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Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka (2005) defines education is about educating . Moreover ,
education is also a science that refers to the science students, pedagogy , education ,
training and doctrine . The word education is from the word ' educate ' which means to
teach , guide , shape , and parenting . According to the English word , the education is "
Education " which is derived from the Latin word " Educare " which means caring for ,
nurturing and guiding. Therefore education is a process of growth towards a better
mind to achieve perfection , mental and physical development .
According to Mok Soon Sang (1991) education is a process or activity which seeks to
develop physical, intellectual, social, and emotional of an individual as well as skill,
ability, knowledge, and experience in order to give joy, interest and progress in his life,
helping and inducing him to act in a way that is healthier for the benefit of themselves
and society at large, race and nation.
Atan Long (1976), in his book has been loading some views on education which has
been submitted by a number of masters and scholars of Islam. Among them was Syed
Muhammad Qutb argued that education is the process of forming a whole and balanced
man. According to Najeemah Md. Yusuf (2006), education is the development and
nurturing of thinking activity as well as natural forces through learning that is already
planned, covering formal education and non-formal education.

The Difference Meaning Of Teaching And Educating

There is a difference meaning of educating and teaching . It's not only differ in
terminology, but much different between the concepts and roles. The process of
teaching more and more linked to the process of training and giving personality. For
example teach someone about mechanical vocational skills, so that one and others
know the skills practice.

In language that is easy, the teacher moved the knowledge and skills to students so that
knowledgeable and skill as well as useful to self-interest. With the knowledge and skills,
the student can make it as pointing the way, and so students can apply the knowledge
that there are things to do.
Educate which convey information, transfer of knowledge, give knowledge to students,
as well as share experiences. The difference between teaching and educating is in
terms of the meaning of the concept has its own protg, which provide a basis for
guide, fostering, shape, and build. Meanwhile, the students not only just receiving
knowledge, information, knowledge or competence alone.
Therefore, one educator will try to use the basics of value either themselves, family,
social and nationhood to form moral education according to the existing capabilities. By
having the knowledge, information and experience is useful, it will produce a good daily
breakfast buffets and contribute not only to themselves but to society and the nation.


Teachers For Educators

Teacher has the responsibility to search for knowledge and applied them to fulfill the
needs of education and the future of the young nation. Practitioners knowledge means
love, dominated, always looking and improve knowledge in various aspects of life.
Educator teachers assume self-identity teaching duties is a trust given to him to serve
and are willing to share knowledge without expecting a kill and recognition for the sake
of the progress of the nation and the country.
Knowledge based on textbooks only inadequate, considering the development of new
information and knowledge is always happening. Therefore, teachers need to become
lifelong learners, since knowledge is always growing and changing.

Teachers should foster a culture of loving knowledge in students while they are in
school so that the knowledge can be developed and utilized in all aspects of their lives.
The role of the teacher as a practitioner of knowledge especially while performing
activities of teaching and learning is a major role. Gain knowledge without practice it will
not be beneficial to any party, including the individual self. The practice of love for
knowledge to enhance personal dignity and manners as well as provide guidance to
pupils the right path.
Teachers as Advisors means not only covers the teaching and learning activities based
on curriculum and syllabus includes the formation of morality alone but the whole
person. A professional teacher will ensure pupils master the skills necessary to deal with
problems or challenges that may be faced in his life.
Shertzer and Stone (1981) defines coaching as a service guide individuals who need it
in order to achieve understanding, knowledge, and skills. Guidance in process can
occur in clusters or individual. This normally in a classroom, a school hall, or at the
recreation place through special courses organized for this purpose. The opportunity
provide guidance can occur during an informal interaction with students.
The role of teachers as mentors is to create interest and motivation toward academic
subjects in order to improve the achievement of their academic.
The role of the teacher for the student is to identify the strengths and weaknesses
itself, interests and in the field accordance with the interest and the excess so that their
talents and potential can be develope. Fostering the interest and a healthy attitude
towards schooling and relate them with their daily practices.
Next identify and help students who are having problems social emotion, health
education, in social aspects, personally from emotional, mental, and physical. In the
same context, teacher act as mentor

which the role is a combination of training,

support, provide guidance, and constructive feedback. As a mentor, teacher will try to
build individual strengths to maximize and pupils who are under them in the classroom

situations. The mentoring process is carried out based on the relationship of affection
between mentors with students. The task of the teacher is not just to teach pupils about
the subjects in the curriculum, but delivers a wealth of knowledge that is beneficial for
mental development of students.
Even the teacher responsible for shaping the character and personality of students so
that they become a knowledgeable human morals and useful to the country. Teachers
should moulding toward human capital development is beneficial to the country.
According to Khalijah Mohd Salleh (2007) development of human capital is human
resources development process which can actively contribute to economic growth and
development of a country. Therefore, teachers have the accountability for the
performance, progress and excellence of students in the field of education and also in
terms of morals and morality to be access goals.
In addition to discharging its responsibilities to educate students, teachers also have
responsibility for preserving images and conduct yourself. This factor is very important
because the teacher should demonstrate the best role model to students. Teachers
should always display the best images with well-dressed and modest, gentle and
friendly, diligent and tegas and trust in performing their duties. With the application of
these values, the teacher will always be respected by students


