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1. Density:
Density of a material is the mass per unit volume


Where M is the mass (kg or Lb) and V is the volume of the material (m3
or ft3). Therefore, the unit of the density, , is kg/m3 (in SI system) or
Lb/ft3 (in British unit). Since the volume of a material changes with
temperature while the mass remains constant, the density of a material is
a function of temperature.

2. Specific Gravity:
Specific gravity of a material is the ratio of the density of the material to
the density of a reference substance at a specific condition. Usually
density of water at 4oC is used as the reference.
S .G . =

Where F is the density of water at 4oC

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H. Muhamad


1. Pycnometer:
A pycnometer is a standard bottle with an accurate volume calibrated at
a specific temperature, e.g. 25 mL calibrated at 20oC. The density of a
liquid can be determined as below:

W2 W1

Where W1 is the weight of the empty pycnometer, W2 is the weight of

the pycnometer filled with liquid and V is the volume of the pycnometer

What would you do if the liquid temperature is not at the calibration

temperature of the pycnometer?

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H. Muhamad

2. Hydrometer:
A hydrometer consists of a glass float with a weight at the bottom and a
stem on the upper part. The stem has a graduated scale for the specific
gravity reading.

In order to measure the specific gravity of a liquid, simply place the

liquid in a container and let a hydrometer float in the liquid. Once the
hydrometer is stable, take the reading on the scale right at the liquid
level. Make sure that the hydrometer doesnt touch the wall of the
container so to avoid error in the specific gravity determination.

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H. Muhamad

A hydrometer is:
easy to use, inexpensive
fairly accurate, adaptable to on-line measurement

With a fluid at some reference density, the iron core is symmetrical

across coil 1 and coil 2. As a result, the output voltage is equal to zero.
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H. Muhamad

When the liquid density increases, the iron core moves up with the
hydrometer, resulting in a finite positive voltage output. On the other
hand, when the liquid density decreases, the iron core moves
downwards, resulting in a negative voltage output. The voltage output
can be measured and calibrated to give readings in density or specific
gravity of liquid.

Specific Gravity Scales:

1. Common scale:
S .G . =

water at 4 C

However, usually hydrometer is calibrated at 60 oF (15.6 oC). In other

words, the measurement of the specific gravity by the hydrometer is the
ratio of the density of a liquid at 60 oF to the density of water at 60 oF.

2. Degree API (American Petroleum Institute)

Degree API =




Where L and W are densities of liquid (usually petroleum) and water

both at 60 oF, respectively.

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H. Muhamad

3. Degree Baume
For liquid lighter than water:
Degree Baume =




Where L and W are densities of liquid and water both at 60 oF,

For liquid heavier than water:
Degree Baume = 145



Where L and W are densities of liquid and water both at 60 oF,


3. Differential Pressure Method

liquid in

P: pressure sensor
liquid out

A: amplifier
C: A/D converter


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H. Muhamad

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H. Muhamad

b) Stressed gauge:
Rx = Ro +R
Va = Ro/(Ro+Ro)Vs = Vs/2
Vb = Ro/(Ro+Rx)Vs = Ro/(Ro + Ro + R)Vs = Ro/( 2Ro + R)Vs
Vab= Vs/2 - Ro/( 2Ro + R)Vs = Vs[1/2 Ro/(2Ro + R)]
Vab= Vs[(2Ro + R-2Ro)/(2(2Ro+ R))]= Vs[(R/Ro)/(2(2+ R/Ro))]
Vab =

R / Ro

4 1 + R / 2 Ro

Since R << Ro, R/2Ro << 1, the equation for Vab can be simplified
Vab =


4 Ro

Vab can be measured under different load conditions on the strain gauge
and calibrated to read the density of liquid in the tank.


1. For solid insoluble in a liquid:
A pycnometer can be used to measure solid density if the solid is
insoluble in a liquid. The density of the solid can be determined from
the following equation:

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S =

W 3 W1
(W 2 W 1) (W 4 W 3)

Where S is the density of solid and L is the density of liquid, W1, W2,
W3 and W4 are the weights of the empty pycnometer, the pycnometer
filled up with liquid, the pycnomter plus solid (no liquid), and the
pycnometer plus solid and filled with liquid, respectively. Therefore,
(W3-W1) is the weight of the solid in the pycnometer, (W4-W3) is the
weight of the liquid fraction in the pycnometer.

[(W2-W1)-(W4-W3)]/L is the volume of the solid since (W2-W1)/L is

the total volume of the pycnometer and (W4-W3)/L is the volume
portion occupied by liquid in the pycnometer containing both solid and

2. Gas pycnometer:
For solids that are soluble in water and other organic solvents, a gas
pycnometer can be used to measure the solid density.

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The two tanks are of the same size with the volume V at the same
temperature, T.
a) When the valve is closed, tank 2 contains some compressed air at
pressure P2 and tank 1 contains some solid and at a pressure P1,
which is lower than P2.
According to the ideal gas law:
P1V1 = n1 RT
P2V2 = n2 RT
b) The valve is then opened:
P3V3 = (n1 + n2) RT
Where V3 = V1 + V2

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P3 (V1 + V2) = n1 RT + n2 RT = P1 V1 + P2 V2
V2 (P2 P3) = V1 (P3 P1)
The volume of the gas in tank 1 is:
V1 = V2

( P2 P3 )
( P3 P1 )

Assuming the volume of the connecting pipe between the two tanks is
very small compared to the volume of the tanks, V2 = V that is known.
The volume of the solid fraction in tank 1 is (V-V1). Thus, the density of
the solid can be readily determined as:
S =

(V V1 )

Where M is the mass of solid in tank1.

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H. Muhamad

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