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Attendees: Linda Slagle, President

Mark Bostwick, Vice President
Blake Surbey, Treasurer
Kaja Snell, Interim Board Member

Others Present: Paula Covington, Interim Property Manager

Sonya Rainey, Recording Secretary
Zoubair Amarachih, Maintenance Engineer
Four Residents

Absent: Bob Somers, Secretary

The next Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, October 21, 2008 following the Annual Meeting at 7:00
P.M. Registration for the annual meeting starts at 6:45. Be sure to get your proxies in even if you intend
to come. Let’s have our annual meeting completed in October this year!

Invitation: There will be a pre-annual meeting reception in Linda Slagle’s unit across the hall
from the meeting room from 6-7p.m. This is to thank Paula, Sonya, and Zoubair for their hard
work for CVII. They have truly stepped up to the plate.

I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Board President, Linda Slagle.

II. Community Announcements - None.

III. Resident Forum

Residents in attendance commented on maintenance related request items and property management items.

IV. Committee Reports

Sarah Schwartz, the committee chair, stated that their next meeting is scheduled for this Thursday. She asked if
management could check to see if the lawn maintenance contract renews automatically.

Wilson Boulevard Project

Mr. Reyner reported that a new contract for cement was executed with another company because the previous
contractor had a family emergency. The project is on time and within budget. Costs are still being sought for
iron plaques from trophy stores.

Engineer’s Report
The maintenance engineer reported that 4 hot water heaters had been replaced at a savings to the community and
before the cold weather. Zoubair is currently moving forward with the replacement of corroded copper water
pipes and has a completion date of April in mind. He also plans to replace the laundry room sinks.

V. Approval of Minutes
Mr. Surbey made a Motion to approve the August 19, 2008 Board Meeting Minutes as written. The Motion was
seconded and carried unanimously.

The Executive Meeting Minutes were not included with the Management Report. They will be included in
October’s Report for approval.

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VI. Management Report

Financial Report
Mr. Surbey reported that although delinquencies were up, they still only accounted for 2% of the budget. He
pointed out that the previously prepared 2009 proposed budget called for a 14% increase and his revisions
reflect an 11% increase. There was discussion on a few items which will be discussed and adopted at the
upcoming October Annual Meeting.

VII. Matters for Board Action

Several residents submitted letters for Board approval for flooring, bathroom and kitchen renovations. Ms.
Slagle recommended that management use templates stating specifically what is approved and confirming the
extent of work to be done.

Management should contact the resident seeking kitchen renovations to clarify that they already have a
dishwasher and that they aren’t installing a gas stove, as depicted in sketches submitted.

XIII. Old Business

Exterior Painting
Management reported that the exterior painting of shutters and doors is nearly completed.

Pet Repellant
Designated Board member had no action items to report.

An update is scheduled to be mailed out along with the Annual Meeting notices.

Electrical Panel Box

The maintenance engineer reported that one box is scheduled for replacement pending arrangements with
Dominion Power for shut off during the work.

Trespassing Power of Attorney

At the August meeting, the Board agreed to sign a Power of Attorney, authorizing Arlington County Police to
come into Colonial Village II buildings and to remove and/or arrest trespassers from the hallways. Management
was tasked with getting this signed and notarized.

IX. New Business

Consulting Company
Motion: Presidents and designated representatives from all Colonial Villages have agreed upon the wording
below. Board Treasurer, Blake Surbey, moved to commit funds to enter into a contract with a consultant to
search for a new condominium management company. The Motion was seconded by Kaja Snell and carried
“Motion to commit funds for All Village search for condo management company:

That the CVII board enter into an All Village (CVI, CVII, CVIII, Commons) contract with
ConsultCAA for the purpose of reviewing the 4 management contracts and institutional practices.
ConsultCAA will consult with all four boards of directors, assess management needs, and make
recommendations for updating contracts and organizing interviews with at least two other suitable
management companies, in addition to our current company, Comsource Management Inc. The
purpose is to educate and inform the four boards as to their options and help attain the optimum
management arrangement for the Villages.

In a meeting on 28th August 2008, representatives of each village agreed that the initial retainer of
$4,000 would be split evenly among the four boards, in that each Village has a contract, a set of by-

CVII September 2008 Board Meeting Public Minutes p. 2 of 2

laws, and a board of directors with which Consult CAA will need to interact both individually and
collectively. The costs of the process will be deducted from this retainer. The contract will be written
“not to exceed $8000”. The remaining $4000 or whatever portion is incurred, will be prorated by
number of units per Village because the infrastructures to be examined differ in size and detail.
Tentative approval of further expenses would have to be determined at a meeting of All Villages, with
subsequent confirmation by each individual Board.

ConsultCAA should begin work after all four boards have notified it directly after their respective
board meetings during the last two weeks of September 2008.”

Replacement of Hot Water Heaters

Since the September meeting, the Board voted by email to replace water heaters before the next meeting.
Therefore at this meeting and for the record, a Motion was made, and approved unanimously to replace 4 water
heaters located at 1800 Key, 1762 Rhodes, 1728 Rhodes and 1741 Troy at a cost of approximately $29,000.
Specifically, the funds should be taken from other reserves and not from the water heating reserve account.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. to enter into Executive Session.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Sonya Rainey October 6, 2008

Recording Secretary

Approved by:

_____________________________ ________________________
Robert Somers, Secretary Date

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