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What exactly is

Answer, its just a
Huge, Provable Lie!

Justin Walker

Nearly all of us are victims of a massive and
undertaken by the Establishment that is the
private bankers, the corporate financiers and the
secretive Crown Corporation that all make up The
City of London!
What you are about to read is completely factual
and evidence based. It exposes the hidden truth
about money creation and money supply as well as
highlighting an actual historical precedent that, if
reintroduced today, would immediately transform
our nation from experiencing austerity and fear
into experiencing real happiness, real financial
stability and real prosperity for all.
We know from well placed insiders that David
Cameron, George Osborne and the City of London
are extremely worried that this information will
become widely known by the British people!
Justin Walker
British Constitution Group
UK Column
June 18th 2015

Chapter 1 - The global financiers hidden
is now exposed for all to see!


Chapter 2 - Why the hell do we put up with such

blatant criminality?
Chapter 3 - The game changing historical
precedent that will completely collapse the City of
Londons house of cards!
Chapter 4 - The incredible implications of
restoring the Bradbury Pound
Chapter 5 - The banking and corporate elite they
just love wars!
Chapter 6 - The imminent EU Referendum and
how the debt-free Bradbury Pound changes
Chapter 7 - The sorry Discipline that is todays
Chapter 8 - Wheres Hercules when you need him?
The Augean Stables by the Thames need cleaning
Chapter 9 - The time has now come for a peaceful
but determined peoples movement to ensure that
the City of London and the private bankers no
longer control our lives

Chapter 1
The global financiers hidden hand is now
exposed for all to see!
Cameron, Osborne and the Tories would appear to
have won the election outright and are now
starting on a five year programme to make their
austerity-based manifesto a reality. The people
may have voted, but one thing is absolutely
certain, the people didnt go to the polling booths
armed with the truth and the facts they needed to
know in order to make the right decision the
truth and the facts that you are now about to read!
Had they done so, Cameron and his rabble would
probably have won less seats than the Liberal
But, having said that, Miliband
would have fared no better! The truth is startling!
But before exposing what is REALLY going on,
lets look at the reality of what is about to happen.
The Tories, as the natural mouthpiece and ally for
the City of London, the financial markets and the
global banking cartel, are now ready to tackle the
deficit by calling for austerity measures, further
budget cuts and welfare cuts amounting to some
twelve billion pounds. It goes without saying that
this will obviously hit the weakest and most
vulnerable in our society. In addition, the process
to privatise and break up essential parts of the
National Health Service is now inevitable as the
full effects of the feared and highly secretive
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

(TTIP) start to be felt. The greed-based corporate

and financial mindset, with its ruthless and profitdriven ability to inflict pain, division and fear, not
to mention war and widespread ecological
destruction, is making a final push from its power
base in the City of London to manoeuvre and force
humanity into accepting a form of corporate global
governance that is both Orwellian in nature and
fascist to the core. For those people who have
done their research properly and who have been
kept fully informed by well placed and well
meaning insiders, this nightmare scenario is most
definitely not the product of excitable and
misguided conspiracy theorists.
To prove this, please study very carefully and take
in these two completely verifiable quotes from two
'insiders' which completely expose the whole
corrupt banking and financial corporate system for
what it really is. The first quote is from Montagu
Norman, Governor of the Bank of England, in a
speech he gave to the US Bankers Association in
1924. He said the following:
Capital must protect itself in every possible
way, both by combination and legislation.
Debts must be collected, mortgages
foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When,
through process of law, the common people
lose their homes, they will become more
docile and more easily governed through the
strong arm of the government applied by a
central power of wealth under leading

financiers. These truths are well known

among our principal men, who are now
engaged in forming an imperialism to
govern the world. By dividing the voter
through the political party system, we can
get them to expend their energies in
fighting for questions of no importance. It
is thus, by discrete action, we can secure for
ourselves that which has been so well
planned and so successfully accomplished.

Montagu Norman

The second quote comes from Carroll Quigley in

his book Tragedy and Hope A History of the
World in Our Time published in 1966. He wrote:
The powers of financial capitalism had
another far reaching aim, nothing less than
to create a world system of financial control
in private hands able to dominate the
political system of each country and the
economy of the world as a whole. This
system was to be controlled in a feudalist
fashion by the central banks of the world

acting in concert, by secret agreements,

arrived at in frequent private meetings and
conferences. The apex of the system was
the Bank for International Settlements in
Basle, Switzerland; a private bank owned
and controlled by the worlds central banks
corporations. The growth of financial
capitalism made possible a centralization of
world economic control and use of this
power for the direct benefit of financiers and
the indirect injury of all other economic

Professor Carroll

Not a household name but Carroll Quigley was a

professor of history at Georgetown University and
was the mentor of President Bill Clinton. He was
also someone who was completely accepted and
trusted by the financial insiders and was allowed

the rare privilege of attending some of their

secretive meetings behind closed doors.
This global financial elite or cartel operates very
much in the shadows through a network of
secretive and so-called academic 'think-tanks' such
as the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral
Commission. Quigleys naming of the very little
known Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is
completely correct when it comes to this
'centralization of world economic control' and it
was Montagu Norman, the longest ever serving
Governor of the Bank of England and by far the
most controversial, who was instrumental behind
the setting up of the BIS in 1930. It is interesting
to note that he also arranged and supported the
initial funding of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi

The Bank for International Settlements, based in

Basle, Switzerland and which enjoys high-level
diplomatic immunity to protect it from prying
eyes, relies upon humanity not knowing much, if
anything, about it. Indeed, you could say that
probably ninety-nine per cent of the British people
have never heard of it, including it would seem the
majority of our elected representatives in
Parliament. Nearly everyone has heard about the
IMF and the World Bank but the BIS prefers a
more low profile existence and so operates much
more in the shadows.
Why? Well. it acts
effectively as the central bank for sixty of the
worlds top central banks (including, of course, the
Bank of England, the Federal Reserve and the
European Central Bank) and it involves itself with
the overseeing and handling of 95% of the worlds
money with virtually no transparency or
accountability at all.
Around twelve of the most important central bank
governors, including our own Mark Carney, meet
in complete secrecy every two months. Here, with
the discreet involvement and influence of the key
banking dynasties (such as the Rothschild,
Morgan, Oppenheim, Lehman, Warburg and
Rockefeller families), these governors and not
democratically elected and fully accountable
national representatives - effectively decide on the
strategic liquidity needed for the worlds economy.
However, Professor Quigley did make the
following observation in his book Tragedy and

