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The current journalism "leaves much to be desired"

It is necessary to improve the professional ethics in journalism and to create laws
contributing to it. Sensationalism must disappear. It is a duty to report on the
quality of public functions or work of artists, athletes, politicians, judges,
scientists, entrepreneurs, productive entities, service, trade, health, in short, of all
human activity, but never about personal privacy. We must not be allowed, for our
dark satisfaction, to seek our shortcomings in public figures, because private
publicity does not contribute to our improvement.
It is supposed to be an ethical and moral imperative in journalism,
that every letter or comment on the audio-visual media were to
the personal enrichment. The law has to add a surname to to
report: TO REPORT POSITIVELY. For example: a report about a
misfortune or a demand for justice do not need a video of
whining, drooling and snot with those affected; thus the facts
blame on who receives the news. It would be better to inform the
causative or indolent who allows the event, indicating whether
there are any deficiencies in the judicial system, in the police
system, in the preventive system, in traffic engineering or other;
that way directly or indirectly to point the perpetrators and
promote the improvement of society, this would be the real role of
the Fourth Power.
Yes, there is too much self-censorship. Laws are needed to give
the power of information to journalists, but deprive of this power
to employers and directors of the media.
It must end: "Whoever pays to advertise imposes censorship"
which is faithfully obeyed by the owners of the media. Other laws
are also needed to penalize strongly to all who pay for
advertisements that do not conform strictly to scientific

The hope is that the man of the future will see us as savages by
the imperfections of our laws today. Therefore it is imperious to
create, modify or eliminate laws for the social development. In
addition it is required a legal change to get the evolution of the
electoral system, consumer protection, police regulation,
corruption and shoddy work by officials and many more other
laws are needed, including changes in the Constitution.

Desired Interview to Jorge Ramos

A journalist is surely professional when asks to a presidential
candidate: "How will you deport to twelve million undocumented
people? But it would be professional if you said "You cannot
deport ...?
We have not seen you to ask Donald Trump: How he will remove
one of the main causes of illegal immigration: facilitation, by
the actions of employers who benefit themselves from the cheap
Reporters try to defend his work like everyone else, adjusting its
work just as Silvio Rodriguez said in one of his songs "... I grind
and redo my poems as it suit to an alert man ... Has you read
"Questions to Soledad Cedro for her comments on television" and
"Questions about the ethics of Pedro Sevcec" appearing on
Facebook and Scribd?
We become much more essential questions; we need to hear from
the mouths of journalists:
Would you seek out if Univisions investors hold shares of
industries or companies that are not criticized in its media, such
as the weapon industries, that needs blood to make a profit, or in
government bonds, which need the struggle at the congress to
increase its interests?
Would it be good the modernization of US laws, such as modifying
the Second Amendment of the Constitution, modify and create

laws to protect the consumer, replace the obsolete existing

electoral system, the same percent of income taxes equal to all
without exceptions, the same percent tax on the value of the
home, and many others that are becoming indispensables?
Yes, we know! Your, it is a difficult profession: always on
"Tightrope", without backup to go to the essence of the problems,
which it hinders your contribution to improving the system.

Questions about the ethics of Pedro Sevcec

What were your motivations for that intellectual prodigality in
your pronouncement scolding to a man of little lights, Osmany
Was it perhaps to curry favor from extreme right people, those
who are protecting tyranny for more than 50 years, with the
division of inside and outside Cubans? Will those who receive
"grants" from the US government in their numerous
It will be your overzealous to ensure your lowered salary now of
what you received before, knowing the power of the historic exile
has in the media?
Would you have been better to ignore what Osmany said? Would
have Osmany something right when said that reporters here try
to get statements from them against the regime of Cuba, which
would hamper their return home? How many brave and worthy
people have faced and have been crushed by the unscrupulous
regime, without achieving the slightest result, because of the
domain the tyranny has over the media and economic resources?
Would it be better publish an investigative report on those who
abuse the feelings of youth, in their eternal protest against the
"establishment", to become fans of performers of poor musical
works, often rude and even inciting to misconduct? Would it be
nice to know why such great significance they give to sexuality,

something inherent in human nature, before we were aware of it

and now appears as a new, exciting and publishable discovery?
The less virtuous professions in a socialist regime are: the
economists, because they alienate lying about development when
the reality is the economic, ecological and other equally important
destruction. The other is that of the journalists who lie or
misrepresent despite their knowledge of the facts. But acttitudes
like yours in the country that says is the most democratic in the
world, prompt us to ask ourselves: How much actually democratic
it is? How much zeal is needed to keep the job? How much selfcensorship demand "the democracy"?

Questions to Soledad Cedro by her comments on

Is it an impossible chimera for journalists fight for creation of laws
that put the information in their hands, and remove it from the
owners and directors of the media?
The way to success for journalists is faster from the extreme right,
although this is a discredit before honest people who know the
limitations of "democracy"?
How should the Fourth Power to be: Conservative or Progressive,
that is, keeping all established virtues and flaws or decreasing
Can the Fourth Power contribute to the pleasure of living of the
population, at the same time: reduce the negative feelings that
lead to the dark pleasure of sensationalism?
Could the Fourth Power investigate and inform the real causes of
each event?
Did you know that large companies in the 1950s were reliable?
Bank, electricity, phone, insurance and many others were serious
companies governed by governmental laws and professional

ethics; and now many of those laws and ethics have been
You say that the free market should not be regulated, then, are
you agree with those companies do not take bookings for new
investments and make use of its power over the government to
make them at the expense of the State budget? Then, are you
agree with the huge differences in wages and benefits throughout
society, which did not exist before, as those between a manager
and a scientific researcher; a dentist and an architect; a
policeman and a teacher; a politician and engineer, etc. etc.? Are
you according to the evasion of the antitrust laws, renouncing
citizenship to avoid taxes, transferring abroad companies looking
for cheap labor, and all that has been doing by the free market?


To Oscar Haza about Colonel Evelio

Col. Evelio Otero is another who does not deserve to appear on

your program, he makes it lose quality. He is expressed as if
defended his investments in the weapon industries and that profit
was all that mattered to him, regardless of the human cost.
Advance war against Iran is stupid, when at any time they violate
the treaty, all their nuclear facilities could be destroyed. Another
stupidity is to blame to President Barak Obama for an attempt to
blackmail by the Korean tyrant, when his Korean father did the
same with aggressive Republican administrations. Another such
silliness he is talking about the lack of leadership from Obama
when the US has gained more prestige in the world than in all
previous presidencies; but also knowing that presidents play a
representative role, the real executor is invisible.
The US armed interventions in the Middle East and Viet Nam, with
the participation of Colonel Otero, has cost much American blood,
enormous expenditure of public funds, much hatred against this
country, loss of prestige and objectives with negative results.
But what is inadmissible is that Mr. Otero when talking about any
topic, he always finds a "little word" to which cling up for to blame
Obama, is something obsessive. Has he lost any privilege or

money on his investments in the arms industry with the election

of the current president? This is your job Oscar Haza, to
investigate before inviting him to your program. Or would be that
your producers are instructed "to sawing your floor"?

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