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International Journal of Production Research

ISSN: 0020-7543 (Print) 1366-588X (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tprs20

A review of Constitutive Equations in Plasticity

Edited by A. S. ARGON. (London: The MIT Press,
1976) [Pp. 591] Price 1200.
To cite this article: P. B. MELLOR (1976) A review of Constitutive Equations in Plasticity Edited
by A. S. ARGON. (London: The MIT Press, 1976) [Pp. 591] Price 1200., International Journal of
Production Research, 14:6, 733-733, DOI: 10.1080/00207547608956392
To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00207547608956392

Published online: 16 May 2007.

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Date: 23 September 2015, At: 00:21

WT. J. PROD,RES., 1976, VOL. 14, NO. 6, 733-734

Book reviews

Downloaded by [IIT Indian Institute of Technology - Mumbai] at 00:21 23 September 2015

C'onstWive Eqwdma in Phticiby. Edted by A. S. ARGON. (London: The MIT

Press, 1976.) [Pp, 592.3 Price 212.00.

The book consists of 18 wwya by mathematicians and metal phpiciata, a11 experh
in this field, on t h e inela~ticbhaviour of metals and alloya. In the Preface the
editor emphasizes the need to sttempt ta connect t h e constitutive relations formulated
by mathematiaianbns ta the behaviour of real m~brials. Professor Argon also seea
the need to commnniaate with the ' stress analyst-engineer ' who is responeible
for designing the hardware. A t the present time the design engineer must rely on
simple mathematical modela for the streas mnaiysis of gtructures subjected to static
loading and on the extrapolation of detailed experimental results for the fatigue
and creep of the particular materi~l9he is working with.
The book brings together a group of mathemutieiam and metal physicists who
have recognized the need for a fundamental micro-structural approach in construching
conatitutive equ&tiona. The first five essay8 attempt So lay t h e micro-structural
foundations for constitutive relation for inelastic behaviour from the point o f view
of applied mechanics and the internal defect struoture which governs this behapiour.
The next eight chapters describe the changes in the defect structure when materials
are aubjected to monotonic and cyclic straining and inthe temperature range from 0K
to near melting p i n t . The remnining two chapters give detailed examples of the
construction and use of constitutive relatiom for nuclear reactor applications
- the operative deformation is creep.
This i s a useful report on the state of the saience since i t indicates the dimensions
of the required task and it will, hopefully, stimulate both the mathematician end the
metal physicist. It is not the object of the book to p v e 8 catalogue of equ~tioua
which would be of direct uae to the practising engineer and indeed it is clear t h a t
auch an abject is not possible a t the present time except in caees where the geometry
of the s t r d structure i s very simple.

System8 A d y s k for Prod&kn @e&bm.

Breach, 1976.1 [Pp. 47'1.1 Prim 10.70.

By C. CARL PEGEM. (Qordon &

The preface asp that ' the book is intended to provide the d e r with m underatanding of the process and quantitative -1s of N m a analysis for produohion
operatiom (and)intended tba a reference book for practitioners and a text book for
undergraduate and graduate courses.. '. However, the book falls a Iong wsy
short of these objectives. It ia certainly not rs referenee h k . There is no index.
There is no systematic treatment of apecifio topica or t R c h q u e s and, in generel, the
references cover only up to the middle or lata 196Os, The printing is p w r . Despite
all of this the book does have a pleaaing style and provides B somewhat different
balance than the many conventional oper&tions/systems engineering kxtbooks
which have appeared in recent years. The four parts to the book called, respectively,
Syatems Analysis md Facilitim Planning Modela (6 chapters), Cnpaoity Planning
Modela (4 chapters), Plant Layout PTnnning Models (3 chaptam), and Operations
Planning Mode18 (6 chapters) each contain semething of interest. Although the
trchtment is by no meana comprehensive and certainly not up-to-date there ia a
certain practicd flavour about the contents and it suggests a style of kwhing which
would encourage awareness. Each chapter has exercises but without solutions.
Teachers will find something ueeful within the book but it is not particularly suitable
for practitioners or students.
3%.C. B O ~ E Y

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