It must not be felt that these heads of the

world's chief central banks were themselves
substantive powers in world finance. They
were not. Rather, they were the technicians
and agents of the dominant investment
bankers of their own countries, who had
raised them up and were perfectly capable
of throwing them down. The substantive
financial powers of the world were in the
hands of these investment bankers (also
bankers) who renamed largely behind the
scenes in their own unincorporated banks.
These formed a system of international
cooperation and national dominance which
was more private, more powerful, and more
secret than that of their agents in the
central banks...
As part of this emerging push by the elite towards
increasing global corporate and financial control
over humanity, this unlawful and hidden
confiscation by the City of London of the British
peoples absolute control over Britains sovereign
money supply has been allowed to happen with
the complete connivance and compliance of many
of our most senior politicians from both sides of
the political argument. A good example of this is
that two regular attendees at the most recent
annual Bilderberg Group meetings, including last
weeks conference in Austria at the Alpine resort
of Telfs-Buchen are George Osborne and Ed Balls
[1], both of whom are sworn to secrecy about what

was discussed there and by whom. This is

blatantly unacceptable and they should both be
challenged about it!
And it is this unbelievable secrecy, not to mention
the deliberate refusal by the mainstream media to
report and challenge what goes on at these high
[1] http://bilderbergmeetings.org/participants2015.html

level meetings, which allows the worlds financial

system to get away with such appalling
criminality and complete lack of proper
Rockefeller, a long-time leading proponent for
corporate global governance (sometimes referred
to by the elite as The New World Order), said at
the June 1991 Bilderberg meeting in Baden,
We are grateful to the Washington Post,
the New York Times, Time Magazine and
other great publications whose directors
have attended our meetings and respected
their promises of discretion for almost forty
years It would have been impossible for
us to develop our plan for the world if we
had been subjected to the lights of publicity
during those years. But, the world is more
sophisticated and prepared to march
supranational sovereignty of an intellectual
elite and world bankers is surely preferable


practiced in past centuries.
The evidence is absolutely compelling that both
the electorate and the majority of our elected
representatives are wading through a sea of
complete ignorance when it comes to knowledge
about how money is actually created and
controlled. In the debate late last year in the
House of Commons entitled Money Creation and
Society, out of 650 MPs only around twenty-five
bothered to turn up, and those that did had very
little understanding indeed of the subject. This is
frightening it would appear that our elected
representatives fall into two categories.
The overwhelming majority are completely
ignorant when it comes to money creation and
money supply, with many believing it is not a part
of their remit to investigate this subject. However,
a very small minority, usually holding positions of
power in their respective parties and who have
attended secretive high-level meetings of bodies
such as the Bilderberg Group, are fully aware as
to how a cabal of very powerful, debt-creating
private bankers in the City of London have
effectively seized, using unlawful deception and
outright fraud, the right to issue and control our
nation's money supply.
And if you want to highlight this last point in
particular, imagine how shocked all the new MPs
will be when they discover that sitting alongside

them in the House of Commons is someone called

the City Remembrancer.
Effectively this
individual, whose post was created way back in
1570, is unelected and unaccountable to the
British electorate whilst serving as a lobbyist and
protector for the ancient rights and traditions of
the City of London. He can, and does, steer our
elected representatives away from getting too
close to the real truth about money creation and
money supply, not to mention the whole rotten
global financial system that causes so much
extreme misery in the world.
To reinforce this opening salvo on the criminality
of the global corporate banking system, here are
two damning extracts from the book Economic
Tribulations written by Vincent C. Vickers. This
man was a leading industrialist as well as being a
Deputy Lieutenant of the City of London and a
Director of the Bank of England from 1910 until
1919. In 1926 he publicly declared his opposition
to the policies of Montagu Norman and his
proposed Bank for International Settlements. He
finished writing his book just after the outbreak of
the Second World War but unfortunately died only
one month later in November 1939. In his book
Vickers wrote:
Although it is the money system which is
to be accused of dishonesty, those who use
and depend upon a dishonest system,
knowing that system to be dishonest,

cannot themselves be regarded as honest

men. Moreover, it may be that the present
system, which international finance has
forced our democratic government to adopt,
uphold, and protect by every possible
means, has undermined the character of the
people and forced them to alter their
definition of the word honesty so that it may
be made to comply more nearly with
modern practice.
The supply and issue of money and the
creation of credit still remain almost
entirely outside the control of the
Government, and are still managed by
Banking and Finance and by the Bank of
England with its intimate associations with
the Bank for International Settlements;
whilst, until our actual declaration of war,
permitted at all times to gamble with the
nations credit, untrammelled by any sense
of patriotic duty and thinking only of their
own profitUntil these financial
Gangsters are permanently exterminated
there can be no complete confidence in the
economic welfare of the country.
Finally, in Chapter VII, which is entitled The
Direction of Future Policy Vickers lists his
proposals which are not too dissimilar to what we
need today. They are proposals that will certainly
exterminate the financial Gangsters!


In the question of what steps should be

taken to put matters right, I can only
suggest the general direction in which our
future policy should point; for I myself do
not believe that there exists any perfect cutand-dried scheme which is likely hereafter
to be adopted, lock, stock, and barrel, as our
future monetary system. Moreover, there
are many other technical and psychological
considerations which would be necessary in
order to achieve peace and contentment
amongst the people. The main objectives
however, should include:1.) State control and State issue of currency
and credit through a central organisation
managed and controlled by the State.
2.) Stabilisation of the wholesale price level
of commodities. That is to say, a fixed and
constant internal purchasing power of
money; so that a pound will buy to-morrow
what it bought yesterday; an honest pound,
not a fluctuating pound. And this can be
done by so issuing and regulating the
volume of available credit and currency that
it shall at all times be adequate to permit of
the purchasing power of the consumer being
equated with the volume of production; not
by limiting the purchasing power, but by
firstly increasing purchasing power more in
proportion to the productive capacity of

3.) Fixation of foreign exchanges by foreign

agreement with Empire countries and all
other countries willing to fall into line; and,
once this was accomplished, the removal or
diminution of trade barriers which to-day
protect the countries from the results of a
bad monetary system.
4.) Any additional supply of money should
be issued as a clear asset to the State; so
that money will be spent into existence, and
not lent into existence.
5.) The fluctuating quantity of gold lying in
the vaults of the banking system should
never be permitted to govern the volume of
credit and currency needed by the country.
6.) The elimination of slumps and booms;
and more direct procedure for eliminating
unnecessary poverty
7.) The abolition of the Debt System where
all credit is created by the banks and hired
out at interest to the country.
8.) Absolute State control over all foreign
lending; and the adoption of the general
principle that our foreign trade should be so
conducted as to preserve:
(a) the interests of the Home Market

(b) the interests of the Empire

countries and the English-speaking
(c) the interests of Foreign nations,
and that this principle should
particularly apply in the case of
Home production and foodstuffs.
And finally, to confirm everything youve just read,
and to completely back up what Vincent Vickers
wrote in his book, lets look at this 1924 quote from
Reginald McKenna when he addressed, as
chairman of the board of the Midland Bank, his
stockholders. He said:
I am afraid that the ordinary citizen will
not like to be told that the banks can and do
create and destroy money. And they who
control the credit of a nation direct the
policy of governments, and hold in the
hollow of their hands the destiny of the
McKenna was also Chancellor of the Exchequer in
1915-16 so he clearly knew what he was talking


