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List of Useful Websites for IAS Preparation

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Clear IAS
Are you looking for online coaching websites for IAS? Presenting a comprehensive List of Useful Websites
for IAS Preparation covering almost all aspects in Civil Services Exam Preparation Prelims, Mains and
Interview. As the list is long, it is not practical to visit all websites regularly (not needed either! :-)) and
hence we advice to select only 3 or 4 better managed websites from the list.

Best IAS Websites for UPSC Civil Services Exam Online Preparation
1. ClearIAS.com
2. Mrunal.org
3. gktoday.in
4. IASexamportal.com
5. halfmantr.com
6. visionias.wordpress.com
7. swapsushias.blogspot.in
8. insightsonindia.com
9. jagranjosh.com
10. UPSCguide.com
11. CivilServiceIndia.com
12. ias100.in
13. jeywin.com
14. vajiramandravi.com
15. iasscore.in
16. threeauthors.com
17. iaskracker.com
18. onlinegk.com
19. iaspassion.com
20. iasaspirants.com
21. onestopias.com
22. iasexams.com
23. tcyonline.com
24. testfunda.com
25. byjusclasses.com
PS: Of-course, there are many other websites and blogs available, but we tried to restrict the total count to

25! Users too can suggest websites, and they will be added if they have quality materials.

IAS Forum Websites

1. forumias.com
2. cleariasexam.com
3. indianofficer.com
4. interviewprep4ias.com
5. upscdiscussions.com

IAS Toppers Blogs

1. thesupermanreturns.wordpress.com
2. rijubafna.com
3. youtube.com/user/unacademy
4. lohitmatani.wordpress.com
5. iasdream.com
6. jhinujha.wordpress.com
Apart from the above mentioned list of IAS online coaching websites (free and paid), it is advised to refer
selected websites from Indian Government and NGOs as mentioned below.

Useful Government Websites For Civil Service Preparation*

1. ncert.nic.in Download NCERT Texts as PDF.
2. nios.ac.in Download NIOS Online Materials.
3. egyankosh.ac.in Download IGNOU Books.
4. yojana.gov.in Download Yojana and Kurukshetra Magazines.
5. upsc.gov.in Official Website of UPSC.
6. pib.nic.in Press Information Bureau Website, for government updates.
7. prsindia.org PRS Website for tracking bills in Parliament.
8. idsa.in IDSA website for Defense and Foreign relations.
9. gatewayhouse.in Indian Council for Global relations.
10. envfor.nic.in Ministry of Environment and Forests.
11. mea.gov.in Ministry of External Affairs.
12. indiabudget.nic.in Download Budget and Economic Survey.
13. ptinews.com Press Trust of India.
14. pdgroup.upkar.in Pratiyogita Darpan Magazine.
15. ibef.org - India Brand Equity Foundation for economy and business.
16. vikaspedia.in Knowledge initiative by InDG.
17. makeinindia.com Make in India initiative for manufacturing related info.

* Government Websites/NGO or Business Organization websites.

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