The Teacher As Reflective Practitioner

The practice of reflection is effective in helping beginning teachers structure their

thinking towards pedagogical mastery of content and pedagogy general knowledge.
Reflection allows teachers to evaluate, understand and learn from the experience.
Practically every teacher ever make a reflection of something that is associated with the
activity classes. Something that may have been a particular pupil absence in class, the
students ' achievement of the test given by the teacher or the suitability of the content of

the subjects with the interest of students. Teacher as a reflection practitioner should be
questioning the practice itself and not just act on habit or according to instructions.
Teachers will plan and reflects with full awareness based on the theory and principles of
teaching and learning. This practice can be developed by asking the questions relating
to actions before, during and after teaching with the purpose of enhancing skills in the
profession of the teacher.
According to Schon (1987) when an event or experience unexpected happens,
individuals who think consciously while facing the problems have made the current
action reflection (reflection-in-action). When one stared back at his actions, analyse
about past events and plan the actions, individuals adopted reflection on action
Every teacher should make adjustment about what are the steps in a process of
reflection that can help him understand more closely to the role as an effective reflective
practitioner. Teachers who successfully not only teachers who are able to replicate
customers, teaching a teacher or with classroom management efficiently as
requirements of a predetermined procedure.
The achievements of teachers can be improved through reflective practice. Among the
benefits that can be gained is identified the strengths and weaknesses to achieve
better stages to become

more confident teacher. Beyond teaching more effective

based on principles and models of teaching and the teaching techniques of multiplicity.
Actions and decisions based on knowledge and knowledge of pedagogy can be carried
out effectively. Reflective thoughts can be documented in writing is a reference source
for teachers but also as new ideas as references by colleagues and teachers in other
Every day a teacher should make a varieties of decisions related to the teaching and
classroom management. In fact, every day the teacher involved in the process of

research, namely planning teaching, helping students in the learning process, managing
the classroom, assessing the work of students, provide feedback to student
achievement parents and stakeholders.
All the process of teaching not only depends on the activities, but also by using different
term in designing and implementing action plans, observation, data collection, analyze
outcomes and modifying plans to meet the needs of students as well as meet the
definitions of research activities.
The role of the teacher as researcher are real when the teacher recorded daily activities
or formally documented, clear, systematic, and engage in the process with the aim of
improving the practice of inquiry teaching and students ' achievement.
Action research, which is a form of research carried out by teachers for teachers and
about the teachers. All the roles, functions, practices, culture and norms in school more
understood by teachers compared with third party researchers.
Therefore, research actions emerge out of curiosity about the problems observed.
Teacher as researcher involved in producing new theories and understanding in relation
to problems (Elliott, 1991). Among the advantages of the teacher as researcher in the
class itself is to increase knowledge and understanding of classroom practices and
improve teaching skills. Next have the opportunity to develop joint commitment towards
penambaikan and improvement of the quality of the profession.
The role of the teacher as researcher allow it to review an event in depth, making
evidence-based analysis and data valid sseterusnya help teachers decide smart
classroom and effectively according to the theories of teaching and learning

Teachers As Agents Of Socialization

The school acting as the place which gives the opportunity to students to obtain various
types of knowledge and proficiency required for the progress and development of the

country. The school as an institution of the community stresses the development and
changes of tingkahlaku pupils is based on values, norms, and societal needs.
Teacher's role is to convey knowledge to the pupils as well as shaping attitudes, values
and personality traits consistent with individual needs and expectations of the
community. As agent of socialization, the teacher plays a role in shaping individuals
capable of bersosialisasi and possess high emotional intelligence in order to adapt to
the working world.
Teachers who understand the feeling of myself and of others, have self-control and self
motivation will exhibit the properties of sympathy as well as able to help students make
up emotionally healthy. In terms of social relationships, teachers should be adaptable,
loving nature and respect for individual differences. Thus, students are able to form a
positive self-concept as well as build confidence to achieve their potential.
As an agent of socialization, teachers should participate in social activities organized by
the local community, such as family carnival, climbing expedition, cultural activities,
cleanliness, coaching class. Teachers may be invited to be a coach, referee, speakers,
special guests or observers in certain Council in local communities. Teachers can roll
out services in terms of contribution areas of expertise, energy, time, and finances to
ensure the success of these activities. At the same time, the teacher a chance to
socialize with their parents, residents, and local leaders, as well as recognize the
practice of harmonious mingling and culture of local communities with more close and
The expectation of the community of teachers to play the role of improving the quality of
life pattern, preserve and maintain a culture that are considered good in the social
community. Thus, the moral value of practices such as courteous, caring,
compassionate, humanitarian values and respect for other people's rights is laid out in a
proper teacher.