2. Why the hell do we put up with such

blatant criminality?
The actual corporate mindset behind this global
financial system would appear to lack any
empathy whatsoever towards the human
condition; indeed, decent-minded people could well
describe this mindset as being simply evil. The
actual numbers of people involved in keeping this
system going, including the system's 'useful idiots'
journalists 'in the know'), are hugely less than one
per cent of the world's population, but despite this,
their main endeavour is the pursuit of complete
global governance on their corporate terms - terms
which are truly shocking and completely
So lets look at this global financial system. In its
current format it is a highly complex system that
is provably based on lies, deception and extreme
greed. It is a system that has put humanity onto a
treadmill that is going faster and faster a
treadmill of mass mindless production to meet
mass mindless consumption. It is a system that
has created a highly competitive and utterly bogus
'global economic race' for nations and their
decision-makers to be completely absorbed and
distracted by.
It is a system geared to achieving maximum
profits at the expense of increasing environmental
degradation, not to mention the deliberate

generation of completely unsustainable levels of

debt. And it is a system which seeks to dominate
and completely control the democratic process by
unlawfully undermining sovereign nations from
within in order to take humanity step by step
towards global governance on corporate terms that
George Orwell would immediately recognise - just
look at the proposed Transatlantic Trade and
Investment Partnership (TTIP) to see a perfect
example of this.
Our overall happiness and well-being are most
certainly not the systems priority our
unquestioning compliance and allegiance to their
financial system for making huge profits for The
City and the one per cent most certainly is. This
is a system that has to be confronted head on but
absolutely nothing is going to change or be
achieved whilst well-meaning people refuse to
investigate how money is actually created and by
whom. The sweat shops, where the world's poorest
and most destitute people are forced to
manufacture in harsh and often inhumane
conditions, will continue apace as the global
financial system's voracious appetite for low cost
exploitative production is allowed to prevail at the
expense of simple human decency.
And if you need any further persuading that this
global financial system isnt benign just look at
these simple and appalling statistics:


Nearly 1/2 of the worlds population more

than 3 billion people live on less than
$2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in
extreme poverty, that's less than $1.25 a
day. Source: UNICEF

One billion children worldwide are living in

abject poverty. As a direct result 22,000
children die each day. Source: UNICEF

The 85 richest people in the world have as

much wealth as the 3.5 billion poorest:

Source: Oxfam International

Almost half of the worlds wealth is now

owned by just one percent of the population.

Source: Oxfam International

The stark reality and extremes of our criminally insane global

economic system!

The criminal insanity of this global financial

system can be stopped dead in its tracks once the
truth gets out - the time has now come for
ordinary people of goodwill to come together and
to get behind a new mass movement (not a

political party) that will throw down the gauntlet

of truth, common sense, common decency and
actual historical precedent on behalf of all of
humanity so as to end this financial madness and
political nightmare of growing proportions.


Chapter 3
The game changing historical precedent
that will completely collapse the City of
Londons house of cards!
Before actually looking at this historical precedent
that will expose and bring down this financial
system that allows the one per cent to have
almost complete financial and corporate control
over the rest of humanity, lets look at what this
huge provable lie is which is mentioned in the
title of this e-book?
Well, politicians, mainstream economists and City
of London bankers and financiers will all tell you
that any sovereign nation, when its taxation and
other receipts cannot meet its expenditure
commitments, has to borrow the difference from
the private banking and financial sector in
Britain it used to be called the Public Sector
Borrowing Requirement but increasingly today the
mainstream media simply refer to it as the
For hundreds of years this has always been the
case and here in the UK this cosy arrangement
between the Government and the City of London
has gone almost completely unnoticed and
unquestioned by the ignorant and trusting
electorate. This is about to change!


The banking and merchant elite, who set up the

Bank of England in 1694 and who went on to
extend and consolidate the power and influence of
the Crown Corporation of the City of London,
perfected the quite brilliant financial scam of
fractional reserve banking which allows the
banks and financial institutions to fraudulently
create money completely out of thin air as debt
from your deposits. These two links explain
clearly how this highly questionable process
The leading banking dynasties, with their
complicit and paid for politicians, have globally
used this financial debt-creating mechanism,
along with their excessive use of usury, to put
unsustainable levels of unlawful debt. And with
severe debt, of course, comes ruthless, top-down
Orwellian corporate control and, in many cases,
blatant corporate theft However, just as a point
of interest, if you go into your local bank and ask
any of the front line staff there have they heard of
fractional reserve banking, almost certainly you
will get a negative response.it would appear you
have to be quite senior in the pecking order before
you are allowed to know the truth about how the


private bankers actually create their vast profits

completely out of thin air!
In Britain, this black art of money creation has
serious ramifications for the humble taxpayer.
When the bankers have created their fresh air
money and this nothingness is then lent to HM
Treasury in return for bonds (IOU notes), the
British taxpayers then have to find the money to
pay the interest on this 'nothingness'. Currently,
the interest being paid by HM Treasury to the
bankers amounts to 52 billion a year (thats 1
billion a week!).just to pay the interest on
something that never actually existed in the first
place! Its absolutely insane! And its provably
Unfortunately for the global banking elite and
their political acolytes, the truth about their scam
and unethical practices has now been exposed by
whistle-blowers and insiders, including two former
Directors of the Bank of England. What they are
exposing and highlighting is an incredibly simple
truth.and that truth is that any government of a
sovereign nation has the ABSOLUTE right to
issue and control its own debt-free and interestfree money through its treasury.
This treasury-issued money (not coming from the
privately controlled central banks) is based on the
wealth, integrity and potential of that nation and
can be used to provide the liquidity needed for a
prosperous and vibrant economy that meets the

needs, security and happiness of that nation.

