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Vo l. 17 3

Earth Science Frontiers (China U niversity of Geosciences( Beijing); Peking U niversity)

M 2010


:{j i



I. B rkeley Seismolgu: 1 L

Department lf



a Geop







94706, USA

hysics , Uni lJ ersi

Yuan Huaiyu, Dueker K G. Relict slab and young phnne: Seismic view of the present time Wyoming


Earth Science

Frontiers , 2010 , 17( 3) : 127- 138

Abstracl: Since


two decades ago , many temporary arrays have been deployed in the Archean Wyoming

province and its neighboring areas. Due to the small station spacing (up to 2 km) of these array deployments ,
it is now possible to image the seismic structure in the Wyoming crust and upper mantle with a resolution scale
comparable to active source profiling . Remarkable agreements between the passive and active source
studies are found in the crust and shallow upper mantle. A high velocity dipping structure down to > 150 km is
revealed from


at the southern craton edge. Supported by other lines of evidence , a frozerr in fossil

subduction slab model at the craton margin is preferred , w hich indicates that lateral slab accretion may be an
important mechanism during the early craton assembly. H igh velocity lower crust magmatic underplates are
present in the northern and eentral eraton , but are perhaps inexistent in the south , indicating that they
lated to possible different cratonization processes among the craton

s bprovinces.


r e-

The spatial coincidence of

these relict seismie struetures w ith the surfaee sutures suggests the early lithospheric responses to various
mantle deformation processes have been well

preserv d. Yo ng

tectonisms , for example

th Yellowsto hots

pot , have significantly altered the crust and lithosphere in the western side of the craton.
Key words: Wyoming; craton;

lithosphere; ism lC

Docmnent code: A

lmaging; mantle plume; wedge

Article ID: 100: 2321( 2010) 03 -


nmnber: P315. 2

0121 12

:l i;

Yellow stone

r+1 F

I LithoProbe '1

:~ ~ S<JR:

'+1 [ Yellowstone
| 500 km 0

)tJl: 201 0- 04-28; : 201 18


H uaiyu Yuan( .;.


huaiyu. yuan@ berkelev. edu


hotspot track jt i


ra es

W yoming craton

form ion


Archean cratons are the regions in the world

has remained stable for billions of
years. Bleeker 11 ] reports 35 pieces of preserved cratonic segments in the world. Since the past decades
consensus has ben reached that th craton kel is
buoyant and mechanically strong to retain the
crato n' s 10 evit) 3]
Questions regarding the
craton formation and dformation processes , however , still remain. For example , how craton keels
formed in the first place is still open for debate.
Two classes of cratonic lithospheric roots forma
tion are DroDosed
~_ ~ mvoKmg
:~~.~ J.
propose O'l 5]" one
on one or more
hot plumes , and the oth r proposing accretion by
shallow subduction in either a continental or arc
A wel suitd rgion to study the craton for
mation and deformation is th Wyoming province
in the northwestern United States (Fig. 1). This is
a> 100000 km Archean province surrounded to its
three sides by Proterozoic collisional orogens l 6- 8]:
the Great Fall tectonic zone from north , the Dakota segment of thT ran s- H udson Orogen from
east , and the Cheyenne belt l9] from south. T he
western limit of the craton is poorly constraind.
Foster et al llO ] sugg t it may lie in th astern lim
it of the Sevier fold and thrust belt in southwestern
M ontana. T he craton is middle to thLate Arch ean in age l8. 11]. T he northern and central subprovinces were cratonized > ca 2 80 Ga , with a unique
enriched 207 Pb/ 2041 Pb isotropic signaturin thAr
chean rocks , w hich suggests an even earlier period
of crustal contraction recorded in the subprovin
On the othr hand th southern province,
known m the southern accreted terranes (SAT ) 1 ] , is
2 65 63 Ga in age and represents episodes of j
venile terrane accretion analogous to modern plat
tectonic processes I12 ]. M ore details of the geologic
and tectonic history of the province can bfound in
a series of papersl68, 10121.

T he deformation history of thWyoming

be traced back to as ar ly as in lat
Archean: for example , pervasive deformation is r
corded in the gneisses (> 2 8 Ga) and discrete
shear zon in the north and central subprovinc
between 2 75 55 Ga181 . Episodes of Proterozoic
rifting are rcorded in mafic dyke swarms in the
provmc can

of southern accreted terranes (2 1-2 0 Ga)

and in the western region of the W yoming province
( 1. 51. 4 Ga). Thes riftivents are related to
the Proterozoic passive margin along the Cheyenne
belt (the southern border) and the Belt basin for
mation (th W rn border) rs
pctiV el
y .

