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Iran J Radiol. 2014 December; 11(4): e13575.

DOI: 10.5812/iranjradiol.13575
Research Article

Published online 2014 September 23.

Comparison of Chest X-Ray Findings of Smear Positive and Smear Negative

Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis


Azadeh Ebrahimzadeh ; Mahyar Mohammadifard ; Ghodratallah Naseh

1Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran
2Department of Radiology, Imam Reza Hospital, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran
3Department of Surgery, Imam Reza Hospital, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran

*Corresponding author: Mahyar Mohammadifard, Imam Reza Hospital, School of Medicine, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran. Tel: +98-5118414499, Fax: +985612226898, E-mail: mahyarmohammadifard@yahoo.com

Received: July 13, 2013; Revised: April 20, 2014; Accepted: June 1, 2014

Background: Tuberculosis is a chronic pulmonary infectious disease that has affected one-third of the people in the world. It causes
nine million new cases and two million deaths per year. Chest radiography associated with Ziehl-Neelsen acid-fast staining procedure
significantly helps the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB). Chest radiography can help the diagnosis of tuberculosis in patients
with a negative smear sample result that is mainly diagnosed with delay.
Objectives: In this study, chest X-ray findings of PTB were compared in two groups of smear positive and smear negative patients.
Patients and Methods: In this retrospective descriptive-analytical study, 376 patients who had been confirmed with PTB were referred
to Birjand Health Care Center from 2001 to 2006. Out of the 376 patients, 100 patients with a positive smear based on WHO criteria were
selected. In addition, among negative smear patients, 100 were selected in whom similar demographic characteristics with positive smear
patients were seen. All of them had undergone chest radiographies that were then interpreted by two expert radiologists independently.
Moreover, all patients sputa were examined by an expert laboratory technician at the reference laboratory of the health center. The
obtained data were analyzed by means of frequency distribution table and descriptive statistics using SPSS (version 15) and Chi-square
statistical test.
Results: Except reticulo-nodular infiltration, the relative frequency of other radiographic findings in positive smear patients were
more than negative smear patients; and only differences in calcification variables, mediastinal widening, patchy infiltration and hilar
adenopathy were statistically significant (P < 0.05).
Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, although radiographic findings are not diagnostic in PTB, they are helpful if the assessment
associates with the view of clinical manifestations and sputum smears.
Keywords: Pulmonary Tuberculosis; Smear Positive; Smear Negative; Radiological Findings

1. Background
Tuberculosis is a chronic lung infection that is caused
by mycobacterium germs. This disease caused more
than 30% of all deaths in the 19th and 20th centuries
and has currently infected one-third of all people worldwide. It causes nine million new cases and two million
deaths annually (1-3). TB is the second most fatal infectious agent after AIDS. Eighty percent of all tuberculosis
patients reside in 22 countries primarily in the thirdworld (1, 2). It has been estimated that over one billion
people will be infected by tuberculosis by 2020 and the
number of patients will reach 200 million. In addition,
one million deaths will occur due to tuberculosis. At
present, 30 million people are infected by tuberculosis,
while it is estimated that almost 300 million people are
contaminated and about 90 million would be involved
with tuberculosis within the next ten years (1, 4, 5).
The prevalence of tuberculosis reduced to 5% annually
until 1995 (6), but within the next five years, the prevalence increased to 15.8%. Currently, tuberculosis in as-

sociation with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

(AIDS) is the most important public health problem in
Asia, Africa and Latin America. Hence, it was called an
emergency by WHO in 1993 (6, 7).
The best and most definitive method in the diagnosis
of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) is sputum smear and
Ziehl-Neelsen staining with several consecutive tests (13). In the recent decades, due to the increase in diversity
and number of diagnostic techniques, smear positive
tuberculosis has raised (2, 3). Although smear negative
tuberculosis has significantly reduced, still a considerable number of cases fall at this group. For example, in
Iran, smear positive tuberculosis increased from 3980
to 5430 cases from 1992 to 1996 (7 per 100,000 vs. 8.9
per 100,000); and smear negative tuberculosis reduced
from 13182 cases to 6081 (23.1 per 100,000 vs. 10 per
100,000) (8).
In a study done in Iran in 1996, 11.25 per 100,000 smear
positive and 6.62 per 100,000 smear negative and 2.72

Copyright 2014, Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Iranian Society of Radiology; Published by Kowsar. This is an open-access article distributed under the
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redistribute the material just in noncommercial usages, provided the original work is properly cited.

Ebrahimzadeh A et al.
per 100,000 extra-pulmonary tuberculosis were detected in Birjand, South Khorasan, which ranked third
place after Systan-Baluchestan and Golestan provinces
(9). Since each smear negative patient can contaminate
two people each year, rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis is
as essentially important as the smear positive patient.
In smear negative and even smear positive cases, radiographic changes are helpful in disease diagnosis. Although some chest X-ray findings, including nodular or
patchy infiltration in the posterior parts of the superior
lobes or anterior segments of the inferior lobes particularly in bilateral involvement and associated with cavity, are not specific for pulmonary tuberculosis, clinical
manifestations and epidemiologic findings are very diagnostic (10, 11). Generally, common radiologic findings
in secondary PTB are demonstrated as follows: bronchiectasis, consolidation, patchy, cavitary, and miliary TB
(12, 13).

