales man might make their parents think so. Children who are late
beginning to walk often have weak arches with flat feet until their feet
gets stronger.
Even children with very flat feet seldom develop a problem or have
more than average pain or discomfort when they do a lot of standing or
walking. Usually flat feet are a problem only when paralysis or brain
damage is the cause as in some children with polio, cerebral palsy or
spine problem.

Also children with Down syndrome sometimes have bow legs that may
lead to pain or discomfort. The best treatment to help the child with bow
legs and other problem may be go bare foot. Walking barefoot on sand
or rough ground helps the feet get stronger and form a natural arch.
Walking on tiptoe, skipping rope and picking things up with the toes
might also help.
Special exercises, training in foot posture shoe adoptions, heel wedges
and shoe inserts like heel cups and insoles are often prescribed to correct
bow legs. However studies show that usually none of these help since
use of insoles to support the arches may even cause weaker arches.
Usually insoles should be tried only when pain is a problem or in some
severe bow legs caused by polio, cerebral palsy and Down syndrome.
Now if you want some more information on surgery free remedy of bow
legs then please visit bow legs no more.com.

How to cure bow legged children?

In general some specialists try to straighten a foot that is bowlegged or

tilted by putting a wedge under the heel of the shoe. But instead of
straightening the foot this often causes further deformity, because the
heels slides to the side, and the shoes stretches here and wears out there.
Now most babies have naturally fat feet which can look flat and in older
children and adults there is a lot of variation in peoples arches.

Even a foot a flat as this, if it causes the child no pain, need not be
considered a problem. Often flat feet run in the families and if parents or
relative have similar feet but no pain, or if the child can move his feet
strongly in all directions you do not need to worry about it. Let me
remind you that normal foot of a child under 2years old fat high arch
foot print low arch.

So do not confuse a fat foot with a flat foot and do not worry about flat
foot if there is no pain, obvious weakness or loss of movement. This
blog has been created to provide information on the normal postural
variation of childrens feet and legs as they grow. Let me remind you
that normal leg posture varies throughout childhood.

Now a child has bow legs if when they are standing with their feet
together, their knees do not touch. Yes, this is very common in children
as they start to walk and bow legs are exaggerated by the need to have
feet wide apart to increase stability when children first start to walk.
Again many children start bow legged, and then go through a knock
kneed stage before their adult leg shape is established around the age of
Again a child has knock knees if when they are standing with their knees
together their ankles do not touch. This is more common in children
aged two to four. Now if you lay a child on their back with their knees
together then it is normal to have a gap of up to ten cm between their
ankle bones. Now if you want to know more about how to cure bow legs
among children then please visit bow legs no more.com.

How to cure bowed legs?

Let me inform you that a child in toes sometimes called pigeon toes if
when they stand or walk their feet point inwards. In toeing is frequently
found in children aged one to eight years. Now children who are in toe
may trip more than other children, especially if they are tired or wearing
heavy shoes. Now there are several causes of in toeing from the hip, the
shin and the foot.

In general the thigh bones are twisted in at birth bringing the Childs foot
into an in toeing position as a child starts to walk they often in toe. Now
as a child physically matures the thigh bones straighten, but occasionally
this can persist. Again lax ligaments can also cause a child to in toe and
the shin bones are also twisted in at birth.

However as a child grows this naturally straightens and children with

inward twisted shin bones often like to sit on their feet. Occasionally the
inside edge of the foot can be curved in and if this is stiff or the foot

cannot be eased straight some simple stretches can be taught. Now this is
often noticed at birth, resolving over the first few months of life.
I would sincerely advice children who are in toe should sit cross legged
or side sit and avoid sitting with their bottom between their heels which
in general known as W sitting. A child out toes if when they stand or
walk their feet point outwards. Out toeing is less common than in toeing
but is still seen especially in children born prematurely.
Out toeing is mainly caused by an increased amount of turning out at the
hip joint and this naturally reduces as a child grows. Now a child
appears to have flat feet if when they are standing the whole of their foot
is in a contact with the floor. This is due to a fat pad that lies under a
Childs foot.
This type of foot posture is common in children under two and after two
years the arches of the foot start to become prominent. To make this
more obvious, ask a child to stand on their tip toes and look at the arch
on the inside edge of their foot.
Flat feet tend to resolve by the age of five, but if feet are not painful, are
flexible and there is evidence of an arch, no treatment is necessary. Now
if you want to know how to cure bow legs in children then please visit
bow legs no more.com.

How to cure bow legs instantly?

To cure bow legs instantly one must opt for shoes to best support
childrens feet shoes and they should have the following features. They
should be foot shaped and have a flexible sole. The shoes should be flat
and have a good grip and be well fitted both for length and width and
allow for growth. The shoes must be fastened snugly and comfortably to
a Childs foot.

In general children also benefit from spending some time barefoot and
all the foot and leg problems described in this blog are variations of
normal which is naturally resolved with time. So for this reason, it is
extremely rare for a child to need any intervention to correct their foot or
leg posture.

