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To investigate whether mass of electrodes increase or decrease after electrolysis



To determine the number of moles of electrons required for electrolysis


To calculate the quantity of electicity required to deposit one mole of copper metal
on the cathode

Electrolysis is the process in which make a non-spontaneous chemical reaction by
using electrical energy. In this experiment, direct electric current passing through copper
(II) sulphate solution as electrolyte during electrolysis. Then, resulting in chemical
reaction at the copper electrodes and decomposition of the electrolyte. Both copper
electrodes (anode and cathode) used to make contact with the electroyte. Oxidation takes
place at the anode that attached to the positive pole of the battery and which accepts
electrons from the electrolyte. Meanwhile, reduction takes place at the cathode which
attached to the negative pole of the battery and which suppplies electrons to the
electrolyte. The aqueous electrolyte which contain hydrogen and hydroxide ions as well
as the ions of the solute compete with each other at the electrodes to ionize. The ions that
are successfully released at the electrodes depend on the concentration of the ion in the
solution and the nature of the electrode.
A quantitative analysis of copper electrodes will be perform by measuring the initial
mass of both copper electrodes and the final mass of copper electrodes after electrolysis.
Applying the Faradays First Law, the relationship between the mass of metal deposited

during electroplating and the quantity of electricity passed can be studied by measuring
the changes in mass of the copper electrodes during the electrolysis of copper (II)
sulphate solution for a certain time using a constant current. The mass of subtances
altered at an electrode during electrolysis is directly proportional to the quantity of
electricity transferred at the electrode.
From the mass changes of the copper electrodes, number of charge required to
deposit one mole of copper can be obtained by using the formula:
1 mole of electron = 96485.33 C
Hence, calculate the Faraday constant of this experiment by using this formula:
Q = It.
Thus, Number of moles of product formed = It

Where I is the current in Ampere, t is the time in seconds, n is the number of moles of
electrons required to form 1 mole of product during electrolysis, and F is the Faraday
constant in C mol-1 .
Next, we can evaluate the the accuracy in this experiment by comparing the
experimental value of Faraday constant to the true theoretical value of Faraday constant
which is F= 96485.3329 C mol-1 and by calculating the percentage error.

Percentage error % =

| Theoretical value - Experimental value | 100%

Theoretical value

1.0M copper (II) sulphate solution, propanone

Ammeter, rheostat, copper electrodes, electrode holders, connecting wires, power supply,
sand paper, electronic balance, 250mL beaker


Figure 1 : Set up for the electrolysis of copper (II) sulphate solution using
copper electrodes

Clean carefully the copper foil cathode and anode by rubbing with sand paper and
then with paper tissue.


Weight the copper cathode and anode respectively by using electronic balance.

Record the data.


Fill a 250mL beaker with 1.0M copper (II) sulphate solution to three quarters and the
electrodes were inserted. Use electrode holder to hold them in place.


Connect the electrodes for electrolysis as shown in Figure 1. Start taking time when
the circuit was just closed. The rheostat was adjusted to give a current of 0.2 A.


Allow the current to pass through the solution for 30 minutes. Adjust the rheostat to
keep current of 0.2A when necessary.


After 30 minutes, disconnect the circuit immediately and rinse the copper electrodes
with water. A strong jet of water from the tap was required for the anode and a firm
wipe with a paper tissue was followed in order to remove the film on the surface.


Each electrode was rinsed twice with propanone. They were waved in the air for 1-2
minutes to vaporize most of propanone and were dried by warming high above a
bunsen flame. Caution: Since the propanone is highly flammable, keep them away
from naked flames.


Reweight each electrode separately by using electronic balance. Record the data.

Before experiment (g)
After experiment (g)
Mass difference (g)
Table 1.1: Mass of the copper electrodes


Source: https://vincentchik.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/.../chem_lab_report.pdf

Before experiment (g)

After experiment (g)
Mass difference (g)

Table 1.2: Mass of the copper electrodes


Source: https://www.scribd.com/doc/84617270/Chemistry-Lab-Report-1

Before experiment (g)

After experiment (g)
Mass difference (g)

Table 1.3: Mass of the copper electrodes

Source: http://www.123helpme.com/view.asp?id=120594


1. Gain in mass of copper in cathode:
60.92 - 60.79 = 0.13 g
Number of moles of 0.13 g of copper:
0.13 = 0.002047 mol

2. From equation : Cu2+ + 2e- Cu

Two moles of electrons are required to form one mole of copper
Number of moles of electrons = 2 x 0.002047 mol
Number of moles of electrons =0.004094 mol
1 mole of electron = 96485.33 C
0.004094 mol of electrons = 395.01 C

3. The value of Faraday constant:

Number of moles of product formed = It

By putting I = 0.2A, t = 30 min 60 = 1800 s, n = 2, number of moles = 0.002047 mol

into the above equation, we have:
0.002047 mol of copper = 0.2 A x 1800 s , F = 87933.56 C mol-1

