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About As I Lay Dying

Faulkner drafted As I Lay Dying in six weeks while he was working the night shift at a power plant. He
later said, "I set out deliberately to write a tour-de-force. Before I ever put pen to paper and set down
the first word I knew what the last word would be and almost where the last period would fall." He
clearly succeeded in what he set out to do: As I Lay Dying is a work in which Faulkner's talent is fully
within his control, and the result is one of the twentieth century's finest and most beloved novels.
Unlike The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying has a clearly delineated plot line: it is the tale of a
journey, and despite the many delays in that journey, nothing impedes the straightforward movement
of the plot toward its destination--the arrival in Jefferson and the burial of Addie Bundren's body.
However, the way the story is presented embodies an experiment in narrative technique that is
brilliantly achieved. Removing himself completely as an author-narrator figure, Faulkner breaks his
story into fifty-nine separate monologues, each spoken or thought by one of fifteen characters. There
is no exposition, no description of character or action outside of the way the characters see
themselves, one another, and the events in which they are involved.
Like The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying centers upon a single family. It is the often comic, often
grotesque story of their single-minded effort to carry out their father's promise to his dying wife: Addie
Bundren wishes to be buried with her family in the town of Jefferson, forty miles away. This journey,
delayed by flood and fire and attended by a growing flock of buzzards, takes nine days. Throughout
their absurd and quixotic ordeal, the family members exhibit a deep respect for their mother's desire,
but they also have desires of their own that might be fulfilled by this chance at visiting the town. The
father, Anse, wants a new set of teeth; the only daughter, Dewey Dell, is pregnant and hopes to get a
pill to bring on a miscarriage; Cash wants a gramophone; Vardaman, the youngest, wants a toy train.
The two remaining brothers, Jewel and Darl, want nothing for themselves, but the journey brings to its
crisis a rivalry that has deep roots in their relationship with their mother.
At once ludicrous and profound, the novel shows us a group of people responding to grief and to the
loss of the most important person in their lives. At the same time, it illuminates the nature of love
within the family and the responsibility that family members have to one another and to themselves.
For discussion: As I Lay Dying
1. Which are the most intelligent and sympathetic voices in the novel? With whom do
you most and least identify? Is Faulkner controlling your closeness to some
characters and not others? How is this done, given the seemingly equal mode of
presentation for all voices?

2. Even the reader of such an unusual book may be surprised to come upon Addie
Bundren's narrative on page 169, if only because Addie has been dead since page
48. Why is Addie's narrative placed where it is, and what is the effect of hearing
Addie's voice at this point in the book? Is this one of the ways in which Faulkner
shows Addie's continued "life" in the minds and hearts of her family? How do the
issues raised by Addie here relate to the book as a whole?

3. Faulkner allows certain characters--especially Darl and Vardaman--to express

themselves in language and imagery that would be impossible, given their lack of
education and experience in the world. Why does he break with the realistic
representation of character in this way?

4. What makes Darl different from the other characters? Why is he able to describe
Addie's death [p. 48] when he is not present? How is he able to intuit the fact of
Dewey Dell's pregnancy? What does this uncanny visionary power mean, particularly
in the context of what happens to Darl at the end of the novel? Darl has fought in
World War I; why do you think Faulkner has chosen to include this information about
him? What are the sources and meaning of his madness?

5. Anse Bundren is surely one of the most feckless characters in literature, yet he alone
thrives in the midst of disaster. How does he manage to command the obedience and
cooperation of his children? Why are other people so generous with him? He gets his
new teeth at the end of the novel and he also gets a new wife. What is the secret of
Anse's charm? How did he manage to make Addie marry him, when she is clearly
more intelligent than he is?

6. Some critics have spoken of Cash as the novel's most gentle character, while others
have felt that he is too rigid, too narrow-minded, to be sympathetic. What does
Cash's list of the thirteen reasons for beveling the edges of the coffin tell us about
him? What does it tell us about his feeling for his mother? Does Cash's carefully
reasoned response to Darl's imprisonment seem fair to you, or is it a betrayal of his

7. Jewel is the result of Addie's affair with the evangelical preacher Whitfield (an aspect
of the plot that bears comparison with Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter). When we
read Whitfield's section, we realize that Addie has again allied herself with a man
who is not her equal. How would you characterize the preacher? What is the meaning
of this passionate alliance, now repudiated by Whitfield? Does Jewel know who his
father is?

8. What is your response to the section spoken by Vardaman, which states simply, "My
mother is a fish"? What sort of psychological state or process does this declaration
indicate? What are some of the ways in which Vardaman insists on keeping his
mother alive, even as he struggles to understand that she is dead? In what other
ways does the novel show characters wrestling with ideas of identity and

9. This is a novel full of acts of love, not the least of which is the prolonged search in the
river for Cash's tools. Consider some of the other ways that love is expressed among
the members of the family. What compels loyalty in this family? What are the ways in
which that loyalty is betrayed? Which characters are most self-interested?

10. The saga of the Bundren family is participated in, and reflected upon, by many other
characters. What does the involvement of Doctor Peabody, of Armstid, and of Cora
and Vernon Tull say about the importance of community in country life? Are the
characters in the town meant to provide a contrast with country people?

11. Does Faulkner deliberately make humor and the grotesque interdependent in this
novel? What is the effect of such horrific details as Vardaman's accidental drilling of
holes in his dead mother's face? Of Darl and Vardaman listening to the decaying
body of Addie "speaking"? Of Vardaman's anxiety about the growing number of
buzzards trying to get at the coffin? Of Cash's bloody broken leg, set in concrete and
suppurating in the heat? Of Jewel's burnt flesh? Of the "cure" that Dewey Dell is
tricked into?

12. In one of the novel's central passages, Addie meditates upon the distance between
words and actions: "I would think how words go straight up in a thin line, quick and
harmless, and how terribly doing goes along the earth, clinging to it, so that after a
while the two lines are too far apart for the same person to straddle from one to the
other; and that sin and love and fear are just sounds that people who never sinned
nor loved nor feared have for what they never had and cannot have until they forget
the words" [pp. 173-74]. What light does this passage shed upon the meaning of the
novel? Aren't words necessary in order to give form to the story of the Bundrens? Or
is Faulkner saying that words--his own chosen medium--are inadequate?

13. What does the novel reveal about the ways in which human beings deal with death,
grieving, and letting go of our loved ones?

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