Now high tibia osteotomies are performed to correct a deformity known

as bow legs and this surgery is undertaken to treat osteoarthritis and in

some cases try avoiding it all together. A bow leg deformity at the knee
has increased forces passing through the medial or inner compartment
that gradually destroys the joint surface. Early on it may can pain can
pain, wear of the joint surface and contribute to tearing the cartilage.
Later it may develop obvious arthritis and surprisingly the amount of
pain and disability is not exactly related to the amount of arthritis
present. Now if the knee is not particularly stiff and then patient is
young then realignment may be the best option. Arthritis is a general
term for pain and stiffness of a joint.
It can be caused by an old injury, inflammatory conditions like
rheumatoid arthritis, but commonly overloading the joint surfaces causes
it. Re alignment surgery aims to slow the progression of arthritis. In a
knee without wear and with a perfect correction, the risks of arthritis can
be dramatically reduced.
Now if the pain originates from only one part of the knee, then the leg
can be re aligned. Typically, this is the only option in people under fifty
and would be considered in patients in their fifties. By the time people
are in their sixties joint replacement surgery is more seriously
considered. The amount the alignment is corrected depends on the how
much wear has occurred.
In a patient with no wear but pain, the aim is to achieve straight leg and
the more wear that has occurred the more the deformity is over
corrected. For marked wear, we aim to make the leg somewhat knock
The common osteotomy is an opening wedge on the tibia side and the
wedge is usually filled with bone graft substitute which is an artificial
material that over a number of years the body replaces with bone. A
metal plate is used to hold the new position and if you want to know
more about how to cure bow legs issues instantly then please visit bow
legs no more.com.

All you need to know about genu verum?

Most patients with bow legs or genu verum issues along with a moderate
deformity have the problem predominantly on the tibia side. The
realignment can be done from either side of the knee, either by inserting
an opening wedge on the inner side or removing a wedge of bone on the
outer aspect of the leg.

Now my preference is to do is do medial openings wedge osteotomies

which is based on years of experience. If you opt for lateral closing
wedges then you might find problems such as the lateral ligaments
becoming too loose, the tight medial ligament wasnt released and if the
patient ever required a knee replacement it is really difficult.

Now the advantage of medial opening wedge is strong plate and able to
weight bear early. Two to six weeks of crutches along with tight MCL
corrected at same time. In general future options are barely
compromised but the list of complications is long.
Let me inform you that there is no operation that is completely safe and
complications can be severe enough. Now both patient and surgeon
might wish that it hadnt been done and none the less the vast majority
of the realignment operations go well. The biggest issue is that it
probably means the knee probably can have a partial knee replacement,
although it can still have a total knee replacement.

Now the theory is that partial knee replacements wont work if the other
compartments are overloaded by the corrective osteotomy. However
obviously this decision would be on a case by case basis. This is a
serious consideration and not everyone responds equally to the surgery.
Some patients are off crutches at two weeks and some people take more
than six weeks.
Driving is not possible until you are not taking strong pain killers and
have normal leg performance. However as a rule automatic cars can be
driven a two weeks if the surgery was to your left leg. But otherwise six
to eight weeks may be necessary since the plate is usually permanent.
Removing the plate is not necessary but if causing irritation can be done
but it will cost your time and money as it is not part of the surgical fee
for doing the re alignment surgery. Now if you want some more
information about genu verum or bow legs then please visit bow legs no
How to prevent bow legs and knock knees?

In my opinion a significant number of Americans are overweight and in

general adults should have a body mass index or BMI of 20-25. Now for
an average height male this would equate to 70-78 kg. However being
overweight will overload your joints since the knees for example carry
nine times your body weight when climbing stairs. In general most
patients blame their weight for bow legs and knock knees but dont lose
their weight. At the end of the day your weight reflects both how much
and what you eat and how much your exercise.

Different sporting pursuits alter how much the joints are loaded and
sports like tennis place high impacts and twisting motions on your joints.
Swimming and cycling on the other hand generally reduce bow legs and
knock knees problem. Walking can make bow legs problem worse if you
have poor quality shoe wear.
In general strength is improved with activity such as walking, swimming
and cycling. Some people also consider gymnasium training to improve
suppleness. I am sure you are aware of the fact that stiff joints hurt and
the natural response is to avoid activities that put pressure on the joints
but the opposite approach is probably better. Western society avoids
pushing joints to their full range of movement by sitting on chairs.

A physiotherapist can demonstrate stretching exercise to you and

another option is taking up yoga classes. A physiotherapist is likely to of
help with strength and suppleness exercises. These can be useful at any
stage of bow legs and knock knees. Physiotherapists also have a specific
value prior to and immediately after surgery as a constant source of
information and coaching.
In general bow legs overload the inner part of the knee and common foot
or hoses with a large arch support can exacerbate this deformity. A
standard elastic knee brace from a chemist shop or sports store can really
help to cope with bow legs and knock knee and provide some additional
support. A knee brace has a metal hinge on each side and can provide
further support.
It has a hinge and a strap that somewhat holds the body surfaces apart.
Again a walking stick is extremely useful to prevent bow legs and knock
knees since particularly they may be helpful with activity related to pain.
Now if you want some more information on how to prevent bow legs
and knock knees then please visit bow legs no more.com.

Bow legs and knock knee prevention options exposed.

There are surgical options to prevent bow legs and knock knees and
arthroscopy is a relatively minor operation. It generally involves placing
a camera in the knee and allowing the surgeon to rectify a variety of
problem such as bow legs and knock knees. Arthroscopy is even more
common in people who have a bowed deformity.

If the X ray does not demonstrate the features of bow legs and knock
knees prior to arthroscopy then it seems reasonable to have a look to see
if minor arthroscopic surgery will help. If the X ray shows signs of bow
legs and knock knees then it may be reasonable to do an arthroscopy or
to do both the arthroscopy and osteotomy at the same time.

