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Problem 1
Investigate the shortage of clean drinking water in Tughlakabad

September 22, 2015

Team Delta

Table of Contents



Page Number


Project plan

Literature Review












Problem statement- Investigate the shortage of clean drinking water in

Tughlakabad extension
This problem is mostly about water and it is a problem about a place called tughlakabad
extension in New Delhi .Most of the children was agreed that they have shortage of water
& clean drinking water. We moved forward and in a sequence we are trying to find out the
solution of this problem,now in the next paragraph we will tell you that how are we trying
to find the solution for this problem. Day by day population in the whole world is
increasing and the water is still that much so we can t make the water .
Our team Delta is doing this project because day by day we have noticed is most of our
neighbour they take water from us so we notice that there is the shortage of water and
some time we have notice that the doctors meagerly do have diseases caused by drinking
contaminated water. So we try to, solve this problem with our teammate ,classmate and
teachers if we drink
contaminated water like

Fig 1: Body Need Water and it has different parts

Project Plan
Sequence for the problem-planing for everything that we are going to do and how much
time do we need .Analysis is summary of the chart.










Fig 2: Plan Table



Search about the topic.

Read and summarize useful information.

Create a survey.

Take the survey.

Analyse the results.

Present the study.

Write the report.

Literature Review
1. What is water& why is it important for us?

Water is one of the most important substances on earth. All plants and animals

must have water to survive. If there was no water there would be no life on the Earth.The
water is used in different ways like cooking

washing their bodies.

washing clothes.

washing cooking and eating.

keeping houses and communities clean.recreation; such as swimming pools.

keeping plants alive in gardens and parks.

Water is also used for the healthy growth of farm crops and farm stock and is used in the
manufacture of many products. It is most important that the water which people drink and
use for other purposes is clean water. The water which is clean is called potable
water.The water which is coming from supplies can also may contaminate the water
because we think that the underground pipe can maybe dirty .

Fig. 3: Plants and animals need water.

2.Why is water limited ?

Ans. The water is limited because we think that the water is so much but most of the
water is very salty and we cannot drink that water and the only water is left and that only
potable and fresh water 2.5 % of water there are three types of water which are:

Surface water = ,0.3%

Polar religion =70%
Ground water =30%

Surface water mean that water which water is on the ground like river ,lakes and

Polar religion mean that water which is in Antarctica or which is icy

Groundwater mean that water which is in the ground.

Fig. 4: An environment.

Fig 5:River or ocean

Water is limited because the whole world need water and there is really very less water
and the sewage has to go somewhere so that is going in the lakes ,river,pound so we are
needed to the fresh water and so many of water everyone on the earth need water so
aree whole question mean that why water is limited in the all states . Our some places are
having clean water or potable water.

3. What are the different source of water?

ans .

Surface water

That the lower end of a valley.This is water which falls to the ground as rain or hail.Then it saves in
a ground which is called groundwater that is called catch from the ground using dams

Catchment areas are usually far away from towns or cities to lessen the chance of the water being
polluted. There are laws which control human activities, such as farming and recreation in
catchment areas and on dams to make sure that water supplies are kept potable.

Fig.6. : A surface water dam.


Rivers or lakes
Town or community water supplies are
sometimes drawn directly from nearby
rivers or lakes.

Fig. 7:.Rivers and lakes can supply water.

These are found where underground water flows out of the ground naturally without the

use of bores, wells or pumps.


Springs often occur towards the bottom of a hill or on sloping ground.

Fig. 8: A spring.

When the rain happen so sometime rain water go in the mountain so when the water come
out then this called spring.

Fig. 9: A rainwater tank.

Rainwater tank is which are collect water from the rainwater when rain happens when
rainwater come on the roof so it go in pipes then it go to the tank and this called
Rainwater collection or rainwater tank

4. How can we test water?

Method 1

Fill a clean, clear glass with water from your tap.


Hold the glass up to the light and

take a look at the water. Is it
clear or cloudy? Can you see
particles floating in the water or
settling to the bottom of the
glass? Anything other than clear
liquid could be a sign of bacterial or particulate contamination.


Method 2
test the
by boiling
and trythe
it to the testing company & wait till he report to come & try to

5.What are the diseases by drink contaminated water?

Malaria is a serious disease caused by a parasite carried by
certain types of mosquitoes. Humans are infected when
bitten by the mosquitoes. Each year, there are 300 million to
500 million cases of malaria throughout the world and about 1 million child deaths.
Reducing the mosquito population in households and communities by eliminating standing
water (caused by poor drainage and uncovered water tanks) can be an important factor in
reducing malaria cases.

Diarrhoea is caused by a variety of microorganisms including viruses, bacteria and
protozoans. Diarrhoea causes a person to lose both water and electrolytes,, which leads to
dehydration and, in some cases, to death. Excreta is the main cause of childhood
diarrhoeal diseases.
About 4 billion cases of diarrhoea per year cause 1.8 million deaths, over 90 per cent of
them (1.6 million) among children under five. Repeated episodes of diarrhoeal disease
makes children more vulnerable to other diseases and malnutrition.


