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Colonial legacies/inheritance

Modern South Asia: History, Culture, Political economy (2nd edition) Chapter
10 {pgs. 78-85, High Noon of Colonialism, 1858-1914} and Chapter 16 {pgs.
135-156, The Partition of India and the Creation of Pakistan
Mehta, Pratap Bhanu. 2003. "The Nationalist Movement." In Understanding
Contemporary India {pgs. 41-60}

State Formation and Nation-Building

1) Formation of Modern India Nehrus India (1947-1964)

Reinventing India: Liberalisation, Hindu Nationalism and Popular

Democracy ({Chapter 3, pgs. 43-66}- Corbridge, S, and J Harriss
India After Gandhi - {Ideas of India, pgs.115-134
The Politics of India Since Independence, Brass, Paul R - Language
Problems, pgs. 158-174

2) Political Change in India the Indira Gandhi Years (1966-1984)

Reinventing India: Liberalisation, Hindu Nationalism and Popular

Democracy, Corbridge, S, and J Harriss {Selections from Chapter 4, pgs.
67-78 (until 4.2 on pg.78), pgs. 85-92 (from 4.3 on pg. 85)
Democracy and Development in India: From Socialism to ProBusiness ,
Kohli, Atul- {Chapter 1, Centralization and Powerlessness: Indias
Democracy in Comparative Perspective, pgs. 23-42)
India After Gandhi - Autumn of the Matriarch, pgs. 491-518

3) Contemporary India: 1985 present

Reinventing India: {Chapter 6, pgs.119-139}

"The Rise of the Other Backward Classes in the Hindi Belt."- Jaffrelot,
Christophe.- Journal of Asian Studies 59 (1): 86-108.
Poverty amid plenty in the new India- Kohli, Atul- Introduction, pgs. 1-18
An Uncertain Glory: India and its Contradictions. London: Allen Lane
{Chapter 1, A New India?, pgs. 1-16}

4) Comparative Trajectories I Political Change in Pakistan and the

Formation of Bangladesh

The idea of Pakistan- Cohen, Stephen P- Introduction, pgs. 1-13 and

Chapter 2, The State of Pakistan, pgs. 37-84}
Pakistan: between mosque and military-Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace - aqqani, usain - {Chapter 4, From Islamic Republic
to Islamic State, pgs. 131-157}
Bangladesh: from a nation to a state- Baxter, Craig - {Chapter 7, A
Province of Pakistan, pgs. 61-79

Democracy and authoritarianism

5) Democracy and Authoritarianism I: India

Kohli {Introduction: pgs. 1-19 and chapter by Sarkar: pgs. 23-46}

Varshney, Ashutosh. 1998. "Why Democracy Survives." Journal of
Democracy 9 (3):36- 50
Varshney, Ashutosh. 2000. "Is India Becoming More Democratic?" Journal
of Asian Studies 59 (1):3-25
"India: development and participation." Oxford: Oxford University Press
{Chapter 10, The Practice of Democracy, pgs.348-379

6) Democracy and Authoritarianism II Comparative trajectories

(Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh

The Promise of Power: The Origins of Democracy in India and Autocracy in

Pakistan- Tudor, Maya- {Chapter 1: pgs. 1-35}
"India and Pakistan: Interpreting the Divergence of Two Political
Trajectories - Jaffrelot, Christophe - Cambridge Review of International
Affairs 15 (2): 251-67{pgs. 251-267}
It will be useful for you to review two readings covered earlier: 1) Jaffrelot,
Christophe. 2000. "The Rise of the Other Backward Classes in the Hindi
Belt." (see Week 5); 2) Varshney, Ashutosh. 2000. "Is India Becoming More

State and society

7) State Institutions in India

Selections from Jayal and Mehta {Parliament by Hewitt and Rai: pgs 2842 and Federalism by Mitra and Pehl: pgs. 43-60}
Selections from Kohli {Chapter by Dasgupta : pgs. 49-77 and chapter by
Rudolph and Rudolph: pgs. 127-162}

8) Political Parties in India

Selections from Jayal and Mehta {The Party System by Sridharan: pgs.
117-132 and Political Parties by Hasan: pgs. 241-252}

Chhibber, Pradeep, and Irfan Nooruddin. 2004. "Do Party Systems Count?"
Comparative Political Studies 37 (2):152-87
Thachil, Tariq. 2011. Embedded Mobilization: Nonstate Service Provision
as Electoral Strategy in India. World Politics 63(3): 434-469

Caste and class politics in India

9) Caste politics in India

Caste and the Rise of Marginalized Groups - Jaffrelot, Christophe.{pgs.