The technique of chondrocyte grafting and micro fracturing aims to

restore bow legs and knock knees to normal. They may be used alone or
in combination with re alignment osteotomies. Chondrocyte grafting
involves molecular biology techniques and a good number of cases have
been done till now.
However long recovery makes it hard to prove it is better than other
techniques since twelve months are required before it is used and it tends

to be used if the damaged joint area is very large and the patient is
young. Currently chondrocyte grafting is not supported by any private
health insurance and the out of pocket expense might be $7,000
additional to the surgeon, anesthetic and hospital fees.
Some knees have a giving way sensation caused by a previous ligament
injury in the knee. Typically the knees gives way on twisting and it is
possible to correct this problem at the same time as realigning the leg. It
does not seem to add to the recovery time since anterior curiae
reconstruction does not relieve bow legs and knock knee problems but
only improves the knee stability.
If bow legs and knock knee problem are limited to a single area then a
partial replacement may be the best option. They have a good long term
results and the requirements for this surgery are that the range of
movement is good and preferably the curiae ligament is intact. The only
disadvantage is that the scars may cause more numbness but this seems
to be offset by the otherwise more normal function that after total
Partial knee replacement is generally not offered to young patients since
the younger patients often overworks the knee replacement and needs
further surgery. Now if you want some more information on bow legs
and knock knee prevention options then please visit bow legs no

How to cure bow legs?

In general knock knees and bow legs are relatively common in infants
and children but are usually no cause for concern. These are stages that
children pass through and it is important to remember that most legs are
perfectly straight by the teenage years. Now bow legs are very common
up to the age of three years.

In fact they are quite normal up to the age of 2-3 years and this means
that when the ankles are touching the knees are apart. Bow legs usually
correct themselves when the child starts walking, so much so that from
about the age of four there is a tendency for the child to develop knock

If you are really concerned about the extent of the bow legs then the
problem can be monitored by measuring the distance between the knees.
If this is greater than 6 cm and not improving at four years and older
then it would be advisable to have them checked by your doctor. Knock

knees are normal in children and most have them between the ages of
three and eight years.
The rules for normal three years old children is that fifty percent have 35 com between the ankles, twenty five percent have more than five cm
and these invariably straighten nicely after eight years. Now for any
concerns about the degree of knock knees always measure the distance
between the ankles.
Again it should be checked by your doctor if the distance between the
ankles is greater than 8 cm after the age of eight and not improving. So
bow legs occur between the age of 0-3 years and knock knees occur
between the age of 3-8 years and legs gradually becomes straight by
In the first 18 to 24 months of life, a Childs legs naturally bow outwards
to the side. Now when the child stands with the feet together, the knees
are far apart. A family history of bowed legs or genu varum is very
common. Beginning around the age of two years it is common to see the
legs become knock kneed or genu valgum. Now if you want a permanent
cure of bow legs then please visit bow legs no more.com.

How can you correct bow legs without surgery?

When the child stands with the feet far apart, the knees are close
together, let me remind you that both bowed legs and knock knees are a
part of normal growth. As the child grows, the legs gradually straighten
and usually by ten years of age the legs are straight. Now for most
children the treatment is observation.

Bracing is not generally needed for children with knock knees and only
occasionally recommended for bowed legs. Surgery is rarely necessary
and occasionally the doctor may take x rays of the Childs legs but this is
usually not necessary. Now the fact is that bowed legs and knock knees
occur as part of normal development.

Again bowed legs and knock knees will not affect your Childs ability to
walk, run or play. Bow legs is a condition in which the knees stay wide

part when a person stands with the feet and ankles together. Now it is
considered normal in children under the age of eighteen months. There
are many people who are born bow legged because of their folded
position in the mother s womb when they were infants.
Today there are many girls who are bowlegged because of their poor
posture. Lack of calcium and genetic factors is the basic two causes of
bow legs. However the immediate cause is the poor posture of standing,
walking and sitting. Catwalk, sit cross- legged, kneeling and walking in
high heels for a long time will force the knees outwards and then the
stress will pull the octal ligaments of knee joint and make it lax.
The inside and outside ligaments of knee joint play an important role in
the stability of knees angles. Various deformity of the knee may be
present, depending up the predominant involvement of the medial joint
compartment. The inner ligament with great strength pulls the shins
inwards because of the outside ligament laxity.
Thus it can be seen that bow legs doesnt mean that your bone is bent
and it can be corrected by non operative treatment. In general surgical
treatment is suitable but normally the surgical treatment is expensive and
hurts and you have to get rest more than two months after the operation,
and it has so many side effects.
The conservative treatments is the way try to restore the stable structure
of inside and outside knee joint through loosening the inside ligaments
of knee joints. This costs less and is less risky. The bow legged
correction bandage will not only correct the condition of knock knees
and bow legs will also help to correct due to walking habits and
formation of unsightly leg curves.
You can very well balance the leg muscles and tighten the leg bone and
then let the legs change to become straighter. Now if you want some
more information on how to correct bow legs without surgery then
please visit bow legs no more.com.

What are bow legs?

Let me inform you that legs and feet in human beings form early in the
pregnancy and their bones are clearly visible on ultrasound by 16 weeks
of gestation. The baby kicks for the next several months and at first
unnoticed by the mom but soon becomes unmistakable. The movements
helps in the formation for limbs and in fact as spaces becomes more and
more cramped in the womb.

