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pratique médicale


• About half of 35- to 44-year-old Quebecers show obvious signs of periodontal dis- Periodontal diseases are preventable;
ease. The prevalence and severity of periodontal diseases tend to increase with but when they develop, we can still
age throughout the world.
control their progression.
• About 1 out of 4 adults in Québec will suffer from periodontitis that might be
severe enough to cause tooth loss. Physicians are often in a good position
• Periodontal diseases are one of the major causes of tooth loss among Quebecers; to either screen for periodontal diseases
partial or total edentulism can also lead to other health problems: difficulty or recommend a dental check-up.
chewing, poor digestion, temporomandibular joint pain, etc.
• Approximately one third of Quebecers aged 35 to 44 did not consult a dentist dur-
ing the last year. This rate increases with age, to about two-thirds of the popula-
tion aged 65 and over.

What are periodontal disease ? become loose and eventually fall out. Why should physicians be
Periodontal destruction is induced by the concerned with periodontal
There are two main groups of periodontal
deleterious effects of inflammatory medi- diseases?
diseases: gingivitis and periodontitis.
ators occurring because of bacterial
Gingivitis is recognised by gums that 1. An accumulation of bacterial plaque
plaque build-up around the tooth.
show classic signs of inflammation, red- around the teeth is the main aetiology
Periodontal diseases can be subdivided
ness and swelling, but without involve- involved in periodontal diseases; howev-
into 2 sub-groups: juvenile and adult.
ment of the periodontium. The periodon- er, different lifestyles, systemic dis-
Periodontal diseases observed in young
tium includes the gingiva, cementum, eases, health statuses, as well as certain
people are usually associated with neu-
periodontal ligaments, connective tissue, genetic factors can either enhance the
trophil dysfunction; in adults, they are
and the alveolar bone. Periodontitis risk of periodontal diseases or modify
caused mostly by an accumulation of bac-
occurs when inflammation spreads to the their prognosis.
terial plaque around the teeth and their
periodontium, causing one of the follow- 2. Some periodontal diseases are caused
roots. Certain lifestyles, health conditions
ing conditions: (1) the gingiva detaches by bacterial (linear gingival erythe-
or states of health, and systemic diseases
from the affected tooth along its root, ma), viral (primary herpetic gingivos-
are also factors that can increase the
creating a periodontal pocket; or tomatitis) or fungal (histoplasmosis)
severity of periodontitis.
(2) gingival recession, where the gingiva infections, presenting an additional
recedes along its root line, affecting the risk for the pathogen to be transmit-
whole thickness of the gum. In both ted through direct contact with the
cases, alveolar bone loss hidden by ginvi- mouth and saliva.
val inflammation is what matters most.
When bone loss is extensive, the teeth can

January 2003 1
3. In some cases, periodontal diseases may 6. Women are more susceptible to peri- ten-fold higher; consequently any accu-
negatively affect a patient’s overall odontal diseases because of the hor- mulation of bacterial plaque, no matter
health. monal changes they experience during how small, can induce a disproportionate
4. The major risk factors associated with different stages of life: at puberty, dur- inflammatory response in the periodon-
periodontal diseases (smoking, dia- ing the menstrual cycle or pregnancy, tium. Therefore, it is important to
betes, oral hygiene, stress, etc.) are also when taking oral contraceptives, or dur- encourage pregnant women and women
associated with other conditions or sys- ing menopause. For example, during who plan on becoming pregnant to
temic disease. pregnancy, the immune response is maintain good dental hygiene.
5. Some medications can affect the health weaker and concentrations of proges-
of the periodontium. terone and oestrogen are at least

Two risk factors of greater concern

for periodontal diseases
The risk of smokers developing a
Smoking dental implants; in addition, prognosis of
periodontal treatment in smokers is often periodontal disease is fivetimes
Smokers are afflicted more often with peri-
less favourable. higher than among non-smokers;
odontitis than non-smokers and often
experience a higher rate of bone loss. the risk for a diabetic smoker
Conversely, smokers’ gums tend to bleed
is 20 times higher.
less when they brush due to the vasocon- Diabetes (types 1 and 2) increases the risk
strictive effect of tobacco, which masks the of periodontal diseases because the bio- Diabetic patients who show signs
presence of periodontal disease. Moreover, chemical processes linked to diabetes
of microcomplications associated
smokers are exposed to a particularly reduce blood flow to the gums and blunt
destructive and painful type of periodontal the immune response. Therefore, poorly with diabetes (e.g. retinopathy)
disease, acute necrotizing ulcerative gin- controlled diabetes can enhance periodon- are more susceptible to
givitis (ANUG). Smoking may constitute a tal destruction in people with periodontitis. periodontal diseases.
contraindication to gingival grafts and

Two systemic complications: hypotheses

Cardiovascular diseases 3. Common genetic predispositions between Preterm low-weight babies:
periodontal diseases and atherosclerosis; Some studies seem to indicate that peri-
Some studies suggest that having a peri-
odontal disease can increase the risk of 4. Common risk factors linked to lifestyle. odontitis in a pregnant woman can affect
atherosclerosis, coronary disease, and The production of protein such as C- the foetus’s health, especially if her peri-
myocardial infarction. At this time, four reactive protein and fibrinogen seems to odontal condition worsens during her
main mechanisms are suspected: be particularly significant. Several path- pregnancy.
ogenic agents involved in periodontal
1. The direct effects of the infectious diseases can also affect the heart, if
agents involved in periodontal diseases bacteraemia occur; the classic example
on atheroma formation; is infective endocarditis.
2. The indirect effect of the immune response
induced by a periodontal infection;

2 Prévention en pratique médicale, January 2003

Examples of predisposing factors for periodontal
diseases and possible systemic complications
Predisposing factors

