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Source of moral and social education

Provides love, comfort, protection and support
Family life is a very important part of creating a stable society
Encourage each other to follow Christianity
Families can play an important role in the community
Its a gift from God


" All members of the family, each according to his or her own gift, have the grace and
responsibility of building day by day the community of persons making a family a
school of deeper humanity. This happens when there is care and love for the
children, the aged and the sick; where there is a sharing of goods, of joys and of
Pope John Paul II
it is the quality of relationship irrespective of the form of relationship which the
Church should endorse if the Church is to continue to offer a place of acceptance for
hurting people where they can find wholeness. The report highlighted the role of the
Church and individuals in providing advice, counselling, homes, preparation for
marriage, mediation in family conflict, parenting courses, youth clubs and above all,
1995 Something to Celebrate


Men and women should be able to have the same roles because they are of
equal worth and equally capable of doing the same things (Protestants)
Christians: God created men and women as equals and therefore they
should share role and responsibilities within the family
Atheists: No God so people should decide what the roles of men and
women are, Sarte said each individual is free to choose what he or she
wants to become and we need not and should not be bound by society
Feminists: traditional roles are the product of the misuse the power of
men through history, there is no fundamental reason women should not
taken roles more commonly thought to belong to me
Men and women should have different roles because although they are of
equal worth they are better suited to doing different things (Catholics)
Christians: God designed men and women differently in order that roles
and responsibilities can be shared
Atheists: Evolution has better equipped men and women for different
tasks e.g. men for physical roles and women for childrearing
Men and women should have different roles because in some significant
sense men are more important than women (conservative Christians)
Christians: Gods intention is that men should take a leadership role
and women are weaker and more likely to sin than men

Atheists: The traditional roles have served society well and should be
respected as a means of securing a stable society

Men are of greater importance

Male is the primary form of humanity (Genesis 2:
22). Woman is created after man and from his rib
as a suitable helper for him.
In the Fall, the woman gives in to temptation by
eating fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and then
persuades her husband to (Genesis 3: 6): women
are weak willed and tempt men to sin.

Men and women are equal

Men and women are created at the same time
and in the image of God (Genesis 1: 27).
As woman is created after man it could mean she
is the climax of creation. The Hebrew for helper
could be translated as partner or savior.
Adam as weak as he passively agrees to Eves
decision. Whilst she has gone against God, it
might be said that she has shown an
independent and assertive attitude lacking in

As punishment, God says the wife will desire her

husband but he is her master (Genesis 3: 16).

Jesus did not choose any women to be his


Where female role models are given, such as

Mary in Christianity, they personify meek and
submissive virtues, so they are not just in the
minority but where they do exist, they encourage
the oppression of women under the rule of men.
Pauls teachings state that women must be
subject to their husbands (Ephesians 5: 22).
However, he must respect her and treat her with

Many women are shown in the Old Testament as

being strong and important people. For example,
Deborah was a prophetess and leader of Israel
(Judges 4: 4 5).
The Gospels show Jesus treating women with
great respect. In contrast to the norms, he spoke
to, healed and forgave women. Women were
among his inner circle (Mary of Bethany) and the
first person to meet the risen Christ was one.
They are celebrating feminine qualities.
Emphasising the role of women as mothers and
the givers of hospitality shows that women have
an essential place in society and deserve respect
for what they are.
Paul wrote that all Christians are equal whether
male or female. There is neither Jew nor Greek,
slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all
one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3: 28)


Ordination is the process by which someone becomes a priest, vicar or bishop. For
most of history only men have been allowed to take official roles of responsibility in
the Church. It is still not possible for women to be ordained in the Catholic Church
nor can women become bishops in either branch of the Church.
There are examples of women such as Priscilla and Lydia who had authority
in the early Church Acts 18: 24-26
Pauls views reflect the general attitude of society towards women at the time
The Church is in danger of falling out of step with wider society
If God has created men and women differently, the Church may benefit from a
style of leadership that is different but as worthwhile to that given by men
God created men and women as equals
Although there are some books in the Apocrypha which suggest that Jesus
did have female disciples and that Mary was one of them,
God created men and women as equals
The New Testament gospels teach that Jesus chose only men

At Holy Communion, the priest represents Jesus and so cannot be a woman

St Paul forbade women to teach or have authority over men in the Church
1 Timothy 2:11-12