The legs and feet can get pushed into awkward position that affects their
growth. In reality the legs and feet continue to change after a baby is
born. The lower leg has a C shaped curvature that is entirely normal and
by the time a baby starts walking his legs will likely to begin to

Until then though some babies have long straight limbs while others
have wide curved ones. The feet looks like puddles early on with no
obvious arches and like the legs the feet will develop as they need to
once they bear the weight and become responsible for walking. Some
babies point their feet inwards and others turn their feet out.
All of this evolves over the first several months and years of a Childs
life, no it is normal for babys legs to look bowed like he just got off a
horse and this will continue until two to three years of age. There is
often a C shaped curvature between the knees and ankles from birth and
in most children maximal bowing of the legs actually occurs.

Bow legs can be braced or casted and these days they are treated much
less aggressively. For a child with severe or persistent bowing they are
typically needed to watch their development closely and visit an
orthopedist about every six months. Now if the bow legs are so severe
then they can cause difficulty in walking which is extremely rare. Now if
you want a sure shot cure of bow legs then please click bow legs no

What causes bow legs?

Again if a child has Blounts disease then surgery may be needed;
however there are no complications of normal bowing. However, if the
bowing does not resolve on its own or becomes rapidly and
progressively worse then Blounts disease or rickets should be
considered. Now as previously described due to Blounts disease the
tibia bows progressively and unlikely normal bowing that resolves on its
own then the bowing worsens.

Rickets is a disease of the bones caused by vitamin D deficiency and it

can result in severe leg bowing and other changes in bones throughout
the body when they new born. This deformity and curvature is natural
and almost always resolves without treatment. By two to three years of
life, the opposite problem often occurs and the child be affected with
knock kneed deformity.

This peaks at about the age of three and can last until the age of seven or
eight. Now all of this entirely normal and it happens because of

differential growth around the knees where the bones on one side of
each knees grows faster than the other. In reality nothing really needs to
be done for bow legs.
If the babies legs look different from each other with one significantly
bowed only then you should bring this to your doctors attention. Now as
your child grows older and begins to walk you should point out
abnormalities with walking or balance. Again if bowing of the legs
seems to be getting progressively worse rather than better than your
doctor should be informed.
Continual bowing is called Blounts disease and it is caused when part
of the growth plate in the legs grows too fast so that the leg bone or the
tibia bows itself. Again if the bowing is so severe that your child is
unable to stand or walk then please talk to your doctor. Once a child is
three years old, the bowing should have largely corrected itself.
However if it hasnt then you may need to consult a specialist since
severe bowing can be associated with other bony problems. Tests do not
need to be done in case of normal bowing however only if the bowing is
significant past two years of age or if the two legs are unevenly bowed
then an X-ray needs to be done and if you want an effective treatment of
bow legs then please visit bow legs no more.com.

What is the effective treatment of bow legs?

Bow legs have a giving way sensation caused by a previous ligament

injury and it is possible to correct this problem and it does not seem to
add to the recovery time. Total knee replacement replaces all the joint
surfaces and removes the anterior curiae ligament. Design keep
improving but the bow legs never feels normal and is only suitable for
sedentary activity.

Now as a rule this is not performed for patients under fifty and
infrequently in patients under sixty years of age. This risk of failure is
well selected in case of older patients though a variety of mechanisms
and the failure rate in patients under 55 is likely to be more. The degree
of deformity is measured usually with a long standing X-rays.

The required amount of correction depends on the deformity, the amount

of wear and to a lesser degree whether the legs also have the same
trouble. Previous arthroscopies done by other surgeons may provide
useful information including intra operative photos and previous
operation reports. An MRI scan can also sometimes be helpful.
Many patients attend the pre admission clinic to ensure the entire
required tests have been done. In general an osteotomy is a major
surgical procedure with some risk. Accepting a minimizing these risks
are a responsibility of both the patient and the surgeon. In general a
small number of patients do not achieve the results required and end up
having a knee replacement.
The osteotomy involved cutting a number of layers to do the surgery. It
is common for an area near bow legs to be numb. The area may be
smaller with time but it is usually permanent, now it is not possible to

provide a full list of complication. Extremely rare occurrences

eventually happen to somebody.
Now if you are having a specific question then ask your surgeon and he
will very well answer your question as well as possible. Doctors
involved in the operation are: the surgeon, anesthetist, surgical assistant,
and if any medical problems occur, or an Anticipated physician.
However if you want a surgery free correction of bow legs then please
visit bow legs no more.com.

Prevalence of knock knee and bow legs deformity in children.

I am sure you are aware of the fact that child health has prime
importance in all societies. In general school curriculum always
emphasizes on proper health of the child for all round development.
However lack of correct posture and negligence of good postural habits
indulge postural deformity which can either affect the body either
structurally or functionally.

Now the purpose of this study was to find the prevalence of knock knee
and bow legs deformity in school children. So to identify the deformities
the inter condoyle distance for bow legs and inter alveolar distance for

knock knee was measured. Data was collected individually by

performing the clinical test of orthopedics.

Children represent the future and ensuring their healthy growth and
development ought to be a prime concern of all societies. Your child
spends more time at school than anywhere else except home. So schools
can have a major effect on childrens health since school can teach
children about health, and promote healthy behaviors.
Physical education classes give children a chance to get exercise and
Childs health includes physical, mental and social well being. In general
most parents know the basics of keeping children healthy like offering
them healthy foods, making sure that they get enough sleep and exercise
and ensuring their safety.
Childrens bones grow continually and reshape and remodel themselves
extensively. Growth proceeds from a vulnerable part of the bone called
the growth plate and in remodeling old bone tissue is gradually replaced
by new bone tissues. Many bone disorders come from the changes that
occur in a growing Childs musculoskeletal system.
However these disorders may get better or worse as the child grows and
other bone disorder may be inherited or occur in childhood from known
reason. The objective of this eBook is to find the prevalence of knock
knee deformity in school going children.