th w

of th Crator
1 r
rifting along th w st rn craton bord r and perhaps
the de velopment of the prota Pacific Ocean l 131.
M ueller and Frost[6] suggest the extension and
mafic dyke emplacement may contribute significantly to the lower crustal mafic underplating in
the W yoming province. T he 70 40 M a Laramide
uplifts are widely spaced in Wyoming. Chamber
laint a l. 1 ] notice thfirst ordr orientations and
distributions of uplifts follow the tectonic trends of
the subprovinces established in the M iddle to Late
Archean. This suggests that the long- livd Precambr'
an lithospheric features and weak zones have potential
influences on the subsequent tectonic events.
Recnt high density seismic array deployments , including the USArray Transportable array
and many PASSCAL temporary arrays in the Wyoming pEOvirl provided an unparalleled opportunr
ty to image the fine scale seismic structures of the
cratonic crust , lithosphre and upper mantle. In
this paper w summanz som of the recent
teleseismic results from those array deployments.
Findings from these teleseismic studies correlate
well with thos from activ sourc seismic profiles ,
and together they reveal detailed structures in the
W yoming cratonic crust and lithospher. Correlation of th selsmlc lmag with surface geology
suggests the structural heterogeneities in the craton crust and uppr mantle have been presrvd
smc the craton formation , and remained intact
during later subsequent tectonisms.

2 1

Fossl cratonic structures: Relict slab,

wedge tectoncs and 7. x layer

Relict slab
Since 1993 several P A SSCA L tem porary ar
rays hav been dployed along th southern border
of the province (Fig. 2a). One of the main goals
was to study the seismic structure across the Proterozoic Chey 1n belt the only well xpos d
bound ary l6, 14] that separates the craton from its
Proterozoic orogens. A nortldipping slab like


Fig. 1 Wyoming Province, ils Prolerozoic Oroge and seisllC

arrays( M ap modified from [ 6])
The DeepProhe active profile is shown as the hlue lines. The passive source linesl arrays a e the solid and dashed lnes n red. T he
oring Proterozoic orogens are shown in dashed blae line.
high velocity anomaly in the shallow upper mantle
is found near the W yomingl Colorado state border
by the P- and ~ avtomography study of the CDROM project[151 . Given the spatial coincidence of
the Cheyenn belt w ith the north dipping sla b- like
high velocity feature , a Proterozoic subduction slab
trapped in the Archean Wyoming lithosphere has
been proposed[I 5- 16J T his proposal is supported by
lateral continuity of th high velocities under th
Cheyenne belt from other temporary array and r
gional tomographic studiesI17-18] ( Fig. 2) , and by a
therm barometric analysis of xenolith sampl
from the nearby Stateline District L 1 in which a
distinct depleted Archean'type signatur is found
in the upper (down to 140 km) su b- continental
lithospheric mantle (SCLM). Interestingly this
study show s underlying is a more metasomatisd
lower lithosphere , w hich ass mbles Proterozoic
SCLM sections worldwide.
M ore support for the fossil slab hypothesis
comes from th shear wavsplitting study of the
C D- ROM north line[20] , in which th apparent
splitting parameters can b modeled as from a
northerly dipping anisotropic structure across the
Cheyenne belt ( CB). Synthetic tomographic exper
iment is conducted to test the anisotropic effects of
a dipping fast axis anomaly in the isotropic tomographic inversion l 15]. Remarkable consistencies b e-

ne h-

twn the invrted tomographic image and the pr ediction from an anisotropic synthetic slab model are
observed (Fig. 3) , therefore favor the high velocity
anomaly being also anisotropic. T he anisotropy
w ithin the high velocity anomaly is consistent w ith
lattic preferred orientation dvelopd in th anlso
tropic minerals in a fossil oceanic slab. Another e
idence is from the receiver function common conl211 along the CD- ROM north
vrsion stack image
line CC'. N orth of the CB a continuous layering
below the M oho depth is obs rved in th Wyoming
lithosphere. T his layering is however truncated by
the high velocity slab w here it is presen t. Further
to th south across th CB the receivr function imag shows diffrent sty le of lay ing in th Protero
zoic accretionary terranes. The truncation and
change of the receiver function layering style suggest
distinct lithospheric fabrics across the CB.
Fossil slabs are commonly reported to resid
in the cratonic lithosphere in the N orth A merican
continent[2 25]
Beneath the northern province
boundary , w here the Great Falls T ectonic zone
sparates the W yoming craton from the Mdicine
H at Bl ock[6J , an activ sourc stud y l 26 J has r
veald tw 0 north dipping reflctors in the upper
mantle. T hese dipping reflectors are interpreted
as relict subducted slabs , entombed during the
collision between the W yoming and M edicin Hat