2. Objectives

This study has been done to compare chest X-ray changes seen in smear positive and smear negative tuberculosis patients.

3. Patients and Methods

In this retrospective descriptive-analytical study, 376
patients who had been confirmed with PTB were referred to Birjand Health Care Center from 2001 to 2006.
Out of the 376 patients, 100 patients with a positive
smear based on WHO criteria were selected. In addition, among negative smear patients, 100 patients were
selected as the control group, in whom similar demographic characteristics with positive smear patients
were seen.
Based on WHO criteria, positive smear PTB is defined
with at least two positive sputum smears of acid-fast
bacillus or one positive sputum smear associated either
with one positive sputum culture or chest radiographic
findings compatible with PTB. Negative smear PTB was
confirmed when positive radiographic changes compatible for PTB have been detected and in spite of a 10-14
day wide spectrum antibiotic therapy, no change in the
patients general condition was noted from whom two
negative serial sputum smears were taken with at least
two weeks interval and in each session, three samples
were examined and all samples were negative for acid
fast bacillus. In addition, smear negative PTB is defined
when a severely ill patient with radiographic changes in
favour of PTB lesions (interstitial tissue involvement or
miliary TB) shows two negative samples for acid fast bacillus. The physician then decided to start anti-TB treatment in a patient with initially negative sputum smears
and a positive sputum culture.
All of the patients underwent chest radiographies
that were then interpreted by two expert radiologists
independently. Moreover, all patients sputa were exam2

ined by an expert laboratory technician at the reference

laboratory of the health center. The obtained data were
analyzed by means of frequency distribution table and
descriptive statistics using SPSS version 15 for Windows
(SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill, USA) and Chi-square test was used
for statistical analysis. P-values less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.

4. Results
Out of the 200 patients who were studied, most of
them were Iranian citizens (97%), 63.5% were female and
59% of the cases were from urban areas. The age distribution was 15.5%, 45%, and 39.5% in the age groups of 1-13,
14-55, and above 55 years old, respectively. The mean age
in the females was 50.88 22.22 years and 49.11 22.82
years in the males (P=0.57), 48.31 22.41 years in the positive smear group and 51.66 21.52 years in the negative
smear group (P = 0.28).
Forty six percent of the smear positive and 25% of the
smear negative patients had ESR > 50 (P < 0.001).Based on
the results of this study, the most common radiographic
manifestations in smear positive cases were calcification
(56%), adenopathy (53%), bronchiectasis (40%), reticulonodular infiltration (36%), and patchy infiltration (30%).
Apical involvement, cavity, incomplete pulmonary destruction, pleural effusion, mediastinal widening and
fibrosis were the next common findings, while in smear
negative patients, calcification (27%), reticulo-nodular
infiltration (41%), fibrosis (23%), adenopathy (21%), and
patchy infiltration (14%) were the most common findings. Likewise, apical involvement, bronchiectasis, pleural effusion, cavity, mediastinal widening were the next
common findings. The frequency of patchy infiltration,
calcification, mediastinal widening, and hilar pulmonary adenopathy was higher in smear positive patients
(P = 0.006, P < 0.001, P = 0.02 and P < 0.001, respectively).
Although the frequency of pleural effusion, complete
pulmonary destruction, miliary TB, pulmonary fibrosis
and apical involvement were common in smear positive
cases and reticulo-nodular infiltration in smear negative ones, but neither showed any significant statistical
So, the frequency of calcification, pulmonary hilar adenopathy, incomplete pulmonary destruction, cavity, mediastinal widening, bronchiectasis, and patchy infiltration were more common in the smear positive groups
compared to smear negative groups that were statistically significant (all Ps < 0.05). The frequency of pulmonary fibrosis, apical infiltration, pleural effusions,
complete pulmonary destruction and miliary TB were
higher but with no significant statistical difference (all
Ps > 0.05). In contrast, reticulo-nodular infiltration was
seen more commonly in smear negative groups rather
than in smear positive groups with no significant statistical difference (P > 0.05) (Table 1).