Marriage is a gift from God

The right environment for the beginning of family life
The family unit creates social stability by nurturing and passing on important
Shows commitment as you promise to be together for life
You can experience sexual intimacy
Shares your love for each other


Marriage is one of the 7 sacraments (receiving Gods grace that was lost during the
Fall) and a covenant (binding agreement). In marriage, the love between a husband
and wife shows something of the love of God. The key purposes are unity, fidelity
and procreation. Priests must be celibate (not married) and chaste (sexually pure).
This allows them to dedicate themselves to their work. In most other Churches the
leader is allowed to marry.
In marriage, couples people promise to love, comfort and honour each other, to be
faithful for life, to stay together no matter what good or bad, rich or poor, sickness
or health. Marriage is also for sex, and to create children and a stable family. Vicars
are allowed to marry. Through marriage, you learn more about God, because God is
love (1 John 4). The Book of Common Prayer says marriage is a remedy against
the sins of lust and fornication.
Marriage is not popular as he used to be, the number of couples getting married for
the first time has been falling steadily since the 1970s.
Many now choose simply to live together because:
May intend to marry later
Can see if the relationship works
No need to make commitment
Impossible to know how youll feel about someone in the future
Wrong to promise to love someone forever because you might not
Prevents taking the other person for granted because they can easily leave
Divorce is painful and expensive you can end the relationship without it
Society accepts unmarried couples living together now
You can be in love but not married
Many Christians believe that marriage is better because:
Relationships cant develop fully without marriage because there is always the
fear of rejection and competition
Couples have made a commitment so may try harder to sort out problems

Right context for having children

Only proper context for sex
Makes you a family unit
Displays your commitment to each other

Social occasion - a time for families and friends to get together
Religious occasion a time for worshipping God, making solemn vows or in
Gods name, thanking God for the gifts of love and marriage, celebrating this
joyful event in Gods presence, praying for the couples new life together and
asking for Gods blessing on the couple in the future
Preparation: If a couple wants to marry in a Christian Church, they are often invited
to discuss the meaning of marriage with the priest or minister. They will discuss love
and marriage, and make sure they understand what they promise to each other.
A Church of England wedding ceremony (a Catholic ceremony is similar):
1. Introduction explains marriage (shouldnt be approached rashly or to satisfy
lust; it is a gift of God, blessed by Christ, symbol of Christs relationship with
the Church) questions are asked to ensure the marriage is legal
2. Declarations the couple promise before God, friends and family that you will
love, comfort, honour each other and be faithful to them as long as they both
shall live; the congregation declare they will support and uphold the marriage
3. Vows promises the couple make committing themselves to one another
4. Rings exchanged as a sign of marriage, reminder of the vows, marriage and
love are eternal
5. Proclamation that the bride and groom are now married
6. Prayers and blessings for the couple and then for the whole congregation
(only found in a Christian marriage)
7. Signing of the register a legal requirement
In Genesis, God made Eve as a partner for Adam. The Creation Story teaches that
marriage is a gift from God and a part of his plan for humans. He intended, from the
beginning, that men and women join together for life as couples. This bond produces
new life when children are born, and in this way Gods creation continues.
Adam said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called
woman, for she was taken out of a man. For this reason a man will leave his father
and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
Genesis 2:21-24
Christians believe it is important for married people to be faithful. Adultery leads to a
lack of trust and shows disrespect for the holiness of marriage. It breaks the vows.
You shall not commit adultery.
Exodus 20: 14 - 10 Commandments
"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that
everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in
his heart."
Jesus, Matthew 5:27-28

Husbands and wives should look after the sexual needs of the other.
St. Paul said, A man should fulfil his duty as her husband and a woman should fulfil
her duty as a wife, and each should satisfy the others needs.
1 Corinthians 7:3-5
Jesus said that forgiveness is important in a marriage, too. Although adultery is a sin,
Christians are to show love, compassion and forgiveness, and to think about whether
their own behaviour is perfect before they criticise other people.
If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.
John 8: 3-11