Patterns and values life teachers, speech and language usage, menghomati rules, laws
and regulations as well as the teacher's response to the less fortunate is an important
tool in the development of socialization and personality development of students ' social
Teachers as agents of socialization can be strengthened if he displayed a willingness to
learn and adapt to the use of new technologies in communication as the use of web
pages, emails, create blogs and the like so that the information channels can be
achieved more quickly and efficiently.

Teachers As Agents Of Change

Throughout the profession of teaching, teacher of course faced the changes carried out
its duties to accept new pupils, the master new knowledge and skills, a new curriculum,
new technology, new methods of teaching and learning, the new organizational
structure, new service schemes and so on.
We cannot avoid facing changes, every time the renewal occurs, routine or habit will be
uninterrupted, there is also something which may be ignored in the process of teaching
and learning occur.
The change is making an action by another way. To maintain the efficiency and skill,
changes should be made part of our daily lives. A change, that change in generatif a
part can cause changes in other parts.
The school is an educational institution which plays an important role as the bearer of
change and innovation, modernization of society. Teachers as agents of change should
be able to manage a period of transition from the old to the new, help others relieve
existing ways and try a new way and positive spirit, confident in the ability of selfreadiness to engage constructively with the face changes.
Teachers are expected to become agents of change not only to the community the
students but also among colleagues, the local community, and the nation . The teachers

are acting responsive dynamic and seeks to lead changes in line with the aspirations of
the country through the task environments in accordance with the current needs. Since
the country achieved independence, the educational institution of the particular schools
always undergo a process of evolution, reforms, innovation and paradigm in terms of
anjakan reka form curriculum, infrastructure and education. This aims to ensure that
such educational process more effective, relevant and meaningful as well as
appropriate with the current developments. Nowadays we have implemented the smart
concept of teaching and learning, the use of English as the language of the sender in
the teaching and learning of science and mathematics education development
blueprints. Fullan (1993) says teachers engage in productive in the change process,
teachers have the purpose of moral (moral purpose) which is associated with their
duties and responsibilities. According to him, there are four key areas to build moral
ability to cope with change, namely to build its case, vision, masteri, collaboration.
Masteri means achieving a deep understanding of the field of endeavour so that
effectiveness can be enhanced. These matters, including the need to attend staff
development training so as to gain exposure to ideas and skills up to date. The ability to
collaborate would be able to double the effectiveness of something. Support and efforts
together colleagues and other parties not only enriching experiences, but also to create
synergies and motivation to face the changes.
As agents of change in their own teachers must adopt the concept of lifelong learning.
In short, the role of the teacher as a holding role changes associated . Without positive
purpose whatever changes or innovations introduced to schools implemented only just
meet the directives and the regulations only.
Studies by Kyriakides, Creemers, Antoniou and Demetriou (2010) found a teacher in
school effectively always taken steps to enhance the effectiveness of teaching them and
build a learning environment that suits the needs of the students. In addition, teachers
are part agent implementor of policies developed by the government.


Teachers As Substitute Parents

Parents are individuals who are closest to the students because early learning children
obtained from their parents. Early childhood development begins at home where the
aspirations, values, and attitudes of parents to be the model for a followup. Thus,
aspirations and values in schools need to be in line with the aspirations, values and
attitudes of parents at home. Parents is a great social influence towards the
achievement of their children's schooling. It is important to maintain good relations
between the school and closely with the parents. Although the each couples who desire
to maintain her household Bliss, but in reality there are children who come from a
variety of backgrounds different family harmony. Teachers not only need to understand
children taught by them, but he should get an understanding in terms of family structure
and function of the family in culture and practices different customs. Not all children who
attend the school come from managed and family units and ideal. There are single
mothers, children under care carer, parents who divorced, parents who are busy
working and various forms of other family problems. Poverty, child abuse is a social
issues facing one of the children in the classes he taught.
Concern and sensitivity towards issues teachers will help children cope with schooling
with more confidence. Teachers who understand these situations will give more specific
attention and strives to create an environment of schools and classroom more
conducive messing up and anxiety children about the world outside of school can be
Therefore, with displays of affection, warmth, and provide a meaningful learning
experience and quality, teachers can serve as surrogate parents and give affection to
assist them in learning like other children.