Diarrhoea is the most important public health problem directly related to water and
sanitation. The simple act of washing hands with soap and water can cut diarrhoeal disease
by one-third. Next to providing adequate sanitation facilities, it is the key to preventing
waterborne diseases.
Cholera is an acute bacterial infection of the intestinal tract. It causes severe attacks of
diarrhoea that, without treatment, can quickly lead to acute dehydration and death.
Cholera is a worldwide problem, especially in emergency situations. It can be prevented by
access to safe drinking water, sanitation and good hygiene behaviour (including food
hygiene). In 2002, over 120,000 cholera cases were reported worldwide.

Fig 10: Bacteria

6.How water get conatimanated ?

ans.When rain come then water falls on the roof its clean there maybe contaminated or
it is on the roof & then it contaminate the water when we are collect that rain water.

Wind sometimes carry lots of germs.

When rain come the water on first time it cause germs like bacteria.


Shortage of water
1. How much members do you have in your house?
a.<1 b.2-3 c.4-5 d.6+
2. Does water come in your house?
a.Yes b.No
3. How much time do you get to fill water?
a. <1 Hour b.1-2 hours c.2-3hours d.3+
4. Do you get water free or you buy it?
a.Yes b.No
5. Have sometime you have less water and you have to go to your neighbors house to
bring water?
a.Yes b. No
6.If you get water so is it less for you or more?
a.Yes b. No
Clean /dirty water
1. In your family someone has diseases caused by drinking dirty water?
a.Yes b.No
2. Do you boil water and drink?
a.Yes b.No
3. Do you clean your coolers with clean or dirty water?
a.Yes b.No
4.D-how much patient you have handal?
2.Yes b.No
5.Have you ever seen green things in your water?
a.Yes b.No
6.D-Do you think your surround the water is clean?
a.Yes b. No
7.D- have you ever seen people are coming in taking one diseases?
a.Yes b.No


8.How much money do you pay to get water?

Chart A

This chart tells us 34% of people have more than 6 member.16% of people have 2 -3
members in every house house.50% of families said that they have 4-5.

We think that people have a lot of population so they have different member in different
With this knowledge we will how much population is in Tughlakabad Extn.


Chart B
Does water come in peoples houses?

This chart tells us that 96% of people get their water on time and 4% of people are not
getting water on time.
We think that some people are getting water on time because they must be paying a lot of
money to get water or they must have their own motor attached water what motor do or
they must have straight connection from government supply and some people don't get
water because they must not have that much money for its cost of water & they must
have motor leakage so that water is not connected with the tap or they must not
connecting the water because it must be population and water is not very common in every

With this knowledge we can know that is government is helping us to pay for water and
given water
free to us.And how much water or not.


Chart C

This chart tells us that 76%of people get <1 hour to fill water.20% of people get 1-2 hour
to fill water.4% of people get 3+ hour to fill water.
76% of people get <1 hour to fill water because we think,
a.Their water is coming from motors and the giving person is giving very less water & time.
20% of people get 1-2 hour to fill their water because we think,
a. they have their own motors connection,they must settle water time from someone who
give supply
4% of people get 3+ hour to fill water because we think,
a.they must have own & good quality motors & different - different connection from
different - different places.
We think 76% of people will pay more money because they are not getting enough water
for their families.


Chart D

This chart tell us 62% of people they have governments water and 34%of people have to
buy water and 4% of people their landlord gives them.

We think that 62% of people get water free we think because government give them water
and they must have supply from different connection.We think that 34%of people have to
buy water because the supplier can have mistake in giving water and they have shortage of
water so they must have gone to buy water & who supplies water to them he must have not
clean water and people have notice that so they have gone to buy water.We think 4% of
people said landlord gives that water we think because they must not stay at house so
their landlord give them.
We will know & estimate that how much people pay for water and how much does not and
how much people have shortage and how much and some people pays for water so instead
they can do something else with that water.


Chart E

This chart tell us 62%of people dont borrow water and 34% of people borrow water.4%of
people buy water.
We think 62% people dont borrow water we think because they have enough water to have
or they dont like water because of different cast. We think that 34% of people borrow
water we think because they have not enough water to drink and they think everyone s
water is clean.we think 4% of people buy water we think because they are sure their water
is clean so they buy it and they dont have enough water to drink .
We will estimate that water in one houses disease is not going in different houses and
people should be aware from diseases caused by drinking dirty water.


Chart F

62% of people is sufficient with their water supply & 38% of people are not sufficient
with the water supply.
62% of people is sufficient with their water supply we think because they must get
water on time & unlimited water or maybe the water is coming whole day & every day.38%
of people are not sufficient with the water supply we think because their water is not on
time & not limited water or
maybe the water is not coming whole day & every day.
With this knowledge we get to know that most people are sufficient with their water &
some people are not sufficient with their water.This means that the clean water is coming
the most & people sufficient with water.


Chart I
In your family does someone has diseass by drinking dirty water ?