Iran J Radiol. 2014;11(4):e13575

Ebrahimzadeh A et al.
Table 1. Radiological Changes in Smear Positive and Smear
Negative Groups
Radiologic Finding

P Value
Negative, % Positive, %

Hilar adenopathy

Incomplete destruction
Apical infiltration
Widening of


Reticulo - nodular

Patchy infiltration
Lung fibrosis

Pleural effusion

Complete destruction
Miliary tuberculosis



P < 0.001



P < 0.001


P = 0.005

P = 0.09


P = 0.02



P = 0.001



P = 0.47



P = 0.006



P = 0.26



P = 0.001



P = 0.82

P = 0.15


P = 0.30

5. Discussion
Despite great advantages in prevention and treatment,
PTB is still an important health problem in Iran as well as
many other endemic areas (4, 8). So, proper diagnosis and
follow-up of the patients is essential while due to large
geographic areas, and different access levels to health
services, approaching more accessible and cheaper imaging and laboratory techniques is welcome(14). Therefore, in this descriptive study, the patients who had been
confirmed with PTB were compared in term of radiologic
and laboratory manifestations and here our findings are
compared with the literature.
In the study conducted by Rathman et al., of the 1389
cases suspicious for tuberculosis, 34% were smear positive and 66% were smear negative. Radiographic changes were assessed in the two groups. Cavity was noted
in smear positive cases more than smear negative ones
(40% vs. 25%), (P < 0.001). Likewise, calcification was significantly more common in smear positives than smear
negatives (P < 0.001) (15).
In the study performed by van Cleef et al. smear negative
and smear positive tuberculosis patients were followed
up for ten years and the chest radiographic changes
raised from 1% to 10% in the smear negative cases. Generalized reticulo-nodular infiltration (55%); cavity (30%)
and pleural effusion (15%) were more frequent in smear
negative than smear positive cases (P < 0.001). Whilst,
patchy infiltration (45%), calcification (45%), adenopathy
(30%), and bronchiectasis (22%) were more frequent in
smear positives compared to the smear negative group
(P = 0.001) (16).
In the study carried out by Miller et al. pulmonary findIran J Radiol. 2014;11(4):e13575

ings compatible with smear positive were patchy infiltration, cavitation and calcification (17). In the mentioned
study, pulmonary lesions compatible with smear positive
PTB, patchy infiltration, cavitation and calcification were
more frequent, while in the study conducted by Gatner
et al. pulmonary lesions compatible with smear negative
PTB, hilar or mediastinal adenopathy, diffuse reticulonodular infiltration and pleural effusion were more common (18).
In our study, similar to other studies, some pulmonary
changes were seen more frequently with a statistically
significant difference between the smear positive and
smear negative patients such as patchy infiltration, calcification, and adenopathy in smear positive and reticulonodular infiltration in smear negative ones. This might
help the diagnosis of the disease and should be kept in
mind by physicians, hence, according to the study performed by Jones et al. in jail, 20% of the patients with
smear negative PTB might have been missed when the
radiographic changes were neglected (19). Likewise, in
another study on 518 PTB patients, 14.8% of smear negative patients had typical pulmonary findings compatible
with PTB (20). In the study carried out by Razaghi et al.
on 100 TB patients in Kashan, Iran, the most common radiologic findings were reticulo-nodular infiltration (18%),
bronchiectasis (13%) and atelectasis (3%) (21).
In the study performed by Rajabzadeh in Ghouchan,
Iran, on TB patients who were older than 50 years old,
segmental infiltration was seen in 40% of the cases and
primarily unilateral lung infiltration (83%) was the most
common finding which was followed by apical involvement (30%), pleural effusion (26%), cavity (20%) and adenopathy (16%) (22). In our study, both smear positive
and smear negative patients were evaluated and typical
pulmonary changes such as apical involvement and cavity were more common, most likely due to the higher age
range of our cases compared to other studies.
In the study conducted by Bakhshayeshkaram et al. on
100 smear positive TB patients from Tehran, the most pulmonary involvements were: reticulo-nodular infiltration
(98%), cavity (60%), pleural thickening (45%), adenopathy
(36%) and fibrosis (30%) (23). In another study on smear
positive patients (n = 50), infiltration with or without
cavity in the upper pulmonary segments (78%), hilar and
mediastinal adenopathy (65%), and pleural effusion (45%)
were the most common radiologic manifestations (24).
The very high percentage of reticulo-nodular infiltration in the study carried out by Bakhshayeshkaram et al.
is probably due to the attribution of chronic pulmonary
and occupational diseases in the mentioned study that
were not excluded. Likewise, in the study performed by
Cohen et al., 12 out of 50 PTB cases coincided with malignancy; therefore, a higher frequency of adenopathy and
cavity were noted (24).
In our study, similar to other studies, some pulmonary
changes were seen more frequently with statistically significant differences between smear positive and smear

Ebrahimzadeh A et al.
negative patients. Paying attention to these differences by
physicians would lead to better diagnosis of the disease.
Moreover, in view of the fact that common radiologic
findings can be seen in tuberculosis as well as pulmonary
malignancy, pulmonary abscess and chronic pulmonary
diseases, the best approach is to rule out these diseases
in the differential diagnosis before any medical intervention.
Based on the findings and results of our study, clinical
manifestations and sputum smear in the light of radiographic changes are very useful tools in the diagnosis of
PTB and hence a remarkable help for the treatment of PTB


Hereby we acknowledge Dr. Mohammad M. Mohammadifard for his great support, reporting the radiographs and our colleagues working at the TB unit of
Birjand Health Care Center. We also appreciate our valued
patients for their cooperation.


This study was supported by the Faculty of Medicine

and the Chancellery for Research of Mashhad University
of Medical Sciences.





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