Combining Teacher Behavior

The teacher is involved directly in the process of teaching and learning, face to face with
the students at each school days. The teacher is a very important model in channel
messages about the practice of values, beliefs, and attitudes to their apprentice.
The teacher is involved directly in the process of teaching and learning, face to face with
the students at each school days. The teacher is a very important model in channel
messages about the practice of values, beliefs, and attitudes to their apprentice.
Parents and the community in general view the role of the teacher as pembentuk
behavior of highly influential during the period students are in the school environment. If
teachers display feeling tired, lazy and dull then students will also imitate
As combining behavior, primarily teachers understand the goals of learning who wish to
achieve. Formation behavior of approach used should support the goals and objectives
of education. For example, if the goal of the education is aimed at forming a human able
to think at higher levels, solve problems independently, and appreciate the uniqueness
of the individual, then the process of the formation of behavior should be in accordance
with a predetermined goal. Teachers need to have wisdom in selection behavior in a
professional approach to the creation, in accordance with the philosophy and theory of
appropriate behavior.
A method towards approach behaviors are: to focus behaviouris to behavioural
changes. The behavior is observed, actions that can be heard and measured. The goal
is to teach behaviouris approach behaviors new or maintain the desired behaviors
through edification.

Teachers As Administrators Learning

Effective teaching and learning not only depends on the ability of teachers to apply
teaching skills in the classroom but must possess skills to help a conducive learning

environment.Teacher as Learning Manager will endeavour to create a learning

environment that promotes student involvement and collaboration in the classroom
activities so that learning process meaningful and productive.As General Manager of
learning, teachers are responsible for planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the
activities of teaching and learning.In addition, teachers need to manage aspects of
classroom rules and routine handling class, managing the physical environment in
terms of arrangement of chairs, tables, furniture, temperature, lighting, cleanliness,
television equipment/materials for teaching and learning so that the physical safety of
the classroom.
In addition, teachers must manage the psychosocial environment by ensuring that
classroom learning environment was friendly, place students build self confidence,
creating the feeling received unconditional and mutual respect among students and
teachers. Finally, teachers need to manage the process of assessment in the classroom
in terms of providing examination questions, administer, monitor, inspect, maintain, and
provide a progress report on the achievement or book.


In this case, we have touched on diversity part played by a teacher as practitioner,

science supervisor, reflective practitioners, investigators, agents of socialization, change
agent, surrogate parents, shaper and administrator learning behaviour.
In fact guru role provide students today for the world of tomorrow. The demands of
society and the world in General is the teacher is able to equip themselves with skills
and have an open mindset.
As the practitioner knowledge, socialization agents, and agent of change, teachers need
to be more sensitive to the ability to communicate and share knowledge globally, able to
see problems from the perspective of different communities as well as adaptable to
world communities in the use of resources and knowledge towards the achievement of
world peace and prosperity that we have together.

This generation of students into the working world will be based on technology and
communications which allows extensive networks without borders. Challenges to
teachers who educate generations will now play a bigger role.
To ensure that our role as an effective teacher, we should also explore and skills such
as the use of digital equipment (cameras, mobile phones, computer software) and
online resources to support and strengthen the presentation and sharing of areas of
knowledge that we teach.


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Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka. (2005). Kamus Dewan (edisi ke-3). Kuala Lumpur: Dewan
Bahasa dan Pustaka.
Elliott, J. (1991). Action research for educational change. Open University Press: Milton
Fullan, M. (1993). Change forces: Probing the depths of educational reform. London:
Falmer Press.
Khalijah Mohd Salleh. (2007). Pemikiran dalam pembangunan modal insan. Kertas
kerja wacana Hadhari siri kedua. Anjuran Institut Islam Hadhari. Bangi: Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Kyriakides, L., Creemers, B., Antoniou, P. & Demetriou, D. (2010). A synthesis of studies
searching for school factors: Implications for theory and research. British
Educational Research Journal, 36(5), 807-830.
Mok Soon Sang. (1991). Pendidikan di Malaysia. Kula Lumpur: Kumpulan Budiman
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Najeemah Md. Yusuf. (2006). Konsep Pendidikan. Bentong: PTS Publications &
Distributors Sdn Bhd.
Schon, D. A. (1987). Educating the reflective practitioner: Toward a new design for
teaching and learning in the professions. Wiley.
Shertzer, Bruce, and Stone, Shelly. (1981). Fundamentals of guidance(ed. 4). Boston:
Houghton Mifflin, Co.


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