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Zachary Petterson

EEB 162
Dis 1D

Discussions for Plant Physiology 162: Mathematical Models in Plant Physiology

Discussion Section 1: Transpiration
Please open the Transpiration_Tool spreadsheet
This sheet simulates the influence of environmental factors on leaf-level transpiration, i.e.,
water loss per leaf area. Data for transpiration can be collected using a gas exchange system
such as a porometer (http://www.vsinstruments.com/cataloge/porometer.pdf) or gas exchange
system (http://www.licor.com/env/products/photosynthesis/) .
In this spreadsheet, equations are used such that you can enter parameters in the yellow
columns, and get outputs from the green columns.
The equations used in this spreadsheet are taken from source textbooks:
Nobel PS (2009) Physicochemical and Environmental Plant Physiology, 5th edition. Academic
Press, San Diego
Pearcy RW, Ehleringer J, Mooney HA, Rundel PW (2000) Plant Physiological Ecology. Dordrecht,
the Netherlands, Kluwer
The numbers in the first 6 rows show a few scenarios. The first row represents a realistic leaf.
The next four rows show what happens if you alter a single parameter (the one that is changed
relative to the first row of values is in orange and bold).
1. Please see how Transpiration Rate has changed in the 2nd-6th rows of values relative to the first
row of values. How does Transpiration Rate respond to an increase in air temperature,
windspeed, leaf length, relative humidity, or stomatal conductance? In each case, is this due to a
change in VPD, boundary layer conductance or stomatal conductance?
Increase in air temp = higher transpiration rate (change in VPD). increase in windspeed = higher transpiration rate than normal leaf
(change in boundary layer conductance). Increase in leaf length leaf length = lower transpiration rate (boundary layer conductance).
Increase in relative humidity = lower transpiration rate (VPD). Increase in stomatal conductance = increase in transpiration rate
(stomatal conductance)

2. Make some changes of your own to values in the yellow columns and see how they affect
Transpiration rate. Please order the following factors from the one with the greatest
quantitative impact on Transpiration rate to the one with the least: air temperature, windspeed,
leaf length, relative humidity, or stomatal conductance. Greatest quantitative impact would
mean that Transpiration rate increases by the largest % when the factor is increased by a given
Air temperature, stomatal conductance, windspeed, leaf length, and relative humidity.

3. How will warmer climates affect transpiration rate if all else stays equal? What can plants do on
a short or long time scale to reduce the impact of climate change on leaf level water loss?
Transpiration rate will increase in warmer climates. Plants can close or open their stomatal openings to reduce the
impact of climate change on leaf level water loss. Change their stomatal conductance.

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