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"Free Energy" Summary: LENR-Cold Fusion effect is virtually accepted by mainstream science: Energy produced with

basically free fuel + equipment & operation cost. Although unadmitted by creative interpretations, thermodynamic
over-unity or Persistent Current/motion is officially observed in quantum level nano circuit, beyond Shockley-Queisser
limit efficiency solar cell, non-linear optic/laser/spintronics, time crystal, & magnetocaloric effects. Academic taboo with
extracting photon or electron fluctuation in vacuum, Maxwell's demon, affirming quantum ratchet, Casimir force
harvesting micro electronic device, & violation of 2nd law are finally discussed at mainstream journals. No publicly
endorsed LENR device exists, but 1MW electricity generator "Ecat" has been claimed to be sold with pre-conditions.
Low cost resonance/magnet based major emission reducers with 10%+ extra efficiency, solid state thermo Electric/
thermo PhotoVoltaics heat-to-energy systems, & highly efficient Waste-To-Fuel/Energy systems with Catalytic,
SuperCritical water, Cold or Steam Plasma mechanics are starting to make inroads quietly. Above changes might
foreshadow first full science review of recurring inventors' hyper energy efficiency claims & small commercialized
installations: e.g. 1-Extracting nano oscillation/radiant energy as industrial electricity, 2-Harvesting DC reverse voltage
power instead of using force to cancel it(Back EMF), 3-Resonance catalyzed HHO/Oxy-hydrogen gas, also as mileage
booster, 4-Electromagnetic or cold plasma standing wave creation of light/water/inert gas in cavity, 5-Compressed air &
COP>1 heat exchanger converted to mechanical power, 6-Catalyzed emulsion fuel with far beyond 50% H2O,
7-Hydrocarbon increased by std photocatalyzed O2 Nanobubble water & fuel emulsion, when infused with CO2 in room
temp/pressure. +variations, 8-Combining underwater air floating force & down gravity, 9-Propellantless drive,
10-Hydrodynamic cavitation heater, 11-Betz limit excess hydro/wind turbine, 12-Pyromagnetic self running heat
producing trash decomposer, etc. They often seem to run on mechanics & accompanied by common side effects current
official physics cannot explain(explained by Torsion physics or pre-Heaviside Maxwell equations), low cost, & are
convertible to superior new techs that can replace majority of propulsion, weather, medical, nuclear remediation, time
dilation, psychology, algorithm, & key mining-industrial-farming processes -IF fully peer reviewed in science.
Recent paradigm shift might allow official investigations on questionable but increasing documents/testimonials on
above alternative physics based open-end pseudo science R&Ds by groups across Govt/Aerospace/Military/Intel
agencies & private contractors, often hidden under secrecy law, to which above organizations executives often have no
access i.e "unacknowledged" projects. They seem to be totally freed from dead-end public consumption science" &
education that are restricted by science law: e.g. At one nation's official data, 1000+ inventions in Enviro-Energy-
Propulsion-Medical field, including patented, are classified by "national security" label, & applied to its allies. But there
are signs that previously united Western establishment is splitting off & some are clearly attempting to release unlimited
Open System technologies & to reduce tech debunking: Mainstream commercialization of unlimited energy production
is inevitable even from media uncovered multiple conventional energy technologies & it risks social disruption, hence
public discussion on how all related tech/geopolitical info to be officially endorsed can be valuable.

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