Chapter by Weiner in Kohli {193-225}

10) Class politics in India

Class and Politics by Harriss in Jayal and Mehta {pgs. 140-150}

Chapter by Bardhan in Kohli{pgs. 226-241}

11) Civil Society and Social movements in India India

Chapter by Katzenstein, Kothari and Mehta in Kohli (pgs. 242-269)

Chapter by Pai (pgs. 391-407) and Jenkins (pgs. 423-440) in Jayal and
Gadgil, Madhav, and Ramachandra Guha. 1994. "Ecological Conflicts and
the Environmental Movement in India." Development and Change 25

Challenges to nation-building: ethnic and secessionist

12) Ethnic and secessionist conflict I India
Hindu-Muslim violence

Varshney, Ashutosh. 2001. Ethnic Politics and Civil Society: India and
Beyond, World Politics 53 (3), pgs. 362-398
Wilkinson, Steven. 2004. Votes and Violence : Electoral Competition and
Ethnic Riots in India, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press { Read
chapter 1 - The Electoral Incentives for Ethnic Violence, pgs. 1-18}
Brass, Paul R. 2003. The Production of Hindu-Muslim Violence in
Contemporary India {pgs. 5-39 }

Regional and Secessionist Crises in India

Chapter by Manor in Kohli {pgs. 78-102}

Kohli, Atul (1997). Can Democracies Accommodate Ethnic Nationalism,

Journal of Asian Studies 56(2), pgs. 323-344
Kapur, S. Paul (2010). Kashmir and the Indo-Pakistani Conflict. In The
Routledge Handbook of Asian Security Studies. eds. Ganguly, Sumit,
Andrew Scobell and Joseph Liow. New York: Routledge {chapter 8, pgs.
Ganguly, Sumit. 1996. Explaining the Kashmir Insurgency: Political
Mobilization and Institutional Decay, International Security 21(2): 76-107
Cohen, Stephen P. 2004. The idea of Pakistan. Washington, D.C.: Brookings
Institution Press {Chapter 6, Regionalism and Separatism, pgs. 201- 229

Political Economy of Development

13) State-Directed Development in India

Kohli, Atul . 2004. State-directed development: political power and

industrialization in the global periphery. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press. {Chapter 7, pgs. 257- 288}
Bhagwati, Jagdish. 2007. "What Went Wrong?" In India's Economic
Transition: The Politics of Reforms, ed. R. Mukherji. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. {pgs. 27-51}

14) Economic Liberalization in India

Kohli, Atul. 2006. "Politics of Economic Growth in India, 1980-2005: Part I:

The 1980s." Economic and Political Weekly 41 (13):1251-9.
Kohli, Atul. 2006. "Politics of Economic Growth in India, 1980-2005, Part II:
The 1990s and beyond." Economic and Political Weekly 41 (14):1361-70.
Panagariya, Arvind. 2008. India: the emerging giant. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. {Chapter 1, pgs. 3-21}

15) the India-China comparison

Bardhan, Pranab. 2010. Awakening Giants, Feet of Clay: Assessing the

Economic Rise of China and India. Princeton: Princeton University
Press{Chapter 1, pgs. 1-15; Chapter 2, pgs. 20-41}

16) Poverty, social development and corruption in India

Chapter by Kohli in Jayal and Mehta {pgs. 499-509}

Drze, Jean, and Amartya Sen. 2010. India: development and
participation. Oxford: Oxford University Press {Chapter 3, India in
Comparative Perspective, pgs.64-93}
Singh, Prerna (2013). Public goods provision and social development in
India. In Routledge Handbook of Indian Politics, ed. A.Kohli and P. Singh.
New York: Routledge. {pgs. 230-245}
Bussell, Jennifer (2012). Corruption and Reform in India: Public Services in
the Digital Age. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press {Chapter 1, pgs.

Diaspora, Politics and Development in South Asia; Nuclear

South Asia; Concluding remarks


Diaspora, Politics and Development

Kapur, Devesh. 2010. Diaspora, development, and democracy: the domestic
impact of international migration from India. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press.{Chapter 6, pgs. 162-184}

18) Nuclear South Asia

Ganguly, Sumit. 2008. "Nuclear Stability in South Asia." International

Security 33 (2):45-70.
Kapur, S. Paul. 2008. "Ten Years of Instability in a Nuclear South Asia."
International Security 33 (2):71-94

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