The orthopedics variables is selected for the study are the bow legs and
knock knee to detect the prevalence of variables clinical examination of
orthopedics was applied in which knock knee and bow leg deformity
was diagnosed by measuring inter condoyle and inter alveolar distance
in standing position.
One can determine the prevalence of bow legs and knock knee in
children by making them stand in normal standing posture with feet
apart by using the steel stapes to measure the distance between inter
alveolar and inter condoyle according to the clinical examination of
orthopedics method of knock knee.
Now if the distance is 6 to 8 cm between the two alveolar than mild
knock knee deformity is found. If the distance is 10 cm then the
deformity is sever for bow legs and if the distance is 6 to 8 cm then mild
deformity is found and if the distance is 10 cm or more then the
deformity is severe.
One needs to diagnose the underlying cause of bow legs and knock
knees and the treatment for bow legs can vary depending on the medical
condition causing the legs to bow. Some conditions may affect other
parts of the body and so it is important to address the overall disorder
instead of fixing only the bow legs. Now if you want some more
information on the prevalence of bow legs and knock knee in children
then please visit bow legs no more.com.

How can you correct bow legs without surgery?

Physical genu verum is the most obvious reason for bow legs in children
under two years of age. This is a normal variation in leg appearance that
usually corrects itself as the child continues to grow. Blounts disease

can cause bowlegs in toddlers and adolescents and it occurs when the
growth plate in the upper part of the tibia develops abnormally.

Rickets is another common cause of bowlegs in children and when

children do not get enough calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D then
bone deformities like bowlegs can develop. When bow legs develop in
adolescents and adults then they usually result from fractures or breaks
that heal improperly and lead or fluoride poisoning, obesity, tumors,
infections or arthritis.

In some instances treating the underlying disease responsible for

bowlegs can correct the problem without further measures being taken.

Treatment for lead poisoning usually involves the use of lead binding
medications and injections of ethyledediainetetraacetic acid a chemical
that helps in correct the lead levels in the blood.
Fluoride poisoning can be treated with calcium carbonate and
magnesium hydroxide both of which bind fluoride in the stomach.
Tumors can are either physically removed through surgery and treated
with chemotherapy or treated with radiation. However when the
infection is to blame strong antibiotics may be administered though a
brief extended hospital say will usually be necessary.
Obesity can be enough of a problem on its own to cause bowlegs in both
adults and children. When another cause is to blame even moderate
amounts of excess weight can worsen the problem. Again when the hips
and knees need to support excess amounts of upper body weight the
joints and bones can weaken and gradually become distorted.
Your doctor may recommend weight loss surgery if you are severely
overweight and in urgent need of a solution. In most cases, however, it is
such safer and healthier to drop extra weight by getting plenty of
cardiovascular exercise and maintaining a balanced diet fill with
conservative portions of healthy foods.
Some underlying conditions can only be fixed through surgical
correction of the leg bones. Even underlying conditions that are typically
treated in other ways may require surgery when non surgical methods of
correction fail. If a leg heals improperly after a fracture, break or similar
trauma then surgery is almost required to straighten the leg out.
The exact procedure can vary by need and by surgeon but in most
instances small incisions are made in the leg to provide the surgeon
access to the bone. If the natural bone cannot be straightened itself,
artificial devices might be inserted into the structure of the legs to help
straighten it. Often times, little to no major scarring is left behind.

Regardless of the treatment used you may need to undergo some form of
physical therapy to straighten the leg muscles once the bowlegs are
cured. Physical therapy can make it easier to walk correctly in a shorter
period of time. You may need in patient physical therapy for two weeks
or so after surgery is performed.
When gradual, non surgical methods of correction are used you may
need to under go physical therapy for two to five months. Now if you
want some more information on how to correct bow legs without surgery
then please visit bow legs no more.com.

Suggested treatment of bow legs

In general bowlegs are a common deformity in toddlers and young

children, but in rare case it can also develop in teenagers and adults.
Now the proper way to cure bow legs will depend on the underlying
condition causing the deformity. When physiological genu verum causes
bow legs in a toddler the problem will usually correct itself by the time
the child is three or four years old.

Your Childs doctor will usually want you to schedule a check up every
six months, if not sooner, until the bowing corrects itself. If little
improvement is seen, the doctor will then determine if another causes is
to blame or if surgical intervention might be needed. Please try to avoid
leg braces and similar non surgical treatments.

When bow legs are naturally occurring like this, the use of orthopedic
devices may actually hinder the bodys natural method of straightening
the legs. However everyones circumstances and needs can vary and so
your toddlers doctor may still recommend the use of braces or similar
devices if he or she believes it to be beneficial.
You need to resort to surgery only when necessary and in rare instances;
the problem may not correct itself even though no other underlying
cause is behind it. If the deformity is minor, your doctor may advice
against surgery. If the deformity is significant and causes pain, difficulty

