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Animal Testing: Should it be legal?

In the world many medical and cosmetics industries exist where animals are used for do
experiments and can launch a product. Animals are used with the objective to prove that the
products that they made are safe for the use of humans but according for some Scientists,
animals and humans are not the same, for this reason the reactions of a drug in the body of an
animal are different from human.
Each year animals are subjected to many painful and cruel experiments. This fact caused
that millions of animals die each year because of these testing in which people do not have any
compassion and respect for them. Animals are living creatures and they also feel pain and
frustration equal than us.
Many experiments caused death to animals, without having great significance for
humans, such as experiments for hair shampoos, cleaning products, cosmetic, food coloring,
among others things. I think that is not necessary the use of an animal and much less sacrifice a
life by to satisfy necessities that arent significant or important in the life of human.
When we speak about animal testing we refer to use living animals in different
experiments made by human. The objective is observes and analyze behavior or reactions of
animals in the moment introduce different drugs on the animals body. The animals most
frequently used for these experiments are: mice, rabbits, dogs, birds, chimpanzees, monkeys, cat
and frogs. There are also other types of animals, but depends what kind of experiment want to
These experiments have been realized in laboratories, universities and pharmaceutical
Companies around the world. The experiments types that often are made are Biomedical
Research, Xenotransplantation, Toxicology Tests and Cosmetics Testing, (Murnaghan, 2014)

Between the human body and animal body are some similarities, but is not necessary that
the testing made in animals it can be used in humans because drugs act different in the
organisms, for the reason of organisms out of their natural habitat may not react in a reliable,
consistent manner to a drug intended for human use. (Klazema, 2014)
In history there have been many incidents that demonstrated some medications were not
successful in animals, and caused complications on humans body. Some examples showed in
the 50s, a sleeping pill tested in animals was effective but in humans caused thousands of babies
to be born with birth defects. Also a heart pill tested in mice caused in humans 30,000 heart
attacks. This says to us that what works on animals, even with animals similar to humans, will
not really work for people. Some drugs exist operating successfully in human body but for the
animals result deadly as are the aspirins. (Klazema, 2014)
Henry Spira, animal Activist, he published in New York Times, the question about "How
many rabbits has Revlon blinded for beauty's sake?" but this company there not answered, only
we know that by every product uses thousands rabbits to offer a safe product. However in the
world has reported some case of human blindness by use beauty products. (Joanne Zurlo, 1994)
Reason why the experiments in animals aren't accurate completely is because aren't good
prototypes for human medicine, your anatomy, genetic and metabolism are different to humans.
Animal tests do not reliably predict results in human beings. 94% of drugs that pass animal tests
fail in human clinical trials. According to neurologist Aysha Akhtar, over 100 stroke drugs that
were effective when tested on animals have failed in humans, and over 85 HIV vaccines failed
in humans after working well in non-human primates. (ProCon.Org, 2014)
Animals are living creatures equal to humans and also feel pain so they deserve respect
with their lives and with the way how they are treated. Millions of animals die every year,
approximately 25 millions, in the laboratories caused of the tests without compassion that are
performed in these laboratories. The animals are used in experiments many times with food and
water privation for many days or failing force feeding. They are physically restricted for much
time, they receive burns and other wounds to study the process healing and they are obligated

to receive pain for be studied for remedies. Mostly these animals die by carbon dioxide
asphyxiation, decapitation or simply because their bodies cannot more resists, others once that
have used in the experiments they are killed immediately, after finish the experiment.
(ProCon.Org, 2014)
In the world many Scientifics support that animal testing should cause less pain to animals
and these tests only should realize if are very important and there aren't other solution. Exists
other alternatives to experimentation with animals as tests that use human or animal cells,
virtual tissue and computer modeling. (Cohn, 2010)
For many Scientifics the best model test for humans are really humans because there arent
difference with respect to specie, in case if they use animal for the test, because its anatomy,
physiology and biochemistry is same, the results could be more exacts and they will find
solution to many diseases. Some other alternatives to the use of animals in testing include:

In vitro, also known as in vitro methods.

Virtual drug trials
Computer models and simulations
Genetic testing methods
Imaging techniques and computed tomography
Microdosing (Alternatives in Testing, 2015)
Institute Wyss de Harvard has created "organs on chips" That contain human cells these

were created with the objective to copy the structure and function of human organs. This chips
can be used in investigation of diseases, drug testing and toxicity testing, also human cells can
be used for analyze the safety of drugs, beauty products and chemicals. Referring to Computer
models and simulations, some Scientifics have created computer models that mimic human
biology and it allows diseases can be studied to depth. These are two options that researchers
can use in place of animals. (Alternatives to Animal Testing, 2015)
The animals should have same rights that humans because also they feel pain, not because
they can't talk we can abuse them, all animals deserve be respected and can't be subjected to

torture or suffering. Also some scientists have created new methods that allow diseases study
without necessity of use animals, and these methods are much more effective and accurate and
its results haven't occasioned harms in humans as if have done the animal testing, reason why
human species and animal species hasn't the same structure genetic and always will exist a
margin of error in all testing.


Cohn, M. (2010). Alternatives to animal testing gaining ground. The Baltimore sun, 1-2.
Joanne Zurlo, D. R. (1994). Animals and Alternatives in Testing: History, Science and
Ethics. Johns Hopkins, 1-1.
Klazema, A. (2014). Animal testing Cons what every person should know. Udemyblog, 11.
Murnaghan, I. (2014). Animal Testing Myths. About Animal Testing, 1-1.
ProCon.Org. (2014). Should Animals be used for Scientific or Comercial Testing.
ProCon.Org, 1-1.
Alternatives in Testing. (2015). Neavs, 1-1.
Alternatives to Animal Testing. (2015). Peta, 1-1.

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