Intelligent and targeted taxation is then used by a
government to take excessive money out of the
economy thus avoiding any possible problems with
inflation. It's not rocket science - it's all
ridiculously simple and it has been done before
with great success!
The American colonies in the 18th century used a
paper currency called Colonial Scrip which
provided the debt-free and interest-free liquidity
needed to create prosperous economies in the
different colonies. By issuing these bills of credit
the colonials frustrated the private debt-creating
bankers and the City of London and some
historians believe that this was the real reason
why the American War of Independence was

Colonial Scrip


Another example of bills of credit nearer to home

was what happened in Guernsey at the end of the
Napoleonic Wars:

The Guernsey Pound

But the best known example in history of debt-free

and interest-free money being issued by a
government based on the credit of the nation is
Abraham Lincolns Greenback Dollar created
during the American Civil War:

The Greenback Dollars


More information about the Greenback Dollars

can be found at:
These are just three examples that clearly show
that there is absolutely no need for this conjured
up and completely contrived economic problem
called austerity - nor indeed is there any need for
any sort of financial crisis in the future! The
hidden truth about money supply is now OUT for
all to see and understand!
So thats the huge provable lie taken care of.
Now for the British solution to obliterate austerity
in one go the historical precedent whose
restoration will change almost everything in
Britain for the good.
But first, it might just help the reader if we
remind ourselves what money actually is. The
best and clearest definition is probably this money is simply a convenient unit of exchange for
goods and services that people have complete
confidence in. That's it! Nothing could be more
simple! So with that in mind, and knowing that
any sovereign nation - like the United Kingdom has an absolute right to issue and control its own
debt-free and interest-free sovereign money, the

proverbial elephant in the room cant be ignored

any longer - there is absolutely no need at all to
involve the private banking and financial sector in
the running of our countrys economy! And we
know from insiders that this simple fact will
bring down the power base of the Crown
Corporations City of London like a house of cards.
So we now come to this one hundred year old
historical precedent which has so much riding on
it! At the outbreak of the First World War, the
Bank of England and the private bankers, fearing
that people would rush to withdraw their money
thus setting in motion a run on the banks, went to
see Lloyd George, the then Chancellor of the
Exchequer. He quickly rushed through the
Currency and Bank Notes Act 1914 which allowed
His Majestys Treasury to immediately start
issuing debt-free and interest-free treasury notes
based on the credit worthiness of the country.
Having extended the August 3rd Bank Holiday by
a further three days, the banks reopened for
business on August 7th with these new treasury
notes being immediately accepted as legitimate
money by the British people. Signed by the First
Secretary to the Treasury, Sir John Bradbury, the
next few months saw some 300 million of these
Bradbury treasury notes being printed thus
effectively averting any possible financial crisis as
Britain mobilised her armed forces and industries
for the grim struggle ahead.


Rushed through in three days the first batch of Bradburys

were printed on stamp paper on one side only

However, the private bankers, realising that these

debt-free Bradburys would prevent them from
making obscene profits from this terrible war,
persuaded Lloyd George to agree to phase out the
debt-free treasury notes in favour of returning to
the more conventional loans from the banks
whereby interest would be added. The result of
this about turn in favour of the bankers was to
see Britains National Debt go up from 650
million in 1914 to a staggering 7,500 million in
1919. The bankers had made their killing out of
the killing!
In his book Financiers and the Nation, Thomas
Johnston, a former privy councillor and much
respected Scottish Labour politician (who is widely
seen as being the father of Scotlands hydroelectric
power programme), described what happened at
the outbreak of World War One in Chapter 6,

entitled Usury on the Great War. This chapter

has woken up a lot of people to the truth about the
City of London, the bankers and the unlawful
control of our money supply.

Thomas Johnston an honest politician!

So what happened one hundred years ago, in

August 1914, with the launching of debt-free and
interest-free money coming from the Treasury
based on the credit and potential of the British
nation, confirmed, just as with Colonial Scrip, the
Guernsey Pound and the Greenback Dollar this
simple principle of National Credit the ability of
a sovereign nation to be in complete control of its
own sovereign money. As Thomas Johnston said
referring to the Bradbury Pound:
This new currency had been issued by the
State, was backed by the credit of the State,
and was issued to the banks to prevent the
banks from utter collapse. The public

cheerfully accepted the new notes; and

nobody talked about inflation.

Second issue of the Bradbury Pound

And it is inflation that supporters of the existing

financial system try and use to discredit the
concept of National Credit. The immediate kneejerk response we always hear from those trying to
defend the completely indefensible, is that the
Bradbury Pound is yet just another case of a
government simply printing money and that this
will lead to ruinous hyperinflation like we saw in
pre-war Germany with the Weimar Republic. The
answer to this response is simple - it wont! If a
responsible British Government actually governs
and uses intelligent and targeted taxation to take
any heat out of the economy, there will be no
inflation. Fact! And if you want to know what
actually happened with the Weimar Republic,
please read this excellent article by Ellen Brown

php where she exposes that the hyperinflation was
caused not by the Weimars treasury but by the
Reichsbank, the privatised German Central Bank,
along with other private banks and currency
speculators in Wall Street and the City of London.
And when Hitler reversed the economic fortunes of
Germany quickly and effectively, what did he use?
He used a form of National Credit by creating
Labour Treasury Certificates!
Another ridiculous knee-jerk reaction we get from
the system-servers is that the principle of the
Bradbury Pound has already been embraced with
the use of Quantitative Easing! Rubbish! QE is
simply about BIS controlled central banks
printing money electronically out of nothing to buy
financial assets like government bonds. This debtladen money simply goes into the private banking
system and is not used for the public good. Its yet
another complex financial scam courtesy of the
City of London and the globalist banksters!


Chapter 4
The incredible implications of restoring the
Bradbury Pound.
Now lets just stop a moment, take a deep breath
and think what the restoration of the Bradbury
Pound would do for our nation and its economy.
As weve seen, the principle of National Credit is
that we, as the British nation, will be able to issue
debt-free and interest-free money based on the
wealth and potential of our nation without going
anywhere near the private bankers and the City of

A later example of the Bradbury Pound.


The positive implications of bringing back

Treasury-issued money are clear to see as the
country would now have the proper debt-free and
interest-free liquidity needed to meet its essential
needs and to transform the British economy for
the good. The to do list would include:

The NHS and other supporting services

would have no deficit or funding difficulties
to meet all their needs and requirements in
securing the good health and well-being of
all, including, of course, the elderly, the
vulnerable and the disadvantaged.

Some sort of universal basic income scheme

could be introduced to replace much of the
complex and invasive welfare and benefits

Student fees would be immediately

abolished education at all levels would be
free without question.

The armed services would be restored to a

level where our nations security and
sovereignty is not dependent on other
nations armed forces.

People would have real and practical help,

including interest-free loans, to set up their
own businesses.


The nations skills shortage would be

completely reversed by greatly increasing
the number of apprenticeships for young

British ship-building and other traditional

heavy industries would be given a new lease
of life.

Roads, railways, power stations, schools and

other vital infrastructure for the nation
would be improved, maintained and
constructed to a very high standard.

According to the Office of National Statistics, in

2010 the UKs human capital stock was worth
17.12 trillion:
Coupled with this, our countrys assets in 2013
were worth 7.24 trillion:
Now this means that our country today is roughly
worth in the region of 24 trillion.
Now obviously we are not going to suddenly
create, using National Credit, anything like this
figure for the liquidity of our countrys economy,

but we do need to put right quickly and effectively

the human cost and financial damage that has
been done to innocent people, our countrys
infrastructure and our nations well-being courtesy
of the completely contrived and provably unlawful
austerity measures.
At this stage, it would seem sensible for the
government to mobilise National Credit to the
tune of around 500 billion of debt-free and
interest-free money and to then introduce this
money into the economy in a targeted and very
responsible way in order to meet the costs
incurred from tackling the above list. Such a
move would also reduce considerably the tax
burden for everyone. If the City of London and the
money markets dont like this, theres not a lot
they can do about it! Money will once again be the
servant of the people!
However, the National Debt of just over 1.5
trillion (rising by 5,170 a second!
http://www.nationaldebtclock.co.uk/ ) will not be
paid off using National Credit. This debt was
largely arrived at by criminal fraud and it will be
left to a jury in a court of law to decide whether or
not a crime has taken place and whether or not
the National Debt should be simply nullified.
After all, a very important tenet of our ancient
Common Law is that criminals must never be
allowed to get away with their crimes!