Lifestyle Conditions, state of health, and systemic diseases Local factors linked
Poor dental hygiene Hormonal changes in women Diabetes to dentition
Smoking Stress Neutropaenia, leukaemia, and Malocclusion
Dietary deficiencies Hereditary diseases (trisomy 21) certain syndromes involving State of the gums, teeth,
Not consulting a dentist regularly Certain medications (phenytoin, mainly neutrophils and periodontium
At-risk sexual behaviours nifedipine, cyclosporin, etc.) HIV, AIDS Poor fillings and ill-fitting dental
Cancer Inflammatory bowel diseases prostheses
Organ transplants Scleroderma Tendency for tartar formation
Breathing through the mouth Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome
Dryness of the mouth Hypophosphatasia (Rathburn’s
Addison’s diseases

Periodontal diseases (inflammatory reaction and infection)

Possible complications for

The patient’s state of health The patient’s family’s state of health

Diabetes (difficulty controlling glycaemia) Preterm low-weight baby
Cardiovascular diseases Contamination of other family members, in the
Aspiration pneumonia presence of an infectious periodontal disease

When should you check? How to detect a periodontal

• When lifestyles, health conditions, and systemic diseases pre- All cases of periodontitis evolve from gingivitis; however, gin-
dispose a patient to periodontal diseases or when the reason givitis does not necessarily develop into periodontitis. Clinical
for medical consultation involves a bucco-dental problem. signs of gingivitis are inflammation of the gums and gums that
• When a patient has not seen a dentist for about 12 months and bleed easily. Gingival recession, periodontal pockets, the destruc-
there are signs that he or she may have a periodontal disease, tion of interdental gingival papilla, and increasingly loose teeth
or when a newly diagnosed condition increases the patient’s are all clinical signs of periodontitis. Tartar detection is of prime
risk of developing periodontal diseases. In the latter case, it is importance since it is directly involved in the pathogenesis of
also important to inform the patient of the additional risks of periodontal diseases.
periodontal diseases.

Prévention en pratique médicale, January 2003 3

What should you look for ?
Questionnaire Objective Level of clinical
examination significance
1. Bleeding gums while brushing
or flossing X Sign of gingivitis révention
2. Appearance of the gums en pratique médicale
(swelling, redness) X Sign of gingivitis
A twice-monthly
3. Gingival recession X Sign of periodontitis
column on the Web
4. Pus around a tooth X Sign of periodontitis
5. Destruction of interdental papilla X Sign of advanced periodontitis
6. Increased or excessive tooth mobility X X Sign of advanced periodontitis
7. Tartar X Involved in the aetiology of
periodontal diseases
8. Halitosis X X Suggestive of periodontitis
Resources and information
9. Poor dental hygiene X Suggestive of periodontitis
10. Sensitive gums X Suggestive of periodontitis Ordre des dentistes du Québec:
11. Teeth sensitive to hot and cold X Suggestive of periodontitis
Tel.: (514) 875-8511
12. Partial edentulousness X Suggestive of periodontitis
13. Family history of edentulousness X Suggestive of periodontitis Public Health Department’s Web site,
(hereditary disease ?) “santé dentaire” section:
14. Tendency to suffer from mouth ulcers X Suggestive of periodontitis
(systemic disease ?)
15. Age(1) X Suggestive of periodontitis
Clinical signs associated with periodontitis tend to increase
with age and become more common after age 30.

When periodontal disease seems to involve many teeth despite reasonably good oral
hygiene, a medical condition or associated systemic disease should be ruled out. en pratique médicale

A publication of the Direction de santé publique

de Montréal-Centre in collaboration with the
What can you do? Association des médecins omnipraticiens de Montréal
as part of the Prévention en pratique médicale programme
coordinated by Doctor Jean Cloutier.
A number of health conditions and sys- or is not motivated by his or her oral This issue is produced by the Human and Social Ecology Unit.
temic diseases may increase the risk of health, the physician may decide to screen Head of the Unit: Dr. Jacques Durocher
Editor-in-chief: Dr. Serge Nault
periodontal diseases; in addition, the pres- the patient for periodontal disease and Editor: Élisabeth Pérès
ence of periodontitis may lead to systemic inform the patient of any clinical signs Graphic design: Manon Girard, Julie Milette
complications. Therefore, it is important to suggesting such a disease. Texts by: Dr. Daniel Picard
Contributors: Dr. Jocelyn Barriault, Dr. Monique Pelletier,
ask a patient if he or she has consulted a Two additional arguments can help con- Dr. Claude Thivierge, Dr. Ginette Veilleux,
dentist in the last 12 months and to write Dr. Martin Généreux
vince a patient of the urgency to consult
1301 Sherbrooke Street East, Montréal, Quebec H2L 1M3
down this information in the patient’s a dentist: Telephone: (514) 528-2400
medical record. If the patient has not seen http://www.santepub-mtl.qc.ca
a dentist, he or she should be encouraged • Periodontal diseases require special oral Email: jcloutie@santepub-mtl.qc.ca
hygiene products and techniques, and a Legal deposit – 4th trimester 2002
to do so, especially if the patient has pre- Bibliothèque nationale du Québec
disposing factors. dentist can teach the patient how to use National Library of Canada

Any new diagnosis that increases the risk them; ISSN: 1481-3734
Agreement mumber: 40005583
of periodontal disease is a good reason for • The presence of periodontal disease
a physician to recommend that the patient automatically raises the level of risk of Association
be followed regularly by a dentist. If a root caries, which can quickly lead to des Médecins
de Montréal
patient is not inclined to consult a dentist tooth sensitivity.

4 Prévention en pratique médicale, January 2003

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