walking and major cosmetic concerns only then you can usually resort to
surgery meant to straighten the leg bone.
As soon as bowed legs are diagnosed as a symptom of Blounts disease,
you should work on curing the problem. When left untreated, leg
deformities caused by this disease will usually worsen and bowing will
become more apparent. By the time a child with infantile Blounts
disease reaches adolescence, he or she will likely experience severe
discomfort or pain in the knee of the bowed legs.
During a Childs toddlers years and early childhood a doctor may
recommend the use of leg braces, corrective shoes and special casts. The
devices are successful for some children but may not be successful for
all. Bracing and similar methods are rarely effective for teenagers and
adults with this disease.
You need to treat the disease with surgery if non surgical treatment fails.
As soon as non surgical bracing is deemed ineffective, a doctor will
usually recommend corrective surgery to fix the bowlegs. Children
suffering from infantile Blounts disease should undergo surgery before
the age of four to minimize the risk of permanent growth damage.
Older children, teens and adults are almost always treated with surgery.
The growth of bones might be permanently affected at these stages of
life but the legs can usually be straightened adequately nonetheless. You
need to undergo physical therapy and regardless of the treatment used
you may need to undergo some form of physical therapy to straighten
the legs muscles one the bow legs are cured.
Physical therapy can make it easier to walk correctly in a shorter period
of time. You may also need in patient physical therapy for two weeks or
so after surgery is performed. When gradual, non surgical methods of
correction are used, you may need to undergo physical therapy for two
to five months. Now if you want to cure bow legs without surgery then
please visit bow legs no more.com.

Sure shot ways to cure bow legs.

If you are having bow legs then you need to treat early on, and when left
untreated it will usually cause the bowing to worsen and become more
pronounced. As the condition continues to worsen, discomfort and pain
can begin to develop in the knee throughout the entire legs. We need to
note that other skeletal deformities can develop in an individual who has
bow legs. These deformities will need to be treated too.

You need to fortify the leg bones with improved nutrition since bowlegs
and other effects caused by bowlegs can often be managed by increasing

the bodys intake of calcium and vitamin D. in mild cases, natural

sources might provide more vitamin D as can fish and liver, and
processed milk.

Most dairy products provide calcium and in more severe cases the doctor
may prescribe special vitamin D supplements. However too much
vitamin D can be dangerous, so it is important that one should follow the
doctors instructions carefully when using these supplements. You need
to schedule regular appointments with your doctor.
Throughout the treatment a patient suffering from bowlegs should see
the doctor every few months so that the doctor can follow the
progression of the disease and act accordingly. You may also need to see

a metabolic specialist for more specialized management. One needs to

use braces and similar orthopedic treatments while leg braces cannot
cure rickets it can help correct bow legs caused by rickets in some
Corrective shoes and special casts might also be used since bracing is a
supplemental treatment at best. If left untreated, rickets will only cause
the bones to continue weakening and the bowlegs will surely return. You
need to correct the problem with surgery and non surgical treatments are
usually successful when treating bowlegs caused by rickets.
When bowlegs persist or worsen even after treating for rickets, though
surgery will be needed. Early treatment is the best way to avoid the need
for surgery. When the deformity occurs during the developmental stage
of growth and is not treated until after major growth has stopped,
surgical correction is frequently required.
Now have you ever noticed how your knees look like? However if you
observe carefully you will see that both your knees are not parallel but
deviated slightly outwards by say 5-7 degrees. This outward genu is
known as physiological genu valgum and nature has devised it in this
way. But you might have seen elderly people especially females with
both their knees inwards.
This condition is called bow knees or genu varum because both the
knees appear to have bent inside each other instead of the normal
slightly outer presentation. This deformity involves tibia alone or the
femur or tibia and fibula both. This deformity may be seen only in one
knee or both the knees.
The cause of the problem is due to growth abnormalities of upper tibia
epiphysis and infections like osteomyelitis. The problem may be caused
due to trauma near the growth epiphysis of femur and tumors affecting
the lower end of femur and upper end of tibia. Now if you want to cure
bow legs without surgery then please visit bow legs no more.com.

What are the possible complications of bow legs?

You might have noticed that in a new born child and children up to four
years, the knees are normally bent and tend to touch each other. This is
known as physiological genu varum because nature has devised it this
way. Only if this deformity persists after four years of age then it is
abnormal and you need to show to a doctor.

The disease of the knee can lead to more serious bow knee deformity
that is not normal and needs to be treated by a doctor. Bow legs can be
caused due to birth defects, postural abnormalities, developmental
defects, rickets, hormonal disorders, degenerative disorders like
osteoarthritis of knee which is a common cause.

Again occupational disorders in jockeys and some disease of the knee

like Pagets disease, Blounts disease can cause bow legs. The problem is
more common in elderly people that too females and is due to

degeneration of knee joints and is called osteoarthritis of the knee. The

primary deformity in genu varum is inward bowing of the knee.
Secondary deformities develop in the tibia and the foot and patients
complains of pain during walking, standing etc. limps may be present
and this leads to difficulty in carrying act ivies of daily living. In general
bow legs are common in elderly people and are commonly due to
osteoarthritis of the knee.
In case of bow legs the patient is examined in a sleeping position with
knee extended, patella facing the ceiling and the ankles touching each
other. If the separation of knee exceeds more than 3cm or it is unilateral,
one should investigate for bow legs. Again a line is drawn from the outer
aspect of the hip called the anterosuperior iliac spine through the centre
of patella to inner side of the ankle called the medial alveolus.
Normally all the structures are in the same line but in case of bow legs
the medial alveolus is medial to this line. Now for more accurate
assessment, the angle of genu verum is calculated by the doctor on a
standing radiograph of the whole limb. In case of genu varum the
distance between the inner knees is more than the normal 3cms.
Radiograph of the whole limb should be done to assess the severity of
bow legs or genu varum but also helps to know the extent of the disease
of the knee especially osteoarthritis of the knee. Plain X ray of the knee
helps to know the extent of bow legs or genu varum and also the disease
like the osteoarthritis of the knee.
In general the treatment of bow legs is non operative and conservative
until four years of age. During this age knee ankle foot orthotics with the
medial bar and the lateral strap are used. Correction of the early
deformity is done by dynamic bracing or splints. However after four
years, significant deformity should be corrected by surgery.