Another very positive implication concerning the

restoration of the Bradbury Pound is this - if
events in Greece (who, of course, should now
embrace National Credit and create a treasuryissued, debt-free Drachma version of the
Bradbury) or another country were to lead to a
sudden collapse of the worlds financial markets
(something that we are expecting as the global
elite cunningly manoeuvre humanity into
accepting a cashless world as a stepping stone
towards accepting their long cherished goal of
creating some sort of global debt-based electronic
monetary system which, of course, would be
completely under their control) then the British
Government, if they were so disposed and were
now on the side of the people rather than the City
of London, could implement in seconds an
electronic version of the debt-free Bradbury Pound
in order to support and underpin completely the
entire lawful British economy and so prevent any
sudden collapse of living standards and financial

Above the logo for the Bring Back the Bradbury campaign
launched by the British Constitution Group and the UK Column


And concerning this very real threat of a sudden

financial collapse, just remember that hanging
over the entire global economy is a completely
bogus and contrived criminal debt that has been
allowed to get out of control in the so-called
derivatives market to the extent it now amounts to
over 550 trillion dollars. What is the derivatives
market? The conventional definition, if you can
understand it, is this:

The derivatives market is the

financial market for derivatives, financial
instruments like futures contracts or
options, which are derived from other forms
of assets. The market can be divided into
two, that for exchangetraded derivatives and that for over-thecounter derivatives
But the reality is, it is simply a casino run by
This article (link below) should
convince anyone that all this insanity and
criminality, that flourishes so much in the City of
London and the international money markets,
must, for all our sakes, come to an immediate
end..and the restoration of the Bradbury Pound
and the simple principle of National Credit will do


Chapter 5
The banking and corporate elite they just
love wars!
There is an aspect to twentieth century history
that has not been properly addressed and
researched by mainstream historians and
economists indeed you could describe this
reluctance as being yet another elephant in the
room! The common perception as to the root cause
of the First World War was that it was a dynastic
struggle between competing, and some would say
inbred royal families egged on by ambitious
politicians, not to mention ruthless generals and
admirals keen to try out their new weapons and
Some of that perception is certainly true, but
behind the scenes and ready to fund both sides in
the coming conflagration were the banking
dynasties, especially the House of Rothschild
which already had the experience of the
Napoleonic Wars where they made considerable
profits by helping to fund both sides.
Unfortunately, to investigate the role of the
bankers in the Great War, you may have to run
the gauntlet of being accused by some of being
anti-Semitic because the driving force behind a lot
of what happened was the political Zionist
movement led by the Rothschilds to create a
permanent home for the Jewish people in

Palestine pressure that led to the Balfour

Declaration in 1917. For those who are afraid
that this is some sort of veiled attack on the
ancient and thoroughly respected religion of
Judaism, please understand that a sizeable
number of Orthodox Jews are in fact vehemently
opposed to the political state of Israel if you
enter Jews against Zionism into any search
engine, you will start to see very quickly that the
truthful and honest picture is not what the
controlled mainstream media would have you

Zionists tell people that these Orthodox Jews are just

simply self-hating Jews!


The bottom line is this - we are ALL human beings

and we must ALL come together to fight this evil
financial system that creates so much misery and
war in the world! However, in order to avoid being
trapped into a debate about Zionism, which would
only distract us from the essential points about
how money is actually created and by whom, lets
look at this gentleman, Major General Smedley D
Butler of the US Marines, the most decorated
soldier America has ever produced. Please read
his pamphlet War is a Racket (http://educateyourself.org/cn/smedleywarisracket.shtml) - it
describes perfectly what wars are really about and
who really benefits. Smedley was an amazing
man who deserves our utmost respect. He died in
1940, just as America was on the verge of coming
into the Second World War, a war where the
evidence is now overwhelming that the banking
and corporate elite initially funded and supported
Adolph Hitler and the Nazis to help bring them to


And in closing this section on bankers starting

wars, lets not forget the profits that the banking
and corporate elite have made and continue to
make from their interventional wars in Iraq,
Afghanistan and Libya (all Muslim countries that
oppose usury as does the true religion of Islam).
In the case of the latter country, Muammar
Gadaffi was certainly no angel and definitely had
his faults but he did use National Credit to feed,
house and educate all his people to great effect.

But dont worry, at least the Libyans now have their

own BIS controlled central bank!

This wasnt acceptable to the globalist banksters

in the City of London and it is interesting to note
that one of the first actions the so-called rebels in
Benghazi carried out was to establish a new debtcreating central bank to come under the auspices
of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
The current situation in Libya is appalling and

completely beggars belief as competing warlords

continue to fight one another with no end in sight
and Libya is certainly not the last country to be
given the bankers treatment as the legitimate
government of Syria knows only too well!
Whenever you read or see in the mainstream
media about a failing international situation thats
leading relentlessly and effortlessly to war, always
ask that simple question Cui bono? Who
benefits? Who REALLY benefits?


Chapter 6
The imminent EU Referendum and how
the debt-free Bradbury Pound changes
Over the next year or so there is going to be a
huge amount of argument about whether or not
Great Britain will be poorer or better off if we
voted to leave the European Union.
important fact here, concerning the restoration of
the Treasury-issued Bradbury Pound, is this if
HM Treasury is issuing the debt-free and interestfree liquidity needed for a prosperous and happy
nation that is based solely on the credit of what
the country is worth, there is absolutely no need to
worry about what the City of London and big
business have to say about our membership of the
EU. And if the European Commission and the
European Central Bank, along with the IMF and
the BIS, dont like the idea of the British
Government looking after its own people and its
economy with debt-free and interest-free money,
then they can all be told to go and whistle where
the sun doesnt shineplease note, the Greek
people en masse need to wake up quickly to such a
defiant stance and effective solution to their now
seemingly out of control problems with unlawful
debt and to tell the bullying and threatening
troika to simply go to hell!


