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SmartGit 7.0.

3 (2015-09-25)
New Features, Improvements
-------------------------- Log, Save As: creates missing parent directory
Fixed Bugs
---------- Atlassian Stash: for SSH clones pull requests might not show up
- Authentication:
- authentication failures with http(s) simply failed instead of asking for
- Commit:
- File name completion: possible internal error after deleting all text and
then accepting the suggestion
- Git:
- Executable configuration: internal error if git-gui.exe was specified
instead of git.exe
- GitHub:
- line comments were created with wrong text
- wording for 2FA dialog improved
- Log: possible internal error if repository had GitHub and Bitbucket remote
and both hosting providers were configured
- GitLab:
- underscores _ were rejected as token characters though valid
- GUI:
- Branches view: hosting provider icon did not show up reliable until resize
- Edit | Customize (Linux): table rows became too flat after changes
- Outgoing: title (count) was not properly updated when switching to bare or
broken repository
- Refresh:
- possible hang (jgit infinite loop)
- Updater:
- endless loop if updater temp directory could not be cleaned up
- Linux: failed to update from 6.5 to 7 if admin password was required
- Windows: update failed checking for read-only file system if SmartGit was
installed in root directory (Java bug?)
- certain failures could produce tons of bug*.zip files
SmartGit 7.0.2 (2015-09-10)
New Features, Improvements
-------------------------- Atlassian Stash support: added "Use SSH instead of HTTPS" option
- Hg: http-access is now more robust in case of errors
Fixed Bugs
---------- Atlassian Stash support: client certificates did not work
- BitBucket support: cloning repositories with space in name did not work
- Git:
- Log: toggling categories like "origin" broken (regression since 7.0.1)
- Windows: launchers contained invalid dpiAware manifest entry
SmartGit 7.0.1 (2015-09-09)
New Features, Improvements

- External tools (Windows): automatically fix "Open Git-Shell" for newer Git
versions like this bundles with SmartGit 7
Fixed Bugs
---------- Git:
- Branches, Push: failed for multiple selected branches with different
tracked remotes
- Changes view: sometimes a refresh scrolled to first change, sometimes not
- Log (Files, Subdirectories): only ancestor commits of the current HEAD
were displayed
SmartGit 7 (2015-09-03)
- no new features, improvements or fixed bugs
SmartGit 7 rc 3 (2015-09-01)
New Features, Improvements
-------------------------- GitHub: each instance has its own access token
Fixed Bugs
---------- Git:
- Conflict Solver: for certain rebase operations the content and the title of
the left/right sides were swapped
- Windows: default external tool to open Git shell used outdated "Git Bash.vbs"
instead of "git-bash.exe --cd=<path>"
SmartGit 7 rc 2 (2015-08-27)
New Features, Improvements
-------------------------- system property smartgit.core.shortShaLength (default = 8)
- Windows: Git updated to version 2.5.0
Fixed Bugs
---------- Autoupdate: fixed a problem on Linux
- Git:
- Log:
- Save As: when overwriting file in working tree, modification might not
show up until refreshed
- Submodule Add: did not request credentials for absolute URL
- GitLab: "Object 'owner' not found." error
- GUI:
- Compare, Find dialog: previous text was not preselected
- Compare (OS X): the focus is sometimes not moved to the writable side
- Compare: after showing a dialog, e.g. Find, the focus was lost
- several command's enabled state not refreshed correctly, e.g. after
cancelling Commit dialog
- Hg: - Mercurial integration broken for Mercurial 3.5
- startup: slf4j error message printed to console
SmartGit 7 rc 1 (2015-08-18)

