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Amadeo Garay

Ms. Hamblin
Dec 12, 2009
Illegal Immigration
In the last few years, illegal immigration continues to be a controversial issue
. Basically, it's a matter of millions of people entering, staying and working
in the country without official permission. It's also a matter of people who in
itially enter the country legally and end up overstaying or violating the terms
of their visas. It's a problem where the weight of supply and demand usually by
passes the rule of law. Employers need lower cost workers and illegal workers ar
e willing to work for lower wages. “Various sources have estimated between two a
nd twelve million, but most estimates are little more than educated guesses and
are often politically influenced” (socialissues.wiseto.com). Illegal immigrants
are primarily people from Mexico, Central and South America. Statistics from th
e Pew Hispanic Center show that 56% of illegal immigrants in the U.S. come prima
rily from Mexico in order to get jobs from thousands of U.S. employers.
The general public and politicians continue to be divided and concerned
about the consequences of massive illegal settlements in the country. Illegal
immigration is not a victimless offense. It comes with both positive and negativ
e consequences to society. Many Americans don't seem to like the idea of people
working illegally in the country. Others do not fully understand the difference
between legal and illegal immigration and that, in reality, legal immigration i
s doing just fine. What's not fine is "illegal" immigration. Even the media freq
uently makes no distinction between the two types of immigration, bundling every
thing up into one package and calling everyone "immigrants." Legal immigrants
who are playing by the rules and go on to become U.S. citizens are not the issue
. There are no protests coming from legal immigrant populations.
There is always a positive and a negative way to look at illegal immigra
tion but it is true that “America’s illegal immigration mess keeps growing and g
rowing.” (illegalimmigrationfacts.com). some may refer to it as a mess but other
s look at it the opposite way. Illegal immigration helps our economy move by fil
ling the low-wage jobs; it provides a better life to individuals and families wh
o enter the country illegally. It creates a pool of consumers for a variety of g
oods and services. Farmers are able to plant and harvest less expensively. Contr
ibutions to social security funds often go unclaimed. Illegal immigrants pay sa
les taxes. Illegal residents, who are property owners, also pay real estate taxe
s. Millions of illegal’s rent properties in depressed areas where renters are ha
rd to find. Illegal’s also pay car insurance which contributes to the profit mar
That goes unnoticed and is covered up by the negative side if illegal im
migration. It causes a burden on tax-based resources, costing taxpayers billions
of dollars. It is difficult for prosecution and justice when perpetrators flee
the country. It causes disparity between legal immigrants who follow the rules a
nd those who don t. They risk death when traveling the desert to reach the borde
rs. Those that successfully cross the border inspire those left behind to do the
same. There is a continued growth of the demand for cheap labor and low wages.
No government reimbursement to offset states illegal alien maintenance costs. It
has potential negative effects on working and middle-class citizens. Millions o
f U.S. dollars sent outside the country to the families of the immigrants.
It s important to note that we re not just dealing with numbers but actu
al people with hopes and dreams, despite the illegalities. 100 years from now, n
one of us will care about anyone s legal status anyway. That is not to say that
illegal activity should be encouraged, ignored or condoned in our present time.
It also doesn t mean that we shouldn t think about laying solid and ethical foun
dations in order to preserve and protect America s future. Is America is a plac
e where only those who qualify are able to enjoy it? Or, is it a place where any
one can come in regardless of legal status? “The answer depends on what side o
f the "fence" you re on.”(searchwarp.com).

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