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Dabacon Error Codes in PDMS

1 Database full (no more references available)

3 Element definition not found
4 Element type not a legal member of current element
5 Current element has no list part
6 End of list has been reached
10 Invalid external reference
13 Operation attempted on empty stack
15 Invalid stack token
17 Attribute is of wrong type
18 Attribute not found
22 Reference points to element of illegal type
23 Data array too small (or too large)
25 Name already associated with this reference (DDEFIN)
27 Name has already been used (DDEFIN)
28 Element has no name (DDECOD)
30 Element has no name (DENCOD)
34 Invalid direction given
37 File write failed
38 File read failed
41 Database not open
42 Database already open
48 Illegal current position
50 Attempt to alter locked element
51 Too many DSAVEs
60 Unrecognized % parameter

62 %NPAGES out of range

63 %PGSIZE out of range
64 %TPGSIZ out of range
65 %MXSTKS out of range
66 %MXDBS out of range
67 %MXTDBS out of range
68 %MXQREFS out of range
69 %MXSTLN out of range
70 %NSTKS out of range
91 Attempt to write to read only database
92 Number of open db files exceeded
106 Failed to claim workspace
400 No page frame headers available
401 File switch failed
403 Cannot delete an extract db with sub-extracts
404 Cannot delete an extract when elements are claimed
405 DB still had search tokens
406 Internal consistency error
501 Invalid extract number
502 Update DB direct flag already set
503 Update DB direct flag not set
504 Maximum number of buckets for references exceeded
505 Internal element reference not found in plu
506 DB number does not correspond with that given at set update db direct
507 Invalid attribute
508 Page locked, but should not be - table search/compare still active?

509 Operation not allowed on multiname table

510 Invalid session number
511 File is not a Dabacon db file
512 Invalid DB number
513 Invalid owning DB extract
514 No more room on page 1
515 Too many template dbs open
516 Session page not found
517 File is not a template db
518 Template db of this type already open
519 Required template db not open
520 Potentially inconsistent flag set
521 Template db in use
522 Updates outstanding
523 Table not found
524 Table search tokens still allocated at dfinis
525 Create information too long
526 Number of table search tokens exceeded
527 Table search token out of range
528 Table search token not in use
529 Table entry already exists
530 Cannot save work whilst in this state
531 Key size given does not match that for table
532 Data size given does not match that for table
533 Stack too small
534 Table entry does not exist

535 Table has been modified, so search invalidated

536 Invalid mode given
537 User name too long
538 No current element
539 Attempt to remove static attribute
540 DB block for this db already open
541 Error using DT routines from save work/compact
542 Invalid information requested
543 Stack size exceeded
544 Current element still owns other elements
545 Element types are different
546 Attempt to remove element which is in more than one stack
547 Maximum database number exceeded
548 Template type mismatch
549 Template version number mismatch
550 DB block not found
551 List type mismatch
552 No current update db
553 No mark to go to
554 Cannot create an extract in an overwrite or singlewrite db
555 Cannot compact an overwrite db
556 Sessions not allowed in overwrite dbs
557 Element has been modified in a later session
558 Element is claimed
559 Element does not belong to db given
560 Element modified, so cannot be released

561 Element name clash

562 Element has been created under deleted element
563 Cannot write to non_overwrite db while overwrite db open
564 No suspended db to restore
565 Element at top of hierarchy must be primary
566 Can only alter shared elements in shared mode
567 Attempt to restore or destroy a stack that has not been saved
568 Invalid table type
569 Element already exists
570 Invalid table key
571 Element is not claimed
572 Element already in a primary list
573 Cannot claim/release/flush a non-primary element
574 Incompatibility at save work
575 Cannot open a non_overwrite db in write-overwrite db open
576 Claim/Release/Merge failed
577 Deleted element that owns newly created elements
578 Page is not a db page
579 File flush failed
580 File refresh failed
581 Invalid integer table subscript
582 New and old owners must either both or neither be in list
583 Extract must be a leaf extract
584 Extract list given does not comprise a complete tree
585 Element owner must be in partial flush/abandon list
586 Owned element must be in partial flush/abandon list

587 Flush/refresh not allowed on copy extracts

588 Element is owned by a different extract or user
589 Attribute has been changed by 2 users
590 Attempt to delete an element someone else has changed
591 Attempt to change an element someone else has deleted
592 Element has been deleted by 2 users
593 Cannot introduce a new da into an existing shared element
594 Number of incore pages must be increased
595 Not valid on an overwrite db
596 Maximum number of owned elements exceeded
597 Token based routines should not be used after a DOPENW
598 Cannot abandon - elements claimed
599 Element must be claimed into owning extract
600 No unused bucket for references found
601 No unused buckets available in extract
603 Db must be a master with no owned extracts
604 Cannot clone session-claimed elements do not exist in cloned session
605 Element has no entry in parent claim list
606 Element in parent extract is claimed to another user/extract
607 Element needs claiming to child extract in parent extract
608 Claim to child extract in parent extract needs clearing
609 Claim list check routine has found inconsistencies
610 Release failed-element is claimed by another user/extract
611 Maximum number of member extracts exceeded
612 User entry not found on page 1

613 Previous flush did not succeed

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