New Features, Improvements
-------------------------- Git:
- File table: Working Tree State for unchanged submodules show "As Index"
(similar to files)
- Commit: optionally don't remove leading and trailing whitespace
Fixed Bugs
---------- BitBucket integration: team repositories were not showing up
- Edit Tool dialog: confirmation message field was not disabled initially
- SVN: fetching of "incomplete" repository is not properly resumed and may
result in internal error later
SmartGit 7 preview 14 (2015-08-11)
New Features, Improvements
-------------------------- GitLab hosting provider: ability to use own server
- Git:
- uninitialized submodules always show up in the Files view
- Hg:
- Push: ability to push closed heads
Fixed Bugs
---------- Git:
- BitBucket: outgoing pull request might result in error
- Log:
- when opened from a Blame, target revision might not be revealed
- revealing a stash did not work
- Blame:
- line number < 10 specified as command line parameter did not work
SmartGit 7 preview 13 (2015-07-30)
New Features, Improvements
-------------------------- Git:
- EOL-modification detection improved (set smartgit.refresh.inspectEOL=true
in smartgit.properties)
- Submodules (Pull and others): honor the "prune" option of the submodule
- Windows: updated bundled Git to version RC4
- Hg:
- Branches:
- if multiple heads, head count is shown behind branches
- shows separate entry for every closed head
- Bookmarks: when deleting bookmark, optionally delete from remotes, too
- Log:
- Close branch works on individual heads in the Graph view
- File log: denotes revision numbers for refs not actually located on the
displayed commit
- Update on a commit with bookmark asks whether to update to branch or
Fixed Bugs

---------- Git:
- external tools did not work with Git 2.4/Windows (bash.exe removed itself
from the path)
- Hg:
- Blame:
- internal error invoking Log on blame line
- subsequent lines of same commit showed commit info again
- Branches: Close on the current branch with multiple heads was disabled
(now closes the current head)
- Log: false-positive head markers on many refs
- Outgoing:
- several commands update the branch instead of the previously updated
- moving allowed to move commit before first commit leaving the repository
in corrupt state
- Refresh: internal error opening empty repository with bookmark
- Repositories: no outgoing arrow if bookmark was checked out
- Compare, Conflict Solver:
- moving caret in line did not scroll horizontally (regression)
- Ctrl+I inserted tab instead of invoking menu command
- GitHub: possible internal error requesting password
- http(s) authentication may not reset in case of errors (regression)
- Startup silently may fail if update-repository files are corrupt
SmartGit 7 preview 12 (2015-07-15)
New Features, Improvements
-------------------------- Git:
- Blame: follows merge source (instead of primary parent) if creation was in
merge source
- Commit: performance improvement (detecting pushed commits)
- Reset: one global option for the reset type (hard, mixed, soft) instead of
repository specific
- Hg:
- Push: if bookmark is checked out, it's been preselected for pushing
- Repository root: show checked out bookmark instead of belonging branch
Fixed Bugs
---------- Git
- Compare two files with each other: keeps repository in locked state
- Log:
- when logging a renamed file in an older, checked out branch, history
might end prematurely
- Reveal:
- possible internal error
- does not work if graph is empty
- after failed reveal, e.g. because Graph was empty, context menu was
shown incorrectly without new selection
- Reset hard: complained about overwriting Index or working tree changes
when a submodule has checked out a different commit
- Hg:
- Branches view: after "hg update -C" the bookmark was shown as "current"
where it just was "active"
- Discard Cherry-Pick/Merge: after execution checked out bookmark was not
checked out any more
- Merge two heads: failed if bookmark was checked out

- Outgoing: merge commits were not detected and displayed correctly

- GUI:
- fixed tab order and layout in several dialogs
- Other:
- launching 2nd SmartGit instead did not open window in 1st SmartGit instance
- Linux: if no local port could be created after Linux update, show error
instead of bug dialog
SmartGit 7 preview 11 (2015-07-07)
New Features, Improvements
-------------------------- Conflict Solver: when using external tool, showing the resolve dialog is now
- Git:
- force English output
- Outgoing: ability to move and squash the dragged commit when dropping on
another similar named commit
- Log:
- Details: revealing commits when clicking link improved
- Performance improvement in case of many refs (tags)
- Reviews: Jump To reveals invisible Pull Request heads, too
- Windows: updated Git to version RC4
- Hg:
- Branches view: draft commits are denoted
- Bookmark support: push, delete
- Log:
- ability to close branch
- ability to toggle closed branches
- move bookmark to other commit
- GitLab hosting provider
Fixed Bugs
---------- Autoupdate:
- proceeds on OS X and Linux even if SmartGit could not be exited, e.g.
because a command was running
- cleanup problems after restarting updated SmartGit
- Git:
- Log:
- Details: possible internal error clicking invalid #-link
- old branches should not be loaded just by toggling them
- Outgoing: reselection after moving a commit was broken
- problems with http authentication (403)
- Refresh:
- ~/.config/gitignore was not honored
- /etc/gitconfig was not honored on Linux
- switching branches might leave submodule red
- Hg:
- branches are not shown as checkout any more if the bookmark actually is
- Log: did not work if working copy had no valid parent (HEAD)
SmartGit 7 preview 10 (2015-06-19)
New Features, Improvements
-------------------------- Git:
- Outgoing: author date is preserved by default