In the past, divorce was only allowed if one partner could prove that that other had
committed adultery or was cruel. In 1969 the law was changed and the one 'ground'
for divorce now is if that the marriage has irretrievably broken down:
1. Unreasonable behaviour
o serious (e.g. abuse or adultery) but also mild (e.g. having no common
interests or pursuing separate social lives), courts don't insist on severe
allegations (if someone feels strongly enough to issue a divorce, the
marriage has irretrievably broken down and it would be futile to try
prevent divorce)
2. Two years separation (both consent)/ five years separation (one consents)
3. Two years desertion
The Family Law Act 1996 allows divorce for the same ground as above after a period
of reflection and consideration. This effectively removes any minimum time limit.
Illness/ addiction
Different ambitions
Financial problems
Family issues
People change
False expectations
Clash of lifestyles
Falling out of love
I hate divorce, says the Lord.
Malachi 2:15
If a man marries a woman who becomes displeasing to him.., he writes out a
certificate of divorce, gives it to her and sends her from his house
Deuteronomy 24:1

At the beginning of creation God made them male and female. For this reason a
man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will
become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has
joined together, let not man separate. Anyone who divorces his wife and a marries
another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and
marries another man she commits adultery.
Jesus in Mark 10:2-12
Man must not separate what God has joined together
Matthew 19:6 and Mark 10:9
"Anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to
become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits
Jesus in Matthew 5:31-32
A married woman is bound..to her husband as long as he lives.. So then, if she
lives with another man while her husband is alive, she will be called an adulteress;
but if her husband dies, she is legally a free woman and does not commit adultery if
she marries another man.
St Paul, Romans 7:2-3
A woman committed adultery and was going to be stoned but Jesus said:
" Let you who is without sin cast the first stone"
John 8:7
The above quotes from Jesus seem to imply that, while he does understand and can
accept divorce in the case of adultery, he does not accept remarriage if the partner
from that marriage is alive.
The Catechism teaches that marriage is covenant with God to love the other person
until death do us part and therefore can only be dissolved by death so divorce and
remarriage are prohibited. However legal separation and a civil divorce are allowed
but this even if this happens they are still married in the eyes of God so remarriage is
adultery and bigamy. Remarriage is only allowed in the case of annulment because
then the marriage valid in the first place (e.g. if at least one partner did not fully and
freely consent, was not mature enough to understand what they were doing, never
had the intention to be faithful or did not intend to be open to having children).
Divorce is wrong but acceptable is the marriage has broken down. However, people
are encouraged to work at it. They may need to talk to a priest/ minister about why it
has failed. Having a divorce can be the lesser of two evils as it is better to divorce
than live in hatred. Jesus taught that if people repent you should forgive them and so
they should be allowed divorce and can remarry if they promise to make it work.
The Church of England accepts that divorce sometimes happens. A civil divorce is
recognised as an end to a marriage without the Church having to be involved, and
both partners are free to marry again. If someone who has been divorced wants to
marry his or her new partner in a church wedding, this is usually allowed. However,
they do not have automatic rights to remarry in church. It is up to the conscience of
the individual vicar or minister to decide whether he or she thinks that the couple is
taking Christian marriage seriously enough.

The Orthodox Church is generally opposed to divorce but does allow remarriage. It
says that these marriages are performed out of concern for the spiritual well-being of
the people involved. However, the ceremonies for these marriages are different and
have a penitential nature (they include an element of being sorry for past mistakes).

Sex outside marriage is now more common because:
Virginity is not considered as important as it used to be
Cheap, reliable contraception has made casual sex much easier
Education about sex and contraception is better
Abortions are easier
Casual sex seems to be encouraged, e.g. by the media
More people are secular
Adultery is no longer illegal
However, the results have been very serious:
Physical, emotional and mental harm
STDs are increasing, e.g. AIDS;
A rise in single-parent families and more children born outside marriage
Young people becoming sexually active at a younger age
Divorce rates have risen, resulting broken families
80% of the UKs annual 200,000 abortions are for single women
The purpose of sex (said by Natural Law) is procreation within a committed married
relationship and nothing else. It is for this reason that the following acts are morally
wrong: premarital sec, sex for pleasure (using contraception as it actively frustrates
the purpose of sex), adultery, homosexuality and masturbation.
The Bible is a basis for good living and giving moral guidance but not always literal.
Rather than requiring marriage for sex, if a couple love each other, are committed to
the success of the relationship and wish to be together, then it is acceptable. You can
also have sex for pleasure rather than just for reproduction.
Sex is reserved for within a marriage and not for outside but while reproduction is an
important purpose of sexual intercourse, sex can be used as a way of expressing
love and intimacy.
be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth
Genesis 1:27-28
Sex is Gods gift, to be celebrated and enjoyed, and a part of his plan for us (his first
command). It expresses love, keeps relationships alive and cements them couples
are encouraged to meet the sexual needs of their partner. Sex is for companionship,