The treatment of bow legs after the age of four years is mainly surgical
and the methods which are applied are stapling the outer aspect of the
knee when the child is within the growth period and cutting the outer
portion of the tibia and straightening is called tibia osteotomy or high
tibia osteotomy and it could be wither medial open or lateral closed
wedge osteotomy and is done after the child has attained skeletal
maturity. Now if you want some more information on possible
complications of bow legs then please visit bow legs no more.com.

How to know that you have bow legs?

In case of, bow legs and genu varum due to osteoarthritis of the knee in
very advanced cases, the joints are replaced and this is called total knee
replacement surgeries. If only inner half of the joint is replaced it is
called unicondylar knee replacement, and if all the three chambers of the
joint are damaged, then the entire knee joint is replaced and this process
is called total knee replacement.

Outer cutting of the tibia and closing the inner bending of the knee is
called lateral closed wedge ostetomy and is done in young individuals.
In knee replacement surgery all the three compartments of the knee are
replaced. In case of uni condoyle knee replacement, only the inner part
of the diseased knee is replaced and is done in inner compartment

Again in case of total knee replacements all the three compartments of

the knee are replaced and are done in more advanced case of bow legs
and genu varum due to osteoarthritis of the knee in elderly people. Bow
legs or genu varum is a condition when legs have deformity outward of
natural legs position.
Knock knee or genu valgum is a condition when legs have deformity
inward of natural legs position. Arthritis means a disorder of the knee
joint, generally implying early joint surface damage. Leg axis is
conventional axis that shows how the body weight distributes among leg
Auricular cartilage is a type of dense connective tissue which can supply
smooth surfaces for the movement of articulating bones. First of all bow
legs or genu varum and knock knee or genu valgum are deformities that
are not only cosmetic defects. They also lead to knee joint movement
abnormalities that after a number of years result to arthritis.

Now we find out the normal body weight distribution is when the leg
axis goes straight through femoral head which is the center of the knee
joint and center of articulation of foot. In this case the body weight
distributes naturally and auricular cartilage of the knee joint has equal
distribution at full surface.
In reality there is natural position of knee joint that allows saving the
auricular cartilage in health during years. Now as you can imagine that
legs axes go still straight through femoral head and center of articulation
of foot but do not go through center of the knee joint. So body weight
distribution change and regarding the knee joint one part of the knee
have more load than another.
In case of bow legs there is more load of inner part of knee joint and in
case of knock knee there is more load of the outer part of the knee joint.
Thus auricular cartilage of knee joint has different weight distribution at
surface that leads to its attrition in the part where the loading is
In time the auricular cartilage attrition leads to arthritis and a person
feels pain in knee joints. Appearance of arthritis usually happens after
years in elderly age abut sometimes it happen in middle age. In general
it depends on individual health of each person and the only way to
protect from appearance of knee joint arthritis is the surgery of bow legs
and knocks knee correction.
Now with the surgery the leg axis becomes natural position so auricular
cartilage of knee joint get equal weight distribution at full surface and
keep its health in years. Also there is a cosmetic effect that lets a person
feel himself or herself more comfortable around other people. Now if
you want some more information on how to know that you have bow
legs then please visit bow legs no more.com.

What are the symptoms of bow legs and knock knees?

Its really easy to check whether or not your legs are suffering from bow
legs and knock knees or your legs depart from the norm. All you have to
do is to stand up with feet together and in this position your feet should
be in contact, without strain or discomfort, from heels to the end of your
big toes.

Again the top of your thighs, your knees, calves and inner and medial
ankle bones should also touch slightly. The long axis of your leg should
pass through the middle of the knee, ankle and second toe. Your toes
should be spread out and the sides of your feet should be oblique and in
a straight line, apart from the inner and lateral ones, notched by the
longitudinal arches which should be visible.

Now any departure from this ideal shape would mean that you are
having bow legs or genu verum, knock knees or genu valgum and lock
knees or genu recurvatum. Again you might have flat or hollow feet,
helix valgus, and Quintus virus or hammer toes and if this happens the
chances are that your thigh bones are rotated inwards.
However if the bow legged and knock kneed shapes are just an aesthetic
problem they would not be worthy of any treatment. But as shape
conditions functions, its reasonable to expect musculoskeletal troubles
to arise from misalignment between the upper and lower legs. In general
knees are often the site of pain and dysfunction from an imperfect
arrangement of parts of the leg.
I am sure you are aware of the most common problem affecting knees
are known as patella syndrome or anterior knee pain which in other
words is known as chondromalacia patellae. This condition is common
among young people but does not spare older ones. The three main

symptoms are knee pain, subjective feeling of instability as if your knee

will give way and locking of knee joints for a short duration.
In reality many studies have been done to find a cause of this annoying
condition but specialists are still in the dark. However a careful
morphological examination will reveal, in most cases, an inward rotation
of the thighbones or a lock knee as if the knee was bent back leading to
bow legs or knock knees.
Now in this far from ideal condition, the knee joint is under undue
constant pressure which literally scrapes the cartilage in the knee cap. In
due time if nothing is done to stop this pathological process, the knee
joint will become arthritic to a point of irreversibility. Classically,
treatments offered from these conditions are unfortunately analytical and
At the end of the day toning of the quadriceps is a common form of
treatment but sadly it is useless at best and harmful at worst. Acquired
physical distortions usually start from the top of the body and the
primary departure from normal shape is a deepening of the concavities
of the spine. This is caused by a chronic shortening of the dorsal
muscles. Now if you want some more information about symptoms of
bow legs and knock knees then please visit bow legs no more.com.