This chart tell us 66% of people had not gotten any disease from drinking water . 34%of
people get diseases by drinking water.
34% of people had not gotten any diseases from drinking water because we think that they
must drinking filter water, that they must buy water from shop, they must boil water then
drink so they not get diseases of water. 64% of people get diseases of water because we
think they must be drink water directly and they must not boil it and so that they have got
diseases of water,and they must not buy water from filter shop .
With this knowledge we will know that is water clean or contaminated water and people
percentage which people are getting diseases, they must have to pay a lots of money to
doctor that money instead they can use money somewhere else , people should aware off
diseases caused by drinking dirty water. They should try to drink clean water.


Chart J

This chart tells us 80% of people does not boil water.And 20%of people boil water before
drinking it.
80% of people don't boil the water because we think they must have not money to buy gas
or coal to boil water or they must not be interested in boiling the water so they drink it
without boiling it or they must be sure that their water clean. 20% of people boil water
before drinking because we think that they must have their gases with them, they must
not be sure that their water is clean,they must be educated & they know that they should
boil water before drinking.
This effect 80% of people that in their water these are some bacteria so they can have
diseases and from gas bacterias are died so people should drink water after boiling the


Chart K

This chart tell us 62 %of people dont have any answer .28% of people have not seen
germs.10% of people have seen germs in the water.
28% of people have not seen germs in their
water because we think that they must get
clean water from their supplier,or they take the
filter water from shops ,they must use the
supply water somewhere else.10% of people see
germs because we think that the water which
they are getting is not clean,they must don't
have filter at their house,they don't have money
to buy clean water. With this people would be
affected by that 28% of people have not seen
germ so they will know that their water is not clean and one by one the world we will finish
so people are trying to solve this problem.


Chart L

This chart tell us 42% of people have to pay >500Rs . 42% people landlord pay for
them.16%of people pay <500Rs for water.
42% of people have to pay >500Rs because we think that the water is sold in a lot of
or supplies are of lot of rupees,that supplier must want to earn money in the sold of
water.42%of people their landlord pays the water cost because we think some people must
live in rent houses so from every rent houses landlord collects every cost of money & then
pays for them.16% of people pay <500Rs for water because we think that the water in that
streets have rupees, supplier are very nice & they dont earn money in selling water in
higher cost.
People would be affected that they have to pay a lot of money & instead they can use that
money somewhere else.And they can use that money in children's studies.



Problem statement - Investigate the shortage of clean drinking water in Tughlakabad

We are trying to solve a problem on water shortage and clean water by doing and wright a
project report then we will try to give this report to the government of delhi and we will
try to solve this problem by the people who are not getting water properly.
Important chart
Chart 3 In this we are going to know how much time do people get to fill their water this
will tell us if they get less than hour so yes there can be shortage of water.
Chart 7 In this chart we will know by survey that in how much people are getting diseases
by drinking contaminated water. in this chart most of the people not get disease from this
water .so it is clean water
Chart 13 In this chart we will know how much money does people give to the shoppers for
the water most from tell that lot of people give more than 500 INR to the sl\hooper so
yes they have shortage of water and need for buy the water inserted .but water is free
for everyone
Chart 14

Clean 48%

contaminated water 20%

no sample 32%
from this chart we know that most of the water in Tughlakabad Extension


challenge we have face in doing this project is we did not know that how to divide our work,
we did not know that our quality , we did not know what we are doing in every work ,we did
not know how to correct the mistake ,how to colour things , we were scaring to type ,we
were so funny or only 2 or 3 people work on the laptop.

Fig 12:.Wastage water


When we were taking survey we found out a lot of things like water available in every
house, timing for water diseases from drinking contaminated water main thing which we
find out was how much water in tuglakabad extn is clean and how much water is
contaminated. so we look for more information and try to understand more so we try and
learn more from there we ask some question about how much water they think is
contaminated .So with the information collect we saw this table.
Clean water in this community is 48%
Contaminated water in this community is 20%
No sample was 32%
So from this knowledge We think that we can believe that 48% of water is totally clean
and potable
Solutions for contaminated water
Solution of contaminated water can be cleaned by that people should leave there
directs water and boil it. After Boil they can sieve the water s dirt.
They can buy the filter which is very cheap of rupees either 1500 rupees the
company name is pureit , other filter for 2500 rupees ,and the expensive filter for
10000 filter-aro
Especially people which are tasting water very different for the few months so
they should send to that people who can help them.
Try to clean the water container in every 1 week
You can put tablet and keep you water save then.
In the survey we found out that 34% of people got diseases like malaria so the article
that we read that article say that Malaria can be caused by drinking



Fig 13:. save one drop of water


Fig 14 save water

Contaminated water
The water which have lot of germs in it so we can say that this water is contaminated. If
we drink contaminated water so we can get diseases like many things as you can imagine
and contaminated water is majorly at some time where most of the dirt or Rubbish
.Rubbish is everything that people do not want any more. A lot of rubbish comes from
people's homes. Examples are food scraps, paper, plastic, bottles, tins, old rags, clothing
and bedding. Other things such as broken furniture, car bodies and parts are also rubbish
when people do not want them any more.
Rubbish is also known as solid waste. This term helps distinguish it from the liquid waste
(sewage) from toilets, showers, tubs and sinks. And sometimes the clean water is also


Fig15 contaminated water

Fig 16 water scarcity


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