children and pleasure. It is creative we can take part in Gods work by having
You shall not commit adultery.
Exodus 20:14 - the 4th Commandment
Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but
he who sins sexually sins against his own body.
1 Corinthians 6:18-19
Sex before marriage, adultery and lust are condemned over thirty times in the New
Testament. When sex is misused, it causes harm and ruins lives (1 Tim 6:9-10). The
body is a Gods temple and should be treated with respect because God lives in it.
Temptation to sexual sin is common, but should be resisted and controlled. Having a
sexual nature does not mean having to be driven by this nature.
However, Christians dont have the right to judge. They should set an example and
forgive. They believe that anyone who confesses sexual sin will be forgiven. A fresh
start is always possible with God, no matter what someone has done.
But if we confess our sins to God, he will keep his promise and do what is right: he
will forgive us our sins and purified as from all our wrongdoing.
1 John 1:9
God designed sex for a two purposes (as said by Natural Law): for joy and pleasure
for married couples (unitive) and for reproduction (creative). Artificial contraception
is wrong because it separates the two aspects of sex but natural contraception (sex
when the woman is at her least fertile) is okay as there is the chance of conception, if
that is what God plans. It is strongly against contraception which has abortifacient
effects (e.g. morning-after pill) because this destroys human life and is the same as
murder. Using contraception is a major cause of promiscuity, broken families, rising
divorce rate and the spread of STDs.
Every marriage act (sex) must remain open to the transmission of life
Men growing used to contraception may lose respect for women and view them as
an instrument of selfish enjoyment, not their respected and beloved companions.
Pope John Paul VI, Humanae Vitae, 1968
It is the couples choice to decide whether to have children, how many, and when. It
sees teach contraception is sensible and should be encouraged, because children
are likely to be loved and cared for if their parents want them and can afford to bring
them up well. God created sex for enjoyment and to cement the bonds of marriage
so using contraception isnt against his will. This can be seen as there is nothing in
the Bible that forbids the use of it. Using contraception also has the health benefits
for woman and can prevent the spread of STDs.
This planning of the family should be agreed by husband and wife, and should be
the result of a positive choice before God.
Lambeth Conference of the Worldwide Anglican Community, 1930

Until the late 1960s, homosexuality was a criminal offence punishable by prison and
until 1992 the UN Health Organisation classified it as a mental disorder. People have
begun to accept it as they realise its normal. In 2005 civil partnerships became legal
in the UK. These services, conducted by a registrar, give same-sex couples a formal
ceremony in which they can make promises to each other and the same legal status
as married heterosexual couples.
You shall not lie with a man as with a woman: that is an abomination
Leviticus 18: 22
In the New Testament, the apostle Paul also condemns unnatural relations men
committing shameless acts with men
Romans 1:27
On this basis, the traditional Christian approach was to condemn same-sex relations
as wrong and sinful. People were attempted to be cured of this disorder.
Theres no sin in having a sexual inclination towards someone of the same sex but to
act upon this inclination is wrong. This is because the passages above prohibit it and
because the homosexual sex does not enable a child to be produced so it is against
Natural Law. The Roman Catholic Catechism states that homosexual persons are
called to chastity. By living a celibate life, homosexuals can and should gradually
and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
Conservative Protestants view homosexual relationships as against the teachings of
the Bible. They are likely to adopt the principle to love the sinner and hate the sin,
so although they see homosexual acts as wrong, the people who are homosexual
are still individuals of sacred worth (United Methodist Church).
More liberal Protestants would say if it is a committed and monogamous relationship,
then it is to be valued as highly as a heterosexual one. The Bible teaches all humans
were made in the image of God, so God created all people as straight or gay and all
Gods creatures are good.
The legal definition of marriage in the UK is the formal union of a man and a woman.
Catholic: God has created everything for a purpose and the purpose of men and
women is to procreate, raise and educate children. Marriage is the right institution
created for this to happen so must be between a man and woman.
Anglican: We all have been created in the image of God so we are all valued
equally. Jesus teachings show us agape is the heart of ethics. God created both
heterosexual and homosexual people so both should be treated with love and given
the same opportunities.
Atheist: Existentialism says that God is dead therefore our lives have no final
purpose or meaning it is up to us to give our lives purpose. Likewise there is no set
definition of marriage so we are free to define it how we want.

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