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first I often wake up at

7:00 , then I usually make
the bed at 7:15, after I
always have a shower at
7:40, after than I always
get dressed at 8:00, then
I sometimes have
breakfast at 10:00, finally
I usually make luch at

first I usually get up at

5:30, the I sometimes
leave of my house for
sports on bicycle at 5:30,
after I seldom have the
bed at 9:00, after than I
sometimes have a shower
at 10:30, then I sometime
study for class of english,
finally I usually make luch
at 1:30

first I always clean my

teeth, then I sometimes
makeup at 1:45, after I
always to feed the cats,
after than I rarely switch
on the radio, then I
seldom have a rest, finally
I usually cook the dinner
at 6:30

first I rarely watch tv soap

operas at 2:00, then I
often start work at 2:15,
after I usually eat half
nines at 3:30, after than I
sometimes finish work at
4:50, then I seldom to get
undressed at 6:15, finally
I usually makeup remover
at 6:40

first I always have dinner

at 7:20, then I sometimes
watch tv, after I often
comb my hair, after than I
seldom clean shoes, then
I usually water the plants,
finally I rarely fall asleep
at 11:35

first I always wash my

face, then I often have
dinner at 7:35, after I
rarely go to the
supermarket, after than I
sometimes play with cats,
then I often read a book
at 9:00, finally I
sometimes oversleep in
room of my parents






first I never wake up at

10:00, I often wake up at
6:30, then I usually cook
breakfast 7:30, after I
always have breakfast
8:00, after than I rarely
leave with my friend to
run,then I always washing
dishes at 9:45, finally I
often organice the house
at 11:00

first I usually cook luch at

12:35, then I often have
luch at 1:15, after I often
leave with my friend ride
the bicycle, after I often
arrive home at 4:00, after
than I always study songs
in english at 5:00, then I
often washing dishes at
6:40, finally I rarely
laundry at 7:00

first I often have dinner

at 7:40, then I sometimes
comb my hair at 7:50,
after I always to feed the
cats at 8:15,after than I
seldom chat with my
friend,then I usually to set
the alarm clock, finally I
always to fall asleep at

first I seldom wake up at

5:00 for study about
accounting, then I never
have breakfast at 6:14,
after I usually have a
shower at 7:45, after than
I often organice my room
at 8:15, then I always
watch tv at 10:45, finally I
sometimes read the book
at 11:50


first I sometimes get up

watch tv at 7:00, then I
usually draw at 8:30, after
I seldom breakfast at
10:30, after than I rarely
have a shower at 11:00,
then I seldom get dressed
at 11:20, finally I
sometimes have exercises
of maths at 11:50

first I sometimes have

luch at 2:15, then I
first I rarely eat dessert
usually go to sena for at 1:00, then I seldom fold
study english at 3:00,
the clothes at 1:40, after I
after I always learning
often practice sports,
english, after than I often after than I never leave
to catch the bus at 6:00,
with my cousins, then I
then I usually arrive home never play soccer with my
at 7:30, finally I
aunt, finally I always
sometimes to get
learning english
undressed at 7:50

first I always nigth suit at

8:15,then I rarely have
dinner at 8:30, after I
often read a book at 9:25,
after than I seldom to
soap operas at 9:50, then
I often to set the alarm
clock, finally I sometimes
sleep at 10:00

first I sometimes have a

shower at 7:00, then I
seldom read about
accounting and
finance,after I always
have dinner at 7:30, after
than I always washing
dishes at 8:15, then I
sometimes talking on
phone with my
grandmother at 8:35,
finally I never sleep later
at 2:00



first I ocasionally get up

at 7:00, then I never
make the bed with sheets
of my sister, after I always
have a shower shampo of
oat at 9:00, after then I
always get dressed
comfortable, then I rarely
stay in the house, finally I
rarely watering plants at
12:30 because I often
have lunch

first I usually get up at

6:30, then I ocasionally
leave go shopping at
8:00, after than I usually
cook breakfast with fruit
at 8:35,after I rarely wash
the floor, then I always
chat with my friends,
finally I often leave with
family have luch 1:30

first I never study, then I

always rest at 3:00, after I
always undersand text in
english, after than I often
watch tv at 5:30,then I
sometimes go to visit my
grandmother at 6:15,
finally I seldom help my
grandmother cooking at

first I sometimes practice

skate with my family,
then I always walk my
family, after I seldom ride
the bicycle at 4:00,after
than I always watch
movies with my family,
then I seldom go to park,
finally I never leave
eating with my cousins

first I sometimes watch

movies at 8:00, then I
never eat alone, after I
often eat with my family
at 8:00,after than I never
laundry at 9:30, then I
seldom whashing dishes
at 10:15, finally I
sometimes to fall asleep
at 1:00

first I always arrive home

at 9:00, then I sometimes
to water the plants at
9:35, after I never read a
book,after than I seldom
undress at 10:00, then I
usually organice my
clothes at 10:15, finally I
always sleep early

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