The truth is that the European Economic

Community (EEC) was a hidden initiative of the
debt-creating international financiers and bankers
indeed, there is some evidence to suggest that
the Nazis first came up with this idea towards the
end of the Second World War. This so-called free
trade initiative that was the EEC (which many of
us in our complete ignorance of the truth voted
for) suddenly morphed without warning into an
all-out political union something that the British
No campaigners in the 1975 referendum to the
EEC warned about. The unpalatable truth is that
the existing European Union provably comes from
the same psychopathic mindset that controls most
of the worlds money supply and which is trying to
inflict this corporate Orwellian nightmare on all of
Please look at this excellent video which so well
describes the history and creeping advance of the
European Union by the use of deception and
outright treason its absolutely in your face!
The good news is that once we, in Britain, restore
the Bradbury Pound, every nation in Europe will
adopt, without hesitation, the principle of National
Credit thus leaving the debt-creating and
fraudulent bankers with absolutely nowhere to go.
The whole of the EU will collapse and in its place
will come a new Europe, a Europe made up of
sovereign and prosperous nations, all living in
complete peace, trust and harmony with one

another because they enjoy, recognise and respect

each others differences and cultures.
And it wont just be the European countries which
want freedom from the City of London and its
global network of debt-creating criminal bankers
and financiers. All around the world desperately
poor people, with virtually nothing to their names,
will organise and confront their politicians and
leaders demanding that they too experience the
economic justice and common sense of National
Credit - something that should completely put an
end to the poverty and stigma of the so-called
Third World.
The conventional trickle down
theory, so beloved of the system-serving
economists, has been proved time and again not to
work - National Credit most certainly does!
And with National Credit in place globally, the
main reason for the growing human problem of
mass economic migration would be removed
completely. Why would people want to leave their
places of birth and where their families and
friends live when they are living in a country that
creates the debt-free liquidity needed for its people
to enjoy and experience prosperous, useful and
happy lives? The bottom line is this - there can be
no logical or moral argument against the principle
of National Credit and it is just a simple fact that
if the existing debt-creating banking and financial
system was closed down and got rid of lock stock
and barrel, a very large proportion of all human
misery would go with it!

Chapter 7
The sorry Discipline that is todays
It is said that Frederick the Great of Prussia once
made the remark that his country would be better
served by its legal profession if half of its lawyers
were hung - pour encourager les autres so to
speak! When it comes to the deliberate deception
and outright drivel being spouted in our halls of
academia today by those representing the socalled modern Discipline of Economics, perhaps a
similar fate should be reserved for some of our
leading economists!
The Discipline of Economics, which is supposedly
the social science that seeks to describe the
distribution and consumption of goods and
services. has always been influenced by the latest
isms and ologies being peddled by those
academics, philosophers and, in some actual cases,
power crazed psychopaths who are seeking the
perfect way with which to harness, manage and
control humanitys creative and essential
activities..but sadly, three very important
ingredients nearly always seem to be missing from
their considerations namely common sense,
common humanity and the simple truth about how
money is actually created and by whom!


Over the years, and almost certainly by design,

the Discipline of Economics has been put on an
altar in a semi-mystical place, well out of the
reach of ordinary decent people - people who
simply wish to practice this common sense and
common humanity, whilst at the same time
wishing to know the actual truth about money
creation and money supply.
To keep the
Disciplines black arts and black secrets away
from the prying eyes of the ninety-nine per cent that is us in other words - a hugely complex and
bewildering morass of Schools and Trends have
emerged with names like the Austrian School, the
Freiburg School, the School of Lausanne and the
Stockholm School not to mention Keynesian
economics, post-Keynesian economics, supply-side
economics, new classical economics etc. etc. etc.
Just like the myriad of political parties we see
today, aspiring economists are all encouraged to
climb into nice little boxes with labels on them
from which they can then academically fight their
corners and their little battles without ever
getting near to, or even being allowed to get near
to, the essential truths about how money is
actually created and by whom.
One of the worlds leading academic centres for the
Discipline of Economics is the London School of
Economics (LSE). Founded in 1895 by Fabian
Society members Sidney and Beatrice Webb,
Graham Wallas and George Bernard Shaw, this
university has always shown support and empathy
towards the politics and economics of the Left. In

1895, Socialism was just emerging as a new

political philosophy that was being seen by the
chattering classes as being a serious future force
in British politics. Contrary to what might have
been expected, the controlling bankers and
financiers were not bothered in the least by this
new ism.
Well, the proponents of
Socialism were advocating a system of centralised,
and some would say Orwellian control for the
whole of humanity.whether humanity liked it or
And strong top down, centralised control,
especially if they have a light hand on the tiller,
suits the worlds secretive money creators very
well indeed. Heres what George Bernard Shaw
himself believed Socialism to be:
"I also made it quite clear that Socialism
means equality of income or nothing, and
that under socialism you would not be
allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly
fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed
whether you like it or not. If it were
discovered that you had not character
enough to be worth all this trouble, you
might possibly be executed in a kindly
manner; but whilst you were permitted to
live you would have to live well."
Whilst there may have been a touch of Irish
humour in this quote, what does come across is
the authoritarian and controlling manner with
which driven people tend to push their pet isms
and ologies without realising how they are

probably being controlled discretely by those who

know the actual truth.
Unfortunately for the
Socialists and Fabians, and all those who seek
grandiose centralised solutions to humanitys
plight, they have never effectively addressed the
most obvious question of all - how is the worlds
money created and controlled, and by whom? It
will now be very interesting to see how the LSE
responds to the concept of National Credit now
that people are waking up to it, and how, of
course, they will view the demand to restore the
debt-free, Treasury-issued Bradbury Pound.
So there it is! The conclusion has to be that the
City of London and the banking and financial elite
are controlling the Discipline of Economics in just
the way they want to. Its easy all they have to
do is practice divide and rule, encourage
intellectual arrogance and competing egos and
allow only a tiny number of academics, like the
late Professor Carroll Quigley, to know the truth
about whats really going on.


Chapter 8
Wheres Hercules when you need him? The
Augean Stables by the Thames need
cleaning out!
The stench of corruption and actual treason from
the Houses of Parliament is now probably worse
than the smell that came from the mythical
stables. The very centre and cradle of our
democracy has allowed itself to become completely
corrupted by powerful vested interests and is now
but a flawed institution which is directly
controlled by the financial system created by the
Establishment, the City of London and the global
banking cartel. To use a phrase that MPs like to
use themselves, the entire set-up in Parliament is
presently not fit for purpose and must be
reformed immediately if our democracy, with its
ancient rights and traditions, is to survive the
corporate elites planned breakdown of our
sovereignty to the point that we are no longer a
sovereign nation in our own right, but simply an
economic region divided up into zones within the
planned European Union Superstate!
Globalisation, as seen with the current and
secretive Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership (where sovereign nations will become
legally compliant to unelected and unaccountable
corporate entities), is now making its big push to
break through and Parliament, in its current

format, is likely to do very little, if anything, to

prevent all of this from happening.