What can your doctor do about bow legs and knock knees?

In case of bow legs and knock knees it does not stop at the back, it
spreads down to the legs. As the problem tends to turn on them the
concavities appear to be deeper on one side of the spine. The asymmetric
shortening is commonly evidenced in the legs, where one of them will

usually present a more severe inward rotation, outward or inward

bending and backward bending.

However since all these distortions are caused by an excess of muscle

tone in the muscle chains, a rotational treatment will concentrate on
decreasing it. Apart from cases where a dysplasia of the trachea is found
the prognosis is good as long as the condition is not too advanced. Now
it is quite common for toddlers to appear mildly bow legged.

In fact toddlers can often have bowed legs that may even interfere with
walking. The majority of cases of bowed legs in toddlers result from

physiologic genu varum, the term used by doctors to refer to a variation

in normal appearance that makes some toddlers appear bow legged.
However toddlers with is normal condition in appearance of the legs
usually begin to improve around the age of 15 to 18 months.
By the age of three the problem will generally be resolved without any
type of bracing or treatment. However certain medical conditions can be
responsible for bow legs that do not improve or even worsen as a child
ages. Blounts disease is a medical condition that affects bone growth,
resulting in abnormal growth of the upper portion of the tibia and shin
bones leading to bow legs.
Now according to the American academy of orthopedic surgeons in case
of children under two years of age, it is impossible to distinguish normal
bow legs from Blounts disease. However children with physiologic
genu varum will improve with time while those with Blounts disease
will progressively worse.
In general by the age of three x ray studies of a Childs legs will show the
abnormalities of Blounts disease. However Blounts disease is a
treatable condition when discovered really in the toddlers. This is called
infantile Blounts disease and leg braces can be used to correct the
If bowing of the legs persists or increases despite of the use of a brace,
surgery may be needed. Braces are not effective in adolescents and teens
with the condition of Blounts disease are usually treated with surgery.
Other rarer conditions may also result in bowed legs in toddlers.
Disorders of metabolism such as rickets which is basically a deficiency
of vitamin D that is rare in developed countries can also lead to bow
Now if you are concerned about bow legs in your child, your doctor can
perform tests if necessary to help determine the cause of the problem.
Young babies often have bow legs and this is especially the case with

sturdy babies of above average weight. In reality bow legs are caused by
different alignment of the bones in a babys thighs and legs during
Bow legs can also be the result of other problems such as rickets and
vitamin D deficiency but this is rare these days. Most children with bow
legs have an underlying problem and bow legs are usually quite normal.
Most children have bow legs to some extent when they are babies and
this becomes more noticeable when they start to walk. Bow legs are also
known as genu varum and if you want to know what your doctor can do
about your bow legs then please visit bow legs no more.com.

When to contact a medical professional if you are having bow legs?

If your child has bow legs then you will notice that when she stands with
her feet together, her ankles touch but her knees are apart. You should
see your doctor if your child is over two years of age and has very severe
bowed legs. Let me inform you that bowing occurs on only one of your
Childs legs.

The legs will usually line up properly by the time your child starts
school and no treatment is needed. If the bowing doesnt improve after
this age and the bowing is severe, a specialist might think about night
splints. Bow legs can cause the knees to separate when the feet are
placed together.

When the condition is severe enough to be considered a deformity the

cause is usually a disorder that occurs early in life such as rickets, flat
feet, a congenital disease or an injury. Bow legs can be corrected
mechanically by braces, shoe wedges, or other orthopedic devices. In
some cases the bone is straightened surgically.
Bow legs in a toddler is very common and when a child with bow legs
stands with his or her feet together there is a distinct space between the
lower legs and knees. This may be a result of either one, or both, of the
legs curving outwards. Again walking often exaggerates the bow legs
appearance and adolescents occasionally have bow legs.

In many cases the child is significantly overweight and in most cases

children under two years old bowing of the legs is simply a normal
variation in leg appearance. Doctors generally refer to this type of
bowing as physiologic genu varum and in children with physiologic
genu varum the bowing begins to slowly improve at approximately
eighteen months of age and consitnues as the child grow.
By the age of three to four, the bowing will be corrected and the legs
will typically have a normal appearance. Blounts disease is a condition
that can occur in toddlers as well as in adolescents. It results from an
abnormality of the growth plate in the upper part of the shin bone or
tibia. Growth plates are located at the ends of Childs long bones and
they help to determine the length and shape of the adult bones.
In a child under the age of two years, it may be impossible to distinguish
infantile Blounts disease from physiologic genu varum. By the age of
three years, however the bowing will worsen and an obvious problem
can often be seen in an x ray. Again rickets is a bone disease in children
that causes bow legs and other bone deformities.
Children with rickets do not get enough calcium, phosphorus and
vitamin D all of which are important for healthy growing bones.
Nutritional rickets is unusual in developed countries because many foods
including milk products are fortified with vitamin D.
Rickets can also be caused by a genetic abnormality that does not allow
vitamin D to be absorbed correctly. This form of rickets may be
inherited. Now if you want some more information about the causes of
bow legs then please visit bow legs no more.com.

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