- Pull (forced update): removed noisy output

- Hg:
- Branches: new categories for closed branches and bookmarks
- Add Branch: extended to create bookmark
- ability to switch to bookmarks
- GitHub: performance improvement
- performane improvement
Fixed Bugs
---------- Git:
- Branches: "Rebase HEAD to" on HEAD did not rebase onto tracking branch
- Conflict Solver: showed wrong SHA
- Delete Branch: offered to deleted *local* tracked branch
- Ignore: explicitly ignoring does not work for multiple files
- Log: HEAD ref could be shown in "..."-section
- Push: possible internal error related to reflogs
- Refresh:
- missing files marked as assume-unchanged contributed to "modified" state
- submodules states were not consistent to file states (e.g. "Added
Modified" vs. "Added As-Index")
- SVN:
- Cherry-Pick: possible internal error
- Views: drag-and-drop preview showed sometimes non-rectangular form
- OS X 10.10: parent-less dialogs get maximized if other windows are maximized
- OS X 10.11 preview: work-around for internal error
SmartGit 7 preview 9 (2015-06-11)
New Features, Improvements
-------------------------- Git:
- Blame: support for files with UTF-8 BOM
- Branches view: remotes were unsorted
- Log: selecting "Recyclable Commits" shows also commits only reachable from
- Submodule Init: option to auto-initialize SVN submodules
- Hg:
- uses only native hg.exe (no Hg4J any more)
- performance improvements for various commands
- Autoupdate: better cleanup update cache to save disk space
- Clone (hosting providers): allow to proceed even in case of API connection
Fixed Bugs
---------- Git:
- Log:
- "Recyclable Commits" might not show all commits
- Reveal Comment: possible internal error
- Save As: "Before" option failed for renamed files
- Merge (Git-Flow): escaped quotes on Linux/OS X
- Hg:
- various comments: possible internal error if command produces much output
- Autoupdate: had problems with Innosetup related files for the uninstaller
SmartGit 7 preview 8 (2015-05-20)

New Features, Improvements

-------------------------- Autoupdate:
- when configured to only report new versions, allow to trigger the download
- File Compare: ability to force text display
- Git:
- Discard: ability to discard changes in modified assume-unchanged files
- Refresh: performance improvements (if many ignored files are added)
Fixed Bugs
---------- Git:
- Log: internal error revealing commit while opening (Linux)
- Refresh:
- tracked files in directories with skipped files may not showed up
- possible (temporary) "case changed" display (Windows)
- Hg:
- possible "unexpected negative size" error processing commands with larger
- GitHub: organization repositories were not displayed any more
SmartGit 7 preview 7 (2015-05-18)
New Features, Improvements
-------------------------- Hg:
- repository-specific commands are executed using command server interface
- GUI:
- Autoupdate: made behavior more clear from names
- Filter input field for table: first row is automatically selected
- Preferences, external compare/merge tool configuration: prefill required
Fixed Bugs
---------- BitBucket: possible internal error querying comments
- Clone: internal error stepping through wizard with Git repo, then going
back and stepping with Hg repo again
- External Tools: GIT_EDITOR must not be overridden
- Git: - Submodule add: internal error if local directory already exists
(after closing the wizard)
- Hg:
- Apply Stash (Unshelve) even if a stash is Apply-ied, it could be deleted
- Refresh: internal error related renamed files
- GitHub: internal error trying to reveal comment on deleted file
- SVN:
- Pull: do not try to initialize SVN submodule if no SVN clone
SmartGit 7 preview 6 (2015-04-30)
New Features, Improvements
-------------------------- About dialog: button right beside version display to trigger installation
directory update manually
- External tools: sets HOME environment variable, so Git will behave in an
external tool the same as inside SmartGit
- Mercurial:
- Show Changes now allows to compare 2 selected files, similar to Git