German cartographers drew this map in 2006 to show the

proposed new EU regions. The new European plan splits
England into 3 zones - all of which are linked to parts of several
other EU countries. Each zone will have a "transnational
regional assembly"


To put a spanner in the works and to stop this

surrender of our country by treason, deception and
ignorance, the planned referendum campaign
must now become a simple case of big business
and the bankers on one side versus the British
people who value their ancient freedoms and who
want to live happy, peaceful and debt-free
prosperous lives. The clock is ticking and we have
very little time indeed to wake everyone up
(including those MPs who are not tainted by
whats happening) to the truth about money
creation and the imminent threat from the
globalist mindset behind the City of London and
its financial markets.
We have already seen how the unelected and
unaccountable City Remembrancer sits within the
House of Commons ensuring that MPs dont start
asking searching questions about our countrys
money supply and what the City of London really
gets up to. We also know that key players in both
the government and the opposition regularly
attend secretive meetings with the global and
financial elite to take their orders and are fully
aware of the proposed New World Order that
former prime-minister Gordon Brown and other
leading politicians have openly talked about.
Sadly, the ability of our elected representatives to
serve us properly, and to always go where the
truth takes them, has diminished considerably in

the past few decades. This lessening of standards,

and the increasing inability of MPs to act on
evidence given to them by concerned constituents,
is as a direct result of the political party system
itself. And before we go any further, lets remind
ourselves what the Bank of England Governor,
Montagu Norman, said in 1924 to the US Bankers

By dividing the voter through the political

party system, we can get them to expend
their energies in fighting for questions of no
A political party is nothing but a contrived and
artificial entity which is designed to ensure that
aspiring politicians of whatever persuasion can be
ultimately controlled by the Establishment. New
ambitious and self-serving politicians can have
their egos massaged by the partys grandees as
they have their career mapped out before them in
return for complete loyalty and blind obedience.
Weaker and less ambitious follow the crowd MPs,
who would appear to lack backbone or any sort of
moral fibre, are often frightened into complete
compliance and obedience by the threat of a visit
to the Whips Office the notorious whipping
system whereby, it is said, that MPs are reminded
of past misdemeanours and indiscretions by the
Party Whips who have access to the partys black
book of dirty little secrets. Such a visit or
interview usually secures an errant MPs loyalty
and support for a forthcoming issue or vote.

Another little mechanism that has been

increasingly used to emasculate the MPs from
being effective in getting the truth out is the socalled convention that no MP should enter into
correspondence with someone who is not their
constituent. All MPs are told to respect this but
the absurdity of this position is obvious. British
MPs collectively have been elected to be
responsible for the well-being, security and
prosperity of our country as a whole how can
this convention encourage the diligence and the
freedom of information that is needed to ensure
that our elected representatives are fully in touch
with the nation they serve? Fortunately, good
MPs completely ignore this rule but weak and
cowardly system-serving MPs dont hesitate to run
for cover behind this convention.
Now that the dust has settled after the General
Election, the two worst affected parties, Labour
and the Liberal Democrats, have entered into a
introspective self-analysis or put another way,
what is the point of our existence?
traumatised Clegg was seen on television making
a plaintive plea that we must keep the flame of
liberalism alive.
And leading political
commentators and Labour Party die-hards are
now constantly asking where does Labour go from
here? The answer is very simple - we dont need
the political parties to go anywhere, we just dont
need any political parties, full stop! Thats it!

We know, beyond all reasonable doubt, that

political parties, working in cahoots with the
mainstream media, are designed in such a way so
that the truth about who actually controls us, and
how they do it, can be kept from the electorate.
Ironically, the only valid argument thats been
heard against the principle and implementation of
National Credit is this - would you trust any one
political party to have the responsibility of
creating and issuing all the money needed for the
nation? Would you trust that partys grandees
with the restoration of the Bradbury Pound? The
answer has to be a resounding No!
hierarchical, manipulative and secretive nature of
any political party can easily result in abuse and
The answer to this problem is remarkably simple!
We need our Parliament to become effectively one
massive jury of reasonably minded people - a
debating chamber where decisions are thoroughly
debated in a fair and balanced way and where prearranged agreements and arrangements become a
thing of the past. And to achieve this, we must
have a House of Commons made up entirely of
independent MPs - MPs who have been thoroughly
vetted by their electorates so that the qualities of
integrity, wisdom, selflessness and humility shine
through and become paramount in the chamber.
The age of party whips, corporate corruption and
organised lobbying by powerful vested interests
would be over. And the outcome of all of this

would be that the truth always gets out and that

common sense, common decency and our Common
Law would reign supreme. It is only with a fully
accountable and transparent system like this can
we hope to trust our Parliament with the huge
responsibilities of National Credit and the
restoration of the debt-free, interest-free Bradbury


Chapter 9
The time has now come for a peaceful but
determined peoples movement to ensure
that the City of London and the private
bankers no longer control our lives
The existence of the now provably false 'deficit',
the appalling 'bedroom tax', food-banks, families
under enormous financial stress and the overhanging fear of further severe financial cutbacks
to essential services such as the NHS, are all a
dreadful reality because we, the British people,
have surrendered to the criminals our absolute
sovereign right to issue and control our own debtfree and interest-free money. This is a completely
provable fact and we must all now take peaceful
but determined action to expose and collapse this
global criminal banking and financial system that
is creating so much misery and poverty in the
world and which is based in the City of London.
So this is a plea to all you good people out there
who are feeling completely dispirited about the
outcome of the General Election. The simple truth
is this, we dont have to wait another five years for
the next General Election we simply have to
come together quickly in large numbers to expose
the truth about money creation and money supply
whilst harnessing and mobilising the precedence
of our ancient and thoroughly tested Constitution,
including our magnificent and completely effective

Common Law, the law of the land, to bring the

guilty to justice.
We know, with actual evidence, that our country is
in a state of unlawful transition courtesy of
treasonous individuals and organisations who are
seeking to break up and undermine the actual
sovereignty of our nation from within (check out
the so-called training charity Common Purpose if
you want proof of this http://www.cpexposed.com/).
The City of London and the European Union are
actively engaging in provable subterfuge and
blatant deception to continue to bring in their
statute-based Roman Law. This is the corporate
legal system, the law of the sea, that is attacking
the precedence of our ancient Common Law, law of
the land court system. It is completely alien to
the British way of meting out justice that is
justice without fear or favour as championed by
Magna Carta 1215 and the Bill of Rights 1689.
Indeed, the corporate mindsets attempts to avoid
the use of juries and to have, for example, judges
acting in County Courts and Family Courts as
judge and jury on behalf of artificial corporate
entities, such as local councils, is being openly and
successfully challenged. But everywhere you look,
we have a legal system (based within the confines
of the City of London) that depends upon legalese
a deliberate foreign legal language that protects
the corporate mindset by hiding behind a wall of
unfathomable gobbledygook that ordinary decent
people have little chance to understand.


