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1A) Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is often perceived,

somewhat narrowly, as an approach to language teaching and learning

in which the computer is used as an aid to the presentation,
reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned, usually
including a substantial interactive element. Levy defines CALL more
succinctly and more broadly as "the search for and study of applications
of the computer in language teaching and learning".
B) A word cloud is a popular visualization of words typically associated
with Internet keywords and text data. They are most commonly used to
highlight popular or trending terms based on frequency of use and
prominence. A word cloud is a beautiful, informative image
that communicates much in a single glance.
C) A cloze test is the ability to comprehend text in which the reader has
to supply the missing words that have been removed from the text at
regular intervals.
D) To digitize is the process of converting information into a digital
format. In this format, information is organized into discrete units of data
that can be separately addressed. This is the binary data that computers
and many devices with computing capacity can process.
E) To Google is to use the Google search engine to obtain information
about (as a person) on the World Wide Web.

The test wants to prove my knowledge of computers, operating

systems and browsers and programs that use.
The test refers to our knowledge of technology and its uses. Today
technology is invading us, and we adapt to it. And does make us a
bit more dependent on an app or a browser, it enables us to solve
some problems, be more organized and makes us smarter.
A question that refers to the use of a website is question N8 What
kind of program is most frequently used to access the WWW?
And N9 How well do you know how to use? for example, the

3A) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXyCECMxhOs

The videos show the progress and advancement that technology

has had in education in the last years.
The videos show the different methods that have been used in
education and how they were progressing with the years. Also on
the methods that are now used and stressing that is just the
beginning of further advances in technology.
The videos also show that technology can be an efficient and
essential tool for education.

D) In the video A Brief History of Technology in Education shows the

example of Web 2.0, where users can share and materials and to
express what they think and raise their ideas to others. Also we can find
mobile learning in this video, as well the different devices like cell
phones, tablets and laptops.
In the video The History of Technology in Education we can situated
the internet in the Digital Age. It shows the era when internet we can
communicate around the world with another people and share material.
4A) We talk about Web 2.0 because it is the way to connect and share
content on other web sites for others to see, read it and comment about
B) The correct term would be Web 2.0 because it is based on
communication between users, such as social networks and blogs.
C) Internet and World Wide cannot be used interchangeable because
they have different meanings and different uses
D) I use the internet more than WWW.
E) Because most of the time I use browsers to find information, videos
and even download books.

F) I think that Web 2.0 was a breakthrough in technology and a great

benefit to education. It has changed the way of teaching and learning by
doing a bit more easy way to share and exchange information and study
G) I think you should use both tools as the Internet connects us to the
WWW. It is allowing us to see and share content for others.
5A) English Language II
The tools that I could use in this course are:

Glogster is a web 2.0 tool for creating interactive or digital Glogs

poster that is presented as an image with interactive and
multimedia content in which users can interact with them. It
provides an environment to design interactive posters to express
ideas with ease by combining images, graphics, audio, video and
text on one digital canvas.
VYM-A Powerful Mind Mapping. This tool is a mind map application
that provides students with a way to better organize notes and
plan out the path of research or papers for class in a way that can
help even the most complicated topics make sense.

6Offline: OpenTeacher. It allows language teachers to develop customized

vocabulary tests for students. The application is very easy to set up and
use and the tests themselves exist as individual files. So, once a teacher
has created and saved a language vocabulary words test, the teacher
can then distribute the file to all students to take the test.
Online: Wordshift is a very useful tool in the teaching of languages and
multiple possibilities. It is based on Google allows us to enter a text and
we generated a series of results. Wordshift is a useful graphic dictionary,
looking for connections between words and improves lexical.

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