4. Percentage error = | 96485.33 C mol-1 - 87933.56 C mol-1 | 100%

96485.33 C mol-1
Percentage error = 8.86%




Mass of

No. of


Value of


change of

mole of

required to


error (%)

copper at


deposited one


cathode (g)


mole of

(C mol-1)


copper, Q (C)
Table 1.4: Calculation based on three sources


Electrolysis is the chemical decomposition of an ionic compound by the passing
an electric current through it. Electrodes are rods of a conducting material by which
current enters or leaves the ionic compound called the electrolyte. The ions become
attracted to their oppositely charged electrodes. Faradays First Law of Electrolysis stated
that the mass of a substance altered at an electrode during electrolysis is directly
proportional to the quantity of electricity transferred at that electrode.
The electrolysis of an aqueous copper sulphate solution using the copper
electrodes results in transfer of copper metal from the anode to the cathode. The copper
sulphate is ionized in aqueous solution.
CuSO4 Cu2+ + SO42The positively charged copper ions migrate to the cathode, where each gains two
electrons to become copper atoms that are deposited on the cathode. Reduction reaction
occurs at cathode.
Cu2+ + 2e- Cu
On the other hand, each copper atom loses two electrons to become copper ions at the
anode, which go into the solution. Oxidation reaction occurs at anode.
Cu Cu2+ + 2eThe sulphate ion does not take part in the reaction and the concentration of the copper
sulphate in the solution does not change. So, the blue colour of the solution remains.
Finally, copper gets deposited at the cathode while the anode loses an equivalent amount
of copper.

From the Table 1.4, we can see that the higher the mass changes of the copper on
cathode, the higher the number of mole of copper atom. Thus, the higher the value of
current required to deposit one mole of copper as stated by Faradays First Law of
Electrolysis. Hence, the value of Faraday constant become lower. When the mass change
of the copper on cathode is 0.13 g, the value of current required to deposit one mole of
copper is 395.01 C and the value of Faraday constant is 87933.56 C mol-1 . Meanwhile,
when the mass change of the copper on cathode is 0.16 g, the value of current required to
deposit one mole of copper is 486.29 C and the value of Faraday constant is 71428.57 C
mol-1 .
Different in the changes in mass of the cathode and anode from Table 1.2 and
Table 1.3 after electrolysis maybe are due to the dirt on the anode was not fully washed
away, some of the copper deposited on the cathode may be washed away by the tap water,
there may be some dirt that are not totally removed and makes the copper atoms cannot
deposit on, leading the copper atoms remained in the solution, and some of the electricity
is used to discharge the hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions in the copper (II) sulphate
From the Table 1.4, the percentage error of Data 1.1 is 8.86% which is reliable as
it is below 10%. On the other hand, the percentage error of Data 1.2 and Data 1.3 is not
reliable as their percentage error is 25.97% and 15.39% respectively. The sources of error
that arise in this experiment are maybe come from the errors in weighing the electrodes
which can be improved by using an electronic balance of higher precision, the solution is
not homogenous which can be minimized by shaking the solution very well, and the time
taking is not accurate which can be improved by using a stopwatch or a time switch

which will disconnect the circuit automatically when the time is up.
The precaution steps that we had taken are we should keep the propanone or
ethanol away from naked flames since they are highly flammable. Next, we should
disconnect the circuit immediately when the time is up. Lastly, we should also take
precaution when we use Bunsen flame to vaporize the propanone or ethanol on the

The objectives of this experiment are achieved. From the experiment, the mass of
cathode increases while the mass of anode decreases after electrolysis process. The higher
the mass change of copper on electrode, the higher the quantity of electricity required to
deposit one mole of copper atom. From Data 1.1 of Table 1.4 (reliable data), the number
of moles of electrons required for electrolysis was 0.002047 mol. The quantity of
electicity required to deposit one mole of copper metal on the cathode was found to be
395.01 C and the value of Faraday constant is 87933.56 C mol-1 .

Allah S.W.T is All-Knowing unlike His creations who have many flaws and lack of
knowledge. All of the humans knowledge are from Allah. As stated in Quran (34:2),
He knows that which goes into the Earth and what which comes forth from it, and that
which descend from heaven and that which ascends to it. And He is the Most Merciful,
the Off-Forgiving (34:2)
Based on this verse, Allah knows everything that happens around us, we as the

caliph should observe the change in the reaction to know actually happening.
Next, each of Allahs creation has its own role like electrolysis process can be use
to electroplate other metal. Relevance with the verse in the Quran (35:27),
See you not that Allh sends down water (rain) from the sky, and We produce therewith
fruits of varying colours, and among the mountains are streaks white and red, of varying
colours and (others) very black (35:27)
This verse shows the variety of Allah creation in this world. Each and every
creation has its own significance and play roles in the world.
Finally, all of the things happen in this world such as the electrolysis process are
to prove the divinity of Allah S.W.T and we as His slave must worship him obediently. In
the Quran (16:15) stated that,
And He has cast in the earth anchorages (mountains standing firm) so that it should not
reel with you, and rivers and roads that possibly you would be guided (16:15)
This verse mentions many signs of creation that give evidence of the divinity of
Allah as reflected in the greatness of His creation. The Surah also mentions the many
blessings of Allah on His worshippers in His perfect knowledge, the greatness of His
wisdom and His precise planning.


Holy Quran; Text and Translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 626.
Holy Quran; Text and Translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 393.
Holy Quran; Text and Translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, page 416.
Silberberg, M. (2009) Chemistry: the Molecular Nature of Matter and Change, 5 th

page 923-965.

Badaruddin, F.A (2011). Chemistry Lab Report 1. Retrieved July 7, 2015 from
Chik, C.P (2003). Chemistry Experiment Laboratory Report. Retrieved July 28, 2015
from https://vincentchik.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/.../chem_lab_report.pdf
Electrolysis of Copper in Copper Sulphate Solution. Retrieved September 13, 2015 from

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