l3 1
block [2 6]. In fact , more relict slab related upper
mantle reflectors are reported from the active
source LithoProbe studies[27] throughout th North
American cratonic region. This suggests fossil
subduction may be probably ubiquitous during the
welding of cratonic pices and their Protrozolc
orogens in the Pr cambrian time , at least in the
N orth American continen t.
22 Wedge ttoics
A nother commonly observed featur in the
craton margin crust and shallow upper mantle is
the s called wedge tectonics[ 28 1, inferred from
dp seismic reflection profiles and summarizd in
the cartoon in Fig.4a. According to this mode1,
the more rigid cratonic lithosphere appears to form
a wedgof uppermost mant1rock into th1itho'
sphere of juvenil b10cks in a converg nc set
ting P8]. A 10ng the Cheyenne belt , several teleseismic receiver function imag s confirm this wedge
structural geometry: for example , P- and S wav
receiver function common conversion point stacking images from a =- km spacing density array r eV al tw 0 positiv velocity gradients in the depth b
tween 40 and 60 km I29 ]. In this paper the two v
locity gradients are inferred as doubl e- M oho , with
the shallow one being the M oho of the A rchean
crust , and the deeper slightly dipping on being
the downwarc thrusted Moho of the Proterozoic
crus t. This doubl Moho is consistently observed in
the relvr functions along th whol southern border
of the W yoming provi[21 30- 32] (Fig. 4 and 5).
If the proposal for the nortlr dipping deep thrust
Proterozoic Moho is true, it complements the remnant
fossil subducted slab model from the tomographic
studies. Taken together , these tomographic and r
civer function obsrvations suggest that fossil subdu C"
tion is well preserved beneath th southrn bordr of
the Wyoming provin and the tectonic slab stacking
may have p1ayed an important roles in the Precambrian

the high data fold teleseismic Billings array wav eforms , recelver
f unctior1lmage
s fo
r the firs

st time
confirm th exist nce of th 7. x lay r in th north'.
ern Wyomir
striking high velocity contrast is observed on top of
th Moho int rfac. Follow up studies using all
vailable seismic stations in the r gion including
the USArray Transportable Array , map this 7. x
10wr crustal1ayr into a m uch larger region w here
thickened crust is obsrved (Fig. 6d). For xa
p1e , shear wave tomographic images from ambient
noise imaging technique l351 confirm this high velo
ity lower crust is present in th E gions wher E
ceiver function images show a thickened crust w ith
a secondary positive velocity gradient above it
(Fig. 6e) .
Bas d on xenoliths data from the M edicin
H at block and Great Falls tectonic zone , Gorman
et al126 ] proposa Protrozoic origin for thlowr
crust underplate. N oticing th coincidlce of th
7. x 1ayer w ith the oldest subprovinces and the
thinning and vanishing of the 7. x layer in the
southern province , Chamberlain et a l. [8] arg th
underp1ate is Late Archean in age and may be r elated to the widespread magmatism between 2 9
Ga and 2 75 Ga in the northern subprovinc. An
intersting observation is that the 7. x lay r ends at
the Oregon T rail Structure[8] w hich is the boundary between the central and southern subprovinces.
The homog nous lateral distribution of the 7. x
1ayer in the north and centra1 subprovinces is con
sistent w ith the proposal that those subprovinces
are qm distinct from th southrn accreted rranes.

lithospher grvth.

th lithospher in th T yoming

2 3

The 7. x layer
One prominent observation in the Archean
crust is the pr ervation of a high velocity and high
density lower crusta11ayer , or the 7. x layer , first
reported by active source studies along the Deep
Probe lines [2 6, 33]. T h name of this 7. x layer comes
from th high P- wave velocity (7. 5 7.9 kml m
the layer modeled in the active source studies[26, 331.
Th7. x 1ayer is interpreted magmatic underplates in
the 10r crust (Fig. 6a). A gravity profile a10

glt d
e 1O
p aralle
1 to the DeepProb
e lin
indicates the high density lower crustal und rplate
extends much further to
t h east (F
). With

Y oung tectonc deformaton:


low stone hotspot

A young tectonism that significantly dformed
province since its
stabilization is the N eogene Y ellow stone hotspot
system. T his is a famous continent type hotspot
propo d by Morgan[36]: the hotspot track started
around 17 M a in SE Oregon and migrated 700 km
northeasterly to its current location in Yellow
stone. T he seismo1ogy , geodynamics , volcanism
and tectonics aspects of th hotspot ar discussed
[31- 38] TT _ __ _
ny papers' - tl ere we show some tomographic representation of the hotspot in the upper
mantle to illustrate that th cratonic lithosph re
has been significantly deformed by the upwelling
plume , and the base of the lithosphere is perhaps
in th middle of dlamination proc.


1) i

)( rthl



4)Lod ?