However, the fight back has now started and

groups of these ordinary decent people are now
coming together all over the country to prevent
injustices from being committed by such
treasonous courts, with court bailiffs now being
increasingly prevented from seizing, by the use of
provably fraudulent paperwork, the homes of
people who are now standing up and taking on the
corrupt banks and financial institutions. Indeed,
almost anyone with a mortgage is now being
shown that they are the victims of organised
fraud. A massive problem for the City of London
is building on a daily basis as the truth comes
relentlessly out.
Coupled with this mission creep by the corporate
banking elite into our courts and legal system,
there is also a gradual move to privatise and
corporatise our national services whether it be the
health service, the police service, the prison
service, the civil service or the armed services.
Everywhere you look we see signs that the
unaccountable dark grey suits are taking over
discretely and that the Orwellian police state is
being assembled at an ever increasing rate,
especially in the area of advanced technology for
state surveillance and the detailed monitoring of
our daily lives. Indeed, we are now witnessing
how even our children are now being considered to
be owned by the corporate state. The signs of this
corporate fascist take-over are everywhere to be


Capita, Serco, Sodexo and G4S are just four

examples of where government services are being
replaced at an alarming rate by the private
corporate sector.
Everywhere you look our
nations sovereignty is under attack from those in
the City of London who envisage this bleak obey
and do as you are told Orwellian future for all of
us. However, this can only be achieved if they are
allowed to continue with the issuing and
controlling of our countrys money supply. The
bottom line is this - we do not need a financial
banking system that has been devised by
psychopaths for the use of psychopaths in order
that they can control us through contrived
austerity, fear and debt.
As the truth about the Bradbury Pound and our
money supply starts to get out into the wider
arena, we can expect to see an increasing amount
of blustering from the City of London and the
financial services industry as they attempt to
defend their record by claiming that they generate
billions of pounds for the economy whilst creating
hundreds of thousands of jobs. It is essential that
people are not distracted by any of this. The idea
that we cant do without the City of London is
complete and utter drivel.
We have proved
beyond all reasonable doubt that their system of
money creation as debt is completely corrupt and
rotten to the core and must not be allowed to
survive in any shape or form.


Thanks to some decent people on the inside, we,

the ninety-nine percent, have now been given the
knowledge and the opportunity to escape this trap.
The question is, will you, who is reading this
article, now become an activist to help get the
Treasury-issued, debt-free and interest-free
Bradbury Pound restored? Or are you now going
to stand idly by and allow these austerity cuts to
be made when history and common sense shows
that they are a complete and utter lie? There is
only one direction for political activists to go, and
that is towards where the truth is! We now need
a peaceful but determined movement across the
board that is based solely around the truth,
common sense, common decency and the Common
Law. With that mix, no criminal, however high
and mighty.and wealthy.can stand up to us!

A new peaceful mass movement is building around the

truth to take down the one per cent


And one final point to end on and which is by far

the most disturbing. It would appear from careful
and extensive research that the same sick and evil
mindset that is behind the unlawful control of our
money supply is also behind much of the extensive
child abuse being uncovered today. Whether it is
children being seized for profit from loving parents
by the state in the unlawful and thoroughly
discredited Family Courts or the organised
Establishment-led paedophile rings that are
coming to light after the revelations of Jimmy
Savile, a huge can of worms has been opened up
and there is much here we can all do to support
the victims and those who are attempting to
uncover the truth.
A perfect ongoing example of this is the case of
Melanie Shaw who, as a child victim herself and
as a whistle-blower of appalling child abuse and
possibly even murder in a council run childrens
home in Nottingham (Beechwood), is currently, at
the time of writing, languishing in a Sodexo
privately run prison having committed no offence
whatsoever criminal elements within the
system are doing everything possible to silence
her! For months she has had to suffer solitary
confinement, a lack of proper medical treatment
and is not even allowed to have a legal team of her
own choice she is being forced to have systemserving lawyers who are almost certainly chosen
to frustrate her efforts to get justice.



Supporters of Melanie Shaw


Chapter 10
Austerity is a lie! Poverty is a lie! Everything
that youve read in this E-book is completely true
and completely provable.
The evidence is
overwhelming when it comes to how money is
created and who is doing the creating, it is a
simple case of black and whitethere are
definitely no grey areas for system-serving
politicians and economists to hide in. The time
has now come for all of us to get off our backsides
to stop this evil! And what we have to actually do
is simple. We have to take away from the debtcreating City of London and the banking dynasties
their self-given right to issue and control our
countrys money supply by restoring National
Credit and by bringing back the debt-free and
interest-free Treasury-issued Bradbury Pound.
And when this happens, this evil, greed driven
and debt-creating financial system thats hell bent
on global governance and economic slavery, will
collapse forever!
But one thing we must not allow to happen no
part of this system must be allowed to survive. It
has ALL got to go tinkering and changing bits of
the system here and there will not do. The wizard
behind the curtain has now been exposed for all to
see no part of this evil mindset must be allowed
to survive in any shape or form. If we dont do the

job properly, these ruthless psychopaths will find

a way back!
This is the biggest news story since the end of the
Second World War and we must all now actively
get involved in whatever way possible. A full
blown grassroots peoples movement to bring back
the Bradbury and to restore common sense,
common decency and the precedence of our ancient
Common Law and constitution must now get off
the ground and be properly funded and resourced.
As a first step to achieving this, we need people
like yourselves to please quickly sign up and join
the British Constitution Group and the UK
Column (see links below). Other groups and
organisations, who are committed to peaceful
campaigning, are more than welcome to join this
new movement. Our numbers have got to build
and to build quickly if this hidden truth is to get
out and we are to successfully take on the
wrongdoers. But take heart, the one per cent
within the confines of the City of London have
built for themselves a house of cards that will
collapse suddenly and completely once the truth
about money creation and money supply properly
gets out.


Thank you for taking the time and trouble to read

Justin Walker
June 18th 2015
British Constitution Group and the UK Column

And one final thought with apologies to US

President Thomas Jefferson..

"When the government and the bankers

fear the people, there is liberty and
prosperity! When the people fear the
government and the bankers, there is
tyranny and debt!


Supporters, sources and useful research

(please watch the daily weekday news programme at 1pm)
http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/ (very useful link to see
whats really happening on a daily basis around the world)






Why not support us?

If you have found this book informative why not help
by supporting our work?
You can join the British Constitution Group for
24.00 a year with an optional Plus membership
which includes a subscription to the UK Column
newspaper for 36.00 per year. Or if you prefer you
can just make a donation.
Membership and donations help us continue to
publically highlight areas of public concern that are
generally not covered by the mainstream media.


In this book Justin Walker lifts the lid on the
ongoing worldwide financial scam perpetrated by the
banksters and the establishment.
For those that do not understand how money is
created, this is a must read book. There is no need
for austerity but there is a need for sovereign
governments to issue and control the money supply
for the benefit of the nation as a whole and not just
for the elite.


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