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Treatment based on zang-fu

Acute Wind/Cold, i.e. common cold, bronchitis, asthma, emphysema
P/T hand Taiyin, foot Taiyin, i.e. LU1, LU7, LU9, LI4, BL12, BL13
Pathogenic Heat in Lungs, i.e. acute chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma,
Lung abscess
P/T sedate/bleed hand Taiyin, hand and foot Yangming, i.e. LU1, LU5, LU10,
LU11, LI4, LI11, TH5, DU14, ST44
Accumulation of Phlegm-Damp in Lungs, i.e. bronchioectasis, chronic
asthma, bronchitis
P/T tonify Spleen, clear Lung, use hand and foot Taiyin, foot Yangming, back
shu, i.e. LU1, LU 5, LU7, LU9, SP3, SP6, ST36, ST40, BL13, BL20
Lung Qi deficiency, i.e. chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma,
cardiopulmonary disease, pulmonary TB
P/T tonify Lung and Spleen Qi, can also combine with tonifying Kidney Qi, use
hand and foot Taiyin, foot shaoyin, Ren and Back shu, i.e. LU9, SP6, KI3, RN4,
RN6, RN17, ST36, BL13, BL20, BL23
Lung Yin deficiency, i.e. pulmonary TB, recovery stage pneumonia, chronic
P/T nourish Lung Yin and Kidney Yin, clear deficiency heat, use neutral
stimulation on hand Taiyin, foot Shaoyin, back shu, i.e. LU1, LU5, LU6, LU7,
LU9, LU10, KI3, KI6, BL13, BL 23, BL43.

Large Intestine
Large Intestine excess syndrome, i.e. accumulation in the bowels
P/T RN12, ST25, ST36, ST37, SP15, MH6, TH6
Large Intestine Damp/Heat, i.e. acute dysentery, acute appendicitis
P/T Ren 12, ST 25, 36, 37, LI 4, 11
Large Intestine deficiency, i.e. chronic dysentery, bowel incontinence, prolapse
of anus, chronic constant diarrhea, dull pain, like pressure, pale tongue with
white slippery coat, thin weak thready
P/T tonify Spleen Qi, raise Spleen Qi, to stop diarrhea, use heavy moxa, i.e.
Ren 4, 6, Du 1, 20, BL 20, 21, 25, 26

Large Intestine dryness (Yin deficiency or blood deficiency), i.e. old age, febrile
disease, rabbit stool, skinny, dry mouth and throat, dry yellow coat on tongue,
thin uneven pulse.
P/T nourish Yin fluids, moisten dry, lubricate bowels, tonify with neutral
stimulation, i.e. LI 4, ST 36, 37, SJ 6, PC 6, KI 3, 6, BL 25

Qi deficiency (sinking, cant keep blood in vessels), i.e. duodenal ulcers,
chronic gastritis, chronic intestinal infections (Crohns), stomach prolapse, IBS,
uterine prolapse, irregular uterine bleeding, subcutaneous bleeding.
P/T nourish mid Jiao Qi, use back shu front mu combos, foot taiyin &
yangming, i.e. SP 3, 6, ST 36, BL 20, 21, Ren 12, 6, 4, Du 20, and heavy moxa
for sinking, SP 1, BL 17, SP 10 for bleeding.
Yang deficiency cold, i.e. GI ulcers, chronic gastritis, diarrhea, edema,
P/T warm and strengthen Spleen Yang, use foot taiyin, foot Yangming, back
shu and front mu, i.e. SP 3, 9 (for difficult urination), SP 6, ST 36, 40, Ren 4, 9,
17, BL 20, 21, 23
Damp/Heat, i.e. acute/chronic hepatitis, acute gallbladder attack, dislike oil,
nausea, vomiting, sweat, sticky sweet taste in mouth, heaviness, recessive fever,
P/T use foot taiyin, foot yangming and jueyin, sedate, i.e. SP 3, 5, 6, 9, LR 3,
13, 14, ST 36, GB 34

Cold (Yang deficiency), i.e. stomach ache, chronic gastritis, hiccup
P/T warm Stomach, use back shu, front mu, hand and foot yangming, moxa,
i.e. ST 36, SP 6, BL 20, 21, Ren 12, ST 20-22 (moxa)
Heat, i.e. irritable burning stomach pain, hunger, bad breath, mouth sores
P/T purge Stomach heat, use hand and foot yangming, i.e. LI 4, 11, ST 36, 44,
21, PC 7, Ren 12.
Excess accumulation of food, i.e. overeat, bloating pain, irregular bowel
P/T promote digestion, sedate, use Ren, foot yangming, front mu and lower hesea combos, i.e. Ren 10, 12, ST 36, 21, PC 6, SP 4, Li Nei Ting (x-tra point for
digestion under ST 44)

