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By; Zaki Faddad S.Z

The problem of community is getting complex. In urban area

such as Palembang the problems range from the growth population as
the result of rural migration to environmental problems such as flood
and pollution. The migration from its surrounding rural residents to
Palembang city is not equal with the government effort to increase








economic growth in Palembang is too far developed compared to

growth in other areas in South Sumatra (Panorama, Azwardi, 2010).
Surge of the population in the city of Palembang is quite alarming that
1.7% per year (2010-2013), above the national standard of 1.3%. This
has resulted in the emergence of many social problems such as crime
and economic inequality between the rich and the poor.
Many environmental problems occur such as water and air
pollution. Floods hit every rainy season in Palembang due to poor
sanitation and trash. Air pollution is caused by forest fires and the
density of the vehicle. Meanwhile, the behavior of the public on
environmental awareness is still low.
The question is that could religion at least take part to solve
community problems. Many studies still consider religion has little
significant in addressing the problems. Agama still plays in individual
psychosocial scale. It has less contribution directly to touch the direct
issues in community.

Ideally, religion, Islam especially, is not only

about the relationship between human and God, but also the
relationship among humankind. Islam must show its universality so
the teaching has to be implemented in day today life in term of

Indeed, it is not enough merely engaging religion to solve the

community problems. It is the duty of Islamic Higher Education
Institution in addressing the issues. IAIN (Islamic States Institute)
Raden Fatah Palembang has already become UIN (Islamic States








multidisciplinary studies that will be very useful to make contribution

to the community. From its establishment until today UIN Raden Fatah
has huge social capital in South Sumatra Province. Most of the board
staff of Islamic boarding schools and scholars in Palembang are
alumni of this college. UIN Raden Fatah role in the future would be
continued. Even so, the contribution of this institution through the
alumni to address urban issues is still minimal.
Therefore from this moment it should begin to develop an
integrative curriculum between religion and other disciplines to
address community issues. In the faculties of religion for example,
they need to develop a curriculum, not only theory but also how to
implement the practice of religion to solve the community problems.
Communities should be a real laboratory to implement the nature of
Islam as the universal religion.
During this time, student study services (KKN Kuliah Kerja
Nyata) to the community in UIN Raden Fatah Palembang only address
and socialize the worship matters. These programs have yet touched
the material needs of society.
My expectation for this training is to learn how to make a
religious education curriculum to address community issues. In
addition I also want to learn how to prepare the instruments needed
to implement them not only theory but also social practices in
addressing community problems.

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