- Notification display has been reworked resolving window-activation-related

- Output view: optionally shows working directory
Fixed Bugs
---------- Git:
- Log: obsolete heads may remain after refresh
- SVN:
- Clone/Fetch: possible internal error
- Autoupdate: fixed a couple of problems
- Branches view: category with HEAD was always expanded after a refresh
- Compare, View settings: "Trim equal start/end of inner-line change" was not
remembered correctly
- GitHub: can't request oauth-token
- Show Changes: wrong line separator was used when comparing 2 files
SmartGit 7 preview 5 (2015-04-17)
New Features, Improvements
-------------------------- Git:
- Clean Up: option to expire reflogs now
- Distributed Reviews add-on: report server-side errors
- Log:
- customizable colors by using the VM properties
where value might be
Git: tag, branchLocal, branchRemote, branchOther, headArrow
Hg: branch, branchClosed, tagLocal, tagGlobal, bookmark, headArrow
- renamed "Lost Heads" to "Recyclable Commits"
- Save As allows to save previous/next state
- SVN:
- Clone supports trunk/tag/branch mapping even if trunk is missing
- Linux:
- if "Ubuntu Mono" font is not present, "Monospace" will be tried to use as
default monospaced font
- support for file managers Nemo and Dolphin (beside Nautilus)
Fixed Bugs
---------- Git:
- Changes view: wrong "x" button for HEAD vs. Index comparison
- Cherry Pick (and other) dialog: possible internal error when closing
- Distributed Review: were not available in main window
- Log: possible warning "Missing unknown <SHA>" when toggling "Recyclable
- Refresh: deleted files were not displayed if entire directory is deleted
- Updater:
- "checksum does not match" error
- Check for New Version: obsolete notifications may remain in case of problems
- possible dead-lock when clicking Exit in the bug dialog
SmartGit 7 preview 4 (2015-03-23)
New Features, Improvements
-------------------------- Git:

- Outgoing view: ability to change author of commits

- Revert: added vm-property "smartgit.revert.commitMessageTemplate" to
customize the commit message; use ${message} and ${sha} for the message
or SHA ID of the reverted commit and \n to add a line-break
- Add or Create Repository: detect repository even if admin subdirectory
(.git/.hg) is specified
- GitHub: compatibility fix for upcoming OAuth API change
- GitHub, Stash, Bitbucket integration: notification to suggest configuration
Fixed Bugs
---------- Blame: Ctrl+Z accelerator did not work when focus was in file content pane
- Refresh/other commands: possible hangs related to Cygwin installations
(Cygwin Git, Open SSH)
SmartGit 7 preview 3 (2015-03-09)
New Features, Improvements
-------------------------- Log:
- Branches view: explicit "Anchor" node to toggle
- Repository|Add Group: shows warning when group with this name already exists
- Startup: "--anchor-commit" command line option in addition to "--log"
Fixed Bugs
---------- Cherry Pick/Revert: merge commits do not work when view is filtered
- Stash integration (Atlassian): possible internal error if repository has
blank in its name
SmartGit 7 preview 2 (2015-02-19)
Fixed Bugs
---------- Git:
- Branches:
- obsolete stashes may show up
- switching repositories may show invalid stashes
- Stash Integration: authentication failures
- SVN:
- Clone: possible internal error
SmartGit 7 preview 1 (2015-02-17)
New Features, Improvements
-------------------------- BitBucket:
- advanced integration similar to GitHub
- option to use either SSH or HTTPS URLs
- Stash integration
- Git:
- .gitignore-related performance improvements
- added View|Show Skipped Files
- file filter finds skipped files, too
- Changes view:

- display of reason why a file is considered as binary

- ability to force displaying it as text
Fixed Bugs
---------- Git
- Refresh:
- possible endless loop
- skipped (missing) directories might temporarily show up as missing
- Updater:
- fixed problems when installing newer version over old version
Other Changes
------------- updated Java to version 1.8.0_31, especially to support the latest timezones
- updated SWT to version 4.5M5 to fix certain SWT bugs

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