Yin deficiency, i.e. heartburn (chronic), post febrile disease, chronic gastritis,
sensitive stomach, dry heaves, hunger but no appetite
P/T nourish Stomach Yin, promote fluid production, neutral, use foot and hand
yangming, front mu, i.e. LI 4, Ren 12, 23, ST 21, 36, PC 6, SP 4
Qi deficiency, i.e. ulcers, nausea, vomiting, a little food eases pain
P/T tonify, back shu, foot yangming, moxa, i.e. BL 20, 21, Ren 6, 12, ST 36, SP
3, 6

Qi deficiency (with Yang deficient cold), i.e. heart disorders and failure,
neurosis, shock, palpitations
P/T strengthen and warm Heart Qi and Yang, use back shu, hand shaoyin and
jueyin, Ren, i.e. HT 5, 7, PC 6, Ren 17, BL 14, 15, ST 36, and moxa.
Blood deficiency (can be with Yin deficiency)
P/T nourish Qi and blood or Yin and blood to calm Heart mind, neutral, use
back shu, hand shaoyin and jueyin, foot shaoyin (Yin deficiency), i.e. HT 5, 7, PC
6, Ren 17, BL 14, 20, 17, 15, ST 36, SP 6, KI 3, 6.
Hyperactive Heart Fire, i.e. mouth ulcers, tongue infections, vitamin B2
deficiency, bleeding gums
P/T purge Heart Fire, clear heat, use hand shaoyin, jueyin, and taiyang,
sedate, i.e. HT 6, 8, PC 7, 8, 6, 4, KI 6, SI 2, 3, LI 4
Phlegm-Fire, i.e. mental illness, stroke
P/T eliminate Phlegm, open cavities, calm mind, sedate, do bleeding, use hand
and foot jueyin, hand shaoyin, and yangming, Du, i.e. hand Jing-well, HT 7, PC
5, 6, 7, Du 26, 14, LI 4, LR 3, ST 40
Meridian stagnation, i.e. angina
P/T promote circulation, remove stasis, relieve pain, sedate, use hand shaoyin
and jueyin, front mu and back shu, i.e. HT 6, 7, PC 4, 6, Ren 14, 17, BL 14, 15,

Small Intestine
Deficiency cold (cold pathogen attack with indigestion), i.e. pain around
navel, borborygmi

P/T warm intestines, disperse cold, moxa, neutral, use foot yangming, i.e. ST
36, 39, 25, Ren 12, 4, BL 20, 21, 27
Excess Heat, i.e mouth ulcers, scanty dark painful urine, low abdominal pain,
external genitalia stabbing pain
P/T purge fire, clear heat, induce diuresis, sedate, i.e. HT 5, 6, 8, KI 3, 6, 1, SI
6, SP 6, Ren 4, ST 39
Stagnation, i.e. acute external cold pathogen attack (intestinal spasm, hernia)
P/T warm Jing, disperse cold, regulate Qi, moxa, neutral, use Ren, foot
yangming, foot jueyin, i.e. do not puncture on lump (hernia), Ren 4, 6, ST 39, 36,
LR 1, 3, 8.

Yin deficiency, i.e. poor growth, development, and reproduction, chronic
nephritis, TB, chronic fatigue, menstrual disorders, infertility, late stage chronic
diseases, neurological disorders
P/T nourish Essence and blood, use foot shaoyin, combined or neutral
stimulation, i.e. KI 1, 3, 6, 7, 16, BL 23, 32, 15, Ren 4, ST 36, SP 6.
Yang deficiency, i.e. reproductive disorders, urinary disorders, cardiopulmonary
disease, chronic digestive disorders
P/T tonify, moxa, foot shaoyin, Ren, back shu, i.e. above points plus Du 4
(minister fire)

Damp/Heat, i.e. UTI, stones, prostatitis, urine retention
P/T induce diuresis, clear heat, regulate low Jiao, use Ren, foot taiyang, three
foot yin, i.e. Ren 3, 4, BL 39, 40, 23, 28, 27, 22, SP 6, 9, LR 2.
Deficiency cold, i.e. prostate enlargement, enuresis, urine retention, frequent or
difficult urination with edema
P/T warm Yang, transform urine, strength Bladder, tonify, moxa, i.e. *Ren 3, 4,
6, BL 23, 28, KI 3, SP 6

All excess Heart disorders apply to the Pericardium (no deficiencies).

San Jiao
Deficiency cold (Kidney Qi deficiency San Jiao loses its transforming
function of water water accumulates), i.e. edema, urinary difficulties
P/T stimulate San Jiao to transform water, tonify, moxa, use Ren, back shu, i.e.
Ren 6, 12, 17, 4, 3, BL 22, 23, ST 36, SJ 4, KI 3.
Excess heat, i.e. acute edema plus fever and thirst, shortness of breath, urinary
difficulties (scanty),dry stool
P/T induce diuresis, use Ren, hand shaoyang, i.e. Ren 12, 3, 7, 9, SJ 4, 6, BL
39, SP 9, ST 36

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