Fi 5 R( eiver function studies show in the wedge teetonics along the Cheyenne belt
(a) Laramie ray1291; ( C D- ROM arr 12 1f; (c) DeepPro e passive lineI30]; and (d) Lodore 2D arrayl311 .
The "Crocodile" shape ndcated by the tw 0 dashed lines at t he M oho depth along the Cheyenne he lL (laheled
as CB) show s the location of dowrrthrusted Proterozoic M oho (top) and the Arehean M oho ( hottom). N ote
the positive velocity gradient (e. the M oho) is blue in ( red in (b) and (c). and black in (d).

Figure 7 show s a 3D rndering of th Yellow

stone plume image inverted from the P-wave traveltime residuals recorded at available broadband
stations before 2006 13 T he surface aperturof
the station coverage is up to 600 km therefore
guarantees good resolution dow n to at least 500
km. A pronounced low velocity "pipe" extends
from surface benath the Y ellow stone park dow n
to over 500 km. Striking at the depth w here the
plume pnetrates the 410 km discontinuity , thto
pography of the interface shm s a "depr Sion"
from receiver functions l401 ( Fig. 7b consistent
w ith a warm upwelling crossing the olivine phase
change boundaryl411. This uppr mantle plumlm
age is confirmed by other tomographic studiesI42451.M ore recent tomographic images that take
advantag fthUSArray Transportable Array data and the finit frquency kernels l4 47J show that
the plume may extend deeper , and may loosely
connect to a much larger pond of low velocities at

> 1000 km


The plume has significantly modified the crust

and lithosphere in the western side of the province.
As illustrated in the diffusive and ballistic Rayleigh
wave tomographic inversion images l3 at 80 km
the cratonic lithosphere has much slower velociti
along thEastern Snake River Plain than its sur
roundi s (Fig. 14 of Stachnik et a l. 1 ). Thisimplies that in responding to the time progressive
N orth American plate shear , the plume h signifi
cantly indent d th cratonic lower lithosphere
long the hotspot track. M antle derived and fra ctionated ferr o- basalts , or the s o- called M i crustal
mafic sill complex[48] , originatd from the plum elithosphere interaction l49J , are consistent w ith observations from Rayleigh wave tomography and r e
ceiver function studies l3 51 along the hotspot
track. This mic crust mafic fill was first det cted
from an active source seismic profiling stud y I48].
Thplum lithospherint raction has caused about



Fig. 7 Yellovstone plum

of lhe Yellowslone P- wave lomographie resulls l Red is lhe iscr rfaee of lhe low ve!ocly conlour
at 8' which extends to at least 500 km. Beneath Dillon , Montana , where the plume penetrates the 410 km disconlinuity , the reeeiver fun ion
reveals a depreson of lhe topography of this discontinuity (b). (c) T opography
of t he 660 km discontinuity. o corresponding uplifting of the topography is 0 served. (d) T he transition zone thickneSR. F ( to ( e from Fee and Dueker l The x- and Taxes in ()- (d) are r e1at e distance (in km)
from lhe YeIl ow slone Caldera (labeled as Y).
(a) 3D

I ldering

10 km thick magmatic injection to the crust L

w hich has triggered significant outward flow of the

Eastern Snake River Plain lower crust l 35] The

verall plume flux is small, however , based on observations of the small plume conduit imaged from
tomography [3 9.43.50j and nearly uniform distribution
of the anisotropy fast symmetry axis from shear

wave splitting measurements l -52J

On the sides of the hotspot track , the plume
may have already triggerd lower lithospherde
lamination , as sugg t d by tomographic im
gesl3945l izl shallow upper mantle izl west---central
Wyomi( F ig. 7 a). A rcent lithospl ic thickness map bed on surface w aves[ 5 derived from
rapid changes of a zmuthal anisotropy directions
with r pect to depth , shows a much thinned lithosphere in the western T yoming province, w hich
w ould be consistent w ith the delaminated litho

sphere proposa l.


Passive source seismic array deployments have

provided unique opportunities to image the fine
scale structure of the W yoming craton crust and
upper mantle. Consisten ces between the passive
and active source images suggest that the passive
source seismic imaging is capable of revealing fine
scale structure , and can be laterally extensive and
remains low cost. Results from various methods of
sismic processing reveal coherent imags of the
relict crustal and lithosphric structures in the cr
ton. T he coincidence of the seismic structures w ith
the surface geological structures suggests those are
fossil structur whic may be frozerr 'in during

the early craton formation processes. T he inferred
wedge tectonics and relict slab along the craton
margin also indicate that slab accretion may hav
played important roles in early cratonic formation.
Y oung mantle upwelling , i. e. the Y ellow stone
plume seems to erode th cratonic lithospherby
causing thinning and delamination , w hile on the
other hand has contributed to crust growth
through injecting magmas into the craton litho'
spher . Lastly th selsmlc lmag mg leral reflect
only the current state of the craton upper mantle;
integration seismology w ith surface geology , geodynamics and g ch mistry is essential to further
improve our understanding of the craton evolution.

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